Python | 272 lines | 247 code | 10 blank | 15 comment | 8 complexity | 648d6196e9c94a41a16d04ce4bf0cfcf MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Time-stamp: <2020-09-18 13:23:59 sander>
- # The python script check_eqns.py analyses the reactions present
- # in a *.eqn file, assessing the conservation of the chemical elements
- # as given in a *.spc file. Reactions found to be non-conserving are
- # written to standard output along with a report of the elemental
- # imbalance in each case.
- # authors:
- # based on original perl code from Tim Butler (2008)
- # rewritten from scratch in python: Rolf Sander, Mainz (2018-2020)
- # Usage:
- # - check_eqns.py is normally executed via xmecca
- import sys, os
- assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6)
- import re
- CAABADIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/..')
- sys.path.insert(1, os.path.realpath(CAABADIR+'/pycaaba'))
- HLINE = '-' * 78
- DEBUG = False #True
- ##############################################################################
- def num_var(chunk):
- # split a chunk into number and variable, e.g.: 0.7H2O2 -> 0.7, H2O2
- search_result = re.search('([0-9.]*)(.*)', chunk)
- number = search_result.group(1)
- if (number):
- number = float(number)
- else:
- number = float(1)
- variable = search_result.group(2).strip()
- return number, variable
- ##############################################################################
- def get_elements_spc(spcfilename):
- elements = {} # create a dictionary
- if DEBUG: print(HLINE)
- SPCFILE = open(spcfilename, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
- for line in iter(SPCFILE): # loop over *.spc file
- line = line.strip() # remove leading and trailing whitespace
- search_result = re.search('^ *([A-z0-9_#]+) *=([A-z0-9+ #]+);', line)
- if (not search_result): # skip lines that do not define a species
- if DEBUG: print('NO: |%s|' % (line))
- continue # proceed with next line in *.spc file
- if DEBUG: print(HLINE)
- species = search_result.group(1)
- elements[species] = {} # create a sub-dictionary for this species
- spc_composition = search_result.group(2).replace(' ','') # rm whitespace
- if DEBUG: print('|%s|' % (line))
- if DEBUG: print('|%s|' % (search_result.group()))
- if DEBUG: print('%20s = ' % (species), end='')
- if DEBUG: print('|%s|' % (spc_composition))
- for chunk in spc_composition.split('+'): # split into atoms
- count, element = num_var(chunk) # separate stoichiometric factor
- if DEBUG: print('%g * %s + ' % (count, element))
- elements[species][element] = count # add element count to dictionary
- SPCFILE.close()
- if DEBUG: print(HLINE)
- if DEBUG: print(elements)
- return elements
- ##############################################################################
- def analyze_eqn(elements, eqnfilename, neweqnfilename):
- NEWEQNFILE = open(neweqnfilename,'w', encoding='utf-8')
- exitstatus = 0
- eqntag_list = []
- EQNFILE = open(eqnfilename, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
- regexp = re.compile('^<(.*)>(.*)=(.*):(.*);(.*)$')
- for line0 in iter(EQNFILE): # loop over *.eqn file
- # find a label in current line:
- labels = re.findall('{%([^}]*)}', line0)
- # create a dictionary for mass balance:
- massbal = {}
- # check for tab characters:
- if ('\t' in line0):
- exitstatus = exitstatus | 0b0001000 # set 4th bit for TAB error
- print('ERROR: Illegal TAB character detected:')
- showtab = line0.replace('\t',r'\t')
- print(f' {showtab}')
- # remove all {...} comments and final \n:
- line = re.sub('{[^}]*}','',line0).strip()
- reaction = regexp.search(line) # check if line contains a reaction
- if reaction:
- labels = labels[0] # convert singleton list to scalar
- element_set = set()
- eqntag = reaction.group(1).strip() # e.g.: <G2111>
- reactants_str = reaction.group(2).strip() # e.g.: H2O + O1D
- products_str = reaction.group(3).strip() # e.g.: 2 OH
- display_reaction = re.sub(
- ' +', ' ', f'<{eqntag}> {reactants_str} -> {products_str}')
- rate = reaction.group(4).strip() # e.g.: 1.63E-10*EXP(60./temp)
- extra = reaction.group(5).strip() # e.g.: // products assumed
- reactants = reactants_str.split('+')
- products = products_str.split('+')
- all_species = reactants + products
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- if DEBUG: print(' eqntag: <%s>' % (eqntag))
- nC = 0
- # analyze products first:
- if DEBUG: print(' products: %s' % (products_str))
- for chunk in products:
- chunk = chunk.replace(' ','') # rm whitespace
- stoic, product = num_var(chunk) # separate stoichiometric factor
- if DEBUG: print('|%s| |%s| |%s|' % (stoic, product, elements[product]))
- nC_product = elements[product].get('C')
- if nC_product: nC = max(nC, int(nC_product))
- # add all atoms from current product to mass balance:
- for key, value in elements[product].items():
- if (key=='Min'): # subtract negative charge from Pls
- key = 'Pls'
- value = -value
- if key in massbal:
- massbal[key] += stoic * value
- else:
- massbal[key] = stoic * value
- # based on the elements in the reaction, define the section where it should be:
- elem_sect = '0'
- if ('O' in massbal): elem_sect = '1'
- if ('H' in massbal): elem_sect = '2'
- if ('N' in massbal): elem_sect = '3'
- if ('C' in massbal): elem_sect = '4'
- if ('F' in massbal): elem_sect = '5'
- if ('Cl' in massbal): elem_sect = '6'
- if ('Br' in massbal): elem_sect = '7'
- if ('I' in massbal): elem_sect = '8'
- if ('S' in massbal): elem_sect = '9'
- if ('Hg' in massbal): elem_sect = '10'
- if ('Fe' in massbal): elem_sect = '11'
- if (eqntag.startswith('J0')): elem_sect = '0' # e* reactions
- # analyze reactants next:
- if DEBUG: print(' reactants: %s' % (reactants_str))
- for chunk in reactants:
- chunk = chunk.replace(' ','') # rm whitespace
- if (chunk=='hv'): continue # ignore pseudo-reactant hv
- stoic, reactant = num_var(chunk) # separate stoichiometric factor
- if DEBUG: print('|%s| |%s| |%s|' % (stoic, reactant, elements[reactant]))
- nC_reactant = elements[reactant].get('C')
- if nC_reactant: nC = max(nC, int(nC_reactant))
- # subtract all atoms from current reactant from mass balance:
- for key, value in list(elements[reactant].items()):
- if (key=='Min'): # subtract negative charge from Pls
- key = 'Pls'
- value = -value
- if key in massbal:
- massbal[key] -= stoic * value
- else:
- massbal[key] = -stoic * value
- # write errorstring if mass balance is not correct:
- errorstring = ''
- for element, balance in sorted(massbal.items()):
- # activate the following lines to ignore specific elements:
- if (element.upper()=='IGNORE'): continue
- if (element=='H'): continue
- if (element=='O'): continue
- if (abs(balance)>1E-14):
- errorstring = '%s %+g %s,' % (errorstring, balance, element)
- if (errorstring):
- exitstatus = exitstatus | 0b0000100 # set 3rd bit for mass balance error
- print(f'ERROR: Incorrect mass balance: {errorstring.rstrip(",")}')
- print(f' {display_reaction}\n')
- if DEBUG: print(' rate: %s' % (rate))
- if DEBUG: print(' extra: %s' % (extra))
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- # check if reactions are in correct section:
- section = re.search('^[A-z]*([0-9]+)', eqntag).group(1) # number in eqntag
- if not section.startswith(elem_sect):
- exitstatus = exitstatus | 0b1000000 # set 7th bit for section error
- print(f'ERROR: Incorrect section: Reaction <{eqntag}> should ' +
- f'be in section {elem_sect}:\n {display_reaction}\n')
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- # check carboncount for reactions A4*, G4*, J4* and PH4*:
- if((eqntag[0:2]=='A4') or (eqntag[0:2]=='G4') or
- (eqntag[0:2]=='J4') or (eqntag[0:3]=='PH4')):
- if (eqntag[0:3]=='PH4'):
- nC2 = int(eqntag[3:4]) # PH4* is one character longer than others
- else:
- nC2 = int(eqntag[2:3])
- # 2nd digit of eqntag is 0 for >= 10 C atoms
- if ((nC2!=nC) and (nC2!=0 or nC<10)):
- exitstatus = exitstatus | 0b0000010 # set 2nd bit for carboncount error
- print('ERROR: Incorrect carbon count: The largest species in ' +
- f'<{eqntag}> should have {nC2} C atoms, not {nC}:')
- print(f' {display_reaction}\n')
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- # add_element_labels:
- for species in all_species:
- # remove leading and trailing whitespace:
- species = species.strip()
- # remove stoichiometric factor:
- species = re.sub('^[0-9.]* *','',species)
- # remove hv:
- if (species=='hv'):
- continue
- # find all elements in this species:
- for elem, value in elements[species].items():
- if (elem=='C' and value==1):
- continue
- if elem in ['H', 'Pls', 'Min', 'IGNORE', 'O']:
- continue
- element_set.add(elem)
- elem_labels = ''
- labellist = re.findall('[A-Z][a-z0-9]*', labels)
- for elem in sorted(element_set):
- # check if element label was already in list of labels:
- if (elem in labellist):
- exitstatus = exitstatus | 0b0000001 # set 1st bit for element label error
- print('ERROR: Element labels are generated automatically, ' +
- 'do not insert them manually:')
- print(f' Remove {elem} in {labels} in the reaction')
- print(f' {display_reaction}\n')
- # concatenate all element labels from current reaction:
- elem_labels += elem
- newline = line0.replace('{%'+labels+'}','{%'+labels+elem_labels+'}')
- print(newline.rstrip(('\n')), file=NEWEQNFILE)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- # check length of eqntag:
- if (len(eqntag)>27):
- exitstatus = exitstatus | 0b0010000 # set 5th bit for eqntag length error
- print('ERROR: Equation tag must not be longer than (about) 27 characters:')
- print(f' <{eqntag}>\n')
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- # check for duplicate eqntags:
- if eqntag in eqntag_list:
- exitstatus = exitstatus | 0b0100000 # set 6th bit for duplicate eqntag error
- print('ERROR: Duplicate equation tag:')
- print(f' <{eqntag}>\n')
- else:
- eqntag_list.append(eqntag)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- else:
- # current line is not a reaction:
- print(line0.rstrip('\n'), file=NEWEQNFILE)
- if DEBUG: print('NO: %s' % (line))
- EQNFILE.close()
- NEWEQNFILE.close()
- return exitstatus
- ##############################################################################
- def check_eqns(spcfilename, eqnfilename, neweqnfilename):
- # get elemental composition from *.spc file:
- elements = get_elements_spc(spcfilename)
- # analyze *.eqn file:
- exitstatus = analyze_eqn(elements, eqnfilename, neweqnfilename)
- return exitstatus
- ##############################################################################
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) > 3:
- spcfilename = sys.argv[1]
- eqnfilename = sys.argv[2]
- neweqnfilename = sys.argv[3]
- else:
- sys.exit('ERROR: provide spcfilename, eqnfilename and neweqnfilename')
- if DEBUG: print(f'spcfile = {spcfilename}')
- if DEBUG: print(f'eqnfile = {eqnfilename}')
- exitstatus = check_eqns(spcfilename, eqnfilename, neweqnfilename)
- if DEBUG: print(f'exitstatus = {exitstatus}')
- sys.exit(exitstatus)
- ##############################################################################