Python | 355 lines | 260 code | 63 blank | 32 comment | 77 complexity | ac34001e1ad89028e8c577182e8a2e1d MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ###################################################
- # LOCAL import
- ###################################################
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.components.ihost import CHostBase, CDisplayListItem, RetHost, CUrlItem
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.tools.iptvtools import printDBG, CSearchHistoryHelper, remove_html_markup, GetLogoDir
- import Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.pCommon as pCommon
- import Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.urlparser as urlparser
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.youtube_dl.utils import clean_html
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- # FOREIGN import
- ###################################################
- import re
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- # Config options for HOST
- ###################################################
- def GetConfigList():
- return []
- ###################################################
- def gettytul():
- return 'MotoTube'
- class AleKinoTV:
- MAINURL = 'http://www.mototube.pl'
- SEARCH_URL = MAINURL + '/szukaj/'
- 1: "Kategorie",
- 2: "Wyszukaj",
- 3: "Historia wyszukiwania"
- }
- def __init__(self):
- self.up = urlparser.urlparser()
- self.cm = pCommon.common()
- self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper('MotoTube')
- # temporary data
- self.currList = []
- self.currItem = {}
- def getCurrList(self):
- return self.currList
- def setCurrList(self, list):
- self.currList = list
- def getCurrItem(self):
- return self.currItem
- def setCurrItem(self, item):
- self.currItem = item
- def addDir(self, params):
- params['type'] = 'category'
- self.currList.append(params)
- return
- def playVideo(self, params):
- params['type'] = 'video'
- self.currList.append(params)
- return
- def fWrite(self, file, data):
- #helper to see html returned by ajax
- file_path = '/mnt/hdd/' + file
- text_file = open(file_path, "w")
- text_file.write(data)
- text_file.close()
- def getDataBeetwenMarkers(self, data, marker1, marker2, withMarkers = True):
- idx1 = data.find(marker1)
- if -1 == idx1: return False, None
- idx2 = data.find(marker2, idx1 + len(marker1))
- if -1 == idx2: return False, None
- if withMarkers:
- idx2 = idx2 + len(marker2)
- else:
- idx1 = idx1 + len(marker1)
- return True, data[idx1:idx2]
- def setTable(self):
- return self.SERVICE_MENU_TABLE
- def listsMainMenu(self, table):
- for num, val in table.items():
- params = {'name': 'main-menu', 'title': val, 'category': val}
- self.addDir(params)
- def listCategories(self, url, cat):
- printDBG("listCategories for url[%s] cat[%s]" % (url, cat))
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts: return
- sts, data = self.getDataBeetwenMarkers(data, '<div class="submenu">', '</div>', withMarkers = False)
- if not sts: return
- match = re.compile('<a class="submenu" href="([^"]+?)">([^<]+?)</a>').findall(data)
- if match:
- for i in range(len(match)):
- params = {'title': match[i][1], 'url': match[i][0], 'category': cat, 'plot':match[i][0]}
- self.addDir(params)
- def listVideos(self, baseUrl, cat, page):
- printDBG("listVideos for url[%s] page[%s]" % (baseUrl, page))
- if 1 < int(page) != '1': url = baseUrl + page
- else: url = baseUrl
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts: return
- nextPage = False
- if -1 < data.find("class='pagination_next'"):
- nextPage = True
- sts, data = self.getDataBeetwenMarkers(data, '<td class="video">', '</table>', withMarkers = False)
- if not sts: return
- data = data.split('<td class="video">')
- for item in data:
- # url & title
- match = re.search('class="video_title"><a href="([^"]+?)">([^<]+?)</a>', item)
- if match:
- url = match.group(1)
- title = match.group(2)
- else: continue
- # img
- match = re.search('src="([^"]+?)"', item)
- if match: img = match.group(1)
- else: img = ''
- # plot
- match = re.search('<p style="margin:5px;" class="video_details">(.+?)</p>', item, re.DOTALL)
- if match: plot = remove_html_markup(match.group(1))
- else: plot = ''
- params = { 'title': title, 'url': url, 'icon': img, 'plot': plot}
- self.playVideo(params)
- if nextPage:
- params = {'title': "Następna strona", 'url': baseUrl, 'category': cat, 'page':str(int(page)+1)}
- self.addDir(params)
- def getSearchResult(self, baseUrl, cat, page):
- printDBG("getSearchResult for url[%s] page[%s]" % (baseUrl, page))
- if 1 < int(page) != '1': url = baseUrl + page
- else: url = baseUrl
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts: return
- nextPage = False
- if -1 < data.find("class='pagination_next'"):
- nextPage = True
- sts, data = self.getDataBeetwenMarkers(data, '<td valign="top">', '<div class="menu_dol">', withMarkers = False)
- if not sts: return
- data = data.split('<td valign="top">')
- for item in data:
- # url & title
- match = re.search('<div class="video_title">[^<]*?<a href="([^"]+?)">([^<]+?)</a>', item)
- if match:
- url = match.group(1)
- title = match.group(2)
- else: continue
- # img
- match = re.search('src="([^"]+?)"', item)
- if match: img = match.group(1)
- else: img = ''
- # plot
- match = re.search('<div class="video_details">(.+?)</td>', item, re.DOTALL)
- if match: plot = remove_html_markup(match.group(1)) #.replace("</div>", " ")
- else: plot = ''
- params = { 'title': title, 'url': url, 'icon': img, 'plot': plot}
- self.playVideo(params)
- if nextPage:
- params = {'title': "Następna strona", 'url': baseUrl, 'category': cat, 'page':str(int(page)+1)}
- self.addDir(params)
- def listsHistory(self):
- list = self.history.getHistoryList()
- for item in list:
- params = { 'name': 'history', 'category': 'Wyszukaj', 'title': item, 'plot': 'Szukaj: "%s"' % item}
- self.addDir(params)
- def getHostingTable(self, url):
- printDBG("getHostingTable for url[%s]" % url)
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts:
- return []
- #check for internal link
- match = re.search('addVariable\("file","\.\.([^"]+?)"', data)
- if match:
- directUrl = self.MAINURL + match.group(1)
- return [{'name':'Internal_Link', 'url': directUrl}]
- #check for external link
- match = re.search('<embed src="([^"]+?)"', data)
- if match:
- return self.getLink(match.group(1))
- return []
- def getLink(self, url):
- printDBG('getLink for url[%s]' % (url))
- directUrl = self.up.getVideoLink(url)
- if directUrl:
- return [{'name': self.up.getHostName(url), 'url': directUrl}]
- else:
- return []
- def handleService(self, index, refresh = 0, searchPattern = '', searchType = ''):
- printDBG('handleService start')
- if 0 == refresh:
- if len(self.currList) <= index:
- printDBG( "handleService wrong index: %s, len(self.currList): %d" % (index, len(self.currList)) )
- return
- if -1 == index:
- # use default value
- self.currItem = { "name": None }
- printDBG( "handleService for first self.category" )
- else:
- self.currItem = self.currList[index]
- name = self.currItem.get("name", '')
- title = self.currItem.get("title", '')
- category = self.currItem.get("category", '')
- page = self.currItem.get("page", '1')
- icon = self.currItem.get("icon", '')
- url = self.currItem.get("url", '')
- printDBG( "handleService: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| name[%s], category[%s] " % (name, category) )
- self.currList = []
- if name == None:
- self.listsMainMenu(self.SERVICE_MENU_TABLE)
- elif category == "Kategorie":
- self.listCategories(self.MAINURL + "/najnowsze/", 'video_category')
- elif category == "video_category":
- self.listVideos(url, category, page)
- elif category == "Wyszukaj":
- pattern = searchPattern.replace(" ", "-")
- self.getSearchResult(self.SEARCH_URL + pattern + "/", "search_next", page)
- elif category == "search_next":
- self.getSearchResult(url, "search_next", page)
- elif category == "Historia wyszukiwania":
- self.listsHistory()
- class IPTVHost(CHostBase):
- def __init__(self):
- CHostBase.__init__(self, AleKinoTV(), True)
- def getLogoPath(self):
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = [GetLogoDir('mototubelogo.png')])
- def getLinksForVideo(self, Index = 0, selItem = None):
- listLen = len(self.host.currList)
- if listLen < Index and listLen > 0:
- printDBG( "ERROR getLinksForVideo - current list is to short len: %d, Index: %d" % (listLen, Index) )
- return RetHost(RetHost.ERROR, value = [])
- if self.host.currList[Index]["type"] != 'video':
- printDBG( "ERROR getLinksForVideo - current item has wrong type" )
- return RetHost(RetHost.ERROR, value = [])
- retlist = []
- urlList = self.host.getHostingTable(self.host.currList[Index]["url"])
- for item in urlList:
- retlist.append(CUrlItem(item["name"], item["url"], 0))
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = retlist)
- # end getLinksForVideo
- def getResolvedURL(self, url):
- # resolve url to get direct url to video file
- url = self.host.up.getVideoLink( url )
- urlTab = []
- if isinstance(url, basestring) and url.startswith('http'):
- urlTab.append(url)
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = urlTab)
- def convertList(self, cList):
- hostList = []
- for cItem in cList:
- hostLinks = []
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_UNKNOWN
- possibleTypesOfSearch = None
- if cItem['type'] == 'category':
- if cItem['title'] == 'Wyszukaj':
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_SEARCH
- else:
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_CATEGORY
- elif cItem['type'] == 'video':
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_VIDEO
- url = cItem.get('url', '')
- if '' != url:
- hostLinks.append(CUrlItem("Link", url, 1))
- title = cItem.get('title', '')
- description = cItem.get('plot', '')
- description = clean_html(description.decode("utf-8")).encode("utf-8")
- icon = cItem.get('icon', '')
- hostItem = CDisplayListItem(name = title,
- description = description,
- type = type,
- urlItems = hostLinks,
- urlSeparateRequest = 1,
- iconimage = icon,
- possibleTypesOfSearch = possibleTypesOfSearch)
- hostList.append(hostItem)
- return hostList
- # end convertList
- def getSearchItemInx(self):
- # Find 'Wyszukaj' item
- try:
- list = self.host.getCurrList()
- for i in range( len(list) ):
- if list[i]['category'] == 'Wyszukaj':
- return i
- except:
- printDBG('getSearchItemInx EXCEPTION')
- return -1
- def setSearchPattern(self):
- try:
- list = self.host.getCurrList()
- if 'history' == list[self.currIndex]['name']:
- pattern = list[self.currIndex]['title']
- self.host.history.addHistoryItem( pattern)
- self.searchPattern = pattern
- except:
- printDBG('setSearchPattern EXCEPTION')
- self.searchPattern = ''
- return