Python | 348 lines | 229 code | 69 blank | 50 comment | 31 complexity | 9bcaddfe8c5b9c818483608f48e64a58 MD5 | raw file
- '''
- '''
- import re
- BLANK = "Blank"
- CHORD = "Chord"
- LYRIC = "Lyric"
- LABEL = "Label"
- INFO = "Info"
- TAB = "Tab"
- CHORD_REGEX = re.compile("(?P<chord>(?P<root>[A-G][#b]?)(?P<mod>(m|sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]?)*(?P<bass>\/[A-G][#b])?)")
- INSTRUCTION_REGEX = re.compile("\(?(?P<instruction>[Rr]ing|[Mm]ute|[Rr]ake|PM|pm)\)?")
- "intro",
- "verse",
- "chorus",
- "bridge",
- "solo",
- "tab",
- "tag",
- "ending",
- "outro",
- "repeat",
- ]
- "title",
- "subtitle",
- "author",
- "album",
- "copyright",
- "ccli",
- "capo",
- "key",
- "time",
- "tempo",
- ]
- def chord_regex_gen():
- ''' Generates the chord regular expression '''
- regex = "( *({0}|{1}))+".format(CHORD_REGEX.pattern, INSTRUCTION_REGEX.pattern)
- return re.compile(regex)
- def label_regex_gen():
- ''' Generates the label regular expression '''
- middle = ""
- for label in LABEL_TYPES:
- middle = middle + label + "|"
- regex = " *(?P<pre>pre)?[ \-]?(?P<label>{0}) *(?P<value>x?[0-9]*)".format(middle[:-1])
- return re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
- def info_regex_gen():
- ''' Generates the info regular expression '''
- middle = ""
- for info in INFO_TYPES:
- middle = middle + info + "|"
- regex = " *(?P<info>{0})\W+(?P<value>[0-9]+|.+)".format(middle[:-1])
- return re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
- def tab_regex_gen():
- ''' Generates the tab regular expression '''
- regex = "\s*(\|{0,2}[A-Gb]?\|{0,2}[-x0-9|:]{4,})"
- return re.compile(regex)
- BLANK: re.compile("(\s*)"),
- CHORD: chord_regex_gen(),
- LABEL: label_regex_gen(),
- INFO: info_regex_gen(),
- TAB: tab_regex_gen()
- }
- def find_inline_type(text):
- ''' Decides whether text is a chord or instruction '''
- if CHORD_REGEX.fullmatch(text) is not None:
- return "Chord"
- if INSTRUCTION_REGEX.fullmatch(text) is not None:
- return "Instruction"
- return "Inline"
- def find_line_type(text):
- ''' Takes an estimate of the type of line it is '''
- for (line_type, line_regex) in LINE_TYPES.items():
- if line_regex.fullmatch(text):
- return line_type
- return LYRIC
- def create_line(text):
- ''' Creates a line of the correct category '''
- category = find_line_type(text)
- return eval("{}Line({})".format(category, repr(text)))
- class Inline(object):
- def __init__(self, text, spacing=0, category="Inline"):
- self.text = text
- self.spacing = spacing
- self.category = category
- if self.category != "Inline":
- assert(find_inline_type(self.text) == self.category)
- def __repr__(self):
- ''' Representation of the object '''
- return "{}('{}', {})".format(self.category, self.text, self.spacing)
- def __str__(self):
- ''' String representation of the object '''
- return self.get_chopro()
- def get_chopro(self):
- ''' Returns the ChordPro representation of the object '''
- return "[{}]".format(self.text)
- class Instruction(Inline):
- def __init__(self, text, spacing=0):
- super().__init__(text, spacing, "Instruction")
- def get_plaintext(self):
- ''' Returns the plain text representation of the object '''
- return "({})".format(self.text)
- class Chord(Inline):
- def __init__(self, text, spacing=0):
- super().__init__(text, spacing, "Chord")
- self.find_chord_parts()
- def find_chord_parts(self):
- ''' Extracts the chord parts '''
- group_dict = CHORD_REGEX.fullmatch(self.text).groupdict()
- self.root = group_dict['root']
- self.mod = group_dict['mod']
- self.bass = group_dict['bass']
- def transpose(self, semitones):
- ''' Transposes the chord '''
- pass
- def get_plaintext(self):
- ''' Returns the plain text representation of the object '''
- # TODO: Extract from root, mod and bass
- return "{}".format(self.text)
- class Line(object):
- ''' Contains a line of a song '''
- def __init__(self, text="", category=""):
- self.text = text.rstrip()
- self.category = category # find_line_type(self.text)
- if self.category != "":
- assert(find_line_type(self.text) == self.category)
- def __repr__(self):
- ''' Representation of the object '''
- return "{}Line('{}')".format(self.category, self.text)
- def __str__(self):
- ''' String representation of the object '''
- return self.get_chopro()
- def get_chopro(self):
- ''' Placeholder for when is cast into a specific line '''
- return self.text
- class BlankLine(Line):
- def __init__(self, text=""):
- super().__init__(text, BLANK)
- def __repr__(self):
- ''' Representation of the object '''
- return "{}Line()".format(self.category)
- def get_chopro(self):
- ''' Returns the ChordPro representation of the object '''
- return self.get_plaintext()
- def get_plaintext(self):
- ''' Returns the plain text representation of the object '''
- return ""
- class ChordLine(Line):
- def __init__(self, text):
- super().__init__(text, CHORD)
- self.find_chords()
- def find_chords(self):
- ''' Extracts the chords '''
- #~ line_list = self.text.split(" ")
- chord_list = []
- count = 0
- count_latched = 0
- inline_word = ""
- for char in self.text + " ":
- if char != " ":
- if inline_word == "": # Just started a word
- count_latched = count
- inline_word += char
- else:
- if inline_word != "": # Just ended a word
- # Now process the inline word
- chord = CHORD_REGEX.fullmatch(inline_word)
- instruction = INSTRUCTION_REGEX.fullmatch(inline_word)
- if chord is not None:
- chord_list.append(Chord(chord.groupdict()["chord"], count_latched))
- elif instruction is not None:
- chord_list.append(Instruction(instruction.groupdict()["instruction"].lower(), count))
- inline_word = ""
- count += 1
- self.chord_list = chord_list
- def get_chopro(self):
- ''' Returns the ChordPro representation of the object '''
- return self.text # TODO: Convert this to processed version
- def get_plaintext(self):
- ''' Returns the plain text representation of the object '''
- return self.text # TODO: Convert this to processed version
- class LyricLine(Line):
- def __init__(self, text, chords=None):
- super().__init__(text, LYRIC)
- self.chords = chords
- def __repr__(self):
- ''' Representation of the object '''
- return "{}Line('{}', {})".format(self.category, self.text, repr(self.chords))
- def set_chords(self, chords):
- ''' Sets the chords associated with the lyrics '''
- assert(isinstance(chords, ChordLine))
- self.chords = chords
- def get_chopro(self):
- ''' Returns the ChordPro representation of the object '''
- ### TODO: Maybe switch this with get_plaintext (and in other Lines)?
- new_text = self.text
- if self.chords is not None:
- for chord in reversed(self.chords.chord_list):
- pre_chord = new_text[0:chord.spacing]
- post_chord = new_text[chord.spacing:]
- new_text = pre_chord + str(chord) + post_chord
- return new_text
- def get_plaintext(self):
- ''' Returns the plain text representation of the object '''
- ### TODO: Actually write this function
- new_text = self.text
- if self.chords is not None:
- for chord in reversed(self.chords.chord_list):
- pre_chord = new_text[0:chord.spacing]
- post_chord = new_text[chord.spacing:]
- new_text = pre_chord + str(chord) + post_chord
- return new_text
- class LabelLine(Line):
- def __init__(self, text):
- super().__init__(text, LABEL)
- self.find_label()
- def __repr__(self):
- ''' Representation of the object '''
- return "{}Line('{} {}')".format(self.category, self.label, self.value)
- def find_label(self):
- ''' Extracts the label type '''
- group_dict = LINE_TYPES[self.category].fullmatch(self.text).groupdict()
- ## Get Label Type
- if group_dict["pre"] is not None:
- self.label = "PRE-" + group_dict["label"].upper()
- else:
- self.label = group_dict["label"].upper()
- ## Get Value
- if group_dict["value"].isdigit():
- self.value = int(group_dict["value"])
- elif group_dict["value"] == "":
- self.value = None
- else:
- self.value = group_dict["value"]
- def get_chopro(self):
- ''' Returns the ChordPro representation of the object '''
- if self.value==None:
- return "{{c:{}}}".format(self.label)
- else:
- return "{{c:{} {}}}".format(self.label, self.value)
- def get_plaintext(self):
- ''' Returns the plain text representation of the object '''
- if self.value==None:
- return "{}".format(self.label)
- else:
- return "{} {}".format(self.label, self.value)
- class InfoLine(Line):
- def __init__(self, text):
- super().__init__(text, INFO)
- self.find_info()
- def __repr__(self):
- ''' Representation of the object '''
- return "{}Line('{}:{}')".format(self.category, self.info, self.value)
- def find_info(self):
- ''' Extracts the info type '''
- group_dict = LINE_TYPES[self.category].fullmatch(self.text).groupdict()
- ## Get Info
- self.info = group_dict["info"].lower()
- ## Get Value
- if group_dict["value"].isdigit():
- self.value = int(group_dict["value"])
- else:
- self.value = group_dict["value"]
- def get_chopro(self):
- ''' Returns the ChordPro representation of the object '''
- return "{{{}:{}}}".format(self.info, self.value)
- def get_plaintext(self):
- ''' Returns the plain text representation of the object '''
- return "{}: {}".format(self.info, self.value)
- class TabLine(Line):
- def __init__(self, text):
- super().__init__(text, TAB)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod(verbose=True)
- #~ doctest.testfile("regex_doctests.py")