Python | 303 lines | 261 code | 10 blank | 32 comment | 8 complexity | e65186ef492174e2c86688edbf3532b1 MD5 | raw file
- """
- My own variation on function-specific inspect-like features.
- """
- # Author: Gael Varoquaux <gael dot varoquaux at normalesup dot org>
- # Copyright (c) 2009 Gael Varoquaux
- # License: BSD Style, 3 clauses.
- from itertools import islice
- import inspect
- import warnings
- import re
- import os
- from ._compat import _basestring
- from .logger import pformat
- from ._memory_helpers import open_py_source
- def get_func_code(func):
- """ Attempts to retrieve a reliable function code hash.
- The reason we don't use inspect.getsource is that it caches the
- source, whereas we want this to be modified on the fly when the
- function is modified.
- Returns
- -------
- func_code: string
- The function code
- source_file: string
- The path to the file in which the function is defined.
- first_line: int
- The first line of the code in the source file.
- Notes
- ------
- This function does a bit more magic than inspect, and is thus
- more robust.
- """
- source_file = None
- try:
- code = func.__code__
- source_file = code.co_filename
- if not os.path.exists(source_file):
- # Use inspect for lambda functions and functions defined in an
- # interactive shell, or in doctests
- source_code = ''.join(inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0])
- line_no = 1
- if source_file.startswith('<doctest '):
- source_file, line_no = re.match(
- '\<doctest (.*\.rst)\[(.*)\]\>',
- source_file).groups()
- line_no = int(line_no)
- source_file = '<doctest %s>' % source_file
- return source_code, source_file, line_no
- # Try to retrieve the source code.
- with open_py_source(source_file) as source_file_obj:
- first_line = code.co_firstlineno
- # All the lines after the function definition:
- source_lines = list(islice(source_file_obj, first_line - 1, None))
- return ''.join(inspect.getblock(source_lines)), source_file, first_line
- except:
- # If the source code fails, we use the hash. This is fragile and
- # might change from one session to another.
- if hasattr(func, '__code__'):
- # Python 3.X
- return str(func.__code__.__hash__()), source_file, -1
- else:
- # Weird objects like numpy ufunc don't have __code__
- # This is fragile, as quite often the id of the object is
- # in the repr, so it might not persist across sessions,
- # however it will work for ufuncs.
- return repr(func), source_file, -1
- def _clean_win_chars(string):
- """Windows cannot encode some characters in filename."""
- import urllib
- if hasattr(urllib, 'quote'):
- quote = urllib.quote
- else:
- # In Python 3, quote is elsewhere
- import urllib.parse
- quote = urllib.parse.quote
- for char in ('<', '>', '!', ':', '\\'):
- string = string.replace(char, quote(char))
- return string
- def get_func_name(func, resolv_alias=True, win_characters=True):
- """ Return the function import path (as a list of module names), and
- a name for the function.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: callable
- The func to inspect
- resolv_alias: boolean, optional
- If true, possible local aliases are indicated.
- win_characters: boolean, optional
- If true, substitute special characters using urllib.quote
- This is useful in Windows, as it cannot encode some filenames
- """
- if hasattr(func, '__module__'):
- module = func.__module__
- else:
- try:
- module = inspect.getmodule(func)
- except TypeError:
- if hasattr(func, '__class__'):
- module = func.__class__.__module__
- else:
- module = 'unknown'
- if module is None:
- # Happens in doctests, eg
- module = ''
- if module == '__main__':
- try:
- filename = os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(func))
- except:
- filename = None
- if filename is not None:
- # mangling of full path to filename
- parts = filename.split(os.sep)
- if parts[-1].startswith('<ipython-input'):
- # function is defined in an IPython session. The filename
- # will change with every new kernel instance. This hack
- # always returns the same filename
- parts[-1] = '__ipython-input__'
- filename = '-'.join(parts)
- if filename.endswith('.py'):
- filename = filename[:-3]
- module = module + '-' + filename
- module = module.split('.')
- if hasattr(func, 'func_name'):
- name = func.func_name
- elif hasattr(func, '__name__'):
- name = func.__name__
- else:
- name = 'unknown'
- # Hack to detect functions not defined at the module-level
- if resolv_alias:
- # TODO: Maybe add a warning here?
- if hasattr(func, 'func_globals') and name in func.func_globals:
- if not func.func_globals[name] is func:
- name = '%s-alias' % name
- if inspect.ismethod(func):
- # We need to add the name of the class
- if hasattr(func, 'im_class'):
- klass = func.im_class
- module.append(klass.__name__)
- if os.name == 'nt' and win_characters:
- # Stupid windows can't encode certain characters in filenames
- name = _clean_win_chars(name)
- module = [_clean_win_chars(s) for s in module]
- return module, name
- def filter_args(func, ignore_lst, args=(), kwargs=dict()):
- """ Filters the given args and kwargs using a list of arguments to
- ignore, and a function specification.
- Parameters
- ----------
- func: callable
- Function giving the argument specification
- ignore_lst: list of strings
- List of arguments to ignore (either a name of an argument
- in the function spec, or '*', or '**')
- *args: list
- Positional arguments passed to the function.
- **kwargs: dict
- Keyword arguments passed to the function
- Returns
- -------
- filtered_args: list
- List of filtered positional and keyword arguments.
- """
- args = list(args)
- if isinstance(ignore_lst, _basestring):
- # Catch a common mistake
- raise ValueError('ignore_lst must be a list of parameters to ignore '
- '%s (type %s) was given' % (ignore_lst, type(ignore_lst)))
- # Special case for functools.partial objects
- if (not inspect.ismethod(func) and not inspect.isfunction(func)):
- if ignore_lst:
- warnings.warn('Cannot inspect object %s, ignore list will '
- 'not work.' % func, stacklevel=2)
- return {'*': args, '**': kwargs}
- arg_spec = inspect.getargspec(func)
- # We need to if/them to account for different versions of Python
- if hasattr(arg_spec, 'args'):
- arg_names = arg_spec.args
- arg_defaults = arg_spec.defaults
- arg_keywords = arg_spec.keywords
- arg_varargs = arg_spec.varargs
- else:
- arg_names, arg_varargs, arg_keywords, arg_defaults = arg_spec
- arg_defaults = arg_defaults or {}
- if inspect.ismethod(func):
- # First argument is 'self', it has been removed by Python
- # we need to add it back:
- args = [func.__self__, ] + args
- # XXX: Maybe I need an inspect.isbuiltin to detect C-level methods, such
- # as on ndarrays.
- _, name = get_func_name(func, resolv_alias=False)
- arg_dict = dict()
- arg_position = -1
- for arg_position, arg_name in enumerate(arg_names):
- if arg_position < len(args):
- # Positional argument or keyword argument given as positional
- arg_dict[arg_name] = args[arg_position]
- else:
- position = arg_position - len(arg_names)
- if arg_name in kwargs:
- arg_dict[arg_name] = kwargs.pop(arg_name)
- else:
- try:
- arg_dict[arg_name] = arg_defaults[position]
- except (IndexError, KeyError):
- # Missing argument
- raise ValueError('Wrong number of arguments for %s%s:\n'
- ' %s(%s, %s) was called.'
- % (name,
- inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(func)),
- name,
- repr(args)[1:-1],
- ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v)
- for k, v in kwargs.items())
- )
- )
- varkwargs = dict()
- for arg_name, arg_value in sorted(kwargs.items()):
- if arg_name in arg_dict:
- arg_dict[arg_name] = arg_value
- elif arg_keywords is not None:
- varkwargs[arg_name] = arg_value
- else:
- raise TypeError("Ignore list for %s() contains an unexpected "
- "keyword argument '%s'" % (name, arg_name))
- if arg_keywords is not None:
- arg_dict['**'] = varkwargs
- if arg_varargs is not None:
- varargs = args[arg_position + 1:]
- arg_dict['*'] = varargs
- # Now remove the arguments to be ignored
- for item in ignore_lst:
- if item in arg_dict:
- arg_dict.pop(item)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Ignore list: argument '%s' is not defined for "
- "function %s%s" %
- (item, name,
- inspect.formatargspec(arg_names,
- arg_varargs,
- arg_keywords,
- arg_defaults,
- )))
- # XXX: Return a sorted list of pairs?
- return arg_dict
- def format_signature(func, *args, **kwargs):
- # XXX: Should this use inspect.formatargvalues/formatargspec?
- module, name = get_func_name(func)
- module = [m for m in module if m]
- if module:
- module.append(name)
- module_path = '.'.join(module)
- else:
- module_path = name
- arg_str = list()
- previous_length = 0
- for arg in args:
- arg = pformat(arg, indent=2)
- if len(arg) > 1500:
- arg = '%s...' % arg[:700]
- if previous_length > 80:
- arg = '\n%s' % arg
- previous_length = len(arg)
- arg_str.append(arg)
- arg_str.extend(['%s=%s' % (v, pformat(i)) for v, i in kwargs.items()])
- arg_str = ', '.join(arg_str)
- signature = '%s(%s)' % (name, arg_str)
- return module_path, signature
- def format_call(func, args, kwargs, object_name="Memory"):
- """ Returns a nicely formatted statement displaying the function
- call with the given arguments.
- """
- path, signature = format_signature(func, *args, **kwargs)
- msg = '%s\n[%s] Calling %s...\n%s' % (80 * '_', object_name,
- path, signature)
- return msg
- # XXX: Not using logging framework
- #self.debug(msg)