Python | 353 lines | 330 code | 20 blank | 3 comment | 26 complexity | c681a5bfe20e4436ec2f1e99fe10c5ce MD5 | raw file
- """
- This file holds a series of transformations of the lexer tokens.
- """
- from ply import lex
- import re
- from error import raise_indentation_error, raise_syntax_error
- from tokens import MISSING_PARENTHESIS, CASTS
- def build_token(_type, value, t):
- t2 = lex.LexToken()
- t2.type = _type
- t2.value = value
- t2.lineno = t.lineno
- t2.lexpos = -1
- try:
- t2.lexer = t.lexer
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- return t2
- def t_error(t):
- "Error token."
- raise_syntax_error("invalid syntax", t)
- def trim_beginning_newlines(token_stream):
- still_trim = True
- for t in token_stream:
- if still_trim and t.type == 'NEWLINE':
- continue
- else:
- still_trim = False
- yield t
- def delete_multiple_newlines(token_stream):
- prev_is_nl = False
- for t in token_stream:
- is_nl = t.type == 'NEWLINE'
- if prev_is_nl and is_nl:
- continue
- prev_is_nl = is_nl
- yield t
- def inject_case_tokens(token_stream):
- inside_switch = False
- case_indent = 0
- for t in token_stream:
- yield t
- if inside_switch:
- if t.type == 'NEWLINE':
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- yield t2
- if t2.type == 'WS':
- indent = len(t2.value)
- if case_indent == 0:
- case_indent = indent
- yield build_token('CASE', 'case', t2)
- else:
- if indent == case_indent:
- yield build_token('CASE', 'case', t2)
- elif indent < case_indent:
- inside_switch = False
- case_indent = 0
- elif t2.type == "SWITCH":
- case_indent = 0
- else:
- inside_switch = False
- case_indent = 0
- if t.type == "SWITCH":
- inside_switch = True
- case_indent = 0
- INDENT_ERROR = "Dedention matches no previous level."
- def inject_indent_tokens(lexer, token_stream):
- levels = [0]
- try:
- for t in token_stream:
- lexer.at_line_start = False
- if t.type == "NEWLINE":
- yield t
- lexer.at_line_start = True
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- level = len(t2.value) if t2.type == 'WS' else 0
- if level > levels[-1]:
- levels.append(level)
- yield build_token('INDENT', '', t2)
- elif level < levels[-1]:
- if level not in levels:
- raise_indentation_error(INDENT_ERROR, t2)
- while levels.pop() > level:
- yield build_token('DEDENT', '', t2)
- levels.append(level)
- if levels == []:
- levels = [0]
- if t2.type != 'WS':
- yield t2
- elif t.type == "WS":
- continue
- else:
- yield t
- except StopIteration:
- for level in range(0, len(levels) - 1):
- yield build_token('DEDENT', '', t)
- def mark_indentation_level(lexer, token_stream):
- lexer.indent_level = 0
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == 'INDENT':
- lexer.indent_level += 1
- elif t.type == 'DEDENT':
- lexer.indent_level -= 1
- yield t
- def add_endmarker(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- yield t
- yield build_token("ENDMARKER", None, t)
- _add_endmarker = add_endmarker
- def remove_empty_concats(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == "STRING_WITH_CONCAT" and t.value == "":
- continue
- if t.type == "PERCENT":
- try:
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- except StopIteration:
- yield t
- raise StopIteration
- if not(t2.type in ("STRING_SINGLE", "STRING_DOUBLE")
- and t2.value == ""):
- yield t
- yield t2
- else:
- yield t
- def nuke_newlines_around_indent(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == 'NEWLINE':
- try:
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- except StopIteration:
- yield t
- raise StopIteration
- if t2.type in ('INDENT', 'PASS'):
- yield t2
- else:
- yield t
- yield t2
- elif t.type in ('INDENT', 'PASS'):
- try:
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- except StopIteration:
- yield t
- raise StopIteration
- if t2.type == 'NEWLINE':
- yield t
- else:
- yield t
- yield t2
- else:
- yield t
- def insert_missing_new(token_stream):
- prev_was_new = False
- prev_was_class = False
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == 'CLASS_NAME':
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- if t2.type == 'LPAR' and not prev_was_new and not prev_was_class:
- yield build_token('NEW', 'new', t)
- yield t
- yield t2
- else:
- yield t
- prev_was_new = t.type == 'NEW'
- prev_was_class = t.type == 'CLASS'
- def correct_class_accessor_names(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == 'DOT':
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- if t2.type == 'NAME':
- t2.type = 'PHP_STRING'
- yield t
- yield t2
- else:
- yield t
- def correct_function_call(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type in ('NAME'):
- yield t
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- if t2.type == 'LPAR':
- t.type = 'PHP_STRING'
- yield t2
- else:
- yield t
- def correct_function_definition(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == 'FN':
- yield t
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- if t2.type == 'NAME':
- t2.type = 'PHP_STRING'
- yield t2
- else:
- yield t
- def casts_as_functioncalls(token_stream):
- remove_at_level = None
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type in CASTS:
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- if t2.type == 'LPAR':
- remove_at_level = t2.lexer.bracket_level - 1
- yield build_token('%s_CAST' % t.type, '(int)', t)
- else:
- yield t
- yield t2
- elif t.type == 'RPAR' and t.lexer.bracket_level == remove_at_level:
- remove_at_level = None
- else:
- yield t
- def add_missing_parenthesis(token_stream):
- inside_expression = False
- for t in token_stream:
- if hasattr(t, 'lexer'):
- bracket_level = t.lexer.bracket_level
- else:
- bracket_level = 0
- if not inside_expression and t.type in MISSING_PARENTHESIS:
- start_bracket_level = t.lexer.bracket_level
- inside_expression = True
- yield t
- yield build_token('LPAR', '(', t)
- continue
- if (inside_expression and t.type in ('INDENT', 'COLON', 'THEN')
- and bracket_level == start_bracket_level):
- inside_expression = False
- yield build_token('RPAR', ')', t)
- yield t
- def add_missing_parenthesis_after_functions(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- yield t
- if t.type == 'FN':
- t1 = token_stream.next()
- yield t1
- if t1.type == 'PHP_STRING':
- t2 = token_stream.next()
- if t2.type in ('INDENT', 'COLON'):
- yield build_token('LPAR', '(', t2)
- yield build_token('RPAR', ')', t2)
- yield t2
- def add_missing_this(token_stream):
- tks = ('PHP_STRING', 'NAME', 'CLASS_NAME', 'RPAR', 'RSQB')
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == 'DOT' and prev_t.type not in tks:
- yield build_token("NAME", "this", t)
- yield t
- prev_t = t
- def add_missing_self(token_stream):
- for t in token_stream:
- if t.type == 'DOUBLE_DOT' and prev_t.type not in (
- 'PHP_STRING', 'NAME', 'CLASS_NAME') and prev_t.value != 'parent':
- yield build_token("PHP_STRING", "self", t)
- yield t
- prev_t = t
- def debug(token_stream):
- print
- for t in token_stream:
- print t
- yield t
- def make_token_stream(lexer, add_endmarker=True):
- token_stream = iter(lexer.token, None)
- token_stream = trim_beginning_newlines(token_stream)
- token_stream = inject_case_tokens(token_stream)
- token_stream = inject_indent_tokens(lexer, token_stream)
- token_stream = mark_indentation_level(lexer, token_stream)
- token_stream = remove_empty_concats(token_stream)
- # TODO: Fix nuke_... so it is not neccessary to double call it.
- token_stream = nuke_newlines_around_indent(token_stream)
- token_stream = nuke_newlines_around_indent(token_stream)
- token_stream = insert_missing_new(token_stream)
- token_stream = correct_class_accessor_names(token_stream)
- token_stream = correct_function_call(token_stream)
- token_stream = correct_function_definition(token_stream)
- token_stream = casts_as_functioncalls(token_stream)
- token_stream = add_missing_parenthesis(token_stream)
- token_stream = add_missing_parenthesis_after_functions(token_stream)
- token_stream = delete_multiple_newlines(token_stream)
- token_stream = add_missing_this(token_stream)
- token_stream = add_missing_self(token_stream)
- #token_stream = debug(token_stream)
- if add_endmarker:
- token_stream = _add_endmarker(token_stream)
- return token_stream
- _newline_pattern = re.compile(r"\n")
- def get_line_offsets(text):
- offsets = [0]
- for m in _newline_pattern.finditer(text):
- offsets.append(m.end())
- # This is only really needed if the input does not end with a newline
- offsets.append(len(text))
- return offsets