https://gitlab.com/gag2502/EP3OO · Ruby · 414 lines · 356 code · 58 blank · 0 comment · 11 complexity · 914e367050e09d3f5663cb99ee1954bb MD5 · raw file
- require "helper"
- require "thor/parser"
- describe Thor::Options do
- def create(opts, defaults = {}, stop_on_unknown = false)
- opts.each do |key, value|
- opts[key] = Thor::Option.parse(key, value) unless value.is_a?(Thor::Option)
- end
- @opt = Thor::Options.new(opts, defaults, stop_on_unknown)
- end
- def parse(*args)
- @opt.parse(args.flatten)
- end
- def check_unknown!
- @opt.check_unknown!
- end
- def remaining
- @opt.remaining
- end
- describe "#to_switches" do
- it "turns true values into a flag" do
- expect(Thor::Options.to_switches(:color => true)).to eq("--color")
- end
- it "ignores nil" do
- expect(Thor::Options.to_switches(:color => nil)).to eq("")
- end
- it "ignores false" do
- expect(Thor::Options.to_switches(:color => false)).to eq("")
- end
- it "writes --name value for anything else" do
- expect(Thor::Options.to_switches(:format => "specdoc")).to eq('--format "specdoc"')
- end
- it "joins several values" do
- switches = Thor::Options.to_switches(:color => true, :foo => "bar").split(" ").sort
- expect(switches).to eq(%w["bar" --color --foo])
- end
- it "accepts arrays" do
- expect(Thor::Options.to_switches(:count => [1, 2, 3])).to eq("--count 1 2 3")
- end
- it "accepts hashes" do
- expect(Thor::Options.to_switches(:count => {:a => :b})).to eq("--count a:b")
- end
- it "accepts underscored options" do
- expect(Thor::Options.to_switches(:under_score_option => "foo bar")).to eq('--under_score_option "foo bar"')
- end
- end
- describe "#parse" do
- it "allows multiple aliases for a given switch" do
- create %w[--foo --bar --baz] => :string
- expect(parse("--foo", "12")["foo"]).to eq("12")
- expect(parse("--bar", "12")["foo"]).to eq("12")
- expect(parse("--baz", "12")["foo"]).to eq("12")
- end
- it "allows custom short names" do
- create "-f" => :string
- expect(parse("-f", "12")).to eq("f" => "12")
- end
- it "allows custom short-name aliases" do
- create %w[--bar -f] => :string
- expect(parse("-f", "12")).to eq("bar" => "12")
- end
- it "accepts conjoined short switches" do
- create %w[--foo -f] => true, %w[--bar -b] => true, %w[--app -a] => true
- opts = parse("-fba")
- expect(opts["foo"]).to be true
- expect(opts["bar"]).to be true
- expect(opts["app"]).to be true
- end
- it "accepts conjoined short switches with input" do
- create %w[--foo -f] => true, %w[--bar -b] => true, %w[--app -a] => :required
- opts = parse "-fba", "12"
- expect(opts["foo"]).to be true
- expect(opts["bar"]).to be true
- expect(opts["app"]).to eq("12")
- end
- it "returns the default value if none is provided" do
- create :foo => "baz", :bar => :required
- expect(parse("--bar", "boom")["foo"]).to eq("baz")
- end
- it "returns the default value from defaults hash to required arguments" do
- create Hash[:bar => :required], Hash[:bar => "baz"]
- expect(parse["bar"]).to eq("baz")
- end
- it "gives higher priority to defaults given in the hash" do
- create Hash[:bar => true], Hash[:bar => false]
- expect(parse["bar"]).to eq(false)
- end
- it "raises an error for unknown switches" do
- create :foo => "baz", :bar => :required
- parse("--bar", "baz", "--baz", "unknown")
- expect { check_unknown! }.to raise_error(Thor::UnknownArgumentError, "Unknown switches '--baz'")
- end
- it "skips leading non-switches" do
- create(:foo => "baz")
- expect(parse("asdf", "--foo", "bar")).to eq("foo" => "bar")
- end
- it "correctly recognizes things that look kind of like options, but aren't, as not options" do
- create(:foo => "baz")
- expect(parse("--asdf---asdf", "baz", "--foo", "--asdf---dsf--asdf")).to eq("foo" => "--asdf---dsf--asdf")
- check_unknown!
- end
- it "accepts underscores in commandline args hash for boolean" do
- create :foo_bar => :boolean
- expect(parse("--foo_bar")["foo_bar"]).to eq(true)
- expect(parse("--no_foo_bar")["foo_bar"]).to eq(false)
- end
- it "accepts underscores in commandline args hash for strings" do
- create :foo_bar => :string, :baz_foo => :string
- expect(parse("--foo_bar", "baz")["foo_bar"]).to eq("baz")
- expect(parse("--baz_foo", "foo bar")["baz_foo"]).to eq("foo bar")
- end
- it "interprets everything after -- as args instead of options" do
- create(:foo => :string, :bar => :required)
- expect(parse(%w[--bar abc moo -- --foo def -a])).to eq("bar" => "abc")
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[moo --foo def -a])
- end
- it "ignores -- when looking for single option values" do
- create(:foo => :string, :bar => :required)
- expect(parse(%w[--bar -- --foo def -a])).to eq("bar" => "--foo")
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[def -a])
- end
- it "ignores -- when looking for array option values" do
- create(:foo => :array)
- expect(parse(%w[--foo a b -- c d -e])).to eq("foo" => %w[a b c d -e])
- expect(remaining).to eq([])
- end
- it "ignores -- when looking for hash option values" do
- create(:foo => :hash)
- expect(parse(%w[--foo a:b -- c:d -e])).to eq("foo" => {"a" => "b", "c" => "d"})
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[-e])
- end
- it "ignores trailing --" do
- create(:foo => :string)
- expect(parse(%w[--foo --])).to eq("foo" => nil)
- expect(remaining).to eq([])
- end
- describe "with no input" do
- it "and no switches returns an empty hash" do
- create({})
- expect(parse).to eq({})
- end
- it "and several switches returns an empty hash" do
- create "--foo" => :boolean, "--bar" => :string
- expect(parse).to eq({})
- end
- it "and a required switch raises an error" do
- create "--foo" => :required
- expect { parse }.to raise_error(Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "No value provided for required options '--foo'")
- end
- end
- describe "with one required and one optional switch" do
- before do
- create "--foo" => :required, "--bar" => :boolean
- end
- it "raises an error if the required switch has no argument" do
- expect { parse("--foo") }.to raise_error(Thor::MalformattedArgumentError)
- end
- it "raises an error if the required switch isn't given" do
- expect { parse("--bar") }.to raise_error(Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError)
- end
- it "raises an error if the required switch is set to nil" do
- expect { parse("--no-foo") }.to raise_error(Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError)
- end
- it "does not raises an error if the required option has a default value" do
- options = {:required => true, :type => :string, :default => "baz"}
- create :foo => Thor::Option.new("foo", options), :bar => :boolean
- expect { parse("--bar") }.not_to raise_error
- end
- end
- context "when stop_on_unknown is true" do
- before do
- create({:foo => :string, :verbose => :boolean}, {}, true)
- end
- it "stops parsing on first non-option" do
- expect(parse(%w[foo --verbose])).to eq({})
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[foo --verbose])
- end
- it "stops parsing on unknown option" do
- expect(parse(%w[--bar --verbose])).to eq({})
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[--bar --verbose])
- end
- it "retains -- after it has stopped parsing" do
- expect(parse(%w[--bar -- whatever])).to eq({})
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[--bar -- whatever])
- end
- it "still accepts options that are given before non-options" do
- expect(parse(%w[--verbose foo])).to eq("verbose" => true)
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[foo])
- end
- it "still accepts options that require a value" do
- expect(parse(%w[--foo bar baz])).to eq("foo" => "bar")
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[baz])
- end
- it "still interprets everything after -- as args instead of options" do
- expect(parse(%w[-- --verbose])).to eq({})
- expect(remaining).to eq(%w[--verbose])
- end
- end
- describe "with :string type" do
- before do
- create %w[--foo -f] => :required
- end
- it "accepts a switch <value> assignment" do
- expect(parse("--foo", "12")["foo"]).to eq("12")
- end
- it "accepts a switch=<value> assignment" do
- expect(parse("-f=12")["foo"]).to eq("12")
- expect(parse("--foo=12")["foo"]).to eq("12")
- expect(parse("--foo=bar=baz")["foo"]).to eq("bar=baz")
- end
- it "must accept underscores switch=value assignment" do
- create :foo_bar => :required
- expect(parse("--foo_bar=http://example.com/under_score/")["foo_bar"]).to eq("http://example.com/under_score/")
- end
- it "accepts a --no-switch format" do
- create "--foo" => "bar"
- expect(parse("--no-foo")["foo"]).to be nil
- end
- it "does not consume an argument for --no-switch format" do
- create "--cheese" => :string
- expect(parse("burger", "--no-cheese", "fries")["cheese"]).to be nil
- end
- it "accepts a --switch format on non required types" do
- create "--foo" => :string
- expect(parse("--foo")["foo"]).to eq("foo")
- end
- it "accepts a --switch format on non required types with default values" do
- create "--baz" => :string, "--foo" => "bar"
- expect(parse("--baz", "bang", "--foo")["foo"]).to eq("bar")
- end
- it "overwrites earlier values with later values" do
- expect(parse("--foo=bar", "--foo", "12")["foo"]).to eq("12")
- expect(parse("--foo", "12", "--foo", "13")["foo"]).to eq("13")
- end
- it "raises error when value isn't in enum" do
- enum = %w[apple banana]
- create :fruit => Thor::Option.new("fruit", :type => :string, :enum => enum)
- expect { parse("--fruit", "orange") }.to raise_error(Thor::MalformattedArgumentError,
- "Expected '--fruit' to be one of #{enum.join(', ')}; got orange")
- end
- end
- describe "with :boolean type" do
- before do
- create "--foo" => false
- end
- it "accepts --opt assignment" do
- expect(parse("--foo")["foo"]).to eq(true)
- expect(parse("--foo", "--bar")["foo"]).to eq(true)
- end
- it "uses the default value if no switch is given" do
- expect(parse("")["foo"]).to eq(false)
- end
- it "accepts --opt=value assignment" do
- expect(parse("--foo=true")["foo"]).to eq(true)
- expect(parse("--foo=false")["foo"]).to eq(false)
- end
- it "accepts --[no-]opt variant, setting false for value" do
- expect(parse("--no-foo")["foo"]).to eq(false)
- end
- it "accepts --[skip-]opt variant, setting false for value" do
- expect(parse("--skip-foo")["foo"]).to eq(false)
- end
- it "will prefer 'no-opt' variant over inverting 'opt' if explicitly set" do
- create "--no-foo" => true
- expect(parse("--no-foo")["no-foo"]).to eq(true)
- end
- it "will prefer 'skip-opt' variant over inverting 'opt' if explicitly set" do
- create "--skip-foo" => true
- expect(parse("--skip-foo")["skip-foo"]).to eq(true)
- end
- it "accepts inputs in the human name format" do
- create :foo_bar => :boolean
- expect(parse("--foo-bar")["foo_bar"]).to eq(true)
- expect(parse("--no-foo-bar")["foo_bar"]).to eq(false)
- expect(parse("--skip-foo-bar")["foo_bar"]).to eq(false)
- end
- it "doesn't eat the next part of the param" do
- create :foo => :boolean
- expect(parse("--foo", "bar")).to eq("foo" => true)
- expect(@opt.remaining).to eq(%w[bar])
- end
- end
- describe "with :hash type" do
- before do
- create "--attributes" => :hash
- end
- it "accepts a switch=<value> assignment" do
- expect(parse("--attributes=name:string", "age:integer")["attributes"]).to eq("name" => "string", "age" => "integer")
- end
- it "accepts a switch <value> assignment" do
- expect(parse("--attributes", "name:string", "age:integer")["attributes"]).to eq("name" => "string", "age" => "integer")
- end
- it "must not mix values with other switches" do
- expect(parse("--attributes", "name:string", "age:integer", "--baz", "cool")["attributes"]).to eq("name" => "string", "age" => "integer")
- end
- end
- describe "with :array type" do
- before do
- create "--attributes" => :array
- end
- it "accepts a switch=<value> assignment" do
- expect(parse("--attributes=a", "b", "c")["attributes"]).to eq(%w[a b c])
- end
- it "accepts a switch <value> assignment" do
- expect(parse("--attributes", "a", "b", "c")["attributes"]).to eq(%w[a b c])
- end
- it "must not mix values with other switches" do
- expect(parse("--attributes", "a", "b", "c", "--baz", "cool")["attributes"]).to eq(%w[a b c])
- end
- end
- describe "with :numeric type" do
- before do
- create "n" => :numeric, "m" => 5
- end
- it "accepts a -nXY assignment" do
- expect(parse("-n12")["n"]).to eq(12)
- end
- it "converts values to numeric types" do
- expect(parse("-n", "3", "-m", ".5")).to eq("n" => 3, "m" => 0.5)
- end
- it "raises error when value isn't numeric" do
- expect { parse("-n", "foo") }.to raise_error(Thor::MalformattedArgumentError,
- "Expected numeric value for '-n'; got \"foo\"")
- end
- it "raises error when value isn't in enum" do
- enum = [1, 2]
- create :limit => Thor::Option.new("limit", :type => :numeric, :enum => enum)
- expect { parse("--limit", "3") }.to raise_error(Thor::MalformattedArgumentError,
- "Expected '--limit' to be one of #{enum.join(', ')}; got 3")
- end
- end
- end
- end