https://gitlab.com/feliperey4/Interfaz_Grafica_HDMI_EDUCIAA · C · 182 lines · 94 code · 35 blank · 53 comment · 17 complexity · 8be78215c654460d824e9d70df29e324 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * @brief USB Mass Storage Chan FATFS simple abstraction layer
- *
- * @note
- * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * @par
- * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
- * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
- * LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
- * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
- * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
- * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
- * intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
- * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
- * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
- * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
- * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
- * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
- * specified use without further testing or modification.
- *
- * @par
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
- * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
- * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
- * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
- * this code.
- */
- #include "fsusb_cfg.h"
- #include "board.h"
- #include "chip.h"
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Private types/enumerations/variables
- ****************************************************************************/
- /* Disk Status */
- static volatile DSTATUS Stat = STA_NOINIT;
- /* 100Hz decrement timer stopped at zero (disk_timerproc()) */
- static volatile WORD Timer2;
- static DISK_HANDLE_T *hDisk;
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Public types/enumerations/variables
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Private functions
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Public functions
- ****************************************************************************/
- /* Initialize Disk Drive */
- DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE drv)
- {
- if (drv) {
- return STA_NOINIT; /* Supports only single drive */
- }
- /* if (Stat & STA_NODISK) return Stat; *//* No card in the socket */
- if (Stat != STA_NOINIT) {
- return Stat; /* card is already enumerated */
- }
- FSUSB_InitRealTimeClock();
- #endif
- /* Initialize the Card Data Strucutre */
- hDisk = FSUSB_DiskInit();
- /* Reset */
- Stat = STA_NOINIT;
- FSUSB_DiskInsertWait(hDisk); /* Wait for card to be inserted */
- /* Enumerate the card once detected. Note this function may block for a little while. */
- if (!FSUSB_DiskAcquire(hDisk)) {
- DEBUGOUT("Disk Enumeration failed...\r\n");
- return Stat;
- }
- Stat &= ~STA_NOINIT;
- return Stat;
- }
- /* Disk Drive miscellaneous Functions */
- DRESULT disk_ioctl(BYTE drv, BYTE ctrl, void *buff)
- {
- DRESULT res;
- if (drv) {
- return RES_PARERR;
- }
- if (Stat & STA_NOINIT) {
- return RES_NOTRDY;
- }
- res = RES_ERROR;
- switch (ctrl) {
- case CTRL_SYNC: /* Make sure that no pending write process */
- if (FSUSB_DiskReadyWait(hDisk, 50)) {
- res = RES_OK;
- }
- break;
- case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: /* Get number of sectors on the disk (DWORD) */
- *(DWORD *) buff = FSUSB_DiskGetSectorCnt(hDisk);
- res = RES_OK;
- break;
- case GET_SECTOR_SIZE: /* Get R/W sector size (WORD) */
- *(WORD *) buff = FSUSB_DiskGetSectorSz(hDisk);
- res = RES_OK;
- break;
- case GET_BLOCK_SIZE:/* Get erase block size in unit of sector (DWORD) */
- *(DWORD *) buff = FSUSB_DiskGetBlockSz(hDisk);
- res = RES_OK;
- break;
- default:
- res = RES_PARERR;
- break;
- }
- return res;
- }
- /* Read Sector(s) */
- DRESULT disk_read(BYTE drv, BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, BYTE count)
- {
- if (drv || !count) {
- return RES_PARERR;
- }
- if (Stat & STA_NOINIT) {
- return RES_NOTRDY;
- }
- if (FSUSB_DiskReadSectors(hDisk, buff, sector, count)) {
- return RES_OK;
- }
- return RES_ERROR;
- }
- /* Get Disk Status */
- DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE drv)
- {
- if (drv) {
- return STA_NOINIT; /* Supports only single drive */
- }
- return Stat;
- }
- /* Write Sector(s) */
- DRESULT disk_write(BYTE drv, const BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, BYTE count)
- {
- if (drv || !count) {
- return RES_PARERR;
- }
- if (Stat & STA_NOINIT) {
- return RES_NOTRDY;
- }
- if (FSUSB_DiskWriteSectors(hDisk, (void *) buff, sector, count)) {
- return RES_OK;
- }
- return RES_ERROR;
- }