Ruby | 403 lines | 304 code | 74 blank | 25 comment | 50 complexity | 9767f64448608ea83c913f9428ccd299 MD5 | raw file
- class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
- include Sortable
- include IgnorableColumn
- default_scope { reorder(nil) }
- CLOSED = 3
- PUSHED = 5
- MERGED = 7
- JOINED = 8 # User joined project
- LEFT = 9 # User left project
- EXPIRED = 11 # User left project due to expiry
- ACTIONS = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(
- created: CREATED,
- updated: UPDATED,
- closed: CLOSED,
- reopened: REOPENED,
- pushed: PUSHED,
- commented: COMMENTED,
- merged: MERGED,
- joined: JOINED,
- left: LEFT,
- destroyed: DESTROYED,
- expired: EXPIRED
- ).freeze
- TARGET_TYPES = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(
- issue: Issue,
- milestone: Milestone,
- merge_request: MergeRequest,
- note: Note,
- project: Project,
- snippet: Snippet,
- user: User
- ).freeze
- delegate :name, :email, :public_email, :username, to: :author, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
- delegate :title, to: :issue, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
- delegate :title, to: :merge_request, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
- delegate :title, to: :note, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
- belongs_to :author, class_name: "User"
- belongs_to :project
- belongs_to :target, -> {
- # If the association for "target" defines an "author" association we want to
- # eager-load this so Banzai & friends don't end up performing N+1 queries to
- # get the authors of notes, issues, etc. (likewise for "noteable").
- incs = %i(author noteable).select do |a|
- reflections['events'].active_record.reflect_on_association(a)
- end
- incs.reduce(self) { |obj, a| obj.includes(a) }
- }, polymorphic: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations
- has_one :push_event_payload
- # Callbacks
- after_create :reset_project_activity
- after_create :set_last_repository_updated_at, if: :push?
- after_create :track_user_interacted_projects
- # Scopes
- scope :recent, -> { reorder(id: :desc) }
- scope :code_push, -> { where(action: PUSHED) }
- scope :in_projects, -> (projects) do
- sub_query = projects
- .except(:order)
- .select(1)
- .where('projects.id = events.project_id')
- where('EXISTS (?)', sub_query).recent
- end
- scope :with_associations, -> do
- # We're using preload for "push_event_payload" as otherwise the association
- # is not always available (depending on the query being built).
- includes(:author, :project, project: :namespace)
- .preload(:target, :push_event_payload)
- end
- scope :for_milestone_id, ->(milestone_id) { where(target_type: "Milestone", target_id: milestone_id) }
- # Authors are required as they're used to display who pushed data.
- #
- # We're just validating the presence of the ID here as foreign key constraints
- # should ensure the ID points to a valid user.
- validates :author_id, presence: true
- self.inheritance_column = 'action'
- class << self
- def model_name
- ActiveModel::Name.new(self, nil, 'event')
- end
- def find_sti_class(action)
- if action.to_i == PUSHED
- PushEvent
- else
- Event
- end
- end
- # Remove this method when removing Gitlab.rails5? code.
- def subclass_from_attributes(attrs)
- return super if Gitlab.rails5?
- # Without this Rails will keep calling this method on the returned class,
- # resulting in an infinite loop.
- return unless self == Event
- action = attrs.with_indifferent_access[inheritance_column].to_i
- PushEvent if action == PUSHED
- end
- # Update Gitlab::ContributionsCalendar#activity_dates if this changes
- def contributions
- where("action = ? OR (target_type IN (?) AND action IN (?)) OR (target_type = ? AND action = ?)",
- Event::PUSHED,
- %w(MergeRequest Issue), [Event::CREATED, Event::CLOSED, Event::MERGED],
- "Note", Event::COMMENTED)
- end
- def limit_recent(limit = 20, offset = nil)
- recent.limit(limit).offset(offset)
- end
- def actions
- ACTIONS.keys
- end
- def target_types
- end
- end
- def visible_to_user?(user = nil)
- if push? || commit_note?
- Ability.allowed?(user, :download_code, project)
- elsif membership_changed?
- true
- elsif created_project?
- true
- elsif issue? || issue_note?
- Ability.allowed?(user, :read_issue, note? ? note_target : target)
- elsif merge_request? || merge_request_note?
- Ability.allowed?(user, :read_merge_request, note? ? note_target : target)
- else
- milestone?
- end
- end
- def project_name
- if project
- project.full_name
- else
- "(deleted project)"
- end
- end
- def target_title
- target.try(:title)
- end
- def created?
- action == CREATED
- end
- def push?
- false
- end
- def merged?
- action == MERGED
- end
- def closed?
- action == CLOSED
- end
- def reopened?
- action == REOPENED
- end
- def joined?
- action == JOINED
- end
- def left?
- action == LEFT
- end
- def expired?
- action == EXPIRED
- end
- def destroyed?
- action == DESTROYED
- end
- def commented?
- action == COMMENTED
- end
- def membership_changed?
- joined? || left? || expired?
- end
- def created_project?
- created? && !target && target_type.nil?
- end
- def created_target?
- created? && target
- end
- def milestone?
- target_type == "Milestone"
- end
- def note?
- target.is_a?(Note)
- end
- def issue?
- target_type == "Issue"
- end
- def merge_request?
- target_type == "MergeRequest"
- end
- def milestone
- target if milestone?
- end
- def issue
- target if issue?
- end
- def merge_request
- target if merge_request?
- end
- def note
- target if note?
- end
- def action_name
- if push?
- push_action_name
- elsif closed?
- "closed"
- elsif merged?
- "accepted"
- elsif joined?
- 'joined'
- elsif left?
- 'left'
- elsif expired?
- 'removed due to membership expiration from'
- elsif destroyed?
- 'destroyed'
- elsif commented?
- "commented on"
- elsif created_project?
- created_project_action_name
- else
- "opened"
- end
- end
- def target_iid
- target.respond_to?(:iid) ? target.iid : target_id
- end
- def commit_note?
- note? && target && target.for_commit?
- end
- def issue_note?
- note? && target && target.for_issue?
- end
- def merge_request_note?
- note? && target && target.for_merge_request?
- end
- def project_snippet_note?
- note? && target && target.for_snippet?
- end
- def note_target
- target.noteable
- end
- def note_target_id
- if commit_note?
- target.commit_id
- else
- target.noteable_id.to_s
- end
- end
- def note_target_reference
- return unless note_target
- # Commit#to_reference returns the full SHA, but we want the short one here
- if commit_note?
- note_target.short_id
- else
- note_target.to_reference
- end
- end
- def note_target_type
- if target.noteable_type.present?
- target.noteable_type.titleize
- else
- "Wall"
- end.downcase
- end
- def body?
- if push?
- push_with_commits?
- elsif note?
- true
- else
- target.respond_to? :title
- end
- end
- def reset_project_activity
- return unless project
- # Don't bother updating if we know the project was updated recently.
- return if recent_update?
- # At this point it's possible for multiple threads/processes to try to
- # update the project. Only one query should actually perform the update,
- # hence we add the extra WHERE clause for last_activity_at.
- Project.unscoped.where(id: project_id)
- .where('last_activity_at <= ?', RESET_PROJECT_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL.ago)
- .update_all(last_activity_at: created_at)
- end
- def authored_by?(user)
- user ? author_id == user.id : false
- end
- def to_partial_path
- # We are intentionally using `Event` rather than `self.class` so that
- # subclasses also use the `Event` implementation.
- Event._to_partial_path
- end
- private
- def push_action_name
- if new_ref?
- "pushed new"
- elsif rm_ref?
- "deleted"
- else
- "pushed to"
- end
- end
- def created_project_action_name
- if project.external_import?
- "imported"
- else
- "created"
- end
- end
- def recent_update?
- project.last_activity_at > RESET_PROJECT_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL.ago
- end
- def set_last_repository_updated_at
- Project.unscoped.where(id: project_id)
- .update_all(last_repository_updated_at: created_at)
- end
- def track_user_interacted_projects
- # Note the call to .available? is due to earlier migrations
- # that would otherwise conflict with the call to .track
- # (because the table does not exist yet).
- UserInteractedProject.track(self) if UserInteractedProject.available?
- end
- end