Python | 711 lines | 706 code | 0 blank | 5 comment | 0 complexity | b243a3ae197a74a8295c56d89af0a64a MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8-*-
- """
- A Speaker handles audio output from Jasper to the user
- Speaker methods:
- say - output 'phrase' as speech
- play - play the audio in 'filename'
- is_available - returns True if the platform supports this implementation
- """
- import os
- import platform
- import re
- import tempfile
- import subprocess
- import pipes
- import logging
- import wave
- import urllib
- import urlparse
- import requests
- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
- import argparse
- import yaml
- try:
- import mad
- except ImportError:
- pass
- try:
- import gtts
- except ImportError:
- pass
- try:
- import pyvona
- except ImportError:
- pass
- import diagnose
- import jasperpath
- class AbstractTTSEngine(object):
- """
- Generic parent class for all speakers
- """
- __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
- @classmethod
- def get_config(cls):
- return {}
- @classmethod
- def get_instance(cls):
- config = cls.get_config()
- instance = cls(**config)
- return instance
- @classmethod
- @abstractmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return diagnose.check_executable('aplay')
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- @abstractmethod
- def say(self, phrase, *args):
- pass
- def play(self, filename):
- # FIXME: Use platform-independent audio-output here
- # See issue jasperproject/jasper-client#188
- cmd = ['aplay', '-D', 'plughw:1,0', str(filename)]
- self._logger.debug('Executing %s', ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=f)
- f.seek(0)
- output = f.read()
- if output:
- self._logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- class AbstractMp3TTSEngine(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Generic class that implements the 'play' method for mp3 files
- """
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (super(AbstractMp3TTSEngine, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_python_import('mad'))
- def play_mp3(self, filename):
- mf = mad.MadFile(filename)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav') as f:
- wav = wave.open(f, mode='wb')
- wav.setframerate(mf.samplerate())
- wav.setnchannels(1 if mf.mode() == mad.MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL else 2)
- # 4L is the sample width of 32 bit audio
- wav.setsampwidth(4L)
- frame = mf.read()
- while frame is not None:
- wav.writeframes(frame)
- frame = mf.read()
- wav.close()
- self.play(f.name)
- class DummyTTS(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Dummy TTS engine that logs phrases with INFO level instead of synthesizing
- speech.
- """
- SLUG = "dummy-tts"
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return True
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.info(phrase)
- def play(self, filename):
- self._logger.debug("Playback of file '%s' requested")
- pass
- class EspeakTTS(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the eSpeak speech synthesizer included in the Jasper disk image
- Requires espeak to be available
- """
- SLUG = "espeak-tts"
- def __init__(self, voice='default+m3', pitch_adjustment=40,
- words_per_minute=160):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.voice = voice
- self.pitch_adjustment = pitch_adjustment
- self.words_per_minute = words_per_minute
- @classmethod
- def get_config(cls):
- # FIXME: Replace this as soon as we have a config module
- config = {}
- # HMM dir
- # Try to get hmm_dir from config
- profile_path = jasperpath.config('profile.yml')
- if os.path.exists(profile_path):
- with open(profile_path, 'r') as f:
- profile = yaml.safe_load(f)
- if 'espeak-tts' in profile:
- if 'voice' in profile['espeak-tts']:
- config['voice'] = profile['espeak-tts']['voice']
- if 'pitch_adjustment' in profile['espeak-tts']:
- config['pitch_adjustment'] = \
- profile['espeak-tts']['pitch_adjustment']
- if 'words_per_minute' in profile['espeak-tts']:
- config['words_per_minute'] = \
- profile['espeak-tts']['words_per_minute']
- return config
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (super(cls, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_executable('espeak'))
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False) as f:
- fname = f.name
- cmd = ['espeak', '-v', self.voice,
- '-p', self.pitch_adjustment,
- '-s', self.words_per_minute,
- '-w', fname,
- phrase]
- cmd = [str(x) for x in cmd]
- self._logger.debug('Executing %s', ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=f)
- f.seek(0)
- output = f.read()
- if output:
- self._logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- self.play(fname)
- os.remove(fname)
- class FestivalTTS(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the festival speech synthesizer
- Requires festival (text2wave) to be available
- """
- SLUG = 'festival-tts'
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- if (super(cls, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_executable('text2wave') and
- diagnose.check_executable('festival')):
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- cmd = ['festival', '--pipe']
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as out_f:
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as in_f:
- logger.debug('Executing %s', ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdin=in_f, stdout=out_f,
- stderr=out_f)
- out_f.seek(0)
- output = out_f.read().strip()
- if output:
- logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- return ('No default voice found' not in output)
- return False
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- cmd = ['text2wave']
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav') as out_f:
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as in_f:
- in_f.write(phrase)
- in_f.seek(0)
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as err_f:
- self._logger.debug('Executing %s',
- ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdin=in_f, stdout=out_f,
- stderr=err_f)
- err_f.seek(0)
- output = err_f.read()
- if output:
- self._logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- self.play(out_f.name)
- class FliteTTS(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the flite speech synthesizer
- Requires flite to be available
- """
- SLUG = 'flite-tts'
- def __init__(self, voice=''):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.voice = voice if voice and voice in self.get_voices() else ''
- @classmethod
- def get_voices(cls):
- cmd = ['flite', '-lv']
- voices = []
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as out_f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=out_f)
- out_f.seek(0)
- for line in out_f:
- if line.startswith('Voices available: '):
- voices.extend([x.strip() for x in line[18:].split()
- if x.strip()])
- return voices
- @classmethod
- def get_config(cls):
- # FIXME: Replace this as soon as we have a config module
- config = {}
- # HMM dir
- # Try to get hmm_dir from config
- profile_path = jasperpath.config('profile.yml')
- if os.path.exists(profile_path):
- with open(profile_path, 'r') as f:
- profile = yaml.safe_load(f)
- if 'flite-tts' in profile:
- if 'voice' in profile['flite-tts']:
- config['voice'] = profile['flite-tts']['voice']
- return config
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (super(cls, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_executable('flite') and
- len(cls.get_voices()) > 0)
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- cmd = ['flite']
- if self.voice:
- cmd.extend(['-voice', self.voice])
- cmd.extend(['-t', phrase])
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False) as f:
- fname = f.name
- cmd.append(fname)
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as out_f:
- self._logger.debug('Executing %s',
- ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=out_f, stderr=out_f)
- out_f.seek(0)
- output = out_f.read().strip()
- if output:
- self._logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- self.play(fname)
- os.remove(fname)
- class MacOSXTTS(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the OS X built-in 'say' command
- """
- SLUG = "osx-tts"
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (platform.system().lower() == 'darwin' and
- diagnose.check_executable('say') and
- diagnose.check_executable('afplay'))
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- cmd = ['say', str(phrase)]
- self._logger.debug('Executing %s', ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=f)
- f.seek(0)
- output = f.read()
- if output:
- self._logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- def play(self, filename):
- cmd = ['afplay', str(filename)]
- self._logger.debug('Executing %s', ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=f)
- f.seek(0)
- output = f.read()
- if output:
- self._logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- class PicoTTS(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the svox-pico-tts speech synthesizer
- Requires pico2wave to be available
- """
- SLUG = "pico-tts"
- def __init__(self, language="en-US"):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.language = language
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (super(cls, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_executable('pico2wave'))
- @classmethod
- def get_config(cls):
- # FIXME: Replace this as soon as we have a config module
- config = {}
- # HMM dir
- # Try to get hmm_dir from config
- profile_path = jasperpath.config('profile.yml')
- if os.path.exists(profile_path):
- with open(profile_path, 'r') as f:
- profile = yaml.safe_load(f)
- if 'pico-tts' in profile and 'language' in profile['pico-tts']:
- config['language'] = profile['pico-tts']['language']
- return config
- @property
- def languages(self):
- cmd = ['pico2wave', '-l', 'NULL',
- '-w', os.devnull,
- 'NULL']
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stderr=f)
- f.seek(0)
- output = f.read()
- pattern = re.compile(r'Unknown language: NULL\nValid languages:\n' +
- r'((?:[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}\n)+)')
- matchobj = pattern.match(output)
- if not matchobj:
- raise RuntimeError("pico2wave: valid languages not detected")
- langs = matchobj.group(1).split()
- return langs
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False) as f:
- fname = f.name
- cmd = ['pico2wave', '--wave', fname]
- if self.language not in self.languages:
- raise ValueError("Language '%s' not supported by '%s'",
- self.language, self.SLUG)
- cmd.extend(['-l', self.language])
- cmd.append(phrase)
- self._logger.debug('Executing %s', ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg)
- for arg in cmd]))
- with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=f)
- f.seek(0)
- output = f.read()
- if output:
- self._logger.debug("Output was: '%s'", output)
- self.play(fname)
- os.remove(fname)
- class GoogleTTS(AbstractMp3TTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the Google TTS online translator
- Requires pymad and gTTS to be available
- """
- SLUG = "google-tts"
- def __init__(self, language='en'):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.language = language
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (super(cls, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_python_import('gtts') and
- diagnose.check_network_connection())
- @classmethod
- def get_config(cls):
- # FIXME: Replace this as soon as we have a config module
- config = {}
- # HMM dir
- # Try to get hmm_dir from config
- profile_path = jasperpath.config('profile.yml')
- if os.path.exists(profile_path):
- with open(profile_path, 'r') as f:
- profile = yaml.safe_load(f)
- if ('google-tts' in profile and
- 'language' in profile['google-tts']):
- config['language'] = profile['google-tts']['language']
- return config
- @property
- def languages(self):
- langs = ['af', 'sq', 'ar', 'hy', 'ca', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'hr', 'cs',
- 'da', 'nl', 'en', 'eo', 'fi', 'fr', 'de', 'el', 'ht', 'hi',
- 'hu', 'is', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'la', 'lv', 'mk', 'no',
- 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sr', 'sk', 'es', 'sw', 'sv', 'ta',
- 'th', 'tr', 'vi', 'cy']
- return langs
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- if self.language not in self.languages:
- raise ValueError("Language '%s' not supported by '%s'",
- self.language, self.SLUG)
- tts = gtts.gTTS(text=phrase, lang=self.language)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp3', delete=False) as f:
- tmpfile = f.name
- tts.save(tmpfile)
- self.play_mp3(tmpfile)
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- class MaryTTS(AbstractTTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the MARY Text-to-Speech System (MaryTTS)
- MaryTTS is an open-source, multilingual Text-to-Speech Synthesis platform
- written in Java.
- Please specify your own server instead of using the demonstration server
- (http://mary.dfki.de:59125/) to save bandwidth and to protect your privacy.
- """
- SLUG = "mary-tts"
- def __init__(self, server="mary.dfki.de", port="59125", language="en_GB",
- voice="dfki-spike"):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.server = server
- self.port = port
- self.netloc = '{server}:{port}'.format(server=self.server,
- port=self.port)
- self.language = language
- self.voice = voice
- self.session = requests.Session()
- @property
- def languages(self):
- try:
- r = self.session.get(self._makeurl('/locales'))
- r.raise_for_status()
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
- self._logger.critical("Communication with MaryTTS server at %s " +
- "failed.", self.netloc)
- raise
- return r.text.splitlines()
- @property
- def voices(self):
- r = self.session.get(self._makeurl('/voices'))
- r.raise_for_status()
- return [line.split()[0] for line in r.text.splitlines()]
- @classmethod
- def get_config(cls):
- # FIXME: Replace this as soon as we have a config module
- config = {}
- # HMM dir
- # Try to get hmm_dir from config
- profile_path = jasperpath.config('profile.yml')
- if os.path.exists(profile_path):
- with open(profile_path, 'r') as f:
- profile = yaml.safe_load(f)
- if 'mary-tts' in profile:
- if 'server' in profile['mary-tts']:
- config['server'] = profile['mary-tts']['server']
- if 'port' in profile['mary-tts']:
- config['port'] = profile['mary-tts']['port']
- if 'language' in profile['mary-tts']:
- config['language'] = profile['mary-tts']['language']
- if 'voice' in profile['mary-tts']:
- config['voice'] = profile['mary-tts']['voice']
- return config
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (super(cls, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_network_connection())
- def _makeurl(self, path, query={}):
- query_s = urllib.urlencode(query)
- urlparts = ('http', self.netloc, path, query_s, '')
- return urlparse.urlunsplit(urlparts)
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- if self.language not in self.languages:
- raise ValueError("Language '%s' not supported by '%s'"
- % (self.language, self.SLUG))
- if self.voice not in self.voices:
- raise ValueError("Voice '%s' not supported by '%s'"
- % (self.voice, self.SLUG))
- query = {'OUTPUT_TYPE': 'AUDIO',
- 'INPUT_TEXT': phrase,
- 'LOCALE': self.language,
- 'VOICE': self.voice}
- r = self.session.get(self._makeurl('/process', query=query))
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav', delete=False) as f:
- f.write(r.content)
- tmpfile = f.name
- self.play(tmpfile)
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- class IvonaTTS(AbstractMp3TTSEngine):
- """
- Uses the Ivona Speech Cloud Services.
- Ivona is a multilingual Text-to-Speech synthesis platform developed by
- Amazon.
- """
- SLUG = "ivona-tts"
- def __init__(self, access_key='', secret_key='', region=None,
- voice=None, speech_rate=None, sentence_break=None):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self._pyvonavoice = pyvona.Voice(access_key, secret_key)
- self._pyvonavoice.codec = "mp3"
- if region:
- self._pyvonavoice.region = region
- if voice:
- self._pyvonavoice.voice_name = voice
- if speech_rate:
- self._pyvonavoice.speech_rate = speech_rate
- if sentence_break:
- self._pyvonavoice.sentence_break = sentence_break
- @classmethod
- def get_config(cls):
- # FIXME: Replace this as soon as we have a config module
- config = {}
- # HMM dir
- # Try to get hmm_dir from config
- profile_path = jasperpath.config('profile.yml')
- if os.path.exists(profile_path):
- with open(profile_path, 'r') as f:
- profile = yaml.safe_load(f)
- if 'ivona-tts' in profile:
- if 'access_key' in profile['ivona-tts']:
- config['access_key'] = \
- profile['ivona-tts']['access_key']
- if 'secret_key' in profile['ivona-tts']:
- config['secret_key'] = \
- profile['ivona-tts']['secret_key']
- if 'region' in profile['ivona-tts']:
- config['region'] = profile['ivona-tts']['region']
- if 'voice' in profile['ivona-tts']:
- config['voice'] = profile['ivona-tts']['voice']
- if 'speech_rate' in profile['ivona-tts']:
- config['speech_rate'] = \
- profile['ivona-tts']['speech_rate']
- if 'sentence_break' in profile['ivona-tts']:
- config['sentence_break'] = \
- profile['ivona-tts']['sentence_break']
- return config
- @classmethod
- def is_available(cls):
- return (super(cls, cls).is_available() and
- diagnose.check_python_import('pyvona') and
- diagnose.check_network_connection())
- def say(self, phrase):
- self._logger.debug("Saying '%s' with '%s'", phrase, self.SLUG)
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp3', delete=False) as f:
- tmpfile = f.name
- self._pyvonavoice.fetch_voice(phrase, tmpfile)
- self.play_mp3(tmpfile)
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- def get_default_engine_slug():
- return 'osx-tts' if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin' else 'espeak-tts'
- def get_engine_by_slug(slug=None):
- """
- Returns:
- A speaker implementation available on the current platform
- Raises:
- ValueError if no speaker implementation is supported on this platform
- """
- if not slug or type(slug) is not str:
- raise TypeError("Invalid slug '%s'", slug)
- selected_engines = filter(lambda engine: hasattr(engine, "SLUG") and
- engine.SLUG == slug, get_engines())
- if len(selected_engines) == 0:
- raise ValueError("No TTS engine found for slug '%s'" % slug)
- else:
- if len(selected_engines) > 1:
- print("WARNING: Multiple TTS engines found for slug '%s'. " +
- "This is most certainly a bug." % slug)
- engine = selected_engines[0]
- if not engine.is_available():
- raise ValueError(("TTS engine '%s' is not available (due to " +
- "missing dependencies, etc.)") % slug)
- return engine
- def get_engines():
- def get_subclasses(cls):
- subclasses = set()
- for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
- subclasses.add(subclass)
- subclasses.update(get_subclasses(subclass))
- return subclasses
- return [tts_engine for tts_engine in
- list(get_subclasses(AbstractTTSEngine))
- if hasattr(tts_engine, 'SLUG') and tts_engine.SLUG]
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Jasper TTS module')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
- help='Show debug messages')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- logging.basicConfig()
- if args.debug:
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- engines = get_engines()
- available_engines = []
- for engine in get_engines():
- if engine.is_available():
- available_engines.append(engine)
- disabled_engines = list(set(engines).difference(set(available_engines)))
- print("Available TTS engines:")
- for i, engine in enumerate(available_engines, start=1):
- print("%d. %s" % (i, engine.SLUG))
- print("")
- print("Disabled TTS engines:")
- for i, engine in enumerate(disabled_engines, start=1):
- print("%d. %s" % (i, engine.SLUG))
- print("")
- for i, engine in enumerate(available_engines, start=1):
- print("%d. Testing engine '%s'..." % (i, engine.SLUG))
- engine.get_instance().say("This is a test.")
- print("Done.")