Python | 563 lines | 451 code | 46 blank | 66 comment | 55 complexity | e3bbe2ddbf5f6f6d722a70ae86c470f0 MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8-*-
- """
- Iterates over all the WORDS variables in the modules and creates a
- vocabulary for the respective stt_engine if needed.
- """
- import os
- import tempfile
- import logging
- import hashlib
- import subprocess
- import tarfile
- import re
- import contextlib
- import shutil
- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
- import yaml
- import brain
- import jasperpath
- from g2p import PhonetisaurusG2P
- try:
- import cmuclmtk
- except ImportError:
- logging.getLogger(__name__).error("Error importing CMUCLMTK module. " +
- "PocketsphinxVocabulary will not work " +
- "correctly.", exc_info=True)
- class AbstractVocabulary(object):
- """
- Abstract base class for Vocabulary classes.
- Please note that subclasses have to implement the compile_vocabulary()
- method and set a string as the PATH_PREFIX class attribute.
- """
- __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
- @classmethod
- def phrases_to_revision(cls, phrases):
- """
- Calculates a revision from phrases by using the SHA1 hash function.
- Arguments:
- phrases -- a list of phrases
- Returns:
- A revision string for given phrases.
- """
- sorted_phrases = sorted(phrases)
- joined_phrases = '\n'.join(sorted_phrases)
- sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
- sha1.update(joined_phrases)
- return sha1.hexdigest()
- def __init__(self, name='default', path='.'):
- """
- Initializes a new Vocabulary instance.
- Optional Arguments:
- name -- (optional) the name of the vocabulary (Default: 'default')
- path -- (optional) the path in which the vocabulary exists or will
- be created (Default: '.')
- """
- self.name = name
- self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, self.PATH_PREFIX, name))
- self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- @property
- def revision_file(self):
- """
- Returns:
- The path of the the revision file as string
- """
- return os.path.join(self.path, 'revision')
- @abstractproperty
- def is_compiled(self):
- """
- Checks if the vocabulary is compiled by checking if the revision file
- is readable. This method should be overridden by subclasses to check
- for class-specific additional files, too.
- Returns:
- True if the dictionary is compiled, else False
- """
- return os.access(self.revision_file, os.R_OK)
- @property
- def compiled_revision(self):
- """
- Reads the compiled revision from the revision file.
- Returns:
- the revision of this vocabulary (i.e. the string
- inside the revision file), or None if is_compiled
- if False
- """
- if not self.is_compiled:
- return None
- with open(self.revision_file, 'r') as f:
- revision = f.read().strip()
- self._logger.debug("compiled_revision is '%s'", revision)
- return revision
- def matches_phrases(self, phrases):
- """
- Convenience method to check if this vocabulary exactly contains the
- phrases passed to this method.
- Arguments:
- phrases -- a list of phrases
- Returns:
- True if phrases exactly matches the phrases inside this
- vocabulary.
- """
- return (self.compiled_revision == self.phrases_to_revision(phrases))
- def compile(self, phrases, force=False):
- """
- Compiles this vocabulary. If the force argument is True, compilation
- will be forced regardless of necessity (which means that the
- preliminary check if the current revision already equals the
- revision after compilation will be skipped).
- This method is not meant to be overridden by subclasses - use the
- _compile_vocabulary()-method instead.
- Arguments:
- phrases -- a list of phrases that this vocabulary will contain
- force -- (optional) forces compilation (Default: False)
- Returns:
- The revision of the compiled vocabulary
- """
- revision = self.phrases_to_revision(phrases)
- if not force and self.compiled_revision == revision:
- self._logger.debug('Compilation not neccessary, compiled ' +
- 'version matches phrases.')
- return revision
- if not os.path.exists(self.path):
- self._logger.debug("Vocabulary dir '%s' does not exist, " +
- "creating...", self.path)
- try:
- os.makedirs(self.path)
- except OSError:
- self._logger.error("Couldn't create vocabulary dir '%s'",
- self.path, exc_info=True)
- raise
- try:
- with open(self.revision_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(revision)
- except (OSError, IOError):
- self._logger.error("Couldn't write revision file in '%s'",
- self.revision_file, exc_info=True)
- raise
- else:
- self._logger.info('Starting compilation...')
- try:
- self._compile_vocabulary(phrases)
- except Exception as e:
- self._logger.error("Fatal compilation Error occured, " +
- "cleaning up...", exc_info=True)
- try:
- os.remove(self.revision_file)
- except OSError:
- pass
- raise e
- else:
- self._logger.info('Compilation done.')
- return revision
- @abstractmethod
- def _compile_vocabulary(self, phrases):
- """
- Abstract method that should be overridden in subclasses with custom
- compilation code.
- Arguments:
- phrases -- a list of phrases that this vocabulary will contain
- """
- class DummyVocabulary(AbstractVocabulary):
- PATH_PREFIX = 'dummy-vocabulary'
- @property
- def is_compiled(self):
- """
- Checks if the vocabulary is compiled by checking if the revision
- file is readable.
- Returns:
- True if this vocabulary has been compiled, else False
- """
- return super(self.__class__, self).is_compiled
- def _compile_vocabulary(self, phrases):
- """
- Does nothing (because this is a dummy class for testing purposes).
- """
- pass
- class PocketsphinxVocabulary(AbstractVocabulary):
- PATH_PREFIX = 'pocketsphinx-vocabulary'
- @property
- def languagemodel_file(self):
- """
- Returns:
- The path of the the pocketsphinx languagemodel file as string
- """
- return os.path.join(self.path, 'languagemodel')
- @property
- def dictionary_file(self):
- """
- Returns:
- The path of the pocketsphinx dictionary file as string
- """
- return os.path.join(self.path, 'dictionary')
- @property
- def is_compiled(self):
- """
- Checks if the vocabulary is compiled by checking if the revision,
- languagemodel and dictionary files are readable.
- Returns:
- True if this vocabulary has been compiled, else False
- """
- return (super(self.__class__, self).is_compiled and
- os.access(self.languagemodel_file, os.R_OK) and
- os.access(self.dictionary_file, os.R_OK))
- @property
- def decoder_kwargs(self):
- """
- Convenience property to use this Vocabulary with the __init__() method
- of the pocketsphinx.Decoder class.
- Returns:
- A dict containing kwargs for the pocketsphinx.Decoder.__init__()
- method.
- Example:
- decoder = pocketsphinx.Decoder(**vocab_instance.decoder_kwargs,
- hmm='/path/to/hmm')
- """
- return {'lm': self.languagemodel_file, 'dict': self.dictionary_file}
- def _compile_vocabulary(self, phrases):
- """
- Compiles the vocabulary to the Pocketsphinx format by creating a
- languagemodel and a dictionary.
- Arguments:
- phrases -- a list of phrases that this vocabulary will contain
- """
- text = " ".join([("<s> %s </s>" % phrase) for phrase in phrases])
- self._logger.debug('Compiling languagemodel...')
- vocabulary = self._compile_languagemodel(text, self.languagemodel_file)
- self._logger.debug('Starting dictionary...')
- self._compile_dictionary(vocabulary, self.dictionary_file)
- def _compile_languagemodel(self, text, output_file):
- """
- Compiles the languagemodel from a text.
- Arguments:
- text -- the text the languagemodel will be generated from
- output_file -- the path of the file this languagemodel will
- be written to
- Returns:
- A list of all unique words this vocabulary contains.
- """
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.vocab', delete=False) as f:
- vocab_file = f.name
- # Create vocab file from text
- self._logger.debug("Creating vocab file: '%s'", vocab_file)
- cmuclmtk.text2vocab(text, vocab_file)
- # Create language model from text
- self._logger.debug("Creating languagemodel file: '%s'", output_file)
- cmuclmtk.text2lm(text, output_file, vocab_file=vocab_file)
- # Get words from vocab file
- self._logger.debug("Getting words from vocab file and removing it " +
- "afterwards...")
- words = []
- with open(vocab_file, 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip()
- if not line.startswith('#') and line not in ('<s>', '</s>'):
- words.append(line)
- os.remove(vocab_file)
- return words
- def _compile_dictionary(self, words, output_file):
- """
- Compiles the dictionary from a list of words.
- Arguments:
- words -- a list of all unique words this vocabulary contains
- output_file -- the path of the file this dictionary will
- be written to
- """
- # create the dictionary
- self._logger.debug("Getting phonemes for %d words...", len(words))
- g2pconverter = PhonetisaurusG2P(**PhonetisaurusG2P.get_config())
- phonemes = g2pconverter.translate(words)
- self._logger.debug("Creating dict file: '%s'", output_file)
- with open(output_file, "w") as f:
- for word, pronounciations in phonemes.items():
- for i, pronounciation in enumerate(pronounciations, start=1):
- if i == 1:
- line = "%s\t%s\n" % (word, pronounciation)
- else:
- line = "%s(%d)\t%s\n" % (word, i, pronounciation)
- f.write(line)
- class JuliusVocabulary(AbstractVocabulary):
- class VoxForgeLexicon(object):
- def __init__(self, fname, membername=None):
- self._dict = {}
- self.parse(fname, membername)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def open_dict(self, fname, membername=None):
- if tarfile.is_tarfile(fname):
- if not membername:
- raise ValueError('archive membername not set!')
- tf = tarfile.open(fname)
- f = tf.extractfile(membername)
- yield f
- f.close()
- tf.close()
- else:
- with open(fname) as f:
- yield f
- def parse(self, fname, membername=None):
- pattern = re.compile(r'\[(.+)\]\W(.+)')
- with self.open_dict(fname, membername=membername) as f:
- for line in f:
- matchobj = pattern.search(line)
- if matchobj:
- word, phoneme = [x.strip() for x in matchobj.groups()]
- if word in self._dict:
- self._dict[word].append(phoneme)
- else:
- self._dict[word] = [phoneme]
- def translate_word(self, word):
- if word in self._dict:
- return self._dict[word]
- else:
- return []
- PATH_PREFIX = 'julius-vocabulary'
- @property
- def dfa_file(self):
- """
- Returns:
- The path of the the julius dfa file as string
- """
- return os.path.join(self.path, 'dfa')
- @property
- def dict_file(self):
- """
- Returns:
- The path of the the julius dict file as string
- """
- return os.path.join(self.path, 'dict')
- @property
- def is_compiled(self):
- return (super(self.__class__, self).is_compiled and
- os.access(self.dfa_file, os.R_OK) and
- os.access(self.dict_file, os.R_OK))
- def _get_grammar(self, phrases):
- return {'S': [['NS_B', 'WORD_LOOP', 'NS_E']],
- 'WORD_LOOP': [['WORD_LOOP', 'WORD'], ['WORD']]}
- def _get_word_defs(self, lexicon, phrases):
- word_defs = {'NS_B': [('<s>', 'sil')],
- 'NS_E': [('</s>', 'sil')],
- 'WORD': []}
- words = []
- for phrase in phrases:
- if ' ' in phrase:
- for word in phrase.split(' '):
- words.append(word)
- else:
- words.append(phrase)
- for word in words:
- for phoneme in lexicon.translate_word(word):
- word_defs['WORD'].append((word, phoneme))
- return word_defs
- def _compile_vocabulary(self, phrases):
- prefix = 'jasper'
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- lexicon_file = jasperpath.data('julius-stt', 'VoxForge.tgz')
- lexicon_archive_member = 'VoxForge/VoxForgeDict'
- profile_path = jasperpath.config('profile.yml')
- if os.path.exists(profile_path):
- with open(profile_path, 'r') as f:
- profile = yaml.safe_load(f)
- if 'julius' in profile:
- if 'lexicon' in profile['julius']:
- lexicon_file = profile['julius']['lexicon']
- if 'lexicon_archive_member' in profile['julius']:
- lexicon_archive_member = \
- profile['julius']['lexicon_archive_member']
- lexicon = JuliusVocabulary.VoxForgeLexicon(lexicon_file,
- lexicon_archive_member)
- # Create grammar file
- tmp_grammar_file = os.path.join(tmpdir,
- os.extsep.join([prefix, 'grammar']))
- with open(tmp_grammar_file, 'w') as f:
- grammar = self._get_grammar(phrases)
- for definition in grammar.pop('S'):
- f.write("%s: %s\n" % ('S', ' '.join(definition)))
- for name, definitions in grammar.items():
- for definition in definitions:
- f.write("%s: %s\n" % (name, ' '.join(definition)))
- # Create voca file
- tmp_voca_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.extsep.join([prefix, 'voca']))
- with open(tmp_voca_file, 'w') as f:
- for category, words in self._get_word_defs(lexicon,
- phrases).items():
- f.write("%% %s\n" % category)
- for word, phoneme in words:
- f.write("%s\t\t\t%s\n" % (word, phoneme))
- # mkdfa.pl
- olddir = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(tmpdir)
- cmd = ['mkdfa.pl', str(prefix)]
- with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as out_f:
- subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=out_f, stderr=out_f)
- out_f.seek(0)
- for line in out_f.read().splitlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line:
- self._logger.debug(line)
- os.chdir(olddir)
- tmp_dfa_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.extsep.join([prefix, 'dfa']))
- tmp_dict_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.extsep.join([prefix, 'dict']))
- shutil.move(tmp_dfa_file, self.dfa_file)
- shutil.move(tmp_dict_file, self.dict_file)
- shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
- def get_phrases_from_module(module):
- """
- Gets phrases from a module.
- Arguments:
- module -- a module reference
- Returns:
- The list of phrases in this module.
- """
- return module.WORDS if hasattr(module, 'WORDS') else []
- def get_keyword_phrases():
- """
- Gets the keyword phrases from the keywords file in the jasper data dir.
- Returns:
- A list of keyword phrases.
- """
- phrases = []
- with open(jasperpath.data('keyword_phrases'), mode="r") as f:
- for line in f:
- phrase = line.strip()
- if phrase:
- phrases.append(phrase)
- return phrases
- def get_all_phrases():
- """
- Gets phrases from all modules.
- Returns:
- A list of phrases in all modules plus additional phrases passed to this
- function.
- """
- phrases = []
- modules = brain.Brain.get_modules()
- for module in modules:
- phrases.extend(get_phrases_from_module(module))
- return sorted(list(set(phrases)))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Vocabcompiler Demo')
- parser.add_argument('--base-dir', action='store',
- help='the directory in which the vocabulary will be ' +
- 'compiled.')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
- help='show debug messages')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)
- base_dir = args.base_dir if args.base_dir else tempfile.mkdtemp()
- phrases = get_all_phrases()
- print("Module phrases: %r" % phrases)
- for subclass in AbstractVocabulary.__subclasses__():
- if hasattr(subclass, 'PATH_PREFIX'):
- vocab = subclass(path=base_dir)
- print("Vocabulary in: %s" % vocab.path)
- print("Revision file: %s" % vocab.revision_file)
- print("Compiled revision: %s" % vocab.compiled_revision)
- print("Is compiled: %r" % vocab.is_compiled)
- print("Matches phrases: %r" % vocab.matches_phrases(phrases))
- if not vocab.is_compiled or not vocab.matches_phrases(phrases):
- print("Compiling...")
- vocab.compile(phrases)
- print("")
- print("Vocabulary in: %s" % vocab.path)
- print("Revision file: %s" % vocab.revision_file)
- print("Compiled revision: %s" % vocab.compiled_revision)
- print("Is compiled: %r" % vocab.is_compiled)
- print("Matches phrases: %r" % vocab.matches_phrases(phrases))
- print("")
- if not args.base_dir:
- print("Removing temporary directory '%s'..." % base_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(base_dir)