Python | 759 lines | 725 code | 24 blank | 10 comment | 15 complexity | 2bad40830ed9a6aaac447dbd66ed12f7 MD5 | raw file
- """
- TIM example plugin: a tableFormndrome checker.
- """
- import json
- from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict, field
- from typing import Any, TypedDict, Sequence
- from flask import render_template_string, Response
- from marshmallow.utils import missing
- from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
- from webargs.flaskparser import use_args
- from timApp.auth.accesshelper import get_doc_or_abort, AccessDenied
- from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import get_current_user_object
- from timApp.document.docinfo import DocInfo
- from timApp.document.timjsonencoder import TimJsonEncoder
- from timApp.document.usercontext import UserContext
- from timApp.document.viewcontext import ViewRoute, ViewContext
- from timApp.item.block import Block
- from timApp.item.tag import Tag, TagType, GROUP_TAG_PREFIX
- from timApp.plugin.jsrunner import jsrunner_run, JsRunnerParams, JsRunnerError
- from timApp.plugin.plugin import (
- find_plugin_from_document,
- TaskNotFoundException,
- Plugin,
- )
- from timApp.plugin.tableform.comparatorFilter import RegexOrComparator
- from timApp.plugin.taskid import TaskId
- from timApp.sisu.parse_display_name import parse_sisu_group_display_name
- from timApp.sisu.sisu import get_potential_groups
- from timApp.tim_app import csrf
- from timApp.user.user import User, get_membership_end, get_membership_added
- from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup
- from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import (
- RouteException,
- use_model,
- view_ctx_with_urlmacros,
- NotExist,
- )
- from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import csv_string, json_response, text_response
- from timApp.util.get_fields import (
- get_fields_and_users,
- MembershipFilter,
- UserFields,
- RequestedGroups,
- GetFieldsAccess,
- )
- from timApp.util.utils import fin_timezone
- from tim_common.markupmodels import GenericMarkupModel
- from tim_common.marshmallow_dataclass import class_schema
- from tim_common.pluginserver_flask import (
- GenericHtmlModel,
- GenericAnswerModel,
- create_blueprint,
- value_or_default,
- PluginAnswerResp,
- PluginAnswerWeb,
- PluginReqs,
- EditorTab,
- )
- from tim_common.utils import Missing
- @dataclass
- class TableFormStateModel:
- """Model for the information that is stored in TIM database for each answer."""
- # TODO: Save user given table layouts like in timTable
- @dataclass
- class DataViewVirtualScrollingModel:
- enabled: bool | None = True
- verticalOverflow: int | Missing = missing
- horizontalOverflow: int | Missing = missing
- @dataclass
- class DataViewSettingsModel:
- virtual: DataViewVirtualScrollingModel | Missing | None = missing
- rowHeight: int | Missing = missing
- columnWidths: dict[str, int] | Missing = missing
- tableWidth: str | Missing = missing
- fixedColumns: int | Missing = missing
- @dataclass
- class RunScriptModel:
- script: str | None = None
- button: str | None = None
- all: bool | None = None
- update: bool | None = None
- interval: int | None = None
- @dataclass
- class TableFormMarkupModel(GenericMarkupModel):
- anonNames: bool | Missing = missing
- autosave: bool | Missing = missing
- autoUpdateFields: bool | Missing = True
- autoUpdateTables: bool | Missing = True
- cbColumn: bool | Missing | None = missing
- dataCollection: str | Missing | None = missing
- emails: bool | Missing = missing
- addedDates: bool | Missing = missing
- emailUsersButtonText: str | Missing | None = missing
- filterRow: bool | Missing | None = missing
- fixedColor: str | Missing | None = missing
- fontSize: str | Missing | None = missing
- forceUpdateButtonText: str | Missing | None = missing
- groups: list[str] | Missing = missing
- hiddenColumns: list[int] | Missing | None = missing
- hiddenRows: list[int] | Missing | None = missing
- hide: dict[Any, Any] | Missing | None = missing
- hideButtonText: str | Missing | None = missing
- includeUsers: MembershipFilter = field(
- default=MembershipFilter.Current, metadata={"by_value": True}
- )
- lockedFields: list[str] | Missing = missing
- maxCols: str | Missing | None = missing
- maxRows: str | Missing | None = missing
- maxWidth: str | Missing = missing
- minWidth: str | Missing | None = missing
- nrColumn: bool | Missing | None = missing
- charRow: bool | Missing | None = missing
- open: bool | Missing = True
- openButtonText: str | Missing | None = missing
- realnames: bool | Missing = missing
- removeDocIds: bool | Missing = True
- removeUsersButtonText: str | Missing | None = missing
- report: bool | Missing = missing
- reportButton: str | Missing | None = missing
- reportFilter: str | Missing | None = missing
- runScripts: list[str | RunScriptModel] | Missing = missing
- saveStyles: bool | Missing = True
- separator: str | Missing | None = missing
- showToolbar: bool | Missing | None = missing
- singleLine: bool | Missing | None = missing
- sisugroups: str | Missing = missing
- sortBy: str | Missing | None = missing
- table: bool | Missing = missing
- toolbarTemplates: list[dict[Any, Any]] | Missing = missing
- userListButtonText: str | Missing | None = missing
- usernames: bool | Missing = missing
- dataView: DataViewSettingsModel | Missing | None = missing
- TableFormMarkupSchema = class_schema(TableFormMarkupModel)
- @dataclass
- class TableFormInputModel:
- """Model for the information that is sent from browser (plugin AngularJS component)."""
- replyRows: dict[int, Any]
- nosave: bool | Missing = missing
- def get_sisu_group_desc_for_table(g: UserGroup) -> str:
- p = parse_sisu_group_display_name(g.display_name)
- assert p is not None
- if g.external_id.is_studysubgroup:
- return p.desc
- # We want the most important groups to be at the top of the table.
- # The '(' at the beginning changes the sort order.
- return f"({p.desc})"
- def get_sisugroups(user: User, sisu_id: str | None) -> "TableFormObj":
- gs = get_potential_groups(user, sisu_id)
- docs_with_course_tag = (
- Tag.query.filter_by(type=TagType.CourseCode)
- .with_entities(Tag.block_id)
- .subquery()
- )
- tags = (
- Tag.query.filter(
- Tag.name.in_([GROUP_TAG_PREFIX + g.name for g in gs])
- & Tag.block_id.in_(docs_with_course_tag)
- )
- .options(joinedload(Tag.block).joinedload(Block.docentries))
- .all()
- )
- tag_map = {t.name[len(GROUP_TAG_PREFIX) :]: t for t in tags}
- def get_course_page(ug: UserGroup) -> str | None:
- t: Tag | None = tag_map.get(ug.name)
- if t:
- return f'<a href="{t.block.docentries[0].url_relative}">URL</a>'
- else:
- return None
- return TableFormObj(
- rows={
- g.external_id.external_id: {
- "TIM-nimi": g.name,
- "URL": f'<a href="{g.admin_doc.docentries[0].url_relative}">URL</a>'
- if g.admin_doc
- else None,
- "Jäseniä": len(g.current_memberships),
- "Kurssisivu": get_course_page(g),
- }
- for g in gs
- },
- users={
- g.external_id.external_id: TableFormUserInfo(
- real_name=get_sisu_group_desc_for_table(g)
- if sisu_id
- else g.display_name,
- # The rows are not supposed to match any real user when handling sisu groups,
- # so we try to use an id value that does not match anyone.
- id=-100000,
- email="",
- )
- for g in gs
- },
- fields=["Jäseniä", "TIM-nimi", "URL", "Kurssisivu"],
- aliases={
- "TIM-nimi": "TIM-nimi",
- "URL": "URL",
- "Jäseniä": "Jäseniä",
- "Kurssisivu": "Kurssisivu",
- },
- styles={g.external_id.external_id: {} for g in gs},
- membership_add={},
- membership_end={},
- )
- @dataclass
- class TableFormHtmlModel(
- GenericHtmlModel[TableFormInputModel, TableFormMarkupModel, TableFormStateModel]
- ):
- def get_component_html_name(self) -> str:
- return "tableform-runner"
- def show_in_view_default(self) -> bool:
- return False
- def get_json_encoder(self) -> type[TimJsonEncoder]:
- return TimJsonEncoder
- def get_static_html(self) -> str:
- return render_static_table_form(self)
- def get_browser_json(self) -> dict:
- r = super().get_browser_json()
- if self.markup.open:
- doc_id = TaskId.parse_doc_id(self.taskID)
- d = get_doc_or_abort(doc_id)
- user = User.get_by_name(self.current_user_id)
- assert user is not None
- if isinstance(self.markup.sisugroups, str):
- f = get_sisugroups(user, self.markup.sisugroups)
- else:
- f = tableform_get_fields(
- value_or_default(self.markup.fields, []),
- value_or_default(self.markup.groups, []),
- d,
- user,
- ViewContext(
- ViewRoute.View if self.viewmode else ViewRoute.Teacher,
- self.preview,
- ),
- value_or_default(self.markup.removeDocIds, True),
- value_or_default(self.markup.showInView, False),
- group_filter_type=self.markup.includeUsers,
- )
- r = {**r, **f}
- return r
- @dataclass
- class TableFormAnswerModel(
- GenericAnswerModel[TableFormInputModel, TableFormMarkupModel, TableFormStateModel]
- ):
- pass
- def render_static_table_form(m: TableFormHtmlModel) -> str:
- return render_template_string(
- """
- <div class="tableform">
- <button class="timButton">
- Avaa Taulukko/Raporttinäkymä
- </button>
- </div>
- <br>
- """,
- **asdict(m.markup),
- )
- @dataclass
- class GenerateCSVModel:
- docId: int
- fields: list[str]
- groups: list[str]
- separator: str
- userFilter: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
- usernames: bool | Missing = True
- realnames: bool | Missing = missing
- removeDocIds: bool | Missing = missing
- emails: bool | Missing = missing
- reportFilter: str | Missing = missing
- filterFields: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
- filterValues: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
- GenerateCSVSchema = class_schema(GenerateCSVModel)
- class TableformAnswerResp(PluginAnswerResp):
- savedata: list[dict[str, Any]]
- def answer(args: TableFormAnswerModel) -> PluginAnswerResp:
- rows = args.input.replyRows
- save_rows = []
- for uid, r in rows.items():
- save_rows.append({"user": uid, "fields": r})
- web: PluginAnswerWeb = {}
- result: TableformAnswerResp = {"web": web, "savedata": save_rows}
- web["result"] = "saved"
- return result
- def reqs() -> PluginReqs:
- templates = [
- """
- ``` {#tableForm_table plugin="tableForm"}
- # showInView: true # Add attribute to show the plugin in normal view
- groups:
- # - "*" # show all users who have some value on any of fields
- - Group Name # Use Group Name here
- fields:
- - d1=demo1 # List your fields here, = for alias
- table: true
- report: true
- openButtonText: Avaa taulukko # text for open the table if closed as default
- hideButtonText: Sulje taulukko # tex for closing the table
- open: true # use false if table is big and you do not want it open automatically
- autosave: true # save fields automatically
- maxRows: 40em # max height for the table before scrollbar
- realnames: true # Show full name in 2nd column, true or false
- usernames: false # Show user name column
- emails: false # Show email column
- addedDates: false # Show the date the user was added
- #buttonText: Tallenna # Name your save button here
- cbColumn: true # show checkboxes
- nrColumn: true # show numbers
- # maxRows: 40em # Hiw long is the table
- # maxCols: fit-content # width of the table
- # maxWidth: 30em # max for column
- filterRow: true # show filters
- singleLine: true # show every line as a single line
- emailUsersButtonText: "Lähetä sähköpostia valituille" # if one wants to send email
- separator: ";" # Define your value separator here, ";" as default
- anonNames: false # To show or hide user (and full) names in report, true or false
- reportButton: "Raportti"
- userListButtonText: "Käyttäjälista"
- showToolbar: true # toolbar for editing the table
- # hiddenColumns: [0,1] # which colums are hidden
- # forceUpdateButtonText: "Virkistä" # button for refreshing the table
- #dataView: # uncomment this if table is big or want to use special properties
- # tableWidth: 90vw
- # virtual:
- # enabled: true # toggles virtual mode on or off; default true
- # fixedColumns: 1 # how many not scrolling columns in left
- ```"""
- ]
- editor_tabs: list[EditorTab] = [
- {
- "text": "Fields",
- "items": [
- {
- "text": "Tables",
- "items": [
- {
- "data": templates[0].strip(),
- "text": "Table and report",
- "expl": "Form a table for editing forms, that can be converted to report",
- },
- ],
- },
- ],
- },
- ]
- return {
- "js": ["tableForm"],
- "multihtml": True,
- "editor_tabs": editor_tabs,
- }
- tableForm_plugin = create_blueprint(
- __name__,
- "tableForm",
- TableFormHtmlModel,
- TableFormAnswerModel,
- answer,
- reqs,
- csrf,
- )
- def check_field_filtering(
- r_filter: RegexOrComparator | None, target: str | float | None
- ) -> bool:
- if r_filter is None:
- return True
- return r_filter.is_match(target)
- @tableForm_plugin.get("/generateCSV")
- @use_args(GenerateCSVSchema())
- def gen_csv(args: GenerateCSVModel) -> Response | str:
- """
- Generates a report defined by tableForm attributes
- # TODO: generic, move
- :return: CSV containing headerrow and rows for users and values
- """
- curr_user = get_current_user_object()
- (
- docid,
- groups,
- separator,
- show_real_names,
- show_user_names,
- show_emails,
- remove_doc_ids,
- fields,
- user_filter,
- filter_fields,
- filter_values,
- ) = (
- args.docId,
- args.groups,
- args.separator,
- args.realnames,
- args.usernames,
- args.emails,
- args.removeDocIds,
- args.fields,
- args.userFilter,
- args.filterFields,
- args.filterValues,
- )
- if len(separator) > 1:
- # TODO: Add support >1 char strings like in Korppi
- return "Only 1-character string separators supported for now"
- doc = get_doc_or_abort(docid)
- if not isinstance(remove_doc_ids, bool):
- remove_doc_ids = True
- view_ctx = view_ctx_with_urlmacros(ViewRoute.Unknown)
- r = tableform_get_fields(
- fields,
- groups,
- doc,
- curr_user,
- view_ctx,
- remove_doc_ids,
- allow_non_teacher=True,
- user_filter=user_filter,
- # TODO: group_filter_type=self.markup.includeUsers,
- )
- data: list[list[str | float | None]] = [[]]
- if show_real_names:
- data[0].append("Real name")
- if show_user_names:
- data[0].append("Username")
- if show_emails:
- data[0].append("email")
- tmp: Sequence[str | float | None] = r["fields"]
- data[0] = data[0] + list(tmp)
- if len(filter_fields) != len(filter_values):
- raise RouteException("Filter targets and filter values do not match")
- # TODO: Check if filters could be easily integrated to original query in get_fields_and_users
- regs = {}
- # TODO: Create ComparatorFilters
- try:
- for i, f in enumerate(filter_fields):
- reg = RegexOrComparator(filter_values[i])
- if reg:
- regs[f] = reg
- except IndexError:
- raise RouteException("Too many filters")
- for rowkey, row in sorted(r["rows"].items()):
- row_data: list[str | float | None] = []
- u = r["users"].get(rowkey)
- if show_real_names:
- if u is None:
- continue
- val = u.get("real_name")
- row_data.append(val)
- if not check_field_filtering(regs.get("realname"), val):
- continue
- if show_user_names:
- val = rowkey
- row_data.append(val)
- if not check_field_filtering(regs.get("username"), val):
- continue
- if show_emails:
- if u is None:
- continue
- val = u.get("email")
- row_data.append(val)
- if not check_field_filtering(regs.get("email"), val):
- continue
- filter_this_row = False
- for i, _field in enumerate(r["fields"]):
- v = row.get(_field)
- row_data.append(v)
- if not check_field_filtering(regs.get(_field), v):
- filter_this_row = True
- break
- if filter_this_row:
- continue
- data.append(row_data)
- csv = csv_string(data, "excel", separator)
- output = ""
- if isinstance(args.reportFilter, str) and args.reportFilter:
- params = JsRunnerParams(code=args.reportFilter, data=csv)
- try:
- csv, output = jsrunner_run(params)
- except JsRunnerError as e:
- raise RouteException("Error in JavaScript: " + str(e)) from e
- return text_response(output + csv)
- """
- # This did not work because if code is just return data; then it is not identical when returned
- if args.reportFilter:
- params = {'code': args.reportFilter, 'data': data}
- data, output = jsrunner_run(params)
- return csv_response(data, 'excel', separator)
- """
- @dataclass
- class FetchTableDataModel:
- taskid: str
- @tableForm_plugin.get("/fetchTableData")
- @use_model(FetchTableDataModel)
- def fetch_rows(m: FetchTableDataModel) -> Response:
- curr_user = get_current_user_object()
- tid = TaskId.parse(m.taskid, require_doc_id=True, allow_block_hint=False)
- assert tid.doc_id is not None
- doc = get_doc_or_abort(tid.doc_id)
- doc.document.insert_preamble_pars()
- view_ctx = view_ctx_with_urlmacros(ViewRoute.Unknown)
- try:
- plug = find_plugin_from_document(
- doc.document, tid, UserContext.from_one_user(curr_user), view_ctx
- )
- except TaskNotFoundException:
- raise NotExist(f"Table not found: {tid}")
- markup = load_tableform_markup(plug)
- include_users = markup.includeUsers
- fields = markup.fields
- if not isinstance(fields, list):
- fields = []
- groups = markup.groups
- if not isinstance(groups, list):
- groups = []
- r = tableform_get_fields(
- fields,
- groups,
- doc,
- curr_user,
- view_ctx,
- value_or_default(markup.removeDocIds, True),
- value_or_default(markup.showInView, False),
- group_filter_type=include_users,
- )
- return json_response(r)
- def load_tableform_markup(plug: Plugin) -> TableFormMarkupModel:
- model: TableFormMarkupModel = TableFormMarkupSchema().load(plug.values)
- return model
- @dataclass
- class FetchTableDataModelPreview(FetchTableDataModel):
- fields: list[str]
- groups: list[str]
- removeDocIds: bool = True
- @tableForm_plugin.get("/fetchTableDataPreview")
- @use_model(FetchTableDataModelPreview)
- def fetch_rows_preview(m: FetchTableDataModelPreview) -> Response:
- curr_user = get_current_user_object()
- tid = TaskId.parse(m.taskid, require_doc_id=False, allow_block_hint=False)
- assert tid.doc_id is not None
- doc = get_doc_or_abort(tid.doc_id)
- doc.document.insert_preamble_pars()
- # With this route we can't be certain about showInView so we just check for edit access
- # whoever can open the plugin in preview should have that right
- if not curr_user.has_edit_access(doc):
- raise AccessDenied(f"Missing edit access for document {doc.id}")
- view_ctx = view_ctx_with_urlmacros(ViewRoute.Unknown)
- r = tableform_get_fields(
- m.fields,
- m.groups,
- doc,
- curr_user,
- view_ctx,
- m.removeDocIds,
- allow_non_teacher=True
- # TODO: group_filter_type = plug.values.get("includeUsers"),
- )
- return json_response(r)
- @dataclass
- class UpdateFieldsModel:
- taskid: str
- fields: list[str]
- @tableForm_plugin.get("/updateFields")
- @use_model(UpdateFieldsModel)
- def update_fields(m: UpdateFieldsModel) -> Response:
- r: dict[str, Any] = {}
- fields_to_update = m.fields
- taskid = m.taskid
- tid = TaskId.parse(taskid, require_doc_id=True, allow_block_hint=False)
- assert tid.doc_id is not None
- doc = get_doc_or_abort(tid.doc_id)
- curr_user = get_current_user_object()
- view_ctx = view_ctx_with_urlmacros(ViewRoute.Unknown)
- try:
- plug = find_plugin_from_document(
- doc.document, tid, UserContext.from_one_user(curr_user), view_ctx
- )
- except TaskNotFoundException:
- raise NotExist(f"Table not found: {tid}")
- markup = load_tableform_markup(plug)
- groupnames = markup.groups
- if not isinstance(groupnames, list):
- groupnames = []
- fielddata, _, field_names, _ = get_fields_and_users(
- fields_to_update,
- RequestedGroups.from_name_list(groupnames),
- doc,
- curr_user,
- view_ctx,
- value_or_default(markup.removeDocIds, True),
- add_missing_fields=True,
- access_option=GetFieldsAccess.from_bool(
- value_or_default(markup.showInView, False)
- ),
- )
- rows = {}
- styles = {}
- for f in fielddata:
- username = f["user"].name
- rows[username] = dict(f["fields"])
- for key, content in rows[username].items():
- if type(content) is dict:
- rows[username][key] = json.dumps(content)
- styles[username] = dict(f["styles"])
- r["rows"] = rows
- r["styles"] = styles
- r["fields"] = field_names
- return json_response(r)
- class TableFormUserInfo(TypedDict):
- id: int
- real_name: str
- email: str
- class TableFormObj(TypedDict):
- rows: dict[str, UserFields]
- users: dict[str, TableFormUserInfo]
- membership_add: dict[str, str | None]
- membership_end: dict[str, str | None]
- fields: list[str]
- aliases: dict[str, str]
- styles: dict[str, dict[str, str | None]]
- def tableform_get_fields(
- flds: list[str],
- groupnames: list[str],
- doc: DocInfo,
- curr_user: User,
- view_ctx: ViewContext,
- remove_doc_ids: bool,
- allow_non_teacher: bool,
- group_filter_type: MembershipFilter = MembershipFilter.Current,
- user_filter: list[str] | None = None,
- ) -> TableFormObj:
- fielddata, aliases, field_names, groups = get_fields_and_users(
- flds,
- RequestedGroups.from_name_list(groupnames),
- doc,
- curr_user,
- view_ctx,
- remove_doc_ids,
- add_missing_fields=True,
- access_option=GetFieldsAccess.from_bool(allow_non_teacher),
- member_filter_type=group_filter_type,
- user_filter=User.name.in_(user_filter) if user_filter else None,
- )
- rows = {}
- users: dict[str, TableFormUserInfo] = {}
- styles = {}
- group_ids = {g.id for g in groups} if groups else None
- membership_add_map: dict[str, str | None] = {}
- membership_end_map: dict[str, str | None] = {}
- for f in fielddata:
- u: User = f["user"]
- username = u.name
- rows[username] = dict(f["fields"])
- for key, content in rows[username].items():
- if type(content) is dict:
- rows[username][key] = json.dumps(content)
- rn = f["user"].real_name
- email = f["user"].email
- users[username] = TableFormUserInfo(
- id=u.id,
- real_name=rn if rn is not None else "",
- email=email if email is not None else "",
- )
- styles[username] = dict(f["styles"])
- if group_ids:
- if group_filter_type != MembershipFilter.Current:
- membership_end = get_membership_end(u, group_ids)
- membership_end_map[username] = (
- membership_end.astimezone(fin_timezone).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
- if membership_end
- else None
- )
- membership_added = get_membership_added(u, group_ids)
- membership_add_map[username] = (
- membership_added.astimezone(fin_timezone).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
- if membership_added
- else None
- )
- r = TableFormObj(
- rows=rows,
- users=users,
- membership_add=membership_add_map,
- membership_end=membership_end_map,
- fields=field_names,
- aliases=aliases,
- styles=styles,
- )
- return r