Python | 299 lines | 268 code | 24 blank | 7 comment | 19 complexity | 087f5404f9c49a72a90a76847619a8ef MD5 | raw file
- import os
- import tempfile
- import subprocess
- import json
- import re
- import socket
- import math
- import time
- from . import g, screen
- from .util import dbg, xenc, F
- from .config import Config
- from .paths import get_config_dir
- mswin = os.name == "nt"
- def _get_input_file():
- """ Check for existence of custom input file.
- Return file name of temp input file with mpsyt mappings included
- """
- confpath = conf = ''
- if "mpv" in Config.PLAYER.get:
- confpath = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "mpv-input.conf")
- elif "mplayer" in Config.PLAYER.get:
- confpath = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "mplayer-input.conf")
- if os.path.isfile(confpath):
- dbg("using %s for input key file", confpath)
- with open(confpath) as conffile:
- conf = conffile.read() + '\n'
- conf = conf.replace("quit", "quit 43")
- conf = conf.replace("playlist_prev", "quit 42")
- conf = conf.replace("pt_step -1", "quit 42")
- conf = conf.replace("playlist_next", "quit")
- conf = conf.replace("pt_step 1", "quit")
- standard_cmds = ['q quit 43\n', '> quit\n', '< quit 42\n', 'NEXT quit\n',
- 'PREV quit 42\n', 'ENTER quit\n']
- bound_keys = [i.split()[0] for i in conf.splitlines() if i.split()]
- for i in standard_cmds:
- key = i.split()[0]
- if key not in bound_keys:
- conf += i
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', prefix='mpsyt-input',
- delete=False) as tmpfile:
- tmpfile.write(conf)
- return tmpfile.name
- def launch_player(song, songdata, cmd):
- """ Launch player application. """
- # Fix UnicodeEncodeError when title has characters
- # not supported by encoding
- cmd = [xenc(i) for i in cmd]
- arturl = "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/%s/default.jpg" % song.ytid
- input_file = _get_input_file()
- sockpath = None
- fifopath = None
- try:
- if "mplayer" in Config.PLAYER.get:
- cmd.append('-input')
- if mswin:
- # Mplayer does not recognize path starting with drive letter,
- # or with backslashes as a delimiter.
- input_file = input_file[2:].replace('\\', '/')
- cmd.append('conf=' + input_file)
- if g.mprisctl:
- fifopath = tempfile.mktemp('.fifo', 'mpsyt-mplayer')
- os.mkfifo(fifopath)
- cmd.extend(['-input', 'file=' + fifopath])
- g.mprisctl.send(('mplayer-fifo', fifopath))
- g.mprisctl.send(('metadata', (song.ytid, song.title,
- song.length, arturl)))
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1)
- _player_status(p, songdata + "; ", song.length)
- returncode = p.wait()
- elif "mpv" in Config.PLAYER.get:
- cmd.append('--input-conf=' + input_file)
- if g.mpv_usesock:
- sockpath = tempfile.mktemp('.sock', 'mpsyt-mpv')
- cmd.append('--input-unix-socket=' + sockpath)
- with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stderr=devnull)
- if g.mprisctl:
- g.mprisctl.send(('socket', sockpath))
- g.mprisctl.send(('metadata', (song.ytid, song.title,
- song.length, arturl)))
- else:
- if g.mprisctl:
- fifopath = tempfile.mktemp('.fifo', 'mpsyt-mpv')
- os.mkfifo(fifopath)
- cmd.append('--input-file=' + fifopath)
- g.mprisctl.send(('mpv-fifo', fifopath))
- g.mprisctl.send(('metadata', (song.ytid, song.title,
- song.length, arturl)))
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- bufsize=1)
- _player_status(p, songdata + "; ", song.length, mpv=True,
- sockpath=sockpath)
- returncode = p.wait()
- else:
- with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
- returncode = subprocess.call(cmd, stderr=devnull)
- p = None
- return returncode
- except OSError:
- g.message = F('no player') % Config.PLAYER.get
- return None
- finally:
- os.unlink(input_file)
- # May not exist if mpv has not yet created the file
- if sockpath and os.path.exists(sockpath):
- os.unlink(sockpath)
- if fifopath:
- os.unlink(fifopath)
- if g.mprisctl:
- g.mprisctl.send(('stop', True))
- if p and p.poll() is None:
- p.terminate() # make sure to kill mplayer if mpsyt crashes
- def _player_status(po_obj, prefix, songlength=0, mpv=False, sockpath=None):
- """ Capture time progress from player output. Write status line. """
- # pylint: disable=R0914, R0912
- re_mplayer = re.compile(r"A:\s*(?P<elapsed_s>\d+)\.\d\s*")
- re_mpv = re.compile(r".{,15}AV?:\s*(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)")
- re_volume = re.compile(r"Volume:\s*(?P<volume>\d+)\s*%")
- re_player = re_mpv if mpv else re_mplayer
- last_displayed_line = None
- buff = ''
- volume_level = None
- last_pos = None
- if sockpath:
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)
- tries = 0
- while tries < 10 and po_obj.poll() is None:
- time.sleep(.5)
- try:
- s.connect(sockpath)
- break
- except socket.error:
- pass
- tries += 1
- else:
- return
- try:
- observe_full = False
- cmd = {"command": ["observe_property", 1, "time-pos"]}
- s.send(json.dumps(cmd).encode() + b'\n')
- volume_level = elapsed_s = None
- for line in s.makefile():
- resp = json.loads(line)
- # deals with bug in mpv 0.7 - 0.7.3
- if resp.get('event') == 'property-change' and not observe_full:
- cmd = {"command": ["observe_property", 2, "volume"]}
- s.send(json.dumps(cmd).encode() + b'\n')
- observe_full = True
- if resp.get('event') == 'property-change' and resp['id'] == 1:
- elapsed_s = int(resp['data'])
- elif resp.get('event') == 'property-change' and resp['id'] == 2:
- volume_level = int(resp['data'])
- if elapsed_s:
- line = _make_status_line(elapsed_s, prefix, songlength,
- volume=volume_level)
- if line != last_displayed_line:
- screen.writestatus(line)
- last_displayed_line = line
- except socket.error:
- pass
- else:
- elapsed_s = 0
- while po_obj.poll() is None:
- stdstream = po_obj.stderr if mpv else po_obj.stdout
- char = stdstream.read(1).decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
- if char in '\r\n':
- mv = re_volume.search(buff)
- if mv:
- volume_level = int(mv.group("volume"))
- match_object = re_player.match(buff)
- if match_object:
- try:
- h, m, s = map(int, match_object.groups())
- elapsed_s = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s
- except ValueError:
- try:
- elapsed_s = int(match_object.group('elapsed_s') or
- '0')
- except ValueError:
- continue
- line = _make_status_line(elapsed_s, prefix, songlength,
- volume=volume_level)
- if line != last_displayed_line:
- screen.writestatus(line)
- last_displayed_line = line
- if buff.startswith('ANS_volume='):
- volume_level = round(float(buff.split('=')[1]))
- paused = ("PAUSE" in buff) or ("Paused" in buff)
- if (elapsed_s != last_pos or paused) and g.mprisctl:
- last_pos = elapsed_s
- g.mprisctl.send(('pause', paused))
- g.mprisctl.send(('volume', volume_level))
- g.mprisctl.send(('time-pos', elapsed_s))
- buff = ''
- else:
- buff += char
- def _make_status_line(elapsed_s, prefix, songlength=0, volume=None):
- """ Format progress line output. """
- # pylint: disable=R0914
- display_s = elapsed_s
- display_h = display_m = 0
- if elapsed_s >= 60:
- display_m = display_s // 60
- display_s %= 60
- if display_m >= 100:
- display_h = display_m // 60
- display_m %= 60
- pct = (float(elapsed_s) / songlength * 100) if songlength else 0
- status_line = "%02i:%02i:%02i %s" % (
- display_h, display_m, display_s,
- ("[%.0f%%]" % pct).ljust(6)
- )
- if volume:
- vol_suffix = " vol: %d%%" % volume
- else:
- vol_suffix = ""
- cw = screen.getxy().width
- prog_bar_size = cw - len(prefix) - len(status_line) - len(vol_suffix) - 7
- progress = int(math.ceil(pct / 100 * prog_bar_size))
- status_line += " [%s]" % ("=" * (progress - 1) +
- ">").ljust(prog_bar_size, ' ')
- return prefix + status_line + vol_suffix