Python | 389 lines | 318 code | 28 blank | 43 comment | 16 complexity | 9f5c9acfd9899810991a91386d1bca39 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- # Example usages
- # python swift-recon.py replication --ring-type account
- # python swift-recon.py replication --ring-type container
- # python swift-recon.py replication --ring-type object
- # python swift-recon.py async-pendings
- # python swift-recon.py md5
- # python swift-recon.py quarantine
- import argparse
- import re
- import subprocess
- import maas_common
- class ParseError(maas_common.MaaSException):
- pass
- class CommandNotRecognized(maas_common.MaaSException):
- pass
- def recon_output(for_ring, options=None):
- """Run swift-recon and filter out extraneous printed lines.
- ::
- >>> recon_output('account', '-r')
- ['[2014-11-21 00:25:16] Checking on replication',
- '[replication_failure] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, total: 0, \
- Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2',
- '[replication_success] low: 2, high: 4, avg: 3.0, total: 6, \
- Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2',
- '[replication_time] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, total: 0, \
- Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2',
- '[replication_attempted] low: 1, high: 2, avg: 1.5, total: 3, \
- Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2',
- 'Oldest completion was 2014-11-21 00:24:51 (25 seconds ago) by \
- 'Most recent completion was 2014-11-21 00:24:56 (20 seconds ago) by \
- :param str for_ring: Which ring to run swift-recon on
- :param list options: Command line options with which to run swift-recon
- :returns: Strings from output that are most important
- :rtype: list
- """
- command = ['swift-recon', for_ring]
- command.extend(options or [])
- out = subprocess.check_output(command)
- return filter(lambda s: s and not s.startswith(('==', '-')),
- out.split('\n'))
- def stat_regexp_generator(data):
- """Generate a regeular expression that will swift-recon stats.
- Lines printed by swift-recon look like::
- [data] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, total: 0, Failed: 0.0%, \
- no_result: 0, reported: 0
- Where data above is the value of the ``data`` parameter passed to the
- function.
- """
- expression = """\s+low:\s+(?P<low>\d+), # parse out the low result
- \s+high:\s+(?P<high>\d+), # parse out the high result
- \s+avg:\s+(?P<avg>\d+.\d+), # you get the idea now
- \s+total:\s+(?P<total>\d+),
- \s+Failed:\s+(?P<failed>\d+.\d+%),
- \s+no_result:\s+(?P<no_result>\d+),
- \s+reported:\s+(?P<reported>\d+)"""
- return re.compile('\[' + data + '\]' + expression, re.VERBOSE)
- def _parse_into_dict(line, parsed_by):
- match = parsed_by.match(line)
- if match:
- return match.groupdict()
- else:
- raise ParseError("Cannot parse '{0}' for statistics.".format(line))
- def recon_stats_dicts(for_ring, options, starting_with, parsed_by):
- """Return a list of dictionaries of parsed statistics.
- Swift-recon has a standard format for it's statistics:
- [name] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, total: 0, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, \
- reported: 0
- Using the regular expression passed by the user in ``parsed_by``, we parse
- this out and return dictionaries of lines that start with
- ``starting_with``. This is after we get the recon output for the ring and
- options.
- :param str for_ring: Which ring to run swift-recon on
- :param list options: Command line options with which to run swift-recon
- :param str starting_with: String with which to filter lines
- :param parsed_by: Compiled regular expression to match and parse with
- :type parsed_by: _sre.SRE_Pattern (the result of calling re.compile)
- :returns: list of dictionaries of parse data
- """
- return map(lambda l: _parse_into_dict(l, parsed_by),
- filter(lambda s: s.startswith(starting_with),
- recon_output(for_ring, options)))
- def swift_replication(for_ring):
- """Parse swift-recon's replication statistics and return them.
- ::
- >>> swift_replication('account')
- {'attempted': {'avg': '1.5',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '2',
- 'low': '1',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported": '5',
- 'total': '3'},
- 'failure': {'avg': '0.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '0',
- 'low': '0',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported": '5',
- 'total': '0'},
- 'success': {'avg': '3.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '4',
- 'low': '2',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported": '5',
- 'total': '6'},
- 'time': {'avg': '0.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '0',
- 'low': '0',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported": '5',
- 'total': '0'}}
- :param str for_ring: Which ring to run swift-recon on
- :returns: Dictionary of attempted, failed, success, and time statistics
- :rtype: dict
- """
- regexp = stat_regexp_generator(r'replication_(?P<replication_type>\w+)')
- replication_dicts = recon_stats_dicts(for_ring, ['-r'], '[replication_',
- regexp)
- # reduce could work here but would require an enclosed function which is
- # less readable than this loop
- replication_statistics = {}
- for rep_dict in replication_dicts:
- replication_statistics[rep_dict.pop('replication_type')] = rep_dict
- return replication_statistics
- def swift_async():
- """Parse swift-recon's async pendings statistics and return them.
- ::
- >>> swift_async()
- {'avg': '0.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '0',
- 'low': '0',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported': '2',
- 'total': '0'}
- :returns: Dictionary of average, failed, high, low, no_result, reported,
- and total statistics.
- """
- regexp = stat_regexp_generator('async_pending')
- async_dicts = recon_stats_dicts('object', ['-a'], '[async_pending]',
- regexp)
- stats = {}
- for async_dict in async_dicts:
- if async_dict:
- stats = async_dict
- # Break will skip the for-loop's else block
- break
- else:
- # If we didn't find a non-empty dict, error out
- maas_common.status_err(
- 'No data could be collected about pending async operations'
- )
- return {'async': stats}
- def swift_quarantine():
- """Parse swift-recon's quarantined objects and return them.
- ::
- >>> swift_quarantine()
- {'accounts': {'avg': '0.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '0',
- 'low': '0',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported': '2',
- 'total': '0'},
- 'containers': {'avg': '0.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '0',
- 'low': '0',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported': '2',
- 'total': '0'},
- 'objects': {'avg': '0.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '0',
- 'low': '0',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported': '2',
- 'total': '0'}}
- :returns: Dictionary of objects, accounts, and containers.
- """
- regexp = stat_regexp_generator('quarantined_(?P<ring>\w+)')
- quarantined_dicts = recon_stats_dicts('-q', [], '[quarantined_',
- regexp)
- quarantined_statistics = {}
- for quar_dict in quarantined_dicts:
- quarantined_statistics[quar_dict.pop('ring')] = quar_dict
- return quarantined_statistics
- def swift_md5():
- """Parse swift-recon's md5 check output and return it.
- ::
- >>> swift_md5()
- {'ring': {'errors': '0', 'success': '2', 'total': '2'},
- 'swiftconf': {'errors': '0', 'success': '2', 'total': '2'}}
- :returns: Dictioanry
- """
- check_re = re.compile('Checking\s+(?P<check>[^\s]+)\s+md5sums?')
- error_re = re.compile('https?://(?P<address>[^:]+):\d+')
- result_re = re.compile(
- '(?P<success>\d+)/(?P<total>\d+)[^\d]+(?P<errors>\d+).*'
- )
- output = recon_output('--md5') # We need to pass --md5 as a string here
- md5_statistics = {}
- checking_dict = {}
- for line in output:
- check_match = check_re.search(line)
- if check_match and not checking_dict:
- checking_dict = check_match.groupdict()
- # First line of a grouping we care about, might as well skip all
- # other checks in the loop
- continue
- # If there was an error checking the md5sum, error out immediately
- if line.startswith('!!'):
- error_dict = error_re.search(line).groupdict()
- maas_common.status_err('md5 mismatch for {0} on host {1}'.format(
- checking_dict.get('check'), error_dict['address']
- ))
- results_match = result_re.match(line)
- if results_match:
- check_name = checking_dict['check'].replace('.', '_')
- md5_statistics[check_name] = results_match.groupdict()
- checking_dict = {}
- return md5_statistics
- def print_nested_stats(statistics):
- """Print out nested statistics.
- Nested statistics would be retrieved from ``swift_quarantine`` or
- ``swift_replication``.
- The following will show what you'll see
- ::
- >>> a = {'accounts': {'avg': '0.0',
- 'failed': '0.0%',
- 'high': '0',
- 'low': '0',
- 'no_result': '0',
- 'reported': '2',
- 'total': '0'}}
- >>> print_nested_stats(a)
- metric accounts_avg double 0.0
- metric accounts_failed double 0.0
- metric accounts_high uint64 0
- metric accounts_low uint64 0
- metric accounts_no_result uint64 0
- metric accounts_total uint64 0
- """
- for ring, stats in statistics.items():
- print_stats(ring, stats)
- metrics_per_stat = {
- 'avg': lambda name, val: maas_common.metric(name, 'double', val),
- 'failed': lambda name, val: maas_common.metric(name, 'double', val[:-1])
- }
- DEFAULT_METRIC = lambda name, val: maas_common.metric(name, 'uint64', val)
- def print_stats(prefix, statistics):
- """Print out statistics.
- """
- for name, value in statistics.items():
- metric = metrics_per_stat.get(name, DEFAULT_METRIC)
- metric('{0}_{1}'.format(prefix, name), value)
- def make_parser():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Process and print swift-recon statistics'
- )
- parser.add_argument('recon',
- help='Which statistics to collect. Acceptable recon: '
- '"async-pendings", "md5", "quarantine", '
- '"replication"')
- parser.add_argument('--ring-type', dest='ring',
- help='Which ring to run statistics for. Only used by '
- 'replication recon.')
- return parser
- def get_stats_from(args):
- stats = {}
- if args.recon == 'async-pendings':
- stats = swift_async()
- elif args.recon == 'md5':
- stats = swift_md5()
- elif args.recon == 'quarantine':
- stats = swift_quarantine()
- elif args.recon == 'replication':
- if args.ring not in {"account", "container", "object"}:
- maas_common.status_err('no ring provided to check')
- stats = swift_replication(args.ring)
- else:
- raise CommandNotRecognized('unrecognized command "{0}"'.format(
- args.recon))
- return stats
- def main():
- parser = make_parser()
- args = parser.parse_args()
- try:
- stats = get_stats_from(args)
- except (ParseError, CommandNotRecognized) as e:
- maas_common.status_err(str(e))
- if stats:
- maas_common.status_ok()
- print_nested_stats(stats)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- with maas_common.print_output():
- main()