Python | 186 lines | 56 code | 8 blank | 122 comment | 4 complexity | 8f9b2ec40211613d90190f8133c1f4e8 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # --------------------( LICENSE )--------------------
- # Copyright 2014-2022 by Alexis Pietak & Cecil Curry.
- # See "LICENSE" for further details.
- '''
- Fixtures and fixture classes efficiently exercising a single subcommand of the
- BETSE CLI in the active Python interpreter.
- '''
- #FIXME: We've added a new "--dist-dir" option to our "freeze_*" family of
- #setuptools subcommands. Now, let's add support for fixtures running these
- #subcommands. Is there any means of programmatically running setuptools
- #subcommands in the current Python process? We suspect not, sadly.
- #FIXME: Add seemless support for exercising all CLI-specific functional tests
- #leveraging the "betse_cli" fixture against a frozen rather than unfrozen
- #version of BETSE's CLI. Do *NOT* parametrize this fixture to unconditionally
- #run each such test against both frozen and unfrozen versions of BETSE's CLI, as
- #doing so would substantially increase space and time complexity with little to
- #no tangible gain. Instead:
- #
- #* Define a new "--is-frozen" command-line option specific to our setuptools
- # "test" subcommand, defaulting to disabled.
- #* When this option is *NOT* passed:
- # * One and only one PyInstaller test should be run -- say, test_pyi_try().
- # This test is intended only to provide a coarse-grained sanity check of
- # whether or not:
- # * BETSE is actually freezable under PyInstaller.
- # * The resulting executable is successfully simulatable with the default
- # simulation configuration via "betse try".
- # * Consequently, this test should (in order):
- # 1. Freeze BETSE in one-dir mode (which requires no additional compression
- # and decompression steps and hence is slightly more time efficient for
- # our simple purposes) into a temporary subdirectory.
- # 2. Run "betse try" against this frozen executable.
- # * All other CLI tests should be run as is against the unfrozen version of
- # BETSE importable by the active Python interpreter.
- #* When this option is passed:
- # * The aforementioned test_pyi_try() test should *NOT* be run, as doing so
- # would be wholly redundant.
- # * BETSE should be frozen in one-dir mode, as discussed above.
- # * All other CLI tests should be run against this frozen executable rather
- # than the unfrozen, importable version of BETSE.
- #
- #Hence, the "--is-frozen" CLI option serves as a high-level switch fundamentally
- #changing testing behaviour. The intention, of course, is that this option would
- #only be passed immediately before producing an official new frozen version of
- #BETSE. This provides a sanity check on frozen executable behaviour otherwise
- #difficult (if not infeasible) to do manually.
- #FIXME: This is great. We'd only like to make one improvement to the
- #aforementioned PyInstaller testing support: marks. Use them. Explicit is
- #typically better than implicit. In particular:
- #
- #* Define a new "betse_test.mark.able" submodule.
- #* Define a new "@freezable" mark decorator in this submodule.
- #* Decorate all tests suitable for running under a frozen copy of BETSE with
- # this decorator. This should probably *ONLY* include:
- # * All functional CLI tests, excluding "test_pyi_try". Everything else (e.g.,
- # unit tests) are *NOT* suitable for running frozen.
- #FIXME: Urgh. That's great, but it's still not quite enough. Why? Simulation
- #configurations. We currently create them by importing BETSE packages, which
- #clearly won't work for frozen commands. Instead, if running frozen, we'll need
- #to just call "betse config". Simple, if tedious.
- # ....................{ IMPORTS }....................
- from betse.util.os.command import cmdexit
- from betse.util.type.types import type_check
- from pytest import fixture
- # ....................{ CONSTANTS }....................
- '--verbose',
- '--log-level=none',
- '--matplotlib-backend=agg',
- )
- '''
- Tuple of all failure-friendly command-line options unconditionally passed to
- all invocations of the BETSE CLI by functional tests.
- To improve debuggability for failing tests, these options are unconditionally
- passed by :class:`CLITester` instances created by the :func:`betse_cli`
- fixture:
- * ``--verbose``, logging low-level debugging messages to stdout, which
- ``py.test`` captures for all tests and displays for all failing tests.
- * ``--log-level=none``, redirecting all log messages to either stdout or stderr
- but *not* a logfile. While ``py.test`` can be configured to capture logfile
- messages, doing so sanely is complicated by the fact that ``py.test`` already
- captures both stdout and stderr by default. There is no advantage to
- recapturing logfile messages already logged to either stdout or stderr. So,
- tests avoid doing so entirely.
- * ``--matplotlib-backend=agg``, enabling the default non-interactive matplotlib
- backend *guaranteed* to be usable on all platforms. By default, matplotlib
- enables an interactive backend (e.g., ``Qt5Agg``) inhibiting sane test
- automation.
- '''
- # ....................{ CLASSES }....................
- class CLITester(object):
- '''
- BETSE CLI test runner, efficiently testing a single subcommand of the
- official BETSE CLI (i.e., ``betse``) in the active Python interpreter.
- Simple functional fixtures (e.g., ``betse_cli``) often return instances of
- this class to other fixtures and tests exercising a single facet of the
- Command Execution
- ----------
- For both efficiency and reliably, this runner does *not* actually fork this
- subcommand as a separate process. Doing so would introduce installation
- complications, portability concerns, and non-reproduceable edge-cases
- (e.g., conflicting versions of the same ``betse`` command in the current
- ``${PATH}``). Instead, this runner:
- * Imports the :mod:`betse.__main__` module implementing the BETSE CLI.
- * Passes this module's :func:`betse.__main__.main` function the passed
- arguments extended by the mandatory arguments defined by the
- :data:`_CLI_OPTIONS_MANDATORY` tuple global.
- '''
- # ..................{ RUNNERS }..................
- @type_check
- def run(self, *args: str) -> None:
- '''
- Run the BETSE CLI with the passed positional string arguments, extended
- by the mandatory positional string arguments defined by the
- :data:`_CLI_OPTIONS_MANDATORY` tuple global.
- Parameters
- ----------
- args : Tuple[str]
- Tuple of zero or more arguments to be passed to this entry point,
- corresponding exactly to the set of command-line arguments accepted
- by the external command for the BETSE CLI (i.e., ``betse``).
- See Also
- ----------
- ``betse --help``
- Further details on arguments accepted by the BETSE CLI.
- '''
- # Defer heavyweight imports to their point of use.
- from betse.__main__ import main
- from betse.util.app.meta import appmetaone
- # Deinitialize this application and hence the previously initialized
- # application metadata singleton if any. If this is *NOT* done, the
- # call to the main() function below will raise an exception on
- # attempting to reinstantiate this singleton.
- appmetaone.deinit()
- # Prefixed this argument list by failure-friendly options.
- args_evolved = _CLI_OPTIONS_MANDATORY + args
- # print('BETSE arg list: {}'.format(arg_list))
- # Run the BETSE CLI subcommand corresponding to these arguments,
- # capturing the exit status of that subcommand for testing.
- exit_status = main(args_evolved)
- # If this exit status signifies failure, fail the current test.
- assert cmdexit.is_success(exit_status), (
- 'BETSE CLI failed with exit status {} '
- 'given arguments: {}'.format(exit_status, args_evolved))
- # ....................{ FIXTURES }....................
- # Test-scope fixture creating and returning a new object for each unique test.
- @fixture
- def betse_cli() -> CLITester:
- '''
- Fixture returning a test-specific object suitable for running arbitrary
- BETSE CLI subcommands required by the current fixture or test.
- Returns
- ----------
- CLITester
- Object running arbitrary BETSE CLI subcommands.
- '''
- # Print a newline, ensuring that the first line of stderr or stdout printed
- # by the BETSE CLI is visually demarcated from prior py.test output.
- print()
- # Create and return a new BETSE CLI test runner.
- return CLITester()