https://gitlab.com/AERIUS/AERIUS · Java · 244 lines · 186 code · 37 blank · 21 comment · 0 complexity · b845fe214c3f1e2cbe2610858be97571 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright the State of the Netherlands
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
- */
- package nl.overheid.aerius.db.calculator;
- import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
- import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
- import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
- import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
- import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertSame;
- import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
- import java.sql.Connection;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.sql.Timestamp;
- import java.util.Calendar;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Optional;
- import java.util.UUID;
- import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.db.calculator.JobRepository.RepositoryAttribute;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.db.connect.ConnectUserRepository;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.db.test.CalculationRepositoryTestBase;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.shared.domain.calculation.CalculationState;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.shared.domain.calculation.JobProgress;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.shared.domain.calculation.JobState;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.shared.domain.calculation.JobType;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.shared.domain.connect.ConnectUser;
- import nl.overheid.aerius.shared.exception.AeriusException;
- /**
- * Unit test for {@link JobRepository}.
- */
- class JobRepositoryTest extends CalculationRepositoryTestBase {
- private static final String TEST_API_KEY = "wnaR9FavGRGv8RXCmdfXKEqeIt1DTZUS";
- private static final String TEST_EMAIL = "test@example.com";
- @Test
- void testGetUnexistingJobId() throws SQLException {
- final int jobId = JobRepository.getJobId(getCalcConnection(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
- assertEquals(0, jobId, "No job id should be found");
- }
- @Test
- void testGetUnexistingJobProgress() throws SQLException {
- final JobProgress jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
- assertNull(jp, "No job progress should be found");
- }
- @Test
- void testCreateEmptyJobWithoutCalculations() throws SQLException, AeriusException {
- final ConnectUser user = setupUser();
- final String correlationIdentifier = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.CALCULATION);
- assertFalse(correlationIdentifier.isEmpty(), "correlationIdentifier shouldn't be empty");
- final JobProgress jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier);
- validateEmptyProgress(jp);
- assertSame(JobState.INITIALIZED, jp.getState(), "State may must be initialized");
- assertNull(jp.getCreationDateTime(), "Creation time may not be set");
- assertNull(jp.getName(), "Name should not be set");
- }
- @Test
- void testCreateEmptyJobWithCalculations() throws SQLException, AeriusException {
- final ConnectUser user = setupUser();
- final String correlationIdentifier = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.CALCULATION);
- insertCalculationResults();
- JobRepository.attachCalculations(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier, Collections.singletonList(calculation));
- final JobProgress jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier);
- validateEmptyProgress(jp);
- assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, jp.getState(), "State must be initialized");
- assertNotNull(jp.getCreationDateTime(), "Creation time must be set");
- assertFalse(jp.getCreationDateTime().getTime() > new Date().getTime(), "Creation time can't be in the future");
- assertTrue(calculation.getCreationDate().getTime() < jp.getCreationDateTime().getTime(), "Creation time must match that of the calculation");
- }
- @Test
- void testUpdateJobProgress() throws SQLException, AeriusException {
- final ConnectUser user = setupUser();
- final String testName = "My very long and weird job name.. GI%4j5h4g4jgR$_ 43-A";
- final String correlationIdentifier = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.CALCULATION, Optional.of(testName));
- JobProgress jp;
- JobRepository.increaseHexagonCounter(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier, 1);
- jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier);
- assertEquals(JobType.CALCULATION, jp.getType(), "Type must be a calculation");
- assertEquals(1, jp.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must be incremented");
- assertEquals(testName, jp.getName(), "Name must be updated");
- assertNotNull(jp.getStartDateTime(), "Start time must be set");
- assertFalse(jp.getStartDateTime().getTime() > new Date().getTime(), "Start time can't be in the future");
- JobRepository.increaseHexagonCounter(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier, 12345);
- jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier);
- assertEquals(1 + 12345, jp.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must be incremented");
- JobRepository.setEndTimeToNow(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier);
- jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier);
- assertNotNull(jp.getEndDateTime(), "End time must be set");
- assertFalse(jp.getEndDateTime().getTime() > new Date().getTime(), "End time can't be in the future");
- JobRepository.setResultUrl(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier, "abc");
- jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier);
- assertNotNull(jp.getResultUrl(), "Result url must be set");
- // Ensure getProgressForUser gives same result
- final List<JobProgress> jpl = JobRepository.getProgressForUser(getCalcConnection(), user);
- assertEquals(1, jpl.size(), "User must have 1 progress result");
- jp = jpl.get(0);
- assertEquals(1 + 12345, jp.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must be incremented");
- assertNotNull(jp.getStartDateTime(), "Start time must be set");
- assertFalse(jp.getStartDateTime().getTime() > new Date().getTime(), "Start time can't be in the future");
- assertNotNull(jp.getEndDateTime(), "End time must be set");
- assertFalse(jp.getEndDateTime().getTime() > new Date().getTime(), "End time can't be in the future");
- assertNotNull(jp.getResultUrl(), "Result url must be set");
- assertNotNull(jp.getKey(), "Key should be present");
- }
- @Test
- void testGetCalculationsProgressForUser() throws SQLException, AeriusException {
- List<JobProgress> progresses;
- final ConnectUser user = setupUser();
- assertJobProgressAmount(user, 0);
- final String correlationIdentifier1 = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.CALCULATION);
- final String correlationIdentifier2 = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.CALCULATION);
- assertJobProgressAmount(user, 2);
- progresses = JobRepository.getProgressForUser(getCalcConnection(), user);
- final JobProgress jp1a = progresses.get(0); // order by job_id
- final JobProgress jp2a = progresses.get(1);
- assertEquals(0, jp1a.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must be 0 (1st entry)");
- assertEquals(0, jp2a.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must be 0 (2nd entry)");
- assertNotNull(jp1a.getStartDateTime(), "Start time must be set (1st entry)");
- assertNotNull(jp2a.getStartDateTime(), "Start time must be set (2nd entry)");
- JobRepository.increaseHexagonCounter(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier1, 12345);
- progresses = JobRepository.getProgressForUser(getCalcConnection(), user);
- final JobProgress jp1b = progresses.get(0);
- final JobProgress jp2b = progresses.get(1);
- assertEquals(12345, jp1b.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must be 0 (1st entry)");
- assertEquals(0, jp2b.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must still be 0 (2nd entry)");
- assertNotNull(jp1b.getStartDateTime(), "Start time must be set (2nd entry)");
- assertNotNull(jp2b.getStartDateTime(), "Start time must be set (2nd entry)");
- }
- @Test
- void testRemoveJobsWithMinAge() throws SQLException, AeriusException {
- final ConnectUser user = setupUser();
- final int jobCountOffset = JobRepository.removeJobsWithMinAge(getCalcConnection(), 5);
- final String correlationIdentifier1 = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.CALCULATION);
- insertCalculationResults();
- JobRepository.attachCalculations(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier1, Collections.singletonList(calculation));
- CalculationRepository.updateCalculationState(getCalcConnection(), calculation.getCalculationId(), CalculationState.COMPLETED);
- JobRepository.updateJobStatus(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier1, JobState.COMPLETED);
- newCalculation();
- final String correlationIdentifier2 = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.REPORT);
- insertCalculationResults();
- JobRepository.attachCalculations(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier2, Collections.singletonList(calculation));
- CalculationRepository.updateCalculationState(getCalcConnection(), calculation.getCalculationId(), CalculationState.COMPLETED);
- JobRepository.updateJobStatus(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier2, JobState.COMPLETED);
- newCalculation();
- final String correlationIdentifier3 = JobRepository.createJob(getCalcConnection(), user, JobType.CALCULATION);
- insertCalculationResults();
- JobRepository.attachCalculations(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier3, Collections.singletonList(calculation));
- CalculationRepository.updateCalculationState(getCalcConnection(), calculation.getCalculationId(), CalculationState.COMPLETED);
- JobRepository.updateJobStatus(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier3, JobState.COMPLETED);
- final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
- calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -10); // so the timestamps created have the amount of days + 10 minutes of age
- calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1);
- final Date endTimeJob1 = calendar.getTime();
- calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1);
- final Date startTimeJob2 = calendar.getTime();
- calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1);
- final Date endTimeJob3 = calendar.getTime();
- JobRepository.updateField(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier1, RepositoryAttribute.END_TIME, new Timestamp(endTimeJob1.getTime()));
- JobRepository.updateField(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier2, RepositoryAttribute.START_TIME, new Timestamp(startTimeJob2.getTime()));
- JobRepository.updateField(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier2, RepositoryAttribute.END_TIME, null);
- JobRepository.updateField(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier3, RepositoryAttribute.END_TIME, new Timestamp(endTimeJob3.getTime()));
- // start point - I am expecting 3 jobs
- assertJobProgressAmount(user, 3);
- assertEquals(jobCountOffset, JobRepository.removeJobsWithMinAge(getCalcConnection(), 5), "There should be 0 removals");
- assertJobProgressAmount(user, 3);
- assertEquals(jobCountOffset + 1, JobRepository.removeJobsWithMinAge(getCalcConnection(), 3), "There should be 1 removal");
- assertJobProgressAmount(user, 2);
- assertEquals(jobCountOffset + 2, JobRepository.removeJobsWithMinAge(getCalcConnection(), 0), "There should be 2 removals");
- assertJobProgressAmount(user, 0);
- }
- @Override
- protected Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
- return getCalcConnection();
- }
- private ConnectUser setupUser() throws SQLException, AeriusException {
- final ConnectUser user = new ConnectUser();
- user.setApiKey(TEST_API_KEY);
- user.setEmailAddress(TEST_EMAIL);
- ConnectUserRepository.createUser(getCalcConnection(), user);
- return user;
- }
- private void assertJobProgressAmount(final ConnectUser user, final int amount) throws SQLException {
- assertEquals(amount, JobRepository.getProgressForUser(getCalcConnection(), user).size(), "Couldn't find the expected amount of jobs");
- }
- private void validateEmptyProgress(final JobProgress jp) throws SQLException {
- assertNotNull(jp, "Job progress should be found");
- assertEquals(JobType.CALCULATION, jp.getType(), "Job type must be a calculation");
- assertEquals(0, jp.getHexagonCount(), "Hexagon counter must be 0");
- assertNotNull(jp.getStartDateTime(), "Start time must be set");
- assertNull(jp.getEndDateTime(), "End time may not be set");
- assertNull(jp.getResultUrl(), "Result url may not be set");
- assertNotNull(jp.getKey(), "jobKey should be present");
- }
- }