C# | 332 lines | 274 code | 46 blank | 12 comment | 0 complexity | f58ce9d91951df103da9501a3e6cf3b6 MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright (c) The Avalonia Project. All rights reserved.
- // Licensed under the MIT license. See licence.md file in the project root for full license information.
- using System;
- using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
- using System.Linq;
- using Avalonia.Controls.Presenters;
- using Avalonia.Controls.Primitives;
- using Avalonia.Controls.Templates;
- using Avalonia.LogicalTree;
- using Avalonia.Styling;
- using Avalonia.UnitTests;
- using Xunit;
- namespace Avalonia.Controls.UnitTests
- {
- public class TabControlTests
- {
- [Fact]
- public void First_Tab_Should_Be_Selected_By_Default()
- {
- TabItem selected;
- var target = new TabControl
- {
- Template = TabControlTemplate(),
- Items = new[]
- {
- (selected = new TabItem
- {
- Name = "first",
- Content = "foo",
- }),
- new TabItem
- {
- Name = "second",
- Content = "bar",
- },
- }
- };
- target.ApplyTemplate();
- Assert.Equal(0, target.SelectedIndex);
- Assert.Equal(selected, target.SelectedItem);
- }
- [Fact]
- public void Logical_Children_Should_Be_TabItems()
- {
- var items = new[]
- {
- new TabItem
- {
- Content = "foo"
- },
- new TabItem
- {
- Content = "bar"
- },
- };
- var target = new TabControl
- {
- Template = TabControlTemplate(),
- Items = items,
- };
- Assert.Equal(items, target.GetLogicalChildren());
- target.ApplyTemplate();
- Assert.Equal(items, target.GetLogicalChildren());
- }
- [Fact]
- public void Removal_Should_Set_Next_Tab()
- {
- var collection = new ObservableCollection<TabItem>()
- {
- new TabItem
- {
- Name = "first",
- Content = "foo",
- },
- new TabItem
- {
- Name = "second",
- Content = "bar",
- },
- new TabItem
- {
- Name = "3rd",
- Content = "barf",
- },
- };
- var target = new TabControl
- {
- Template = TabControlTemplate(),
- Items = collection,
- };
- target.ApplyTemplate();
- target.SelectedItem = collection[1];
- collection.RemoveAt(1);
- // compare with former [2] now [1] == "3rd"
- Assert.Same(collection[1], target.SelectedItem);
- }
- [Fact]
- public void TabItem_Templates_Should_Be_Set_Before_TabItem_ApplyTemplate()
- {
- var collection = new[]
- {
- new TabItem
- {
- Name = "first",
- Content = "foo",
- },
- new TabItem
- {
- Name = "second",
- Content = "bar",
- },
- new TabItem
- {
- Name = "3rd",
- Content = "barf",
- },
- };
- var template = new FuncControlTemplate<TabItem>(x => new Decorator());
- using (UnitTestApplication.Start(TestServices.RealStyler))
- {
- var root = new TestRoot
- {
- Styles =
- {
- new Style(x => x.OfType<TabItem>())
- {
- Setters = new[]
- {
- new Setter(TemplatedControl.TemplateProperty, template)
- }
- }
- },
- Child = new TabControl
- {
- Template = TabControlTemplate(),
- Items = collection,
- }
- };
- }
- Assert.Same(collection[0].Template, template);
- Assert.Same(collection[1].Template, template);
- Assert.Same(collection[2].Template, template);
- }
- [Fact]
- public void DataContexts_Should_Be_Correctly_Set()
- {
- var items = new object[]
- {
- "Foo",
- new Item("Bar"),
- new TextBlock { Text = "Baz" },
- new TabItem { Content = "Qux" },
- new TabItem { Content = new TextBlock { Text = "Bob" } }
- };
- var target = new TabControl
- {
- Template = TabControlTemplate(),
- DataContext = "Base",
- DataTemplates =
- {
- new FuncDataTemplate<Item>(x => new Button { Content = x })
- },
- Items = items,
- };
- ApplyTemplate(target);
- target.ContentPart.UpdateChild();
- var dataContext = ((TextBlock)target.ContentPart.Child).DataContext;
- Assert.Equal(items[0], dataContext);
- target.SelectedIndex = 1;
- target.ContentPart.UpdateChild();
- dataContext = ((Button)target.ContentPart.Child).DataContext;
- Assert.Equal(items[1], dataContext);
- target.SelectedIndex = 2;
- target.ContentPart.UpdateChild();
- dataContext = ((TextBlock)target.ContentPart.Child).DataContext;
- Assert.Equal("Base", dataContext);
- target.SelectedIndex = 3;
- target.ContentPart.UpdateChild();
- dataContext = ((TextBlock)target.ContentPart.Child).DataContext;
- Assert.Equal("Qux", dataContext);
- target.SelectedIndex = 4;
- target.ContentPart.UpdateChild();
- dataContext = target.ContentPart.DataContext;
- Assert.Equal("Base", dataContext);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Non-headered control items should result in TabItems with empty header.
- /// </summary>
- /// <remarks>
- /// If a TabControl is created with non IHeadered controls as its items, don't try to
- /// display the control in the header: if the control is part of the header then
- /// *that* control would also end up in the content region, resulting in dual-parentage
- /// breakage.
- /// </remarks>
- [Fact]
- public void Non_IHeadered_Control_Items_Should_Be_Ignored()
- {
- var items = new[]
- {
- new TextBlock { Text = "foo" },
- new TextBlock { Text = "bar" },
- };
- var target = new TabControl
- {
- Template = TabControlTemplate(),
- Items = items,
- };
- ApplyTemplate(target);
- var logicalChildren = target.ItemsPresenterPart.Panel.GetLogicalChildren();
- var result = logicalChildren
- .OfType<TabItem>()
- .Select(x => x.Header)
- .ToList();
- Assert.Equal(new object[] { null, null }, result);
- }
- [Fact]
- public void Should_Handle_Changing_To_TabItem_With_Null_Content()
- {
- TabControl target = new TabControl
- {
- Template = TabControlTemplate(),
- Items = new[]
- {
- new TabItem { Header = "Foo" },
- new TabItem { Header = "Foo", Content = new Decorator() },
- new TabItem { Header = "Baz" },
- },
- };
- ApplyTemplate(target);
- target.SelectedIndex = 2;
- var page = (TabItem)target.SelectedItem;
- Assert.Null(page.Content);
- }
- private IControlTemplate TabControlTemplate()
- {
- return new FuncControlTemplate<TabControl>(parent =>
- new StackPanel
- {
- Children = {
- new ItemsPresenter
- {
- Name = "PART_ItemsPresenter",
- [!TabStrip.ItemsProperty] = parent[!TabControl.ItemsProperty],
- [!TabStrip.ItemTemplateProperty] = parent[!TabControl.ItemTemplateProperty],
- },
- new ContentPresenter
- {
- Name = "PART_Content",
- [!ContentPresenter.ContentProperty] = parent[!TabControl.SelectedContentProperty],
- [!ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty] = parent[!TabControl.SelectedContentTemplateProperty],
- }
- }
- });
- }
- private IControlTemplate TabItemTemplate()
- {
- return new FuncControlTemplate<TabItem>(parent =>
- new ContentPresenter
- {
- Name = "PART_ContentPresenter",
- [!ContentPresenter.ContentProperty] = parent[!TabItem.HeaderProperty],
- [!ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty] = parent[!TabItem.HeaderTemplateProperty]
- });
- }
- private void ApplyTemplate(TabControl target)
- {
- target.ApplyTemplate();
- target.Presenter.ApplyTemplate();
- foreach (var tabItem in target.GetLogicalChildren().OfType<TabItem>())
- {
- tabItem.Template = TabItemTemplate();
- tabItem.ApplyTemplate();
- ((ContentPresenter)tabItem.Presenter).UpdateChild();
- }
- target.ContentPart.ApplyTemplate();
- }
- private class Item
- {
- public Item(string value)
- {
- Value = value;
- }
- public string Value { get; }
- }
- }
- }