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/Semester 7/GameEngine/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.h
C Header | 271 lines | 113 code | 30 blank | 128 comment | 4 complexity | c9144a111f442a8ea97a39780e4203ca MD5 | raw file
  1. // UNZIPPING functions -- for unzipping.
  2. // This file is a repackaged form of extracts from the zlib code available
  3. // at, by Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler. The original
  4. // copyright notice may be found in unzip.cpp. The repackaging was done
  5. // by Lucian Wischik to simplify and extend its use in Windows/C++. Also
  6. // encryption and unicode filenames have been added.
  7. #ifndef _unzip_H
  8. #define _unzip_H
  9. //
  10. #ifdef ZIP_STD
  11. #include <stdio.h>
  12. #include <string.h>
  13. #include <stdlib.h>
  14. #include <time.h>
  15. #ifdef _MSC_VER
  16. #include <sys/utime.h> // microsoft puts it here
  17. #else
  18. #include <utime.h>
  19. #endif
  20. #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
  21. #include <direct.h>
  22. #define lumkdir(t) (_mkdir(t))
  23. #else
  24. #include <unistd.h>
  25. #define lumkdir(t) (mkdir(t,0755))
  26. #endif
  27. #include <sys/types.h>
  28. #include <sys/stat.h>
  29. //
  30. typedef unsigned short WORD;
  31. #define _tcslen strlen
  32. #define _tcsicmp stricmp
  33. #define _tcsncpy strncpy
  34. #define _tcsstr strstr
  35. #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE 0
  36. #ifndef _T
  37. #define _T(s) s
  38. #endif
  39. #ifndef S_IWUSR
  40. #define S_IWUSR 0000200
  41. #define S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & _S_IFMT) == _S_IFDIR)
  42. #define S_ISREG(m) (((m) & _S_IFMT) == _S_IFREG)
  43. #endif
  44. //
  45. #else
  46. #include <windows.h>
  47. #include <stdio.h>
  48. #include <stdlib.h>
  49. #include <string.h>
  50. #include <tchar.h>
  51. #endif
  52. #ifdef ZIP_STD
  53. #include <time.h>
  54. #define DECLARE_HANDLE(name) struct name##__ { int unused; }; typedef struct name##__ *name
  55. #ifndef MAX_PATH
  56. #define MAX_PATH 1024
  57. #endif
  58. typedef unsigned long DWORD;
  59. typedef char TCHAR;
  60. typedef FILE* HANDLE;
  61. typedef time_t FILETIME;
  62. #endif
  63. #ifndef _zip_H
  65. #endif
  66. // An HZIP identifies a zip file that has been opened
  67. typedef DWORD ZRESULT;
  68. // return codes from any of the zip functions. Listed later.
  69. typedef struct
  70. { int index; // index of this file within the zip
  71. TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; // filename within the zip
  72. DWORD attr; // attributes, as in GetFileAttributes.
  73. FILETIME atime,ctime,mtime;// access, create, modify filetimes
  74. long comp_size; // sizes of item, compressed and uncompressed. These
  75. long unc_size; // may be -1 if not yet known (e.g. being streamed in)
  76. } ZIPENTRY;
  77. HZIP OpenZip(const TCHAR *fn, const char *password);
  78. HZIP OpenZip(void *z,unsigned int len, const char *password);
  79. HZIP OpenZipHandle(HANDLE h, const char *password);
  80. // OpenZip - opens a zip file and returns a handle with which you can
  81. // subsequently examine its contents. You can open a zip file from:
  82. // from a pipe: OpenZipHandle(hpipe_read,0);
  83. // from a file (by handle): OpenZipHandle(hfile,0);
  84. // from a file (by name): OpenZip("c:\\","password");
  85. // from a memory block: OpenZip(bufstart, buflen,0);
  86. // If the file is opened through a pipe, then items may only be
  87. // accessed in increasing order, and an item may only be unzipped once,
  88. // although GetZipItem can be called immediately before and after unzipping
  89. // it. If it's opened in any other way, then full random access is possible.
  90. // Note: pipe input is not yet implemented.
  91. // Note: zip passwords are ascii, not unicode.
  92. // Note: for windows-ce, you cannot close the handle until after CloseZip.
  93. // but for real windows, the zip makes its own copy of your handle, so you
  94. // can close yours anytime.
  95. ZRESULT GetZipItem(HZIP hz, int index, ZIPENTRY *ze);
  96. // GetZipItem - call this to get information about an item in the zip.
  97. // If index is -1 and the file wasn't opened through a pipe,
  98. // then it returns information about the whole zipfile
  99. // (and in particular ze.index returns the number of index items).
  100. // Note: the item might be a directory (ze.attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
  101. // See below for notes on what happens when you unzip such an item.
  102. // Note: if you are opening the zip through a pipe, then random access
  103. // is not possible and GetZipItem(-1) fails and you can't discover the number
  104. // of items except by calling GetZipItem on each one of them in turn,
  105. // starting at 0, until eventually the call fails. Also, in the event that
  106. // you are opening through a pipe and the zip was itself created into a pipe,
  107. // then then comp_size and sometimes unc_size as well may not be known until
  108. // after the item has been unzipped.
  109. ZRESULT FindZipItem(HZIP hz, const TCHAR *name, bool ic, int *index, ZIPENTRY *ze);
  110. // FindZipItem - finds an item by name. ic means 'insensitive to case'.
  111. // It returns the index of the item, and returns information about it.
  112. // If nothing was found, then index is set to -1 and the function returns
  113. // an error code.
  114. ZRESULT UnzipItem(HZIP hz, int index, const TCHAR *fn);
  115. ZRESULT UnzipItem(HZIP hz, int index, void *z,unsigned int len);
  116. ZRESULT UnzipItemHandle(HZIP hz, int index, HANDLE h);
  117. // UnzipItem - given an index to an item, unzips it. You can unzip to:
  118. // to a pipe: UnzipItemHandle(hz,i, hpipe_write);
  119. // to a file (by handle): UnzipItemHandle(hz,i, hfile);
  120. // to a file (by name): UnzipItem(hz,i,;
  121. // to a memory block: UnzipItem(hz,i, buf,buflen);
  122. // In the final case, if the buffer isn't large enough to hold it all,
  123. // then the return code indicates that more is yet to come. If it was
  124. // large enough, and you want to know precisely how big, GetZipItem.
  125. // Note: zip files are normally stored with relative pathnames. If you
  126. // unzip with ZIP_FILENAME a relative pathname then the item gets created
  127. // relative to the current directory - it first ensures that all necessary
  128. // subdirectories have been created. Also, the item may itself be a directory.
  129. // If you unzip a directory with ZIP_FILENAME, then the directory gets created.
  130. // If you unzip it to a handle or a memory block, then nothing gets created
  131. // and it emits 0 bytes.
  132. ZRESULT SetUnzipBaseDir(HZIP hz, const TCHAR *dir);
  133. // if unzipping to a filename, and it's a relative filename, then it will be relative to here.
  134. // (defaults to current-directory).
  135. ZRESULT CloseZip(HZIP hz);
  136. // CloseZip - the zip handle must be closed with this function.
  137. unsigned int FormatZipMessage(ZRESULT code, TCHAR *buf,unsigned int len);
  138. // FormatZipMessage - given an error code, formats it as a string.
  139. // It returns the length of the error message. If buf/len points
  140. // to a real buffer, then it also writes as much as possible into there.
  141. // These are the result codes:
  142. #define ZR_OK 0x00000000 // nb. the pseudo-code zr-recent is never returned,
  143. #define ZR_RECENT 0x00000001 // but can be passed to FormatZipMessage.
  144. // The following come from general system stuff (e.g. files not openable)
  145. #define ZR_GENMASK 0x0000FF00
  146. #define ZR_NODUPH 0x00000100 // couldn't duplicate the handle
  147. #define ZR_NOFILE 0x00000200 // couldn't create/open the file
  148. #define ZR_NOALLOC 0x00000300 // failed to allocate some resource
  149. #define ZR_WRITE 0x00000400 // a general error writing to the file
  150. #define ZR_NOTFOUND 0x00000500 // couldn't find that file in the zip
  151. #define ZR_MORE 0x00000600 // there's still more data to be unzipped
  152. #define ZR_CORRUPT 0x00000700 // the zipfile is corrupt or not a zipfile
  153. #define ZR_READ 0x00000800 // a general error reading the file
  154. #define ZR_PASSWORD 0x00001000 // we didn't get the right password to unzip the file
  155. // The following come from mistakes on the part of the caller
  156. #define ZR_CALLERMASK 0x00FF0000
  157. #define ZR_ARGS 0x00010000 // general mistake with the arguments
  158. #define ZR_NOTMMAP 0x00020000 // tried to ZipGetMemory, but that only works on mmap zipfiles, which yours wasn't
  159. #define ZR_MEMSIZE 0x00030000 // the memory size is too small
  160. #define ZR_FAILED 0x00040000 // the thing was already failed when you called this function
  161. #define ZR_ENDED 0x00050000 // the zip creation has already been closed
  162. #define ZR_MISSIZE 0x00060000 // the indicated input file size turned out mistaken
  163. #define ZR_PARTIALUNZ 0x00070000 // the file had already been partially unzipped
  164. #define ZR_ZMODE 0x00080000 // tried to mix creating/opening a zip
  165. // The following come from bugs within the zip library itself
  166. #define ZR_BUGMASK 0xFF000000
  167. #define ZR_NOTINITED 0x01000000 // initialisation didn't work
  168. #define ZR_SEEK 0x02000000 // trying to seek in an unseekable file
  169. #define ZR_NOCHANGE 0x04000000 // changed its mind on storage, but not allowed
  170. #define ZR_FLATE 0x05000000 // an internal error in the de/inflation code
  171. // e.g.
  172. //
  173. // SetCurrentDirectory("c:\\docs\\stuff");
  174. // HZIP hz = OpenZip("c:\\",0);
  175. // ZIPENTRY ze; GetZipItem(hz,-1,&ze); int numitems=ze.index;
  176. // for (int i=0; i<numitems; i++)
  177. // { GetZipItem(hz,i,&ze);
  178. // UnzipItem(hz,i,;
  179. // }
  180. // CloseZip(hz);
  181. //
  182. //
  183. // HRSRC hrsrc = FindResource(hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(1),RT_RCDATA);
  184. // HANDLE hglob = LoadResource(hInstance,hrsrc);
  185. // void *zipbuf=LockResource(hglob);
  186. // unsigned int ziplen=SizeofResource(hInstance,hrsrc);
  187. // HZIP hz = OpenZip(zipbuf, ziplen, 0);
  188. // - unzip to a membuffer -
  189. // ZIPENTRY ze; int i; FindZipItem(hz,"file.dat",true,&i,&ze);
  190. // char *ibuf = new char[ze.unc_size];
  191. // UnzipItem(hz,i, ibuf, ze.unc_size);
  192. // delete[] ibuf;
  193. // - unzip to a fixed membuff -
  194. // ZIPENTRY ze; int i; FindZipItem(hz,"file.dat",true,&i,&ze);
  195. // char ibuf[1024]; ZRESULT zr=ZR_MORE; unsigned long totsize=0;
  196. // while (zr==ZR_MORE)
  197. // { zr = UnzipItem(hz,i, ibuf,1024);
  198. // unsigned long bufsize=1024; if (zr==ZR_OK) bufsize=ze.unc_size-totsize;
  199. // totsize+=bufsize;
  200. // }
  201. // - unzip to a pipe -
  202. // HANDLE hwrite; HANDLE hthread=CreateWavReaderThread(&hwrite);
  203. // int i; ZIPENTRY ze; FindZipItem(hz,"sound.wav",true,&i,&ze);
  204. // UnzipItemHandle(hz,i, hwrite);
  205. // CloseHandle(hwrite);
  206. // WaitForSingleObject(hthread,INFINITE);
  207. // CloseHandle(hwrite); CloseHandle(hthread);
  208. // - finished -
  209. // CloseZip(hz);
  210. // // note: no need to free resources obtained through Find/Load/LockResource
  211. //
  212. //
  213. // SetCurrentDirectory("c:\\docs\\pipedzipstuff");
  214. // HANDLE hread,hwrite; CreatePipe(&hread,&hwrite,0,0);
  215. // CreateZipWriterThread(hwrite);
  216. // HZIP hz = OpenZipHandle(hread,0);
  217. // for (int i=0; ; i++)
  218. // { ZIPENTRY ze;
  219. // ZRESULT zr=GetZipItem(hz,i,&ze); if (zr!=ZR_OK) break; // no more
  220. // UnzipItem(hz,i,;
  221. // }
  222. // CloseZip(hz);
  223. //
  224. //
  225. // Now we indulge in a little skullduggery so that the code works whether
  226. // the user has included just zip or both zip and unzip.
  227. // Idea: if header files for both zip and unzip are present, then presumably
  228. // the cpp files for zip and unzip are both present, so we will call
  229. // one or the other of them based on a dynamic choice. If the header file
  230. // for only one is present, then we will bind to that particular one.
  231. ZRESULT CloseZipU(HZIP hz);
  232. unsigned int FormatZipMessageU(ZRESULT code, TCHAR *buf,unsigned int len);
  233. bool IsZipHandleU(HZIP hz);
  234. #ifdef _zip_H
  235. #undef CloseZip
  236. #define CloseZip(hz) (IsZipHandleU(hz)?CloseZipU(hz):CloseZipZ(hz))
  237. #else
  238. #define CloseZip CloseZipU
  239. #define FormatZipMessage FormatZipMessageU
  240. #endif
  241. #endif // _unzip_H