https://gitlab.com/tenstairs/meteor · JavaScript · 276 lines · 198 code · 37 blank · 41 comment · 15 complexity · 178d44b9a7381aaf2f87bde3994b6924 MD5 · raw file
- var _ = require('underscore');
- var selftest = require('../selftest.js');
- var testUtils = require('../test-utils.js');
- var utils = require('../utils.js');
- var Sandbox = selftest.Sandbox;
- var httpHelpers = require('../http-helpers.js');
- var config = require('../config.js');
- var expectInvalidToken = function (token) {
- // Same XXX as testUtils.registerWithToken: should be hardcoded to
- // https://www.meteor.com?
- var accountsConn = testUtils.ddpConnect(config.getAuthDDPUrl());
- var registrationTokenInfo = accountsConn.call('registrationTokenInfo',
- token);
- // We should not be able to get a registration code for an invalid
- // token.
- if (registrationTokenInfo.valid || registrationTokenInfo.code) {
- throw new Error('Expected invalid token is valid!');
- }
- accountsConn.close();
- };
- // Polls a guerrillamail.com inbox every 3 seconds looking for an email
- // that matches the given subject and body regexes. This could fail if
- // there is someone else polling this same inbox, so use a random email
- // address.
- //
- // If a matching email is found before the timeout elapses, this
- // function returns an object with keys:
- // - subject: the subject line of the matching email
- // - bodyPage: HTML (an entire rendered page) containing the body of
- // the email
- // Throws an exception if no matching email is found before the timeout
- // elapses.
- var waitForEmail = selftest.markStack(function (inbox, subjectRegExp,
- bodyRegExp, timeoutSecs) {
- if (timeoutSecs) {
- var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- throw new Error('Waiting for email to ' + inbox +
- ' timed out.');
- }, timeoutSecs * 1000);
- }
- // Get a session cookie for this inbox.
- var setEmailUrl = 'https://www.guerrillamail.com/ajax.php?f=set_email_user';
- var setEmailData = {
- email_user: inbox.split('@')[0],
- domain: 'guerrillamail.com'
- };
- var setEmailResult = httpHelpers.request({
- method: 'POST',
- url: setEmailUrl,
- form: setEmailData
- });
- var sessionCookie = JSON.parse(setEmailResult.body).sid_token;
- var cookieHeader = "PHPSESSID=" + sessionCookie + ";";
- var match;
- while (! match) {
- var checkInboxUrl = 'https://www.guerrillamail.com/ajax.php?' +
- 'f=check_email&seq=1&domain=guerrillamail.com&_=' +
- (+ new Date());
- var checkInboxResult = httpHelpers.request({
- method: 'GET',
- url: checkInboxUrl,
- headers: { Cookie: cookieHeader }
- });
- var body = JSON.parse(checkInboxResult.body);
- _.each(body.list, function (email) {
- var emailId = email.mail_id;
- var subject = email.mail_subject;
- if (subjectRegExp.test(subject)) {
- // Subject matches, so now check the body.
- var bodyResult = httpHelpers.request({
- url: 'https://www.guerrillamail.com/inbox?mail_id=' + emailId,
- headers: { Cookie: cookieHeader }
- });
- if (bodyRegExp.test(bodyResult.body)) {
- match = {
- subject: email.mail_subject,
- bodyPage: bodyResult.body
- };
- }
- }
- });
- if (! match)
- utils.sleepMs(3000);
- }
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- return match;
- });
- selftest.define('deferred registration - email registration token', ['net', 'slow'], function () {
- var s = new Sandbox;
- var email = testUtils.randomUserEmail();
- var username = testUtils.randomString(10);
- var appName = testUtils.randomAppName();
- var apiToken = testUtils.deployWithNewEmail(s, email, appName);
- // Check that we got a registration email in our inbox.
- var registrationEmail = waitForEmail(email, /Set a password/,
- /set a password/, 60);
- // Fish out the registration token and use to it to complete
- // registration.
- var token = testUtils.registrationUrlRegexp.exec(registrationEmail.bodyPage);
- if (! token || ! token[1]) {
- throw new Error("No registration token in email");
- }
- token = token[1];
- testUtils.registerWithToken(token, username, 'testtest', email);
- // Success! 'meteor whoami' should now know who we are.
- var run = s.run('whoami');
- run.waitSecs(testUtils.accountsCommandTimeoutSecs);
- run.read(username + '\n');
- run.expectExit(0);
- // We should be able to log out and log back in with our new password.
- testUtils.logout(s);
- testUtils.login(s, username, 'testtest');
- // And after logging out and logging back in, we should have
- // authorization to delete our app.
- testUtils.cleanUpApp(s, appName);
- // All the tokens we got should now be invalid.
- expectInvalidToken(token);
- expectInvalidToken(apiToken);
- testUtils.logout(s);
- // XXX Test that registration URLs get printed when they should
- });
- selftest.define('deferred registration revocation', ['net'], function () {
- // Test that if we are logged in as a passwordless user, and our
- // credential gets revoked, and we do something like 'meteor whoami'
- // that polls to see if registration is complete, then we handle it
- // gracefully.
- var s = new Sandbox;
- s.createApp('deployapp', 'empty');
- s.cd('deployapp');
- // Create a new deferred registration account. (Don't bother to wait
- // for the deploy to go through.)
- var email = testUtils.randomUserEmail();
- var username = testUtils.randomString(10);
- var appName = testUtils.randomAppName();
- var run = s.run('deploy', appName);
- run.waitSecs(5);
- run.matchErr('Email:');
- run.write(email + '\n');
- run.waitSecs(90);
- run.match('Deploying');
- run.waitSecs(15); // because the bundler doesn't yield
- run.stop();
- // 'whoami' says that we don't have a password
- run = s.run('whoami');
- run.waitSecs(15);
- run.matchErr('/setPassword?');
- run.expectExit(1);
- // Revoke the credential without updating .meteorsession.
- var sessionState = s.readSessionFile();
- run = s.run('logout');
- run.waitSecs(15);
- run.readErr("Logged out.\n");
- run.expectEnd();
- run.expectExit(0);
- s.writeSessionFile(sessionState);
- // 'whoami' now says that we're not logged in. No errors are printed.
- run = s.run('whoami');
- run.waitSecs(15);
- run.readErr("Not logged in. 'meteor login' to log in.\n");
- run.expectEnd();
- run.expectExit(1);
- });
- selftest.define(
- 'deferred registration - api registration token',
- ['net', 'slow'],
- function () {
- var s = new Sandbox;
- var email = testUtils.randomUserEmail();
- var username = testUtils.randomString(10);
- var appName = testUtils.randomAppName();
- var token = testUtils.deployWithNewEmail(s, email, appName);
- testUtils.registerWithToken(token, username, 'testtest', email);
- testUtils.logout(s);
- testUtils.login(s, username, 'testtest');
- testUtils.cleanUpApp(s, appName);
- // All tokens we received should not be invalid.
- expectInvalidToken(token);
- var registrationEmail = waitForEmail(email, /Set a password/,
- /set a password/, 60);
- var emailToken = testUtils.registrationUrlRegexp.exec(
- registrationEmail.bodyPage
- );
- if (! emailToken || ! emailToken[1]) {
- throw new Error('No registration token in email');
- }
- expectInvalidToken(emailToken[1]);
- testUtils.logout(s);
- }
- );
- selftest.define(
- 'deferred registration - register after logging out',
- ['net', 'slow'],
- function () {
- var s = new Sandbox;
- var email = testUtils.randomUserEmail();
- var username = testUtils.randomString(10);
- var appName = testUtils.randomAppName();
- var token = testUtils.deployWithNewEmail(s, email, appName);
- testUtils.logout(s);
- // If we deploy again with the same email address after logging out,
- // we should get a message telling us to check our email and
- // register, and the tool should obediently wait for us to do that
- // before doing the deploy.
- s.createApp('deployapp2', 'empty');
- s.cd('deployapp2');
- var run = s.run('deploy', appName);
- run.waitSecs(testUtils.accountsCommandTimeoutSecs);
- run.matchErr('Email:');
- run.write(email + '\n');
- run.waitSecs(testUtils.accountsCommandTimeoutSecs);
- run.matchErr('pick a password');
- run.matchErr('Waiting for you to register on the web...');
- var registrationEmail = waitForEmail(
- email,
- /Set a password/,
- /You previously created a Meteor developer account/,
- 60
- );
- token = testUtils.registrationUrlRegexp.exec(
- registrationEmail.bodyPage
- );
- if (! token || ! token[1]) {
- throw new Error('No registration token in email');
- }
- testUtils.registerWithToken(token[1], username, 'testtest', email);
- run.waitSecs(testUtils.accountsCommandTimeoutSecs);
- run.matchErr('Username: ' + username + '\n');
- run.matchErr('Password: ');
- run.write('testtest\n');
- run.waitSecs(90);
- run.match('Now serving at');
- run.expectExit(0);
- run = s.run('whoami');
- run.read(username);
- run.expectExit(0);
- testUtils.cleanUpApp(s, appName);
- testUtils.logout(s);
- }
- );