C | 320 lines | 245 code | 48 blank | 27 comment | 45 complexity | d65149fe48aaf382fee7b803ee852041 MD5 | raw file
- /* glue to link opencv subroutines with vt... */
- #include "quip_config.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV
- #include "quip_prot.h"
- #include "data_obj.h"
- #include "opencv_glue.h"
- /* OpenCV_Image */
- /* OpenCV_MemStorage */
- /* OpenCV_Scanner */
- /* OpenCV_Seq */
- /* OpenCV_ classifier cascade */
- static OpenCV_Image *make_new_ocvi(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name);
- static OpenCV_MemStorage *make_new_ocv_mem(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name);
- static OpenCV_Scanner *make_new_ocv_scanner(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name);
- static OpenCV_Seq *make_new_ocv_seq(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name);
- static Data_Obj * creat_dp_for_ocvi(QSP_ARG_DECL OpenCV_Image *ocvi_p );
- static OpenCV_Image *make_new_ocvi(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name)
- {
- OpenCV_Image *ocvi_p;
- ocvi_p = ocvi_of(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocvi_p != NO_OPENCV_IMAGE ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"OpenCV image %s already exists!?",obj_name);
- return(NO_OPENCV_IMAGE);
- }
- ocvi_p = new_ocvi(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocvi_p == NO_OPENCV_IMAGE ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"Error creating OpenCV image %s",obj_name);
- return(NO_OPENCV_IMAGE);
- }
- ocvi_p->ocv_dp = NO_OBJ;
- return(ocvi_p);
- }
- static OpenCV_MemStorage *make_new_ocv_mem(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name)
- {
- OpenCV_MemStorage *ocv_mem_p;
- ocv_mem_p = ocv_mem_of(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_mem_p != NO_OPENCV_MEM ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"OpenCV mem storage %s already exists!?",obj_name);
- return(NO_OPENCV_MEM);
- }
- ocv_mem_p = new_ocv_mem(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_mem_p == NO_OPENCV_MEM ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"Error creating OpenCV mem storage %s",obj_name);
- return(NO_OPENCV_MEM);
- }
- ocv_mem_p->ocv_dp = NO_OBJ;
- return(ocv_mem_p);
- }
- static OpenCV_Scanner *make_new_ocv_scanner(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name)
- {
- OpenCV_Scanner *ocv_scanner_p;
- ocv_scanner_p = ocv_scanner_of(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_scanner_p != NO_OPENCV_SCANNER ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"OpenCV scanner %s already exists!?",obj_name);
- }
- ocv_scanner_p = new_ocv_scanner(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_scanner_p == NO_OPENCV_SCANNER ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"Error creating OpenCV scanner %s",obj_name);
- }
- ocv_scanner_p->ocv_dp = NO_OBJ;
- ocv_scanner_p->ocv_mem = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
- return(ocv_scanner_p);
- }
- static OpenCV_Seq *make_new_ocv_seq(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name)
- {
- OpenCV_Seq *ocv_seq_p;
- ocv_seq_p = ocv_seq_of(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_seq_p != NO_OPENCV_SEQ ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"OpenCV seq %s already exists!?",obj_name);
- return(NO_OPENCV_SEQ);
- }
- ocv_seq_p = new_ocv_seq(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_seq_p == NO_OPENCV_SEQ ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"Error creating OpenCV seq %s",obj_name);
- return(NO_OPENCV_SEQ);
- }
- ocv_seq_p->ocv_dp = NO_OBJ;
- ocv_seq_p->ocv_seq = NULL;
- return(ocv_seq_p);
- }
- //#ifdef FOOBAR
- OpenCV_Image * load_ocv_image(QSP_ARG_DECL const char * obj_name, const char * filename )
- {
- OpenCV_Image *ocvi_p;
- ocvi_p = make_new_ocvi(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocvi_p == NO_OPENCV_IMAGE ) return(ocvi_p);
- if( (ocvi_p->ocv_image = cvLoadImage( filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)) == 0 ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"Error opening file %s!?",filename);
- /* delete new struct here */
- del_ocvi(QSP_ARG ocvi_p);
- // free name here?
- return(NO_OPENCV_IMAGE);
- }
- return(ocvi_p);
- }
- //#endif /* FOOBAR */
- void save_ocv_image( OpenCV_Image *ocvi_p , const char* filename)
- {
- // Save the image to the given filename.
- /* check for success??? */
- /* Why the third arg? difference versions of lib? */
- cvSaveImage(filename, ocvi_p->ocv_image , 0 );
- #else
- cvSaveImage(filename, ocvi_p->ocv_image /* , 0 */ );
- #endif
- }
- static Data_Obj * creat_dp_for_ocvi(QSP_ARG_DECL OpenCV_Image *ocvi_p )
- {
- IplImage* img;
- Dimension_Set dimset;
- Data_Obj *dp;
- prec_t p;
- img = ocvi_p->ocv_image;
- switch(img->depth) {
- case IPL_DEPTH_8U: p = PREC_UBY; break;
- case IPL_DEPTH_8S: p = PREC_BY; break;
- case IPL_DEPTH_16S: p = PREC_IN; break;
- case IPL_DEPTH_16U: p = PREC_UIN; break;
- case IPL_DEPTH_32S: p = PREC_DI; break;
- /* case IPL_DEPTH_32U: p = PREC_UDI; break; */
- case IPL_DEPTH_32F: p = PREC_SP; break;
- case IPL_DEPTH_64F: p = PREC_DP; break;
- default:
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"creat_dp_for_ocvi: unrecognized depth code %d!?",img->depth);
- return(NO_OBJ);
- break;
- }
- if( img->dataOrder == 0 ){
- dimset.ds_dimension[0] = img->nChannels;
- dimset.ds_dimension[1] = img->width; // Image width.
- dimset.ds_dimension[2] = img->height; // Image height.
- dimset.ds_dimension[3] = 1;
- } else {
- dimset.ds_dimension[0] = 1;
- dimset.ds_dimension[1] = img->width; // Image width.
- dimset.ds_dimension[2] = img->height; // Image height.
- dimset.ds_dimension[3] = img->nChannels;
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"OpenCV image components are not interleaved!? (dataOrder = %d)",img->dataOrder);
- advise(ERROR_STRING);
- }
- dimset.ds_dimension[4] = 1;
- dp = _make_dp(QSP_ARG ocvi_p->ocv_name,&dimset,PREC_FOR_CODE(p));
- if( dp == NO_OBJ ) return(dp);
- SET_OBJ_DATA_PTR(dp, img->imageData);
- SET_OBJ_UNALIGNED_PTR(dp, img->imageDataOrigin);
- return(dp);
- }
- OpenCV_Image * create_ocv_image(QSP_ARG_DECL const char *obj_name,
- long width,long height,int bit_depth_code,int n_channels)
- {
- OpenCV_Image *ocvi_p;
- ocvi_p = make_new_ocvi(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocvi_p == NO_OPENCV_IMAGE ) return(ocvi_p);
- if( (ocvi_p->ocv_image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height), bit_depth_code, n_channels)) == 0 ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"create_ocv_image: error creating ocv image for %s...",obj_name);
- del_ocvi(QSP_ARG ocvi_p);
- // release name here??
- return(NO_OPENCV_IMAGE);
- }
- /*
- * This is where we allocate a data_obj struct, and then fill in
- * all the fields, and set the data ptr accordingly...
- * (as done in make_frame_obj in ../newmeteor/mcapt.c)
- */
- if( (ocvi_p->ocv_dp = creat_dp_for_ocvi(QSP_ARG ocvi_p)) == NO_OBJ ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"Error creating QuIP image for OpenCV image %s",ocvi_p->ocv_name);
- }
- return(ocvi_p);
- }
- OpenCV_MemStorage * create_ocv_mem(QSP_ARG_DECL const char *obj_name)
- {
- OpenCV_MemStorage *ocv_mem_p;
- ocv_mem_p = make_new_ocv_mem(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_mem_p == NO_OPENCV_MEM ) return(ocv_mem_p);
- if( (ocv_mem_p->ocv_mem = cvCreateMemStorage(0)) == 0 ){
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"create_ocv_mem: error creating ocv mem storage for %s...",obj_name);
- del_ocv_mem(QSP_ARG ocv_mem_p);
- // release name here???
- return(NO_OPENCV_MEM);
- }
- return(ocv_mem_p);
- }
- OpenCV_Scanner * create_ocv_scanner(QSP_ARG_DECL const char *obj_name)
- {
- OpenCV_Scanner *ocv_scanner_p;
- ocv_scanner_p = make_new_ocv_scanner(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_scanner_p == NO_OPENCV_SCANNER ) return(ocv_scanner_p);
- return(ocv_scanner_p);
- }
- OpenCV_Seq * create_ocv_seq(QSP_ARG_DECL const char *obj_name)
- {
- OpenCV_Seq *ocv_seq_p;
- ocv_seq_p = make_new_ocv_seq(QSP_ARG obj_name);
- if( ocv_seq_p == NO_OPENCV_SEQ ) return(ocv_seq_p);
- ocv_seq_p->ocv_seq = NULL;
- return(ocv_seq_p);
- }
- OpenCV_Image *creat_ocvi_from_dp(QSP_ARG_DECL Data_Obj *dp)
- {
- OpenCV_Image* ocvi_p = make_new_ocvi(QSP_ARG OBJ_NAME(dp));
- if( ocvi_p == NO_OPENCV_IMAGE ) {
- return(ocvi_p);
- }
- ocvi_p->ocv_image = (IplImage *)getbuf(sizeof(*ocvi_p->ocv_image));
- /* don't need to test here because getbuf kill whole program if failure... */
- /* Now copy over the fields... */
- IplImage* img = ocvi_p->ocv_image;
- /*img->nSize =
- dp->dt_nelts * ELEMENT_SIZE(dp);*/ /* in bytes... */
- img->nSize = sizeof(*img);
- img->ID = 0;
- img->nChannels = OBJ_COMPS(dp);
- int precision;
- int bpp; // Bytes per pixel.
- switch (OBJ_PREC(dp)) {
- case PREC_UBY: precision = IPL_DEPTH_8U; bpp = 8; break;
- case PREC_BY: precision = IPL_DEPTH_8S; bpp = 8; break;
- case PREC_IN: precision = IPL_DEPTH_16S; bpp = 16; break;
- case PREC_UIN: precision = IPL_DEPTH_16U; bpp = 16; break;
- case PREC_DI: precision = IPL_DEPTH_32S; bpp = 32; break;
- case PREC_SP: precision = IPL_DEPTH_32F; bpp = 32; break;
- case PREC_DP: precision = IPL_DEPTH_64F; bpp = 64; break;
- default:
- sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"creat_dp_for_ocvi: unrecognized depth code %d!?",img->depth);
- return(NO_OPENCV_IMAGE);
- break;
- }
- img->depth = precision;
- img->widthStep = OBJ_COLS(dp)*OBJ_COMPS(dp);
- if (OBJ_FRAMES(dp) != 1) {
- img->dataOrder = 1; // Separate color channels.
- /* img->widthStep = bpp*img->width; */
- img->imageSize = img->height * img->widthStep * OBJ_COMPS(dp);
- } else {
- img->dataOrder = 0; // Interleaved color channels.
- /* img->widthStep = bpp*img->width*OBJ_COMPS(dp); */
- img->imageSize = OBJ_ROWS(dp) * img->widthStep; // Image size in bytes.
- }
- img->origin = 0; // 0 for upper-left origin.
- img->width = OBJ_COLS(dp); // Image width.
- img->height = OBJ_ROWS(dp); // Image height.
- img->roi = NULL;
- img->maskROI = NULL;
- img->imageId = NULL;
- img->tileInfo = NULL;
- img->imageData = (char *)OBJ_DATA_PTR(dp);
- img->imageDataOrigin = (char *)OBJ_UNALIGNED_PTR(dp);
- return(ocvi_p);
- }
- #endif /* HAVE_OPENCV */