Python | 310 lines | 261 code | 11 blank | 38 comment | 25 complexity | 95222a98eb16613a9b67d808c43715fd MD5 | raw file
- # coding: utf-8
- # Abstractology - Study of the organisation and evolution of a corpus
- #
- # Author(s):
- # * Ale Abdo <abdo@member.fsf.org>
- #
- # License:
- # [GNU-GPLv3+](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)
- #
- # Project:
- # <https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/The_dynamics_and_social_organization_of
- # _innovation_in_the_field_of_oncology>
- #
- # Reference repository for this file:
- # <https://gitlab.com/solstag/abstractology>
- #
- # Contributions are welcome, get in touch with the author(s).
- import pickle
- import json
- import gzip
- import lzma
- import pandas
- from pathlib import Path
- from itertools import chain
- from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
- ################
- # I/O utilities #
- ################
- class ioio:
- compressors = {
- None: {
- "module": None,
- "pandas_arg": None,
- },
- ".gz": {
- "module": gzip,
- "pandas_arg": "gzip",
- },
- ".gzip": {
- "module": gzip,
- "pandas_arg": "gzip",
- },
- ".xz": {
- "module": lzma,
- "pandas_arg": "xz",
- },
- ".lzma": {
- "module": lzma,
- "pandas_arg": "xz",
- },
- ".bz2": {
- "module": None,
- "pandas_arg": "bz2",
- },
- ".zip": {
- "module": None,
- "pandas_arg": "zip",
- },
- }
- formatters = {
- "pickle": {
- "module": pickle,
- "rmode": "rb",
- "wmode": "wb",
- "rmethod": "read_pickle",
- "wmethod": "to_pickle",
- "r_extra_args": {},
- "w_extra_args": {},
- },
- "json": {
- "module": json,
- "rmode": "rt",
- "wmode": "wt",
- "rmethod": "read_json",
- "wmethod": "to_json",
- "r_extra_args": {"orient": "split", "convert_dates": False},
- "w_extra_args": {"orient": "split", "date_format": "iso"},
- },
- "hdf5": {
- "module": None,
- "rmode": "rb",
- "wmode": "wb",
- "rmethod": "read_hdf",
- "wmethod": "to_hdf",
- "r_extra_args": {"key": "singleton"},
- "w_extra_args": {"key": "singleton"},
- },
- }
- @classmethod
- def uncompressed_suffix(cls, fpath):
- try:
- return next(x for x in reversed(fpath.suffixes) if x not in cls.compressors)
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- @classmethod
- def get_format(cls, fpath, fmt=None):
- cmp = fpath.suffix if fpath.suffix in cls.compressors else None
- suffix = cls.uncompressed_suffix(fpath)
- suffix = None if suffix is None else suffix[1:]
- if fmt is None:
- fmt = suffix if suffix in cls.formatters else "json"
- else:
- if fmt in cls.formatters:
- if suffix is not None and fmt != suffix:
- print(f"Warning: format {fmt} differs from path suffix {suffix}!")
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {fmt}")
- return fmt, cmp
- @classmethod
- def load(cls, fpath, fmt=None, formatter_args={}):
- """
- Reads an object from the disk, decompressing xz and gzip files.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fpath: string
- Path to load from.
- fmt: string
- One of 'pickle' or 'json'.
- If `None`, tries to guess from extension, defaulting to 'json'.
- formatter_args: dict
- Parameters passed to reading function.
- Returns
- -------
- The object read
- """
- fpath = Path(fpath)
- fmt, cmp = cls.get_format(fpath, fmt)
- compressor = cls.compressors[cmp]["module"]
- formatter = cls.formatters[fmt]["module"]
- mode = cls.formatters[fmt]["rmode"]
- if cmp is not None and compressor is None:
- raise ValueError(f"Usupported compression: {cmp}")
- if cmp is not None and compressor is not None:
- with compressor.open(fpath, mode) as f:
- return formatter.load(f, **formatter_args)
- for fopen in lzma.open, gzip.open, open:
- try:
- with fopen(fpath, mode) as f:
- return formatter.load(f, **formatter_args)
- except (lzma.LZMAError, gzip.BadGzipFile):
- pass
- @classmethod
- def store(cls, obj, fpath, fmt=None, formatter_args={}):
- """
- Stores an object to the disk.
- Output is compressed if file suffix is '.xz' or '.gz'
- Parameters
- ----------
- obj: object
- The object to be stored.
- fpath: string
- Path to save to.
- fmt: string
- One of 'pickle' or 'json'.
- If `None`, tries to guess from extension, defaulting to 'json'.
- formatter_args: dict
- Parameters passed to writing function.
- """
- fpath = Path(fpath)
- fmt, cmp = cls.get_format(fpath, fmt)
- compressor = cls.compressors[cmp]["module"]
- formatter = cls.formatters[fmt]["module"]
- mode = cls.formatters[fmt]["wmode"]
- if cmp is not None and compressor is None:
- raise ValueError(f"Usupported compression: {cmp}")
- fopen = compressor.open if compressor else open
- fpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with fopen(fpath, mode) as f:
- formatter.dump(obj, f, **formatter_args)
- @classmethod
- def load_pandas(cls, fpath, fmt=None, formatter_args={}):
- """
- Reads a pandas object from the disk, decompressing if needed.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fpath: string
- Path to load from.
- fmt: string
- One of 'pickle' or 'json'.
- If `None`, tries to guess from extension, defaulting to 'json'.
- formatter_args: dict
- Parameters passed to reading function.
- Returns
- -------
- A pandas object, usually a Series or Dataframe
- """
- fpath = Path(fpath)
- if not fpath.exists():
- raise FileNotFoundError
- fmt, cmp = cls.get_format(fpath)
- compression = cls.compressors[cmp]["pandas_arg"]
- method = cls.formatters[fmt]["rmethod"]
- extra_args = cls.formatters[fmt]["r_extra_args"]
- # compression in `to_hdf` seems useless, we might have used lzma on top
- if fmt == "hdf5":
- with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
- for fopen in lzma.open, open:
- try:
- with fopen(fpath, "rb") as f:
- tf.write(f.read())
- except lzma.LZMAError:
- pass
- return getattr(pandas, method)(tf.name, **formatter_args)
- if compression:
- df = getattr(pandas, method)(
- fpath,
- **dict(
- chain(
- extra_args.items(),
- formatter_args.items(),
- [("compression", compression)],
- )
- ),
- )
- else:
- for compression in "xz", "gzip", None:
- try:
- df = getattr(pandas, method)(
- fpath,
- **dict(
- chain(
- extra_args.items(),
- formatter_args.items(),
- [("compression", compression)],
- )
- ),
- )
- break
- except (lzma.LZMAError, gzip.BadGzipFile):
- pass
- # json doesn't handle tuples, so we must find and convert our tokens
- if fmt != "json":
- return df
- df = df.transform(
- lambda x: x.map(lambda y: tuple(map(tuple, y)), na_action="ignore")
- if all(
- type(y) is list
- and all(type(z) is list and all(type(w) is str for w in z) for z in y)
- for y in x.loc[x.notna()]
- )
- else x
- )
- return df
- @classmethod
- def store_pandas(cls, obj, fpath, fmt=None, formatter_args={}):
- """
- Stores a pandas object to the disk.
- Parameters
- ----------
- obj: object
- The object to be stored.
- fpath: string
- Path to save to.
- fmt: string
- One of 'pickle' or 'json'.
- If `None`, tries to guess from extension, defaulting to 'json'.
- formatter_args: dict
- Parameters passed to writing function.
- """
- fpath = Path(fpath)
- fmt, cmp = cls.get_format(fpath)
- compression = cls.compressors[cmp]["pandas_arg"]
- method = cls.formatters[fmt]["wmethod"]
- extra_args = cls.formatters[fmt]["w_extra_args"]
- method_args = dict(
- chain(
- extra_args.items(),
- formatter_args.items(),
- [("compression", compression)] if fmt != "hdf5" else [],
- )
- )
- fpath.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
- getattr(obj, method)(fpath, **method_args)
- # compression in `to_hdf` seems useless, so we apply it afterwards
- if fmt == "hdf5" and cls.compressors[cmp]["module"] is not None:
- with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
- data = f.read()
- with cls.compressors[cmp]["module"].open(fpath, "wb") as f:
- f.write(data)