Python | 261 lines | 152 code | 51 blank | 58 comment | 1 complexity | 3188f88a08d7a6c605a37ee66409a4e6 MD5 | raw file
- '''Tests for the ckanext.example_iauthfunctions extension.
- '''
- import paste.fixture
- import pylons.test
- import pylons.config as config
- import webtest
- import ckan.model as model
- import ckan.tests.legacy as tests
- import ckan.plugins
- import ckan.tests.factories as factories
- class TestExampleIAuthFunctionsCustomConfigSetting(object):
- '''Tests for the plugin_v5_custom_config_setting module.
- '''
- def _get_app(self, users_can_create_groups):
- # Set the custom config option in pylons.config.
- config['ckan.iauthfunctions.users_can_create_groups'] = (
- users_can_create_groups)
- # Return a test app with the custom config.
- app = ckan.config.middleware.make_app(config['global_conf'], **config)
- app = webtest.TestApp(app)
- ckan.plugins.load('example_iauthfunctions_v5_custom_config_setting')
- return app
- def teardown(self):
- # Remove the custom config option from pylons.config.
- del config['ckan.iauthfunctions.users_can_create_groups']
- # Delete any stuff that's been created in the db, so it doesn't
- # interfere with the next test.
- model.repo.rebuild_db()
- @classmethod
- def teardown_class(cls):
- ckan.plugins.unload('example_iauthfunctions_v5_custom_config_setting')
- def test_sysadmin_can_create_group_when_config_is_False(self):
- app = self._get_app(users_can_create_groups=False)
- sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
- tests.call_action_api(app, 'group_create', name='test-group',
- apikey=sysadmin['apikey'])
- def test_user_cannot_create_group_when_config_is_False(self):
- app = self._get_app(users_can_create_groups=False)
- user = factories.User()
- tests.call_action_api(app, 'group_create', name='test-group',
- apikey=user['apikey'], status=403)
- def test_visitor_cannot_create_group_when_config_is_False(self):
- app = self._get_app(users_can_create_groups=False)
- tests.call_action_api(app, 'group_create', name='test-group',
- status=403)
- def test_sysadmin_can_create_group_when_config_is_True(self):
- app = self._get_app(users_can_create_groups=True)
- sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
- tests.call_action_api(app, 'group_create', name='test-group',
- apikey=sysadmin['apikey'])
- def test_user_can_create_group_when_config_is_True(self):
- app = self._get_app(users_can_create_groups=True)
- user = factories.User()
- tests.call_action_api(app, 'group_create', name='test-group',
- apikey=user['apikey'])
- def test_visitor_cannot_create_group_when_config_is_True(self):
- app = self._get_app(users_can_create_groups=True)
- tests.call_action_api(app, 'group_create', name='test-group',
- status=403)
- class TestExampleIAuthFunctionsPluginV4(object):
- '''Tests for the ckanext.example_iauthfunctions.plugin module.
- '''
- @classmethod
- def setup_class(cls):
- '''Nose runs this method once to setup our test class.'''
- # Make the Paste TestApp that we'll use to simulate HTTP requests to
- # CKAN.
- cls.app = paste.fixture.TestApp(pylons.test.pylonsapp)
- # Test code should use CKAN's plugins.load() function to load plugins
- # to be tested.
- ckan.plugins.load('example_iauthfunctions_v4')
- def teardown(self):
- '''Nose runs this method after each test method in our test class.'''
- # Rebuild CKAN's database after each test method, so that each test
- # method runs with a clean slate.
- model.repo.rebuild_db()
- @classmethod
- def teardown_class(cls):
- '''Nose runs this method once after all the test methods in our class
- have been run.
- '''
- # We have to unload the plugin we loaded, so it doesn't affect any
- # tests that run after ours.
- ckan.plugins.unload('example_iauthfunctions_v4')
- def _make_curators_group(self):
- '''This is a helper method for test methods to call when they want
- the 'curators' group to be created.
- '''
- sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
- # Create a user who will *not* be a member of the curators group.
- noncurator = factories.User()
- # Create a user who will be a member of the curators group.
- curator = factories.User()
- # Create the curators group, with the 'curator' user as a member.
- users = [{'name': curator['name'], 'capacity': 'member'}]
- curators_group = tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create',
- apikey=sysadmin['apikey'],
- name='curators',
- users=users)
- return (noncurator, curator, curators_group)
- def test_group_create_with_no_curators_group(self):
- '''Test that group_create doesn't crash when there's no curators group.
- '''
- sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin()
- # Make sure there's no curators group.
- assert 'curators' not in tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_list')
- # Make our sysadmin user create a group. CKAN should not crash.
- tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create', name='test-group',
- apikey=sysadmin['apikey'])
- def test_group_create_with_visitor(self):
- '''A visitor (not logged in) should not be able to create a group.
- Note: this also tests that the group_create auth function doesn't
- crash when the user isn't logged in.
- '''
- noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
- result = tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create',
- name='this_group_should_not_be_created',
- status=403)
- assert result['__type'] == 'Authorization Error'
- def test_group_create_with_non_curator(self):
- '''A user who isn't a member of the curators group should not be able
- to create a group.
- '''
- noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
- result = tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create',
- name='this_group_should_not_be_created',
- apikey=noncurator['apikey'],
- status=403)
- assert result['__type'] == 'Authorization Error'
- def test_group_create_with_curator(self):
- '''A member of the curators group should be able to create a group.
- '''
- noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
- name = 'my-new-group'
- result = tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create',
- name=name,
- apikey=curator['apikey'])
- assert result['name'] == name
- class TestExampleIAuthFunctionsPluginV3(TestExampleIAuthFunctionsPluginV4):
- '''Tests for the ckanext.example_iauthfunctions.plugin_v3 module.
- '''
- @classmethod
- def setup_class(cls):
- cls.app = paste.fixture.TestApp(pylons.test.pylonsapp)
- ckan.plugins.load('example_iauthfunctions_v3')
- @classmethod
- def teardown_class(cls):
- ckan.plugins.unload('example_iauthfunctions_v3')
- def test_group_create_with_no_curators_group(self):
- '''Test that group_create returns a 404 when there's no curators group.
- With this version of the plugin group_create returns a spurious 404
- when a user _is_ logged-in but the site has no curators group.
- '''
- assert 'curators' not in tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_list')
- user = factories.User()
- response = tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create',
- name='test_group',
- apikey=user['apikey'], status=404)
- assert response == {'__type': 'Not Found Error',
- 'message': 'Not found'}
- def test_group_create_with_visitor(self):
- '''Test that group_create returns 403 when no one is logged in.
- Since #1210 non-logged in requests are automatically rejected, unless
- the auth function has the appropiate decorator
- '''
- noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
- response = tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create',
- name='this_group_shouldnt_be_created',
- status=403)
- assert response['__type'] == 'Authorization Error'
- class TestExampleIAuthFunctionsPluginV2(TestExampleIAuthFunctionsPluginV4):
- '''Tests for the ckanext.example_iauthfunctions.plugin_v2 module.
- '''
- @classmethod
- def setup_class(cls):
- cls.app = paste.fixture.TestApp(pylons.test.pylonsapp)
- ckan.plugins.load('example_iauthfunctions_v2')
- @classmethod
- def teardown_class(cls):
- ckan.plugins.unload('example_iauthfunctions_v2')
- def test_group_create_with_curator(self):
- '''Test that a curator can*not* create a group.
- In this version of the plugin, even users who are members of the
- curators group cannot create groups.
- '''
- noncurator, curator, curators_group = self._make_curators_group()
- result = tests.call_action_api(self.app, 'group_create',
- name='this_group_should_not_be_created',
- apikey=curator['apikey'],
- status=403)
- assert result['__type'] == 'Authorization Error'