C# | 373 lines | 303 code | 47 blank | 23 comment | 46 complexity | 3c67ff7bcc268f4a28e3aca6a572c890 MD5 | raw file
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copyright Microsoft Corporation
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- using Microsoft.Azure;
- using Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication;
- using Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Models;
- using Microsoft.Azure.Test;
- using Microsoft.Azure.Test.HttpRecorder;
- using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Common.Test.Mocks;
- using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Management.Automation;
- using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
- using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceManagemenet.Common;
- using System.Text;
- using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceManagemenet.Common.Models;
- namespace Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ScenarioTest
- {
- public class EnvironmentSetupHelper
- {
- private static string testEnvironmentName = "__test-environment";
- private static string testSubscriptionName = "__test-subscriptions";
- private AzureSubscription testSubscription;
- private AzureAccount testAccount;
- private const string PackageDirectoryFromCommon = @"..\..\..\..\Package\Debug";
- public const string PackageDirectory = @"..\..\..\..\..\Package\Debug";
- protected List<string> modules;
- public XunitTracingInterceptor TracingInterceptor { get; set; }
- protected ProfileClient ProfileClient { get; set; }
- public EnvironmentSetupHelper()
- {
- var datastore = new MemoryDataStore();
- AzureSession.DataStore = datastore;
- var profile = new AzureSMProfile(Path.Combine(AzureSession.ProfileDirectory, AzureSession.ProfileFile));
- AzureSMCmdlet.CurrentProfile = profile;
- AzureSession.DataStore = datastore;
- ProfileClient = new ProfileClient(profile);
- // Ignore SSL errors
- System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (se, cert, chain, sslerror) => true;
- // Set RunningMocked
- if (HttpMockServer.GetCurrentMode() == HttpRecorderMode.Playback)
- {
- TestMockSupport.RunningMocked = true;
- }
- else
- {
- TestMockSupport.RunningMocked = false;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Loads DummyManagementClientHelper with clients and throws exception if any client is missing.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="initializedManagementClients"></param>
- public void SetupManagementClients(params object[] initializedManagementClients)
- {
- AzureSession.ClientFactory = new MockClientFactory(initializedManagementClients);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Loads DummyManagementClientHelper with clients and sets it up to create missing clients dynamically.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="initializedManagementClients"></param>
- public void SetupSomeOfManagementClients(params object[] initializedManagementClients)
- {
- AzureSession.ClientFactory = new MockClientFactory(initializedManagementClients, false);
- }
- public void SetupEnvironment(AzureModule mode)
- {
- SetupAzureEnvironmentFromEnvironmentVariables(mode);
- ProfileClient.Profile.Save();
- }
- private void SetupAzureEnvironmentFromEnvironmentVariables(AzureModule mode)
- {
- TestEnvironment rdfeEnvironment = new RDFETestEnvironmentFactory().GetTestEnvironment();
- TestEnvironment csmEnvironment = new CSMTestEnvironmentFactory().GetTestEnvironment();
- TestEnvironment currentEnvironment = (mode == AzureModule.AzureResourceManager ? csmEnvironment : rdfeEnvironment);
- if (currentEnvironment.UserName == null)
- {
- currentEnvironment.UserName = "fakeuser@microsoft.com";
- }
- SetAuthenticationFactory(mode, rdfeEnvironment, csmEnvironment);
- AzureEnvironment environment = new AzureEnvironment { Name = testEnvironmentName };
- Debug.Assert(currentEnvironment != null);
- environment.Endpoints[AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.ActiveDirectory] = currentEnvironment.Endpoints.AADAuthUri.AbsoluteUri;
- environment.Endpoints[AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.Gallery] = currentEnvironment.Endpoints.GalleryUri.AbsoluteUri;
- if (csmEnvironment != null)
- {
- environment.Endpoints[AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.ResourceManager] = csmEnvironment.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;
- }
- if (rdfeEnvironment != null)
- {
- environment.Endpoints[AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.ServiceManagement] = rdfeEnvironment.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;
- }
- if (!ProfileClient.Profile.Environments.ContainsKey(testEnvironmentName))
- {
- ProfileClient.AddOrSetEnvironment(environment);
- }
- if (currentEnvironment.SubscriptionId != null)
- {
- testSubscription = new AzureSubscription()
- {
- Id = new Guid(currentEnvironment.SubscriptionId),
- Name = testSubscriptionName,
- Environment = testEnvironmentName,
- Account = currentEnvironment.UserName,
- Properties = new Dictionary<AzureSubscription.Property, string>
- {
- {AzureSubscription.Property.Default, "True"},
- {
- AzureSubscription.Property.StorageAccount,
- Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT")
- },
- }
- };
- testAccount = new AzureAccount()
- {
- Id = currentEnvironment.UserName,
- Type = AzureAccount.AccountType.User,
- Properties = new Dictionary<AzureAccount.Property, string>
- {
- {AzureAccount.Property.Subscriptions, currentEnvironment.SubscriptionId},
- }
- };
- ProfileClient.Profile.Subscriptions[testSubscription.Id] = testSubscription;
- ProfileClient.Profile.Accounts[testAccount.Id] = testAccount;
- ProfileClient.SetSubscriptionAsDefault(testSubscription.Name, testSubscription.Account);
- }
- }
- private void SetAuthenticationFactory(AzureModule mode, TestEnvironment rdfeEnvironment, TestEnvironment csmEnvironment)
- {
- string jwtToken = null;
- X509Certificate2 certificate = null;
- TestEnvironment currentEnvironment = (mode == AzureModule.AzureResourceManager ? csmEnvironment : rdfeEnvironment);
- if (mode == AzureModule.AzureServiceManagement)
- {
- if (rdfeEnvironment.Credentials is TokenCloudCredentials)
- {
- jwtToken = ((TokenCloudCredentials)rdfeEnvironment.Credentials).Token;
- }
- if (rdfeEnvironment.Credentials is CertificateCloudCredentials)
- {
- certificate = ((CertificateCloudCredentials)rdfeEnvironment.Credentials).ManagementCertificate;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (csmEnvironment.Credentials is TokenCloudCredentials)
- {
- jwtToken = ((TokenCloudCredentials)csmEnvironment.Credentials).Token;
- }
- if (csmEnvironment.Credentials is CertificateCloudCredentials)
- {
- certificate = ((CertificateCloudCredentials)csmEnvironment.Credentials).ManagementCertificate;
- }
- }
- if (jwtToken != null)
- {
- AzureSession.AuthenticationFactory = new MockTokenAuthenticationFactory(currentEnvironment.UserName,
- jwtToken);
- }
- else if (certificate != null)
- {
- AzureSession.AuthenticationFactory = new MockCertificateAuthenticationFactory(currentEnvironment.UserName,
- certificate);
- }
- }
- public void SetupModules(AzureModule mode, params string[] modules)
- {
- this.modules = new List<string>();
- if (mode == AzureModule.AzureProfile)
- {
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureRM.Profile\AzureRM.Profile.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"Storage\Azure.Storage\Azure.Storage.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"ServiceManagement\Azure\Azure.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureResourceManager.psd1"));
- }
- else if (mode == AzureModule.AzureServiceManagement)
- {
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureRM.Profile\AzureRM.Profile.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"Storage\Azure.Storage\Azure.Storage.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"ServiceManagement\Azure\Azure.psd1"));
- }
- else if (mode == AzureModule.AzureResourceManager)
- {
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectory, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureResourceManager.psd1"));
- }
- else
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Unknown command type for testing");
- }
- this.modules.Add("Assert.ps1");
- this.modules.Add("Common.ps1");
- this.modules.AddRange(modules);
- }
- public void SetupModulesFromCommon(AzureModule mode, params string[] modules)
- {
- this.modules = new List<string>();
- if (mode == AzureModule.AzureProfile)
- {
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureRM.Profile\AzureRM.Profile.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"Storage\Azure.Storage\Azure.Storage.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"ServiceManagement\Azure\Azure.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureResourceManager.psd1"));
- }
- else if (mode == AzureModule.AzureServiceManagement)
- {
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureRM.Profile\AzureRM.Profile.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"Storage\Azure.Storage\Azure.Storage.psd1"));
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"ServiceManagement\Azure\Azure.psd1"));
- }
- else if (mode == AzureModule.AzureResourceManager)
- {
- this.modules.Add(Path.Combine(PackageDirectoryFromCommon, @"ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureResourceManager.psd1"));
- }
- else
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Unknown command type for testing");
- }
- this.modules.Add("Assert.ps1");
- this.modules.Add("Common.ps1");
- this.modules.AddRange(modules);
- }
- public void SetupModules(params string[] modules)
- {
- this.modules = new List<string>();
- this.modules.Add("Assert.ps1");
- this.modules.Add("Common.ps1");
- this.modules.AddRange(modules);
- }
- public virtual Collection<PSObject> RunPowerShellTest(params string[] scripts)
- {
- using (var powershell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.NewRunspace))
- {
- return ExecuteShellTest(powershell, null, scripts);
- }
- }
- public virtual Collection<PSObject> RunPowerShellTest(IEnumerable<string> setupScripts, IEnumerable<string> scripts)
- {
- using (var powershell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.NewRunspace))
- {
- return ExecuteShellTest(powershell, setupScripts, scripts);
- }
- }
- private Collection<PSObject> ExecuteShellTest(
- System.Management.Automation.PowerShell powershell,
- IEnumerable<string> setupScripts,
- IEnumerable<string> scripts)
- {
- SetupPowerShellModules(powershell, setupScripts);
- Collection<PSObject> output = null;
- foreach (var script in scripts)
- {
- if (TracingInterceptor != null)
- {
- TracingInterceptor.Information(script);
- }
- powershell.AddScript(script);
- }
- try
- {
- powershell.Runspace.Events.Subscribers.Clear();
- powershell.Streams.Error.Clear();
- output = powershell.Invoke();
- if (powershell.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
- {
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.AppendLine("Test failed due to a non-empty error stream, check the error stream in the test log for more details.");
- sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} total Errors", powershell.Streams.Error.Count));
- foreach (var error in powershell.Streams.Error)
- {
- sb.AppendLine(error.Exception.ToString());
- }
- throw new RuntimeException(sb.ToString());
- }
- return output;
- }
- catch (Exception psException)
- {
- powershell.LogPowerShellException(psException, TracingInterceptor);
- throw;
- }
- finally
- {
- powershell.LogPowerShellResults(output, TracingInterceptor);
- powershell.Streams.Error.Clear();
- }
- }
- private void SetupPowerShellModules(System.Management.Automation.PowerShell powershell, IEnumerable<string> setupScripts)
- {
- powershell.AddScript("$error.clear()");
- powershell.AddScript(string.Format("cd \"{0}\"", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory));
- if (setupScripts != null)
- {
- foreach(var script in setupScripts)
- {
- powershell.AddScript(script);
- }
- }
- foreach (string moduleName in modules)
- {
- powershell.AddScript(string.Format("Import-Module \"{0}\"", moduleName.AsAbsoluteLocation()));
- }
- powershell.AddScript(
- string.Format("set-location \"{0}\"", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory));
- powershell.AddScript(string.Format(@"$TestOutputRoot='{0}'", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory));
- powershell.AddScript("$VerbosePreference='Continue'");
- powershell.AddScript("$DebugPreference='Continue'");
- powershell.AddScript("$ErrorActionPreference='Stop'");
- powershell.AddScript("Write-Debug \"AZURE_TEST_MODE = $($env:AZURE_TEST_MODE)\"");
- powershell.AddScript("Write-Debug \"TEST_HTTPMOCK_OUTPUT = $($env:TEST_HTTPMOCK_OUTPUT)\"");
- }
- }
- }