https://gitlab.com/jslee1/omaha · C Header · 412 lines · 306 code · 59 blank · 47 comment · 14 complexity · 0c72011bac0523a1a7585fc083ca1885 MD5 · raw file
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copyright ( C ) Microsoft, 2002.
- //
- // File: shared_any.h
- //
- // Contents: automatic resource management
- //
- // Classes: shared_any<> and various typedefs
- //
- // Functions: get
- // reset
- // valid
- //
- // Author: Eric Niebler ( ericne@microsoft.com )
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef SHARED_ANY
- #define SHARED_ANY
- #include <cassert>
- #include <functional> // for std::less
- #include <algorithm> // for std::swap
- #include "smart_any_fwd.h"
- namespace detail
- {
- class ref_count_allocator
- {
- struct node;
- node *m_list_blocks;
- node *m_last_alloc;
- node *m_last_free;
- ref_count_allocator();
- ~ref_count_allocator();
- public:
- void finalize();
- long volatile *alloc();
- long volatile *alloc( long val );
- void free( long volatile *refcount );
- static ref_count_allocator instance;
- };
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- struct shared_any_helper;
- template<typename Super>
- struct shared_holder : Super
- {
- explicit shared_holder( typename Super::type t )
- : Super( t )
- {
- }
- shared_holder( shared_holder const & that )
- : Super( that )
- {
- if( Super::valid() )
- {
- Super::inc_ref();
- }
- }
- ~shared_holder()
- {
- if( Super::valid() )
- {
- Super::dec_ref();
- }
- }
- };
- template<typename T,class invalid_value_type>
- struct intrusive
- {
- typedef T type;
- explicit intrusive( T t )
- : m_t( t )
- {
- }
- bool valid() const
- {
- return m_t != static_cast<T>( invalid_value_type() );
- }
- void inc_ref()
- {
- m_t->AddRef();
- }
- void dec_ref()
- {
- if( 0 == m_t->Release() )
- {
- m_t = static_cast<T>( invalid_value_type() );
- }
- }
- T m_t;
- };
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value_type>
- struct nonintrusive
- {
- typedef T type;
- explicit nonintrusive( T t )
- : m_t( t ),
- m_ref( 0 )
- {
- if( valid() )
- {
- m_ref = ref_count_allocator::instance.alloc(1L);
- if( ! m_ref )
- {
- m_t = static_cast<T>( invalid_value_type() );
- throw std::bad_alloc();
- }
- }
- }
- bool valid() const
- {
- return m_t != static_cast<T>( invalid_value_type() );
- }
- void inc_ref()
- {
- ::InterlockedIncrement( m_ref );
- }
- void dec_ref()
- {
- if( 0L == ::InterlockedDecrement( m_ref ) )
- {
- ref_count_allocator::instance.free( m_ref );
- m_ref = 0;
- close_policy::close( m_t );
- m_t = static_cast<T>( invalid_value_type() );
- }
- }
- typename holder<T>::type m_t;
- long volatile *m_ref;
- };
- template<class close_policy>
- struct is_close_release_com
- {
- static bool const value = false;
- };
- template<>
- struct is_close_release_com<close_release_com>
- {
- static bool const value = true;
- };
- // credit Rani Sharoni for showing me how to implement
- // is_com_ptr on VC7. This is deeply magical code.
- template<typename T>
- struct is_com_ptr
- {
- private:
- struct maybe
- {
- operator IUnknown*() const;
- operator T();
- };
- template<typename U>
- static yes check(T, U);
- static no check(IUnknown*, int);
- static maybe get();
- public:
- static bool const value = sizeof(check(get(),0)) == sizeof(yes);
- };
- template<>
- struct is_com_ptr<IUnknown*>
- {
- static bool const value = true;
- };
- }
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- class shared_any
- {
- typedef detail::safe_types<T,close_policy> safe_types;
- // disallow comparison of shared_any's
- bool operator==( detail::safe_bool ) const;
- bool operator!=( detail::safe_bool ) const;
- public:
- typedef typename detail::holder<T>::type element_type;
- typedef close_policy close_policy_type;
- typedef typename safe_types::pointer_type pointer_type;
- typedef typename safe_types::reference_type reference_type;
- // Fix-up the invalid_value type on older compilers
- typedef typename detail::fixup_invalid_value<invalid_value>::
- template rebind<T>::type invalid_value_type;
- friend struct detail::shared_any_helper<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>;
- // default construct
- shared_any()
- : m_held( static_cast<T>( invalid_value_type() ) )
- {
- }
- // construct from object. If we fail to allocate a reference count,
- // then the T object is closed, and a bad_alloc exception is thrown.
- explicit shared_any( T t )
- try : m_held( t )
- {
- }
- catch( std::bad_alloc & )
- {
- close_policy::close( t );
- throw;
- }
- // construct from another shared_any, incrementing ref count.
- // Only throws if T's copy-c'tor throws, in which case, ref-count
- // is unchanged.
- shared_any( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & right )
- : m_held( right.m_held )
- {
- }
- // construct from an auto_any, taking ownership. If allocation
- // fails, auto_any retains ownership.
- shared_any( auto_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & right )
- : m_held( get( right ) )
- {
- release( right );
- }
- // assign from another shared_any
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & operator=(
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & right )
- {
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>( right ).swap( *this );
- return *this;
- }
- // assign from an auto_any
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & operator=(
- auto_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & right )
- {
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>( right ).swap( *this );
- return *this;
- }
- operator detail::safe_bool() const
- {
- return m_held.valid() ? detail::safe_true : detail::safe_false;
- }
- bool operator!() const
- {
- return ! m_held.valid();
- }
- // return pointer to class object (assume pointer)
- pointer_type operator->() const
- {
- #ifdef SMART_ANY_PTS
- // You better not be applying operator-> to a handle!
- static detail::smartany_static_assert<!detail::is_handle<T>::value> const cannot_dereference_a_handle;
- #endif
- assert( m_held.valid() );
- return safe_types::to_pointer( m_held.m_t );
- }
- #ifdef SMART_ANY_PTS
- // if this shared_any is managing an array, we can use operator[] to index it
- typename detail::deref<T>::type operator[]( int i ) const
- {
- static detail::smartany_static_assert<!detail::is_handle<T>::value> const cannot_dereference_a_handle;
- static detail::smartany_static_assert<!detail::is_delete<close_policy>::value> const accessed_like_an_array_but_not_deleted_like_an_array;
- assert( m_held.valid() );
- return m_held.m_t[ i ];
- }
- // unary operator* lets you write code like:
- // shared_any<foo*,close_delete> pfoo( new foo );
- // foo & f = *pfoo;
- reference_type operator*() const
- {
- static detail::smartany_static_assert<!detail::is_handle<T>::value> const cannot_dereference_a_handle;
- assert( m_held.valid() );
- return safe_types::to_reference( m_held.m_t );
- }
- #endif
- private:
- void swap( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & right )
- {
- using std::swap;
- swap( m_held, right.m_held );
- }
- // if we are wrapping a COM object, then use COM's reference counting.
- // otherwise, use our own reference counting.
- typedef typename detail::select<
- detail::is_com_ptr<T>::value && detail::is_close_release_com<close_policy>::value,
- detail::intrusive<T,invalid_value_type>,
- detail::nonintrusive<T,close_policy,invalid_value_type> >::type holder_policy;
- detail::shared_holder<holder_policy> m_held;
- };
- namespace detail
- {
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- struct shared_any_helper
- {
- static T get( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & t )
- {
- return t.m_held.m_t;
- }
- static void reset( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & t, T newT )
- {
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>( newT ).swap( t );
- }
- static void swap( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & left,
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & right )
- {
- left.swap( right );
- }
- };
- }
- // return wrapped resource
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- inline T get( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & t )
- {
- return detail::shared_any_helper<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>::get( t );
- }
- // return true if the shared_any contains a currently valid resource
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- inline bool valid( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & t )
- {
- return t;
- }
- // destroy designated object
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- inline void reset( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & t )
- {
- typedef typename detail::fixup_invalid_value<invalid_value>::
- template rebind<T>::type invalid_value_type;
- detail::shared_any_helper<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>::reset( t, invalid_value_type() );
- }
- // destroy designated object and store new resource
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique,typename U>
- inline void reset( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & t, U newT )
- {
- detail::shared_any_helper<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>::reset( t, newT );
- }
- // swap the contents of two shared_any objects
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- inline void swap( shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & left,
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> & right )
- {
- detail::shared_any_helper<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique>::swap( left, right );
- }
- // Define some relational operators on shared_* types so they
- // can be used in hashes and maps
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- inline bool operator==(
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & left,
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & right )
- {
- return get( left ) == get( right );
- }
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- inline bool operator!=(
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & left,
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & right )
- {
- return get( left ) != get( right );
- }
- template<typename T,class close_policy,class invalid_value,int unique>
- inline bool operator<(
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & left,
- shared_any<T,close_policy,invalid_value,unique> const & right )
- {
- return std::less<T>( get( left ), get( right ) );
- }
- #endif // SHARED_ANY
- // This causes the shared_* typedefs to be defined