Python | 344 lines | 323 code | 4 blank | 17 comment | 2 complexity | 587b14860e4d968c2d0e114468332ca4 MD5 | raw file
- import re
- from django import forms
- from django.core.files.uploadedfile import InMemoryUploadedFile
- from django.forms.utils import flatatt
- from django.forms.widgets import FileInput
- from django.template import Context
- from django.template.loader import render_to_string
- from django.utils import formats, six
- from django.utils.encoding import force_text
- from django.utils.html import format_html
- from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
- from django.utils.six.moves import filter, map
- class ImageInput(FileInput):
- """
- Widget providing a input element for file uploads based on the
- Django ``FileInput`` element. It hides the actual browser-specific
- input element and shows the available image for images that have
- been previously uploaded. Selecting the image will open the file
- dialog and allow for selecting a new or replacing image file.
- """
- template_name = 'partials/image_input_widget.html'
- attrs = {'accept': 'image/*'}
- def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
- """
- Render the ``input`` field based on the defined ``template_name``. The
- image URL is take from *value* and is provided to the template as
- ``image_url`` context variable relative to ``MEDIA_URL``. Further
- attributes for the ``input`` element are provide in ``input_attrs`` and
- contain parameters specified in *attrs* and *name*.
- If *value* contains no valid image URL an empty string will be provided
- in the context.
- """
- final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, type=self.input_type, name=name)
- if not value or isinstance(value, InMemoryUploadedFile):
- # can't display images that aren't stored
- image_url = ''
- else:
- image_url = final_attrs['value'] = force_text(
- self._format_value(value))
- return render_to_string(self.template_name, Context({
- 'input_attrs': flatatt(final_attrs),
- 'image_url': image_url,
- 'image_id': "%s-image" % final_attrs['id'],
- }))
- class WYSIWYGTextArea(forms.Textarea):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs.setdefault('attrs', {})
- kwargs['attrs'].setdefault('class', '')
- kwargs['attrs']['class'] += ' wysiwyg'
- super(WYSIWYGTextArea, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def datetime_format_to_js_date_format(format):
- """
- Convert a Python datetime format to a date format suitable for use with
- the JS date picker we use.
- """
- format = format.split()[0]
- return datetime_format_to_js_datetime_format(format)
- def datetime_format_to_js_time_format(format):
- """
- Convert a Python datetime format to a time format suitable for use with the
- JS time picker we use.
- """
- try:
- format = format.split()[1]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- converted = format
- replacements = {
- '%H': 'hh',
- '%I': 'HH',
- '%M': 'ii',
- '%S': 'ss',
- }
- for search, replace in replacements.items():
- converted = converted.replace(search, replace)
- return converted.strip()
- def datetime_format_to_js_datetime_format(format):
- """
- Convert a Python datetime format to a time format suitable for use with
- the datetime picker we use, http://www.malot.fr/bootstrap-datetimepicker/.
- """
- converted = format
- replacements = {
- '%Y': 'yyyy',
- '%y': 'yy',
- '%m': 'mm',
- '%d': 'dd',
- '%H': 'hh',
- '%I': 'HH',
- '%M': 'ii',
- '%S': 'ss',
- }
- for search, replace in replacements.items():
- converted = converted.replace(search, replace)
- return converted.strip()
- def datetime_format_to_js_input_mask(format):
- # taken from
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15175142/how-can-i-do-multiple-substitutions-using-regex-in-python # noqa
- def multiple_replace(dict, text):
- # Create a regular expression from the dictionary keys
- regex = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, dict.keys())))
- # For each match, look-up corresponding value in dictionary
- return regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], text)
- replacements = {
- '%Y': 'y',
- '%y': '99',
- '%m': 'm',
- '%d': 'd',
- '%H': 'h',
- '%I': 'h',
- '%M': 's',
- '%S': 's',
- }
- return multiple_replace(replacements, format).strip()
- class DateTimeWidgetMixin(object):
- def get_format(self):
- format = self.format
- if hasattr(self, 'manual_format'):
- # For django <= 1.6.5, see
- # https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21173
- if self.is_localized and not self.manual_format:
- format = force_text(formats.get_format(self.format_key)[0])
- else:
- # For django >= 1.7
- format = format or formats.get_format(self.format_key)[0]
- return format
- def gett_attrs(self, attrs, format):
- if not attrs:
- attrs = {}
- attrs['data-inputmask'] = "'mask': '{mask}'".format(
- mask=datetime_format_to_js_input_mask(format))
- return attrs
- class TimePickerInput(DateTimeWidgetMixin, forms.TimeInput):
- """
- A widget that passes the date format to the JS date picker in a data
- attribute.
- """
- format_key = 'TIME_INPUT_FORMATS'
- def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
- format = self.get_format()
- input = super(TimePickerInput, self).render(
- name, value, self.gett_attrs(attrs, format))
- attrs = {'data-oscarWidget': 'time',
- 'data-timeFormat':
- datetime_format_to_js_time_format(format),
- }
- div = format_html('<div class="input-group date"{}>', flatatt(attrs))
- return mark_safe('<div class="form-inline">'
- ' {div}'
- ' {input}'
- ' <span class="input-group-addon">'
- ' <i class="icon-time glyphicon-time"></i>'
- ' </span>'
- ' </div>'
- '</div>'
- .format(div=div, input=input))
- class DatePickerInput(DateTimeWidgetMixin, forms.DateInput):
- """
- A widget that passes the date format to the JS date picker in a data
- attribute.
- """
- format_key = 'DATE_INPUT_FORMATS'
- def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
- format = self.get_format()
- input = super(DatePickerInput, self).render(
- name, value, self.gett_attrs(attrs, format))
- attrs = {'data-oscarWidget': 'date',
- 'data-dateFormat':
- datetime_format_to_js_date_format(format),
- }
- div = format_html('<div class="input-group date"{}>', flatatt(attrs))
- return mark_safe('<div class="form-inline">'
- ' {div}'
- ' {input}'
- ' <span class="input-group-addon">'
- ' <i class="icon-calendar glyphicon-calendar"></i>'
- ' </span>'
- ' </div>'
- '</div>'
- .format(div=div, input=input))
- class DateTimePickerInput(DateTimeWidgetMixin, forms.DateTimeInput):
- """
- A widget that passes the datetime format to the JS datetime picker in a
- data attribute.
- It also removes seconds by default. However this only works with widgets
- without localize=True.
- For localized widgets refer to
- https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/i18n/formatting/#creating-custom-format-files # noqa
- instead to override the format.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- include_seconds = kwargs.pop('include_seconds', False)
- super(DateTimePickerInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- if not include_seconds and self.format:
- self.format = re.sub(':?%S', '', self.format)
- def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
- format = self.get_format()
- input = super(DateTimePickerInput, self).render(
- name, value, self.gett_attrs(attrs, format))
- attrs = {'data-oscarWidget': 'datetime',
- 'data-datetimeFormat':
- datetime_format_to_js_datetime_format(format),
- }
- div = format_html('<div class="input-group date"{}>', flatatt(attrs))
- return mark_safe('<div class="form-inline">'
- ' {div}'
- ' {input}'
- ' <span class="input-group-addon">'
- ' <i class="icon-calendar glyphicon-calendar"></i>'
- ' </span>'
- ' </div>'
- '</div>'
- .format(div=div, input=input))
- class AdvancedSelect(forms.Select):
- """
- Customised Select widget that allows a list of disabled values to be passed
- to the constructor. Django's default Select widget doesn't allow this so
- we have to override the render_option method and add a section that checks
- for whether the widget is disabled.
- """
- def __init__(self, attrs=None, choices=(), disabled_values=()):
- self.disabled_values = set(force_text(v) for v in disabled_values)
- super(AdvancedSelect, self).__init__(attrs, choices)
- def render_option(self, selected_choices, option_value, option_label):
- option_value = force_text(option_value)
- if option_value in self.disabled_values:
- selected_html = mark_safe(' disabled="disabled"')
- elif option_value in selected_choices:
- selected_html = mark_safe(' selected="selected"')
- if not self.allow_multiple_selected:
- # Only allow for a single selection.
- selected_choices.remove(option_value)
- else:
- selected_html = ''
- return format_html(u'<option value="{0}"{1}>{2}</option>',
- option_value,
- selected_html,
- force_text(option_label))
- class RemoteSelect(forms.Widget):
- """
- Somewhat reusable widget that allows AJAX lookups in combination with
- select2.
- Requires setting the URL of a lookup view either as class attribute or when
- constructing
- """
- is_multiple = False
- lookup_url = None
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if 'lookup_url' in kwargs:
- self.lookup_url = kwargs.pop('lookup_url')
- if self.lookup_url is None:
- raise ValueError(
- "RemoteSelect requires a lookup ULR")
- super(RemoteSelect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def format_value(self, value):
- return six.text_type(value or '')
- def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
- value = data.get(name, None)
- if value is None:
- return value
- else:
- return six.text_type(value)
- def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
- attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, **{
- 'type': 'hidden',
- 'name': name,
- 'data-ajax-url': self.lookup_url,
- 'data-multiple': 'multiple' if self.is_multiple else '',
- 'value': self.format_value(value),
- 'data-required': 'required' if self.is_required else '',
- })
- return mark_safe(u'<input %s>' % flatatt(attrs))
- class MultipleRemoteSelect(RemoteSelect):
- is_multiple = True
- def format_value(self, value):
- if value:
- return ','.join(map(six.text_type, filter(bool, value)))
- else:
- return ''
- def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
- value = data.get(name, None)
- if value is None:
- return []
- else:
- return list(filter(bool, value.split(',')))