Java | 271 lines | 220 code | 31 blank | 20 comment | 64 complexity | 12086c569f0b679c9414da3b19bd5663 MD5 | raw file
- import org.bytedeco.javacv.Blobs;
- import org.bytedeco.javacv.CanvasFrame;
- import org.bytedeco.javacv.OpenCVFrameConverter;
- import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.*;
- import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_imgcodecs.*;
- import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_imgproc.*;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //* *//
- //* As the author of this code, I place all of this code into *//
- //* the public domain. Users can use it for any legal purpose. *//
- //* *//
- //* - Dave Grossman *//
- //* *//
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public class BlobDemo
- {
- public static void main(String[] args)
- {
- System.out.println("STARTING...\n");
- demo();
- System.out.println("ALL DONE");
- }
- public static void demo()
- {
- int MinArea = 6;
- int ErodeCount =0;
- int DilateCount = 0;
- IplImage RawImage = null;
- // Read an image.
- for(int k = 0; k < 7; k++)
- {
- if(k == 0) { RawImage = cvLoadImage("BlackBalls.jpg"); MinArea = 250; ErodeCount = 0; DilateCount = 1; }
- else if(k == 1) { RawImage = cvLoadImage("Shapes1.jpg"); MinArea = 6; ErodeCount = 0; DilateCount = 1; }
- else if(k == 2) { RawImage = cvLoadImage("Shapes2.jpg"); MinArea = 250; ErodeCount = 0; DilateCount = 1; }
- else if(k == 3) { RawImage = cvLoadImage("Blob1.jpg"); MinArea = 2800; ErodeCount = 1; DilateCount = 1; }
- else if(k == 4) { RawImage = cvLoadImage("Blob2.jpg"); MinArea = 2800; ErodeCount = 1; DilateCount = 1; }
- else if(k == 5) { RawImage = cvLoadImage("Blob3.jpg"); MinArea = 2800; ErodeCount = 1; DilateCount = 1; }
- else if(k == 6) { RawImage = cvLoadImage("Rice.jpg"); MinArea = 30; ErodeCount = 2; DilateCount = 1; }
- //ShowImage(RawImage, "RawImage", 512);
- IplImage GrayImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(RawImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvCvtColor(RawImage, GrayImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- //ShowImage(GrayImage, "GrayImage", 512);
- IplImage BWImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(GrayImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvThreshold(GrayImage, BWImage, 127, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
- //ShowImage(BWImage, "BWImage");
- IplImage WorkingImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(BWImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvErode(BWImage, WorkingImage, null, ErodeCount);
- cvDilate(WorkingImage, WorkingImage, null, DilateCount);
- //ShowImage(WorkingImage, "WorkingImage", 512);
- //cvSaveImage("Working.jpg", WorkingImage);
- //PrintGrayImage(WorkingImage, "WorkingImage");
- //BinaryHistogram(WorkingImage);
- Blobs Regions = new Blobs();
- Regions.BlobAnalysis(
- WorkingImage, // image
- -1, -1, // ROI start col, row
- -1, -1, // ROI cols, rows
- 1, // border (0 = black; 1 = white)
- MinArea); // minarea
- Regions.PrintRegionData();
- for(int i = 1; i <= Blobs.MaxLabel; i++)
- {
- double [] Region = Blobs.RegionData[i];
- int Parent = (int) Region[Blobs.BLOBPARENT];
- int Color = (int) Region[Blobs.BLOBCOLOR];
- int MinX = (int) Region[Blobs.BLOBMINX];
- int MaxX = (int) Region[Blobs.BLOBMAXX];
- int MinY = (int) Region[Blobs.BLOBMINY];
- int MaxY = (int) Region[Blobs.BLOBMAXY];
- Highlight(RawImage, MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY, 1);
- }
- ShowImage(RawImage, "RawImage", 512);
- cvReleaseImage(GrayImage); GrayImage = null;
- cvReleaseImage(BWImage); BWImage = null;
- cvReleaseImage(WorkingImage); WorkingImage = null;
- }
- cvReleaseImage(RawImage); RawImage = null;
- }
- // Versions with 2, 3, and 4 parms respectively
- public static void ShowImage(IplImage image, String caption)
- {
- CvMat mat = image.asCvMat();
- int width = mat.cols(); if(width < 1) width = 1;
- int height = mat.rows(); if(height < 1) height = 1;
- double aspect = 1.0 * width / height;
- if(height < 128) { height = 128; width = (int) ( height * aspect ); }
- if(width < 128) width = 128;
- height = (int) ( width / aspect );
- ShowImage(image, caption, width, height);
- }
- public static void ShowImage(IplImage image, String caption, int size)
- {
- if(size < 128) size = 128;
- CvMat mat = image.asCvMat();
- int width = mat.cols(); if(width < 1) width = 1;
- int height = mat.rows(); if(height < 1) height = 1;
- double aspect = 1.0 * width / height;
- if(height != size) { height = size; width = (int) ( height * aspect ); }
- if(width != size) width = size;
- height = (int) ( width / aspect );
- ShowImage(image, caption, width, height);
- }
- public static void ShowImage(IplImage image, String caption, int width, int height)
- {
- CanvasFrame canvas = new CanvasFrame(caption, 1); // gamma=1
- canvas.setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
- canvas.setCanvasSize(width, height);
- OpenCVFrameConverter converter = new OpenCVFrameConverter.ToIplImage();
- canvas.showImage(converter.convert(image));
- }
- public static void Highlight(IplImage image, int [] inVec)
- {
- Highlight(image, inVec[0], inVec[1], inVec[2], inVec[3], 1);
- }
- public static void Highlight(IplImage image, int [] inVec, int Thick)
- {
- Highlight(image, inVec[0], inVec[1], inVec[2], inVec[3], Thick);
- }
- public static void Highlight(IplImage image, int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax)
- {
- Highlight(image, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, 1);
- }
- public static void Highlight(IplImage image, int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax, int Thick)
- {
- CvPoint pt1 = cvPoint(xMin,yMin);
- CvPoint pt2 = cvPoint(xMax,yMax);
- CvScalar color = cvScalar(255,0,0,0); // blue [green] [red]
- cvRectangle(image, pt1, pt2, color, Thick, 4, 0);
- }
- public static void PrintGrayImage(IplImage image, String caption)
- {
- int size = 512; // impractical to print anything larger
- CvMat mat = image.asCvMat();
- int cols = mat.cols(); if(cols < 1) cols = 1;
- int rows = mat.rows(); if(rows < 1) rows = 1;
- double aspect = 1.0 * cols / rows;
- if(rows > size) { rows = size; cols = (int) ( rows * aspect ); }
- if(cols > size) cols = size;
- rows = (int) ( cols / aspect );
- PrintGrayImage(image, caption, 0, cols, 0, rows);
- }
- public static void PrintGrayImage(IplImage image, String caption, int MinX, int MaxX, int MinY, int MaxY)
- {
- int size = 512; // impractical to print anything larger
- CvMat mat = image.asCvMat();
- int cols = mat.cols(); if(cols < 1) cols = 1;
- int rows = mat.rows(); if(rows < 1) rows = 1;
- if(MinX < 0) MinX = 0; if(MinX > cols) MinX = cols;
- if(MaxX < 0) MaxX = 0; if(MaxX > cols) MaxX = cols;
- if(MinY < 0) MinY = 0; if(MinY > rows) MinY = rows;
- if(MaxY < 0) MaxY = 0; if(MaxY > rows) MaxY = rows;
- System.out.println("\n" + caption);
- System.out.print(" +");
- for(int icol = MinX; icol < MaxX; icol++) System.out.print("-");
- System.out.println("+");
- for(int irow = MinY; irow < MaxY; irow++)
- {
- if(irow<10) System.out.print(" ");
- if(irow<100) System.out.print(" ");
- System.out.print(irow);
- System.out.print("|");
- for(int icol = MinX; icol < MaxX; icol++)
- {
- int val = (int) mat.get(irow,icol);
- String C = " ";
- if(val == 0) C = "*";
- System.out.print(C);
- }
- System.out.println("|");
- }
- System.out.print(" +");
- for(int icol = MinX; icol < MaxX; icol++) System.out.print("-");
- System.out.println("+");
- }
- public static void PrintImageProperties(IplImage image)
- {
- CvMat mat = image.asCvMat();
- int cols = mat.cols();
- int rows = mat.rows();
- int depth = mat.depth();
- System.out.println("ImageProperties for " + image + " : cols=" + cols + " rows=" + rows + " depth=" + depth);
- }
- public static float BinaryHistogram(IplImage image)
- {
- CvScalar Sum = cvSum(image);
- float WhitePixels = (float) ( Sum.getVal(0) / 255 );
- CvMat mat = image.asCvMat();
- float TotalPixels = mat.cols() * mat.rows();
- //float BlackPixels = TotalPixels - WhitePixels;
- return WhitePixels / TotalPixels;
- }
- // Counterclockwise small angle rotation by skewing - Does not stretch border pixels
- public static IplImage SkewGrayImage(IplImage Src, double angle) // angle is in radians
- {
- //double radians = - Math.PI * angle / 360.0; // Half because skew is horizontal and vertical
- double sin = - Math.sin(angle);
- double AbsSin = Math.abs(sin);
- int nChannels = Src.nChannels();
- if(nChannels != 1)
- {
- System.out.println("ERROR: SkewGrayImage: Require 1 channel: nChannels=" + nChannels);
- System.exit(1);
- }
- CvMat SrcMat = Src.asCvMat();
- int SrcCols = SrcMat.cols();
- int SrcRows = SrcMat.rows();
- double WidthSkew = AbsSin * SrcRows;
- double HeightSkew = AbsSin * SrcCols;
- int DstCols = (int) ( SrcCols + WidthSkew );
- int DstRows = (int) ( SrcRows + HeightSkew );
- CvMat DstMat = cvCreateMat(DstRows, DstCols, CV_8UC1); // Type matches IPL_DEPTH_8U
- cvSetZero(DstMat);
- cvNot(DstMat, DstMat);
- for(int irow = 0; irow < DstRows; irow++)
- {
- int dcol = (int) ( WidthSkew * irow / SrcRows );
- for(int icol = 0; icol < DstCols; icol++)
- {
- int drow = (int) ( HeightSkew - HeightSkew * icol / SrcCols );
- int jrow = irow - drow;
- int jcol = icol - dcol;
- if(jrow < 0 || jcol < 0 || jrow >= SrcRows || jcol >= SrcCols) DstMat.put(irow, icol, 255);
- else DstMat.put(irow, icol, (int) SrcMat.get(jrow,jcol));
- }
- }
- IplImage Dst = cvCreateImage(cvSize(DstCols, DstRows), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- Dst = DstMat.asIplImage();
- return Dst;
- }
- public static IplImage TransposeImage(IplImage SrcImage)
- {
- CvMat mat = SrcImage.asCvMat();
- int cols = mat.cols();
- int rows = mat.rows();
- IplImage DstImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(rows, cols), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvTranspose(SrcImage, DstImage);
- cvFlip(DstImage,DstImage,1);
- return DstImage;
- }
- }