Python | 302 lines | 286 code | 3 blank | 13 comment | 0 complexity | 6e6b10309161a2c74ac5d6a43898c88e MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Solutions and Networks
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- import re
- from functools import partial
- from itertools import cycle
- class LinkFormatter(object):
- _image_exts = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp')
- _link = re.compile('\[(.+?\|.*?)\]')
- _url = re.compile('''
- ((^|\ ) ["'\(\[]*) # begin of line or space and opt. any char "'([
- ([a-z][\w+-.]*://[^\s|]+?) # url
- (?=[\]\)|"'.,!?:;]* ($|\ )) # opt. any char ])"'.,!?:; and end of line or space
- def format_url(self, text):
- return self._format_url(text, format_as_image=False)
- def _format_url(self, text, format_as_image=True):
- if '://' not in text:
- return text
- return self._url.sub(partial(self._replace_url, format_as_image), text)
- def _replace_url(self, format_as_image, match):
- pre = match.group(1)
- url = match.group(3)
- if format_as_image and self._is_image(url):
- return pre + self._get_image(url)
- return pre + self._get_link(url)
- def _get_image(self, src, title=None):
- return '<img src="%s" title="%s">' \
- % (self._quot(src), self._quot(title or src))
- def _get_link(self, href, content=None):
- return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (self._quot(href), content or href)
- def _quot(self, attr):
- return attr if '"' not in attr else attr.replace('"', '"')
- def format_link(self, text):
- # 2nd, 4th, etc. token contains link, others surrounding content
- tokens = self._link.split(text)
- formatters = cycle((self._format_url, self._format_link))
- return ''.join(f(t) for f, t in zip(formatters, tokens))
- def _format_link(self, text):
- link, content = [t.strip() for t in text.split('|', 1)]
- if self._is_image(content):
- content = self._get_image(content, link)
- elif self._is_image(link):
- return self._get_image(link, content)
- return self._get_link(link, content)
- def _is_image(self, text):
- return text.lower().endswith(self._image_exts)
- class LineFormatter(object):
- handles = lambda self, line: True
- newline = '\n'
- _bold = re.compile('''
- ( # prefix (group 1)
- (^|\ ) # begin of line or space
- ["'(]* _? # optionally any char "'( and optional begin of italic
- ) #
- \* # start of bold
- ([^\ ].*?) # no space and then anything (group 3)
- \* # end of bold
- (?= # start of postfix (non-capturing group)
- _? ["').,!?:;]* # optional end of italic and any char "').,!?:;
- ($|\ ) # end of line or space
- )
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- _italic = re.compile('''
- ( (^|\ ) ["'(]* ) # begin of line or space and opt. any char "'(
- _ # start of italic
- ([^\ _].*?) # no space or underline and then anything
- _ # end of italic
- (?= ["').,!?:;]* ($|\ ) ) # opt. any char "').,!?:; and end of line or space
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- _code = re.compile('''
- ( (^|\ ) ["'(]* ) # same as above with _ changed to ``
- ``
- ([^\ `].*?)
- ``
- (?= ["').,!?:;]* ($|\ ) )
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
- def __init__(self):
- self._formatters = [('*', self._format_bold),
- ('_', self._format_italic),
- ('``', self._format_code),
- ('', LinkFormatter().format_link)]
- def format(self, line):
- for marker, formatter in self._formatters:
- if marker in line:
- line = formatter(line)
- return line
- def _format_bold(self, line):
- return self._bold.sub('\\1<b>\\3</b>', line)
- def _format_italic(self, line):
- return self._italic.sub('\\1<i>\\3</i>', line)
- def _format_code(self, line):
- return self._code.sub('\\1<code>\\3</code>', line)
- class HtmlFormatter(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._results = []
- self._formatters = [TableFormatter(),
- PreformattedFormatter(),
- ListFormatter(),
- HeaderFormatter(),
- RulerFormatter()]
- self._formatters.append(ParagraphFormatter(self._formatters[:]))
- self._current = None
- def format(self, text):
- for line in text.splitlines():
- self._process_line(line)
- self._end_current()
- return '\n'.join(self._results)
- def _process_line(self, line):
- if not line.strip():
- self._end_current()
- elif self._current and self._current.handles(line):
- self._current.add(line)
- else:
- self._end_current()
- self._current = self._find_formatter(line)
- self._current.add(line)
- def _end_current(self):
- if self._current:
- self._results.append(self._current.end())
- self._current = None
- def _find_formatter(self, line):
- for formatter in self._formatters:
- if formatter.handles(line):
- return formatter
- class _Formatter(object):
- _strip_lines = True
- def __init__(self):
- self._lines = []
- def handles(self, line):
- return self._handles(line.strip() if self._strip_lines else line)
- def _handles(self, line):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def add(self, line):
- self._lines.append(line.strip() if self._strip_lines else line)
- def end(self):
- result = self.format(self._lines)
- self._lines = []
- return result
- def format(self, lines):
- raise NotImplementedError
- class _SingleLineFormatter(_Formatter):
- def _handles(self, line):
- return not self._lines and self.match(line)
- def match(self, line):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def format(self, lines):
- return self.format_line(lines[0])
- def format_line(self, line):
- raise NotImplementedError
- class RulerFormatter(_SingleLineFormatter):
- match = re.compile('^-{3,}$').match
- def format_line(self, line):
- return '<hr>'
- class HeaderFormatter(_SingleLineFormatter):
- match = re.compile(r'^(={1,3})\s+(\S.*?)\s+\1$').match
- def format_line(self, line):
- level, text = self.match(line).groups()
- level = len(level) + 1
- return '<h%d>%s</h%d>' % (level, text, level)
- class ParagraphFormatter(_Formatter):
- _format_line = LineFormatter().format
- def __init__(self, other_formatters):
- _Formatter.__init__(self)
- self._other_formatters = other_formatters
- def _handles(self, line):
- return not any(other.handles(line)
- for other in self._other_formatters)
- def format(self, lines):
- return '<p>%s</p>' % self._format_line(' '.join(lines))
- class TableFormatter(_Formatter):
- _table_line = re.compile('^\| (.* |)\|$')
- _line_splitter = re.compile(' \|(?= )')
- _format_cell_content = LineFormatter().format
- def _handles(self, line):
- return self._table_line.match(line) is not None
- def format(self, lines):
- return self._format_table([self._split_to_cells(l) for l in lines])
- def _split_to_cells(self, line):
- return [cell.strip() for cell in self._line_splitter.split(line[1:-1])]
- def _format_table(self, rows):
- maxlen = max(len(row) for row in rows)
- table = ['<table border="1">']
- for row in rows:
- row += [''] * (maxlen - len(row)) # fix ragged tables
- table.append('<tr>')
- table.extend(self._format_cell(cell) for cell in row)
- table.append('</tr>')
- table.append('</table>')
- return '\n'.join(table)
- def _format_cell(self, content):
- if content.startswith('=') and content.endswith('='):
- tx = 'th'
- content = content[1:-1].strip()
- else:
- tx = 'td'
- return '<%s>%s</%s>' % (tx, self._format_cell_content(content), tx)
- class PreformattedFormatter(_Formatter):
- _format_line = LineFormatter().format
- def _handles(self, line):
- return line.startswith('| ') or line == '|'
- def format(self, lines):
- lines = [self._format_line(line[2:]) for line in lines]
- return '\n'.join(['<pre>'] + lines + ['</pre>'])
- class ListFormatter(_Formatter):
- _strip_lines = False
- _format_item = LineFormatter().format
- def _handles(self, line):
- return line.strip().startswith('- ') or \
- line.startswith(' ') and self._lines
- def format(self, lines):
- items = ['<li>%s</li>' % self._format_item(line)
- for line in self._combine_lines(lines)]
- return '\n'.join(['<ul>'] + items + ['</ul>'])
- def _combine_lines(self, lines):
- current = []
- for line in lines:
- line = line.strip()
- if not line.startswith('- '):
- current.append(line)
- continue
- if current:
- yield ' '.join(current)
- current = [line[2:].strip()]
- yield ' '.join(current)