Python | 336 lines | 262 code | 26 blank | 48 comment | 44 complexity | 22e61431df8eee13e1280c40babd8bcb MD5 | raw file
- import builtins
- import keyword
- import re
- import time
- from idlelib.config import idleConf
- from idlelib.delegator import Delegator
- DEBUG = False
- def any(name, alternates):
- "Return a named group pattern matching list of alternates."
- return "(?P<%s>" % name + "|".join(alternates) + ")"
- def make_pat():
- kw = r"\b" + any("KEYWORD", keyword.kwlist) + r"\b"
- builtinlist = [str(name) for name in dir(builtins)
- if not name.startswith('_') and \
- name not in keyword.kwlist]
- builtin = r"([^.'\"\\#]\b|^)" + any("BUILTIN", builtinlist) + r"\b"
- comment = any("COMMENT", [r"#[^\n]*"])
- stringprefix = r"(?i:r|u|f|fr|rf|b|br|rb)?"
- sqstring = stringprefix + r"'[^'\\\n]*(\\.[^'\\\n]*)*'?"
- dqstring = stringprefix + r'"[^"\\\n]*(\\.[^"\\\n]*)*"?'
- sq3string = stringprefix + r"'''[^'\\]*((\\.|'(?!''))[^'\\]*)*(''')?"
- dq3string = stringprefix + r'"""[^"\\]*((\\.|"(?!""))[^"\\]*)*(""")?'
- string = any("STRING", [sq3string, dq3string, sqstring, dqstring])
- return kw + "|" + builtin + "|" + comment + "|" + string +\
- "|" + any("SYNC", [r"\n"])
- prog = re.compile(make_pat(), re.S)
- idprog = re.compile(r"\s+(\w+)", re.S)
- def color_config(text):
- """Set color options of Text widget.
- If ColorDelegator is used, this should be called first.
- """
- # Called from htest, TextFrame, Editor, and Turtledemo.
- # Not automatic because ColorDelegator does not know 'text'.
- theme = idleConf.CurrentTheme()
- normal_colors = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'normal')
- cursor_color = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'cursor')['foreground']
- select_colors = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'hilite')
- text.config(
- foreground=normal_colors['foreground'],
- background=normal_colors['background'],
- insertbackground=cursor_color,
- selectforeground=select_colors['foreground'],
- selectbackground=select_colors['background'],
- inactiveselectbackground=select_colors['background'], # new in 8.5
- )
- class ColorDelegator(Delegator):
- """Delegator for syntax highlighting (text coloring).
- Instance variables:
- delegate: Delegator below this one in the stack, meaning the
- one this one delegates to.
- Used to track state:
- after_id: Identifier for scheduled after event, which is a
- timer for colorizing the text.
- allow_colorizing: Boolean toggle for applying colorizing.
- colorizing: Boolean flag when colorizing is in process.
- stop_colorizing: Boolean flag to end an active colorizing
- process.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- Delegator.__init__(self)
- self.init_state()
- self.prog = prog
- self.idprog = idprog
- self.LoadTagDefs()
- def init_state(self):
- "Initialize variables that track colorizing state."
- self.after_id = None
- self.allow_colorizing = True
- self.stop_colorizing = False
- self.colorizing = False
- def setdelegate(self, delegate):
- """Set the delegate for this instance.
- A delegate is an instance of a Delegator class and each
- delegate points to the next delegator in the stack. This
- allows multiple delegators to be chained together for a
- widget. The bottom delegate for a colorizer is a Text
- widget.
- If there is a delegate, also start the colorizing process.
- """
- if self.delegate is not None:
- self.unbind("<<toggle-auto-coloring>>")
- Delegator.setdelegate(self, delegate)
- if delegate is not None:
- self.config_colors()
- self.bind("<<toggle-auto-coloring>>", self.toggle_colorize_event)
- self.notify_range("1.0", "end")
- else:
- # No delegate - stop any colorizing.
- self.stop_colorizing = True
- self.allow_colorizing = False
- def config_colors(self):
- "Configure text widget tags with colors from tagdefs."
- for tag, cnf in self.tagdefs.items():
- self.tag_configure(tag, **cnf)
- self.tag_raise('sel')
- def LoadTagDefs(self):
- "Create dictionary of tag names to text colors."
- theme = idleConf.CurrentTheme()
- self.tagdefs = {
- "COMMENT": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "comment"),
- "KEYWORD": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "keyword"),
- "BUILTIN": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "builtin"),
- "STRING": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "string"),
- "DEFINITION": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "definition"),
- "SYNC": {'background':None,'foreground':None},
- "TODO": {'background':None,'foreground':None},
- "ERROR": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "error"),
- # The following is used by ReplaceDialog:
- "hit": idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, "hit"),
- }
- if DEBUG: print('tagdefs',self.tagdefs)
- def insert(self, index, chars, tags=None):
- "Insert chars into widget at index and mark for colorizing."
- index = self.index(index)
- self.delegate.insert(index, chars, tags)
- self.notify_range(index, index + "+%dc" % len(chars))
- def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
- "Delete chars between indexes and mark for colorizing."
- index1 = self.index(index1)
- self.delegate.delete(index1, index2)
- self.notify_range(index1)
- def notify_range(self, index1, index2=None):
- "Mark text changes for processing and restart colorizing, if active."
- self.tag_add("TODO", index1, index2)
- if self.after_id:
- if DEBUG: print("colorizing already scheduled")
- return
- if self.colorizing:
- self.stop_colorizing = True
- if DEBUG: print("stop colorizing")
- if self.allow_colorizing:
- if DEBUG: print("schedule colorizing")
- self.after_id = self.after(1, self.recolorize)
- return
- def close(self):
- if self.after_id:
- after_id = self.after_id
- self.after_id = None
- if DEBUG: print("cancel scheduled recolorizer")
- self.after_cancel(after_id)
- self.allow_colorizing = False
- self.stop_colorizing = True
- def toggle_colorize_event(self, event=None):
- """Toggle colorizing on and off.
- When toggling off, if colorizing is scheduled or is in
- process, it will be cancelled and/or stopped.
- When toggling on, colorizing will be scheduled.
- """
- if self.after_id:
- after_id = self.after_id
- self.after_id = None
- if DEBUG: print("cancel scheduled recolorizer")
- self.after_cancel(after_id)
- if self.allow_colorizing and self.colorizing:
- if DEBUG: print("stop colorizing")
- self.stop_colorizing = True
- self.allow_colorizing = not self.allow_colorizing
- if self.allow_colorizing and not self.colorizing:
- self.after_id = self.after(1, self.recolorize)
- if DEBUG:
- print("auto colorizing turned",\
- self.allow_colorizing and "on" or "off")
- return "break"
- def recolorize(self):
- """Timer event (every 1ms) to colorize text.
- Colorizing is only attempted when the text widget exists,
- when colorizing is toggled on, and when the colorizing
- process is not already running.
- After colorizing is complete, some cleanup is done to
- make sure that all the text has been colorized.
- """
- self.after_id = None
- if not self.delegate:
- if DEBUG: print("no delegate")
- return
- if not self.allow_colorizing:
- if DEBUG: print("auto colorizing is off")
- return
- if self.colorizing:
- if DEBUG: print("already colorizing")
- return
- try:
- self.stop_colorizing = False
- self.colorizing = True
- if DEBUG: print("colorizing...")
- t0 = time.perf_counter()
- self.recolorize_main()
- t1 = time.perf_counter()
- if DEBUG: print("%.3f seconds" % (t1-t0))
- finally:
- self.colorizing = False
- if self.allow_colorizing and self.tag_nextrange("TODO", "1.0"):
- if DEBUG: print("reschedule colorizing")
- self.after_id = self.after(1, self.recolorize)
- def recolorize_main(self):
- "Evaluate text and apply colorizing tags."
- next = "1.0"
- while True:
- item = self.tag_nextrange("TODO", next)
- if not item:
- break
- head, tail = item
- self.tag_remove("SYNC", head, tail)
- item = self.tag_prevrange("SYNC", head)
- if item:
- head = item[1]
- else:
- head = "1.0"
- chars = ""
- next = head
- lines_to_get = 1
- ok = False
- while not ok:
- mark = next
- next = self.index(mark + "+%d lines linestart" %
- lines_to_get)
- lines_to_get = min(lines_to_get * 2, 100)
- ok = "SYNC" in self.tag_names(next + "-1c")
- line = self.get(mark, next)
- ##print head, "get", mark, next, "->", repr(line)
- if not line:
- return
- for tag in self.tagdefs:
- self.tag_remove(tag, mark, next)
- chars = chars + line
- m = self.prog.search(chars)
- while m:
- for key, value in m.groupdict().items():
- if value:
- a, b = m.span(key)
- self.tag_add(key,
- head + "+%dc" % a,
- head + "+%dc" % b)
- if value in ("def", "class"):
- m1 = self.idprog.match(chars, b)
- if m1:
- a, b = m1.span(1)
- self.tag_add("DEFINITION",
- head + "+%dc" % a,
- head + "+%dc" % b)
- m = self.prog.search(chars, m.end())
- if "SYNC" in self.tag_names(next + "-1c"):
- head = next
- chars = ""
- else:
- ok = False
- if not ok:
- # We're in an inconsistent state, and the call to
- # update may tell us to stop. It may also change
- # the correct value for "next" (since this is a
- # line.col string, not a true mark). So leave a
- # crumb telling the next invocation to resume here
- # in case update tells us to leave.
- self.tag_add("TODO", next)
- self.update()
- if self.stop_colorizing:
- if DEBUG: print("colorizing stopped")
- return
- def removecolors(self):
- "Remove all colorizing tags."
- for tag in self.tagdefs:
- self.tag_remove(tag, "1.0", "end")
- def _color_delegator(parent): # htest #
- from tkinter import Toplevel, Text
- from idlelib.percolator import Percolator
- top = Toplevel(parent)
- top.title("Test ColorDelegator")
- x, y = map(int, parent.geometry().split('+')[1:])
- top.geometry("700x250+%d+%d" % (x + 20, y + 175))
- source = (
- "if True: int ('1') # keyword, builtin, string, comment\n"
- "elif False: print(0)\n"
- "else: float(None)\n"
- "if iF + If + IF: 'keyword matching must respect case'\n"
- "if'': x or'' # valid string-keyword no-space combinations\n"
- "async def f(): await g()\n"
- "# All valid prefixes for unicode and byte strings should be colored.\n"
- "'x', '''x''', \"x\", \"\"\"x\"\"\"\n"
- "r'x', u'x', R'x', U'x', f'x', F'x'\n"
- "fr'x', Fr'x', fR'x', FR'x', rf'x', rF'x', Rf'x', RF'x'\n"
- "b'x',B'x', br'x',Br'x',bR'x',BR'x', rb'x', rB'x',Rb'x',RB'x'\n"
- "# Invalid combinations of legal characters should be half colored.\n"
- "ur'x', ru'x', uf'x', fu'x', UR'x', ufr'x', rfu'x', xf'x', fx'x'\n"
- )
- text = Text(top, background="white")
- text.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
- text.insert("insert", source)
- text.focus_set()
- color_config(text)
- p = Percolator(text)
- d = ColorDelegator()
- p.insertfilter(d)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- from unittest import main
- main('idlelib.idle_test.test_colorizer', verbosity=2, exit=False)
- from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run
- run(_color_delegator)