JavaScript | 433 lines | 268 code | 73 blank | 92 comment | 33 complexity | a67b344301177e9616bd6da1545d28a7 MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * Baton Conductor
- */
- var baton_conductor = baton_conductor || {};
- ( function ( wp, $ ) {
- "use strict";
- var api = wp.customize;
- /**
- * Document Ready
- */
- $( function() {
- var $baton_conductor_number = $( '.baton-conductor-number' ),
- $baton_conductor_flexbox_range = $( '.baton-conductor-flexbox-columns-range' ),
- $baton_conductor_output = $( '.baton-conductor-output' ),
- baton_conductor_section = api.section( 'baton_conductor' ),
- baton_conductor_posts_per_page_setting = api( 'baton_conductor[posts_per_page]' ),
- baton_conductor_posts_per_page_setting_changed = false,
- baton_conductor_disabled_control = api.control( 'baton_conductor[disabled]' ),
- baton_conductor_enhanced_display_disabled_setting = api( 'baton_conductor[enhanced_display_disabled]' ),
- baton_conductor_enhanced_display_disabled_control = api.control( 'baton_conductor[enhanced_display_disabled]' );
- // Baton Conductor Section
- if ( baton_conductor_section ) {
- // Append <sup> label to titles
- baton_conductor_section.container.find( '.accordion-section-title, .customize-section-title h3' ).append( '<sup>' + baton_conductor.customizer.section_sup_label + '</sup>' );
- }
- // Baton Conductor numbers, only allow numerical characters into input boxes
- $baton_conductor_number.on( 'keyup', function( e ) {
- var $this = $( this ), numeric_value = $this.val().replace( /[^0-9]/g, '' );
- if ( $this.val() != numeric_value ) {
- $this.val( numeric_value );
- }
- } );
- // On flexbox column change (jQuery "input" event)
- $baton_conductor_flexbox_range.on( 'input', function() {
- var $this = $( this );
- // Adjust the value
- $this.next( '.baton-conductor-flexbox-columns-value' ).html( $this.val() );
- } );
- // Initialize Backbone Views on Conductor Widgets (on initial page load)
- // Create a new output view and store it in widget data
- $baton_conductor_output.data( 'baton-conductor-output', new baton_conductor.views.output( {
- el: $baton_conductor_output, // Attach this view to the widgets output list
- collection: new baton_conductor.collections.output() // New collection
- } ) );
- // Baton Conductor Disabled Control
- if ( baton_conductor_disabled_control ) {
- // Append <sup> label to title
- baton_conductor_disabled_control.container.find( '.customize-control-title' ).append( ' <sup>' + baton_conductor.customizer.section_sup_label + '</sup>' + ' ' + baton_conductor.customizer.control_enabled_label );
- }
- // Baton Conductor Enhanced Display Disabled Control
- if ( baton_conductor_enhanced_display_disabled_control ) {
- // Append <sup> label to title
- baton_conductor_enhanced_display_disabled_control.container.find( '.customize-control-title' ).append( ' <sup>' + baton_conductor.customizer.section_sup_label + '</sup>' + ' ' + baton_conductor.customizer.control_enabled_label );
- }
- // Baton Conductor Posts Per Page Setting
- if ( baton_conductor_posts_per_page_setting && baton_conductor_enhanced_display_disabled_setting ) {
- // Baton Conductor Enhanced Display Disabled Setting
- baton_conductor_enhanced_display_disabled_setting.bind( function( setting ) {
- // If the enhanced display is disabled
- if ( setting && baton_conductor_posts_per_page_setting() === baton_conductor.defaults.posts_per_page ) {
- baton_conductor_posts_per_page_setting( ( baton_conductor.defaults.posts_per_page - baton_conductor.defaults.enhanced_display_posts_per_page_offset ) );
- }
- // Otherwise if it is enabled
- else if ( baton_conductor_posts_per_page_setting() === ( baton_conductor.defaults.posts_per_page - baton_conductor.defaults.enhanced_display_posts_per_page_offset ) ) {
- baton_conductor_posts_per_page_setting( baton_conductor.defaults.posts_per_page );
- }
- } );
- }
- } );
- /*******************
- * Backbone Models *
- *******************/
- baton_conductor.models = {
- output: Backbone.Model.extend( {
- // Model defaults
- defaults: {
- priority: baton_conductor.output.priority_step_size, // Default is 10
- id: false,
- label: false,
- type: false,
- visible: true
- }
- } )
- };
- /************************
- * Backbone Collections *
- ************************/
- baton_conductor.collections = {
- output: Backbone.Collection.extend( {
- model: baton_conductor.models.output
- } )
- };
- /******************
- * Backbone Views *
- ******************/
- // Baton Conductor Output
- baton_conductor.views = {
- output: Backbone.View.extend( {
- el: '.baton-conductor-output',
- $output_list: false,
- $output_list_items: false,
- $widget: false,
- collection: new baton_conductor.collections.output(),
- events: {
- // Labels (editable input elements)
- 'click .baton-conductor-output-element-label-editable.editable-input': 'editElementLabel',
- 'keypress .baton-conductor-output-element-label-editable.editable-input input': 'saveElementLabel',
- 'click .baton-conductor-output-element-label-editable.editable-input .baton-conductor-save': 'saveElementLabel', // Save
- 'click .baton-conductor-output-element-label-editable.editable-input .baton-conductor-discard': 'saveElementLabel', // Discard
- // Options (editable select elements)
- 'click .baton-conductor-output-element-label-editable.editable-select': 'editElementOption',
- 'click .baton-conductor-output-element-label-editable.editable-select .baton-conductor-save': 'saveElementOption', // Save
- 'click .baton-conductor-output-element-label-editable.editable-select .baton-conductor-discard': 'saveElementOption', // Discard
- // Link
- 'click .baton-conductor-link' : 'toggleLink', // Link
- // Visibility
- 'click .baton-conductor-output-element-controls .baton-conductor-visibility' : 'toggleVisibility', // Visibility
- // jQuery Sortable
- 'sortstop .baton-conductor-output-list' : 'sortableStop' // jQuery Sortable Stop
- },
- // jQuery Sortable options
- sortable_options: {
- handle: '.dashicons-sort',
- axis: 'y', // Vertically
- cursor: 'move',
- placeholder: 'ui-state-placeholder'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- var self = this;
- // Bind "this" to all functions/callbacks
- _.bindAll( this,
- 'render',
- 'editElementLabel',
- 'saveElementLabel',
- 'editElementOption',
- 'saveElementOption',
- 'toggleLink',
- 'toggleVisibility',
- 'sortableStop',
- 'destroy' );
- // Store a reference to the widget
- this.$widget = this.$el.parents( '.widget' );
- // Store a reference to the output element list
- this.$output_list = this.$el.find( '.baton-conductor-output-list' );
- // Store a reference to the output element list
- this.$output_list_items = this.$output_list.find( 'li' );
- /*
- * Backbone Models
- */
- this.$output_list_items.each( function() {
- var $self = $( this ), model = new baton_conductor.models.output( {
- priority: ( ( $self.index() + 1 ) * baton_conductor.output.priority_step_size ), // Default is 10
- id: $self.attr( 'data-id' ),
- label: $self.attr( 'data-label' ),
- type: $self.attr( 'data-type' ),
- link: ( $self.attr( 'data-link' ) === 'true' ),
- visible: ( $self.attr( 'data-visible' ) === 'true' )
- } );
- // Add the new model to the collection
- self.collection.add( model );
- } );
- /*
- * jQuery Sortable - Initialize jQuery Sortable
- */
- this.$output_list.sortable( this.sortable_options );
- },
- editElementLabel: function( event ) {
- var $el = $( event.currentTarget );
- $el.addClass( 'editing' );
- $el.find( 'input' ).focus().attr( 'data-current', $el.find( 'input').val() );
- },
- editElementOption: function( event ) {
- var $el = $( event.currentTarget );
- $el.addClass( 'editing' );
- $el.find( 'select' ).attr( 'data-current', $el.find( 'select' ).val() );
- },
- saveElementLabel: function( event ) {
- var $el = $( event.currentTarget ),
- $output_element,
- escaped_val,
- original,
- $input;
- // Enter (save)
- if ( event.type === 'keypress' && event.which === 13 ) {
- $output_element = $el.closest( '.baton-conductor-output-element' );
- escaped_val = _.escape( $el.val() );
- // Remove editing class from label wrapper
- $el.parents( '.baton-conductor-output-element-label' ).removeClass( 'editing' );
- // Set the current label value
- if ( escaped_val.length ) {
- $output_element.attr( 'data-label', escaped_val ).find( '.label' ).html( escaped_val );
- }
- // No label entered, revert back to original
- else {
- original = $el.attr( 'data-original' );
- // Reset back to the original value
- $el.val( '' );
- $output_element.attr( 'data-label', original ).find( '.label' ).html( original );
- }
- // Update the sortable data
- this.sortableStop( false, false );
- //event.preventDefault();
- }
- // Click (save or discard)
- if ( event.type === 'click' ) {
- $output_element = $el.closest( '.baton-conductor-output-element' );
- $input = $el.parent().find( 'input' );
- escaped_val = _.escape( $input.val() );
- // Remove editing class from label wrapper
- $el.parents( '.baton-conductor-output-element-label' ).removeClass( 'editing' );
- // Save
- if ( $el.hasClass( 'baton-conductor-save' ) ) {
- // Set the current label value
- if ( escaped_val.length ) {
- $output_element.attr( 'data-label', escaped_val ).find( '.label' ).html( escaped_val );
- }
- // No label entered, revert back to original
- else {
- original = $input.attr( 'data-original' );
- // Reset back to the original value
- $el.val( '' );
- $output_element.attr( 'data-label', original ).find( '.label' ).html( original );
- }
- // Update the sortable data
- this.sortableStop( false, false );
- }
- // Discard
- if ( $el.hasClass( 'baton-conductor-discard' ) ) {
- // Reset back to the original value
- $input.val( $input.attr( 'data-current' ) );
- }
- // Prevent Default and Propagation
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- }
- },
- saveElementOption: function( event ) {
- var $el = $( event.currentTarget ),
- $output_element = $el.closest( '.baton-conductor-output-element' ),
- $select = $el.parent().find( 'select' ),
- escaped_val = _.escape( $select.val()),
- $selected = $select.find( ':selected' );
- // Remove editing class from label wrapper
- $el.parents( '.baton-conductor-output-element-label' ).removeClass( 'editing' );
- // Save
- if ( $el.hasClass( 'baton-conductor-save' ) ) {
- // Set the current value
- if ( escaped_val.length ) {
- $output_element.attr( 'data-value', escaped_val ).attr( 'data-label', $selected.attr( 'data-label' ) ).find( '.label' ).html( $selected.attr( 'data-label' ) );
- }
- // No value entered, revert back to original
- else {
- var original = $select.attr( 'data-original' );
- // Reset back to the original value
- $select.val( original );
- $output_element.attr( 'data-value', original );
- }
- // Update the sortable data
- this.sortableStop( false, false );
- }
- // Discard
- if ( $el.hasClass( 'baton-conductor-discard' ) ) {
- // Reset back to the original value
- $select.attr( 'data-current', $output_element.attr( 'data-value' ) );
- $select.val( $select.attr( 'data-current' ) );
- }
- // Prevent Default and Propagation
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- },
- toggleLink: function( event ) {
- var $el = $( event.currentTarget ), $parent = $el.parents( '.baton-conductor-output-element' ),
- model = this.collection.findWhere( { id: $parent.attr( 'data-id' ) } );
- // Toggle the link class
- $parent.toggleClass( 'link' );
- // Update the model and the data-visible attr
- if ( $parent.hasClass( 'link' ) ) {
- $parent.attr( 'data-link', 'true' );
- model.set( 'link', true );
- }
- else {
- $parent.attr( 'data-link', 'false' );
- model.set( 'link', false );
- }
- // Update the sortable data
- this.sortableStop( false, false );
- },
- toggleVisibility: function( event ) {
- var $el = $( event.currentTarget ), $parent = $el.parents( '.baton-conductor-output-element' ),
- model = this.collection.findWhere( { id: $parent.attr( 'data-id' ) } );
- // Toggle the visible class
- $parent.toggleClass( 'visible' );
- // Update the model and the data-visible attr
- if ( $parent.hasClass( 'visible' ) ) {
- $parent.attr( 'data-visible', 'true' );
- model.set( 'visible', true );
- }
- else {
- $parent.attr( 'data-visible', 'false' );
- model.set( 'visible', false );
- }
- // Update the sortable data
- this.sortableStop( false, false );
- },
- // When jQuery Sortable has stopped
- sortableStop: function( event, ui ) {
- var $baton_conductor_output_data = this.$el.find( '.baton-conductor-output-data' ),
- data = {}, self = this;
- // Clear the collection
- this.collection.reset();
- // Reset the output list items
- this.$output_list_items = this.$output_list.find( 'li' );
- // Each output element
- this.$output_list_items.each( function() {
- var $self = $( this ), model = new baton_conductor.models.output( {
- priority: ( ( $self.index() + 1 ) * baton_conductor.output.priority_step_size ), // Default is 10
- id: $self.attr( 'data-id' ),
- label: $self.attr( 'data-label' ),
- type: $self.attr( 'data-type' ),
- visible: ( $self.attr( 'data-visible' ) === 'true' )
- } ),
- index = $self.index(), priority = $self.attr( 'data-priority' ),
- new_priority = ( ( index + 1 ) * baton_conductor.output.priority_step_size ),
- value = $self.attr( 'data-value' ),
- link = $self.attr( 'data-link' );
- // Adjust priority
- $self.attr( 'data-priority', new_priority );
- model.set( 'priority', new_priority );
- // Store data in array
- data[model.get( 'priority' ).toString()] = {
- 'id': model.get( 'id' ),
- 'priority': model.get( 'priority' ),
- 'label': model.get( 'label' ),
- 'type': model.get( 'type' ),
- 'visible': model.get( 'visible' )
- };
- // Add value data
- if ( typeof value !== undefined && value !== false ) {
- model.set( 'value', value );
- data[model.get( 'priority' ).toString()].value = value;
- }
- // Add link data
- if ( typeof link !== undefined && link !== false ) {
- model.set( 'link', ( link !== 'false' ) ? link : false );
- data[model.get( 'priority' ).toString()].link = ( link !== 'false' ) ? link : false;
- }
- // Add the new model to the collection
- self.collection.add( model );
- } );
- // Add data string to widget (hidden input elements do not automatically trigger the "change" method)
- $baton_conductor_output_data.val( JSON.stringify( data ) ).trigger( 'change' );
- },
- // Completely destroy this view and all event handlers
- destroy: function() {
- this.undelegateEvents();
- this.remove();
- }
- } )
- };
- }( wp, jQuery ) );