C# | 268 lines | 220 code | 29 blank | 19 comment | 1 complexity | 3f8af97531d8a24e32605333b01258ea MD5 | raw file
- // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
- // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
- // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- internal static class IOInputs
- {
- // see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247.aspx
- private static readonly char[] s_invalidFileNameChars = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ?
- new char[] { '\"', '<', '>', '|', '\0', (Char)1, (Char)2, (Char)3, (Char)4, (Char)5, (Char)6, (Char)7, (Char)8, (Char)9, (Char)10, (Char)11, (Char)12, (Char)13, (Char)14, (Char)15, (Char)16, (Char)17, (Char)18, (Char)19, (Char)20, (Char)21, (Char)22, (Char)23, (Char)24, (Char)25, (Char)26, (Char)27, (Char)28, (Char)29, (Char)30, (Char)31, '*', '?' } :
- new char[] { '\0' };
- public static bool SupportsSettingCreationTime { get { return RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows); } }
- public static bool SupportsGettingCreationTime { get { return RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) | RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX); } }
- // Max path length (minus trailing \0). Unix values vary system to system; just using really long values here likely to be more than on the average system.
- public static readonly int MaxPath = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? 259 : 10000;
- // Same as MaxPath on Unix
- public static readonly int MaxLongPath = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? MaxExtendedPath : MaxPath;
- // Windows specific, this is the maximum length that can be passed to APIs taking directory names, such as Directory.CreateDirectory & Directory.Move.
- // Does not include the trailing \0.
- // We now do the appropriate wrapping to allow creating longer directories. Like MaxPath, this is a legacy restriction.
- public static readonly int MaxDirectory = 247;
- // Windows specific, this is the maximum length that can be passed using extended syntax. Does not include the trailing \0.
- public static readonly int MaxExtendedPath = short.MaxValue - 1;
- public const int MaxComponent = 255;
- public const string ExtendedPrefix = @"\\?\";
- public const string ExtendedUncPrefix = @"\\?\UNC\";
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetValidPathComponentNames()
- {
- yield return Path.GetRandomFileName();
- yield return "!@#$%^&";
- yield return "\x65e5\x672c\x8a9e";
- yield return "A";
- yield return " A";
- yield return " A";
- yield return "FileName";
- yield return "FileName.txt";
- yield return " FileName";
- yield return " FileName.txt";
- yield return " FileName";
- yield return " FileName.txt";
- yield return "This is a valid component name";
- yield return "This is a valid component name.txt";
- yield return "V1.0.0.0000";
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetControlWhiteSpace()
- {
- yield return "\t";
- yield return "\t\t";
- yield return "\t\t\t";
- yield return "\n";
- yield return "\n\n";
- yield return "\n\n\n";
- yield return "\t\n";
- yield return "\t\n\t\n";
- yield return "\n\t\n";
- yield return "\n\t\n\t";
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetSimpleWhiteSpace()
- {
- yield return " ";
- yield return " ";
- yield return " ";
- yield return " ";
- yield return " ";
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetWhiteSpace()
- {
- return GetControlWhiteSpace().Concat(GetSimpleWhiteSpace());
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetUncPathsWithoutShareName()
- {
- foreach (char slash in new[] { Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar })
- {
- string slashes = new string(slash, 2);
- yield return slashes;
- yield return slashes + " ";
- yield return slashes + new string(slash, 5);
- yield return slashes + "S";
- yield return slashes + "S ";
- yield return slashes + "LOCALHOST";
- yield return slashes + "LOCALHOST " + slash;
- yield return slashes + "LOCALHOST " + new string(slash, 2);
- yield return slashes + "LOCALHOST" + slash + " ";
- yield return slashes + "LOCALHOST" + slash + slash + " ";
- }
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsWithReservedDeviceNames()
- {
- string root = Path.GetPathRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
- foreach (string deviceName in GetReservedDeviceNames())
- {
- yield return deviceName;
- yield return Path.Combine(root, deviceName);
- yield return Path.Combine(root, "Directory", deviceName);
- yield return Path.Combine(new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 2), "LOCALHOST", deviceName);
- }
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsWithAlternativeDataStreams()
- {
- yield return @"AA:";
- yield return @"AAA:";
- yield return @"AA:A";
- yield return @"AAA:A";
- yield return @"AA:AA";
- yield return @"AAA:AA";
- yield return @"AA:AAA";
- yield return @"AAA:AAA";
- yield return @"AA:FileName";
- yield return @"AAA:FileName";
- yield return @"AA:FileName.txt";
- yield return @"AAA:FileName.txt";
- yield return @"A:FileName.txt:";
- yield return @"AA:FileName.txt:AA";
- yield return @"AAA:FileName.txt:AAA";
- yield return @"C:\:";
- yield return @"C:\:FileName";
- yield return @"C:\:FileName.txt";
- yield return @"C:\fileName:";
- yield return @"C:\fileName:FileName.txt";
- yield return @"C:\fileName:FileName.txt:";
- yield return @"C:\fileName:FileName.txt:AA";
- yield return @"C:\fileName:FileName.txt:AAA";
- yield return @"ftp://fileName:FileName.txt:AAA";
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsWithInvalidColons()
- {
- // Windows specific. We document that these return NotSupportedException.
- yield return @":";
- yield return @" :";
- yield return @" :";
- yield return @"C::";
- yield return @"C::FileName";
- yield return @"C::FileName.txt";
- yield return @"C::FileName.txt:";
- yield return @"C::FileName.txt::";
- yield return @":f";
- yield return @":filename";
- yield return @"file:";
- yield return @"file:file";
- yield return @"http:";
- yield return @"http:/";
- yield return @"http://";
- yield return @"http://www";
- yield return @"http://www.microsoft.com";
- yield return @"http://www.microsoft.com/index.html";
- yield return @"http://server";
- yield return @"http://server/";
- yield return @"http://server/home";
- yield return @"file://";
- yield return @"file:///C|/My Documents/ALetter.html";
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsWithInvalidCharacters()
- {
- // NOTE: That I/O treats "file"/http" specially and throws ArgumentException.
- // Otherwise, it treats all other urls as alternative data streams
- if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) // alternate data streams, drive labels, etc.
- {
- yield return "\0";
- yield return "middle\0path";
- yield return "trailing\0";
- // TODO: #6931 Add these back in some fashion
- //yield return @"\\?\";
- //yield return @"\\?\UNC\";
- //yield return @"\\?\UNC\LOCALHOST";
- }
- else
- {
- yield return "\0";
- yield return "middle\0path";
- yield return "trailing\0";
- }
- foreach (char c in s_invalidFileNameChars)
- {
- yield return c.ToString();
- }
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsWithComponentLongerThanMaxComponent()
- {
- // While paths themselves can be up to and including 32,000 characters, most volumes
- // limit each component of the path to a total of 255 characters.
- string component = new string('s', MaxComponent + 1);
- yield return String.Format(@"C:\{0}", component);
- yield return String.Format(@"C:\{0}\Filename.txt", component);
- yield return String.Format(@"C:\{0}\Filename.txt\", component);
- yield return String.Format(@"\\{0}\Share", component);
- yield return String.Format(@"\\LOCALHOST\{0}", component);
- yield return String.Format(@"\\LOCALHOST\{0}\FileName.txt", component);
- yield return String.Format(@"\\LOCALHOST\Share\{0}", component);
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsLongerThanMaxDirectory(string rootPath)
- {
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxDirectory + 1);
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxDirectory + 2);
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxDirectory + 3);
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsLongerThanMaxPath(string rootPath, bool useExtendedSyntax = false)
- {
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxPath + 1, useExtendedSyntax);
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxPath + 2, useExtendedSyntax);
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxPath + 3, useExtendedSyntax);
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetPathsLongerThanMaxLongPath(string rootPath, bool useExtendedSyntax = false)
- {
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxExtendedPath + 1 - (useExtendedSyntax ? 0 : ExtendedPrefix.Length), useExtendedSyntax);
- yield return GetLongPath(rootPath, MaxExtendedPath + 2 - (useExtendedSyntax ? 0 : ExtendedPrefix.Length), useExtendedSyntax);
- }
- private static string GetLongPath(string rootPath, int characterCount, bool extended = false)
- {
- return IOServices.GetPath(rootPath, characterCount, extended).FullPath;
- }
- public static IEnumerable<string> GetReservedDeviceNames()
- { // See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247.aspx
- yield return "CON";
- yield return "AUX";
- yield return "NUL";
- yield return "PRN";
- yield return "COM1";
- yield return "COM2";
- yield return "COM3";
- yield return "COM4";
- yield return "COM5";
- yield return "COM6";
- yield return "COM7";
- yield return "COM8";
- yield return "COM9";
- yield return "LPT1";
- yield return "LPT2";
- yield return "LPT3";
- yield return "LPT4";
- yield return "LPT5";
- yield return "LPT6";
- yield return "LPT7";
- yield return "LPT8";
- yield return "LPT9";
- }
- }