C++ | 385 lines | 294 code | 81 blank | 10 comment | 3 complexity | 4489d232c2955fe4784fde3ea1c08519 MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- // found in the LICENSE file.
- #include <limits>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "base/bind.h"
- #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
- #include "base/files/file_path.h"
- #include "base/files/file_util.h"
- #include "base/macros.h"
- #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
- #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
- #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
- #include "base/run_loop.h"
- #include "base/test/histogram_tester.h"
- #include "base/test/sequenced_worker_pool_owner.h"
- #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
- #include "base/values.h"
- #include "components/component_updater/component_updater_service.h"
- #include "components/component_updater/component_updater_service_internal.h"
- #include "components/update_client/test_configurator.h"
- #include "components/update_client/test_installer.h"
- #include "components/update_client/update_client.h"
- #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
- #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
- using Configurator = update_client::Configurator;
- using TestConfigurator = update_client::TestConfigurator;
- using UpdateClient = update_client::UpdateClient;
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::AnyNumber;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::Mock;
- using ::testing::Return;
- namespace component_updater {
- class MockInstaller : public CrxInstaller {
- public:
- MockInstaller();
- MOCK_METHOD1(OnUpdateError, void(int error));
- MOCK_METHOD2(Install,
- bool(const base::DictionaryValue& manifest,
- const base::FilePath& unpack_path));
- MOCK_METHOD2(GetInstalledFile,
- bool(const std::string& file, base::FilePath* installed_file));
- MOCK_METHOD0(Uninstall, bool());
- private:
- ~MockInstaller() override;
- };
- class MockUpdateClient : public UpdateClient {
- public:
- MockUpdateClient();
- MOCK_METHOD1(AddObserver, void(Observer* observer));
- MOCK_METHOD1(RemoveObserver, void(Observer* observer));
- MOCK_METHOD3(Install,
- void(const std::string& id,
- const CrxDataCallback& crx_data_callback,
- const CompletionCallback& completion_callback));
- MOCK_METHOD3(Update,
- void(const std::vector<std::string>& ids,
- const CrxDataCallback& crx_data_callback,
- const CompletionCallback& completion_callback));
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD2(GetCrxUpdateState,
- bool(const std::string& id, CrxUpdateItem* update_item));
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(IsUpdating, bool(const std::string& id));
- MOCK_METHOD0(Stop, void());
- MOCK_METHOD3(SendUninstallPing,
- void(const std::string& id, const Version& version, int reason));
- private:
- ~MockUpdateClient() override;
- };
- class MockServiceObserver : public ServiceObserver {
- public:
- MockServiceObserver();
- ~MockServiceObserver() override;
- MOCK_METHOD2(OnEvent, void(Events event, const std::string&));
- };
- class ComponentUpdaterTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- ComponentUpdaterTest();
- ~ComponentUpdaterTest() override;
- void SetUp() override;
- void TearDown() override;
- // Makes the full path to a component updater test file.
- const base::FilePath test_file(const char* file);
- MockUpdateClient& update_client() { return *update_client_; }
- ComponentUpdateService& component_updater() { return *component_updater_; }
- scoped_refptr<TestConfigurator> configurator() const { return config_; }
- base::Closure quit_closure() const { return quit_closure_; }
- static void ReadyCallback() {}
- protected:
- void RunThreads();
- private:
- static const int kNumWorkerThreads_ = 2;
- base::MessageLoopForUI message_loop_;
- base::RunLoop runloop_;
- base::Closure quit_closure_;
- scoped_ptr<base::SequencedWorkerPoolOwner> worker_pool_;
- scoped_refptr<TestConfigurator> config_;
- scoped_refptr<MockUpdateClient> update_client_;
- scoped_ptr<ComponentUpdateService> component_updater_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ComponentUpdaterTest);
- };
- class OnDemandTester {
- public:
- static bool OnDemand(ComponentUpdateService* cus, const std::string& id);
- };
- MockInstaller::MockInstaller() {
- }
- MockInstaller::~MockInstaller() {
- }
- MockUpdateClient::MockUpdateClient() {
- }
- MockUpdateClient::~MockUpdateClient() {
- }
- MockServiceObserver::MockServiceObserver() {
- }
- MockServiceObserver::~MockServiceObserver() {
- }
- bool OnDemandTester::OnDemand(ComponentUpdateService* cus,
- const std::string& id) {
- return cus->GetOnDemandUpdater().OnDemandUpdate(id);
- }
- scoped_ptr<ComponentUpdateService> TestComponentUpdateServiceFactory(
- const scoped_refptr<Configurator>& config) {
- DCHECK(config);
- return scoped_ptr<ComponentUpdateService>(
- new CrxUpdateService(config, new MockUpdateClient()));
- }
- ComponentUpdaterTest::ComponentUpdaterTest()
- : worker_pool_(
- new base::SequencedWorkerPoolOwner(kNumWorkerThreads_, "test")) {
- quit_closure_ = runloop_.QuitClosure();
- auto pool = worker_pool_->pool();
- config_ = new TestConfigurator(
- pool->GetSequencedTaskRunner(pool->GetSequenceToken()),
- message_loop_.task_runner());
- update_client_ = new MockUpdateClient();
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), AddObserver(_)).Times(1);
- component_updater_.reset(new CrxUpdateService(config_, update_client_));
- }
- ComponentUpdaterTest::~ComponentUpdaterTest() {
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), RemoveObserver(_)).Times(1);
- component_updater_.reset();
- }
- void ComponentUpdaterTest::SetUp() {
- }
- void ComponentUpdaterTest::TearDown() {
- }
- void ComponentUpdaterTest::RunThreads() {
- runloop_.Run();
- }
- TEST_F(ComponentUpdaterTest, AddObserver) {
- MockServiceObserver observer;
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), AddObserver(&observer)).Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), Stop()).Times(1);
- component_updater().AddObserver(&observer);
- }
- TEST_F(ComponentUpdaterTest, RemoveObserver) {
- MockServiceObserver observer;
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), RemoveObserver(&observer)).Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), Stop()).Times(1);
- component_updater().RemoveObserver(&observer);
- }
- // Tests that UpdateClient::Update is called by the timer loop when
- // components are registered, and the component update starts.
- // Also tests that Uninstall is called when a component is unregistered.
- TEST_F(ComponentUpdaterTest, RegisterComponent) {
- class LoopHandler {
- public:
- LoopHandler(int max_cnt, const base::Closure& quit_closure)
- : max_cnt_(max_cnt), quit_closure_(quit_closure) {}
- void OnUpdate(const std::vector<std::string>& ids,
- const UpdateClient::CrxDataCallback& crx_data_callback,
- const UpdateClient::CompletionCallback& completion_callback) {
- completion_callback.Run(0);
- static int cnt = 0;
- ++cnt;
- if (cnt >= max_cnt_)
- quit_closure_.Run();
- }
- private:
- const int max_cnt_;
- base::Closure quit_closure_;
- };
- base::HistogramTester ht;
- scoped_refptr<MockInstaller> installer(new MockInstaller());
- EXPECT_CALL(*installer, Uninstall()).WillOnce(Return(true));
- using update_client::jebg_hash;
- using update_client::abag_hash;
- const std::string id1 = "abagagagagagagagagagagagagagagag";
- const std::string id2 = "jebgalgnebhfojomionfpkfelancnnkf";
- std::vector<std::string> ids;
- ids.push_back(id1);
- ids.push_back(id2);
- CrxComponent crx_component1;
- crx_component1.pk_hash.assign(abag_hash, abag_hash + arraysize(abag_hash));
- crx_component1.version = Version("1.0");
- crx_component1.installer = installer;
- CrxComponent crx_component2;
- crx_component2.pk_hash.assign(jebg_hash, jebg_hash + arraysize(jebg_hash));
- crx_component2.version = Version("0.9");
- crx_component2.installer = installer;
- // Quit after two update checks have fired.
- LoopHandler loop_handler(2, quit_closure());
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), Update(ids, _, _))
- .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(&loop_handler, &LoopHandler::OnUpdate));
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), IsUpdating(id1)).Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), Stop()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(component_updater().RegisterComponent(crx_component1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(component_updater().RegisterComponent(crx_component2));
- RunThreads();
- EXPECT_TRUE(component_updater().UnregisterComponent(id1));
- ht.ExpectUniqueSample("ComponentUpdater.Calls", 1, 2);
- ht.ExpectUniqueSample("ComponentUpdater.UpdateCompleteResult", 0, 2);
- ht.ExpectTotalCount("ComponentUpdater.UpdateCompleteTime", 2);
- }
- // Tests that on-demand updates invoke UpdateClient::Install.
- TEST_F(ComponentUpdaterTest, OnDemandUpdate) {
- class LoopHandler {
- public:
- LoopHandler(int max_cnt, const base::Closure& quit_closure)
- : max_cnt_(max_cnt), quit_closure_(quit_closure) {}
- void OnInstall(
- const std::string& ids,
- const UpdateClient::CrxDataCallback& crx_data_callback,
- const UpdateClient::CompletionCallback& completion_callback) {
- completion_callback.Run(0);
- static int cnt = 0;
- ++cnt;
- if (cnt >= max_cnt_)
- quit_closure_.Run();
- }
- private:
- const int max_cnt_;
- base::Closure quit_closure_;
- };
- base::HistogramTester ht;
- auto config = configurator();
- config->SetInitialDelay(3600);
- auto& cus = component_updater();
- const std::string id = "jebgalgnebhfojomionfpkfelancnnkf";
- EXPECT_FALSE(OnDemandTester::OnDemand(&cus, id));
- scoped_refptr<MockInstaller> installer(new MockInstaller());
- using update_client::jebg_hash;
- CrxComponent crx_component;
- crx_component.pk_hash.assign(jebg_hash, jebg_hash + arraysize(jebg_hash));
- crx_component.version = Version("0.9");
- crx_component.installer = installer;
- LoopHandler loop_handler(1, quit_closure());
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(),
- Install("jebgalgnebhfojomionfpkfelancnnkf", _, _))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(&loop_handler, &LoopHandler::OnInstall));
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), Stop()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(cus.RegisterComponent(crx_component));
- EXPECT_TRUE(OnDemandTester::OnDemand(&cus, id));
- RunThreads();
- ht.ExpectUniqueSample("ComponentUpdater.Calls", 0, 1);
- ht.ExpectUniqueSample("ComponentUpdater.UpdateCompleteResult", 0, 1);
- ht.ExpectTotalCount("ComponentUpdater.UpdateCompleteTime", 1);
- }
- // Tests that throttling an update invokes UpdateClient::Install.
- TEST_F(ComponentUpdaterTest, MaybeThrottle) {
- class LoopHandler {
- public:
- LoopHandler(int max_cnt, const base::Closure& quit_closure)
- : max_cnt_(max_cnt), quit_closure_(quit_closure) {}
- void OnInstall(
- const std::string& ids,
- const UpdateClient::CrxDataCallback& crx_data_callback,
- const UpdateClient::CompletionCallback& completion_callback) {
- completion_callback.Run(0);
- static int cnt = 0;
- ++cnt;
- if (cnt >= max_cnt_)
- quit_closure_.Run();
- }
- private:
- const int max_cnt_;
- base::Closure quit_closure_;
- };
- base::HistogramTester ht;
- auto config = configurator();
- config->SetInitialDelay(3600);
- scoped_refptr<MockInstaller> installer(new MockInstaller());
- using update_client::jebg_hash;
- CrxComponent crx_component;
- crx_component.pk_hash.assign(jebg_hash, jebg_hash + arraysize(jebg_hash));
- crx_component.version = Version("0.9");
- crx_component.installer = installer;
- LoopHandler loop_handler(1, quit_closure());
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(),
- Install("jebgalgnebhfojomionfpkfelancnnkf", _, _))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(&loop_handler, &LoopHandler::OnInstall));
- EXPECT_CALL(update_client(), Stop()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(component_updater().RegisterComponent(crx_component));
- component_updater().MaybeThrottle(
- "jebgalgnebhfojomionfpkfelancnnkf",
- base::Bind(&ComponentUpdaterTest::ReadyCallback));
- RunThreads();
- ht.ExpectUniqueSample("ComponentUpdater.Calls", 0, 1);
- ht.ExpectUniqueSample("ComponentUpdater.UpdateCompleteResult", 0, 1);
- ht.ExpectTotalCount("ComponentUpdater.UpdateCompleteTime", 1);
- }
- } // namespace component_updater