YAML | 201 lines | 194 code | 0 blank | 7 comment | 0 complexity | cf10ab4456d73d870eb57aca867902af MD5 | raw file
- # If the text and HTML versions can be reasonably generated from the same format
- # use base_format. If info_url is included, the words surrounded with [] will be linked
- # in the HTML version. The url will be appended to the text version.
- #
- # Otherwise, include both text and html keys.
- #
- # If more than one keyword applies, add an aliases key with an array ref of string aliases.
- ---
- about:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [about page]"
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/about
- ads:
- aliases:
- - businessmodel
- - advertisements
- base_format: '[Advertising and Affiliates on DuckDuckGo]'
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/company/advertising-and-affiliates
- api:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [API]"
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/api
- app:
- aliases:
- - ios
- - android
- - mobile
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [mobile app]"
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/app/
- bangs:
- aliases:
- - bang
- - newbang
- - newbangs
- base_format: "Learn more about DuckDuckGo's [!bangs]. You can submit new ones too!"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/features/bangs
- blog:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [official blog]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/blog
- chrome:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Chrome help page]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/desktop/chrome
- community:
- base_format: 'Join our [growing community]'
- info_url: https://duck.co/
- contributing:
- base_format: '[Contributing to DuckDuckGo]'
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/community/contributing
- doodle:
- base_format: 'Take a look at our [holiday logos]'
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/settings/holiday-logos
- duck:
- aliases:
- - dax
- - whosdax
- - whoisdax
- - whostheduck
- - whoistheduck
- - mirrormirroronthewallwhosthefairestofthemall
- html: <img src='https://duckduckgo.com/assets/logo_header.v101.png' alt='Dax' /><br/>I am the duck. Dax the duck.
- text: I am the duck. Dax the duck.
- facebook:
- base_format: 'Like us on [Facebook]'
- info_url: https://www.facebook.com/duckduckgo
- fathead:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Fathead repository]"
- info_url: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-fathead
- firefox:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Firefox help page]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/desktop/firefox
- goodies:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Goodie repository]"
- info_url: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies
- help:
- base_format: 'Need help? Visit our [help page]'
- info_url: http://dukgo.com/help/
- hiring:
- aliases:
- - job
- - jobs
- base_format: 'Check out the DuckDuckGo [hiring article]'
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/company/hiring
- ia:
- aliases:
- - instantanswer
- - instantanswers
- html: DuckDuckGo's instant answers display helpful information at the top of the search page (like this box).<br>Suggest or develop them on <a href='http://duckduckhack.com/'>DuckDuckHack</a> and see all the current instant answers on the <a href='https://duckduckgo.com/goodies'>Goodies page</a>.
- text: |-
- DuckDuckGo's instant answers display helpful information at the top of the search page (like this box).
- Suggest or develop them on http://duckduckhack.com and see all the current instant answers on the Goodies page (https://duckduckgo.com/goodies).
- ie:
- aliases:
- - internetexplorer
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Internet Explorer help page]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/desktop/internet-explorer
- irc:
- html: "DuckDuckGo's official IRC channel is <a href='http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=duckduckgo'>#duckduckgo</a> on <a href='http://freenode.net/'>irc.freenode.net</a>"
- text: "DuckDuckGo's official IRC channel is #duckduckgo on irc.freenode.net."
- longtail:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Longtail repository]"
- info_url: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-longtail
- opensource:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [open source projects]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/open-source/opensource-overview
- opera:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Opera help page]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/desktop/opera
- partnership:
- base_format: '[Partnering with DuckDuckGo]'
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/company/partnerships
- press:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [press page]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/company/press
- privacy:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [privacy policy]"
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/privacy
- remove:
- aliases:
- - removing
- - removal
- html: "To remove DuckDuckGo from your browser, take a look <a href='https://duck.co/help/desktop'>here</a>. Please <a href='https://duckduckgo.com/feedback'>let us know</a> why you are leaving!"
- text: 'To remove DuckDuckGo from your browser, take a look at https://duck.co/help/desktop. Please let us know why you are leaving at https://duckduckgo.com/feedback!'
- roboduck:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's official [IRC bot]"
- info_url: https://github.com/Getty/duckduckgo-roboduck
- safari:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Safari help page]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/desktop/safari
- searchbox:
- aliases:
- - searchbar
- - sitesearch
- base_format: "Add a DuckDuckGo [search box] to your site!"
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/search_box
- settings:
- base_format: 'DuckDuckGo [settings]'
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/settings
- short:
- aliases:
- - shorturl
- - shortdomain
- html: "DuckDuckGo's short URL: <a href='http://ddg.gg/'>http://ddg.gg/</a>."
- text: "DuckDuckGo's short URL: http://ddg.gg/"
- spice:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Spice repository]"
- info_url: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice
- spread:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [Spread page]"
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/supportus.html
- swag:
- aliases:
- - merch
- - merchandise
- - shirt
- - shirts
- - tshirt
- - tshirts
- - t-shirt
- - t-shirts
- - tee
- - tees
- - t
- - sticker
- - stickers
- base_format: 'Thanks for the support! Check out the [DuckDuckGo store] for t-shirts, stickers, and other items'
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/community/swag
- syntax:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [available search syntax]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/help/results/syntax
- tor:
- aliases:
- - hiddenservice
- - onion
- - onionservice
- - torhiddenservice
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [service on Tor]"
- info_url: http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion
- traffic:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [traffic page]"
- info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/traffic.html
- translation:
- aliases:
- - translations
- - language
- - languages
- html: Help <a href='https://duck.co/translate'>translate DuckDuckGo</a> or adjust your language in the <a href='https://duckduckgo.com/settings'>settings menu</a>.
- text: Help translate DuckDuckGo (https://duck.co/translate) or adjust your language in the settings menu (https://duckduckgo.com/settings).
- twitter:
- base_format: 'Follow us on [@duckduckgo]'
- info_url: https://twitter.com/duckduckgo
- xmpp:
- base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [XMPP service]"
- info_url: https://duck.co/blog/using-pidgin-with-xmpp-jabber
- zci:
- aliases:
- - zeroclickinfo
- - zeroclick
- - 0click
- - 0clickinfo
- - zero 0
- - zero click info
- - zero-click info
- base_format: 'Zero Click Info is the term DuckDuckGo uses for these boxes, which often provide useful instant answers above traditional results.'