Go | 374 lines | 270 code | 50 blank | 54 comment | 66 complexity | 61fffb33d8b38362998d3e1dc233f2dc MD5 | raw file
- package config
- import (
- "crypto/x509"
- "encoding/base64"
- "fmt"
- "net/url"
- "os"
- "path/filepath"
- "regexp"
- "sort"
- "time"
- "code.google.com/p/go-uuid/uuid"
- "github.com/getlantern/appdir"
- "github.com/getlantern/detour"
- "github.com/getlantern/fronted"
- "github.com/getlantern/golog"
- "github.com/getlantern/keyman"
- "github.com/getlantern/proxiedsites"
- "github.com/getlantern/yaml"
- "github.com/getlantern/yamlconf"
- "github.com/getlantern/flashlight/client"
- "github.com/getlantern/flashlight/proxied"
- )
- const (
- cloudfront = "cloudfront"
- // DefaultUpdateServerURL is the URL to fetch updates from.
- DefaultUpdateServerURL = "https://update.getlantern.org"
- )
- var (
- log = golog.LoggerFor("flashlight.config")
- m *yamlconf.Manager
- r = regexp.MustCompile("\\d+\\.\\d+")
- )
- // Config contains general configuration for Lantern either set globally via
- // the cloud, in command line flags, or in local customizations during
- // development.
- type Config struct {
- configDir string
- Version int
- CloudConfig string
- CloudConfigCA string
- FrontedCloudConfig string
- CPUProfile string
- MemProfile string
- UpdateServerURL string
- Client *client.ClientConfig
- ProxiedSites *proxiedsites.Config // List of proxied site domains that get routed through Lantern rather than accessed directly
- TrustedCAs []*fronted.CA
- }
- // Fetcher is an interface for fetching config updates.
- type Fetcher interface {
- pollForConfig(ycfg yamlconf.Config, sticky bool) (mutate func(yamlconf.Config) error, waitTime time.Duration, err error)
- }
- // StartPolling starts the process of polling for new configuration files.
- func StartPolling() {
- // Force detour to whitelist chained domain
- u, err := url.Parse(chainedCloudConfigURL)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("Unable to parse chained cloud config URL: %v", err)
- }
- detour.ForceWhitelist(u.Host)
- // No-op if already started.
- m.StartPolling()
- }
- // validateConfig checks whether the given config is valid and returns an error
- // if it isn't.
- func validateConfig(_cfg yamlconf.Config) error {
- cfg, ok := _cfg.(*Config)
- if !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("Config is not a flashlight config!")
- }
- nc := len(cfg.Client.ChainedServers)
- log.Debugf("Found %v chained servers in config on disk", nc)
- for _, v := range cfg.Client.ChainedServers {
- log.Debugf("chained server: %v", v)
- }
- // The config will have more than one but fewer than 10 chained servers
- // if it has been given a custom config with a custom chained server
- // list
- if nc <= 0 || nc > 10 {
- return fmt.Errorf("Inappropriate number of custom chained servers found: %d", nc)
- }
- return nil
- }
- func majorVersion(version string) string {
- return r.FindString(version)
- }
- // Init initializes the configuration system.
- //
- // version - the version of lantern
- // stickyConfig - if true, we ignore cloud updates
- // flags - map of flags (generally from command-line) that always get applied
- // to the config.
- func Init(userConfig UserConfig, version string, configDir string, stickyConfig bool, flags map[string]interface{}) (*Config, error) {
- // Request the config via either chained servers or direct fronted servers.
- cf := proxied.ParallelPreferChained()
- fetcher := NewFetcher(userConfig, cf)
- file := "lantern-" + version + ".yaml"
- _, configPath, err := inConfigDir(configDir, file)
- if err != nil {
- log.Errorf("Could not get config path? %v", err)
- return nil, err
- }
- m = &yamlconf.Manager{
- FilePath: configPath,
- ValidateConfig: validateConfig,
- DefaultConfig: MakeInitialConfig,
- EmptyConfig: func() yamlconf.Config {
- return &Config{configDir: configDir}
- },
- PerSessionSetup: func(ycfg yamlconf.Config) error {
- cfg := ycfg.(*Config)
- return cfg.applyFlags(flags)
- },
- CustomPoll: func(ycfg yamlconf.Config) (mutate func(yamlconf.Config) error, waitTime time.Duration, err error) {
- return fetcher.pollForConfig(ycfg, stickyConfig)
- },
- // Obfuscate on-disk contents of YAML file
- Obfuscate: flags["readableconfig"] == nil || !flags["readableconfig"].(bool),
- }
- initial, err := m.Init()
- var cfg *Config
- if err != nil {
- log.Errorf("Error initializing config: %v", err)
- } else {
- cfg = initial.(*Config)
- }
- log.Debug("Returning config")
- return cfg, err
- }
- // Run runs the configuration system.
- func Run(updateHandler func(updated *Config)) error {
- for {
- next := m.Next()
- nextCfg := next.(*Config)
- updateHandler(nextCfg)
- }
- }
- // Update updates the configuration using the given mutator function.
- func Update(mutate func(cfg *Config) error) error {
- return m.Update(func(ycfg yamlconf.Config) error {
- return mutate(ycfg.(*Config))
- })
- }
- func inConfigDir(configDir string, filename string) (string, string, error) {
- cdir := configDir
- if cdir == "" {
- cdir = appdir.General("Lantern")
- }
- log.Debugf("Using config dir %v", cdir)
- if _, err := os.Stat(cdir); err != nil {
- if os.IsNotExist(err) {
- // Create config dir
- if err := os.MkdirAll(cdir, 0750); err != nil {
- return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Unable to create configdir at %s: %s", cdir, err)
- }
- }
- }
- return cdir, filepath.Join(cdir, filename), nil
- }
- func (cfg *Config) GetTrustedCACerts() (pool *x509.CertPool, err error) {
- certs := make([]string, 0, len(cfg.TrustedCAs))
- for _, ca := range cfg.TrustedCAs {
- certs = append(certs, ca.Cert)
- }
- pool, err = keyman.PoolContainingCerts(certs...)
- if err != nil {
- log.Errorf("Could not create pool %v", err)
- }
- return
- }
- // GetVersion implements the method from interface yamlconf.Config
- func (cfg *Config) GetVersion() int {
- return cfg.Version
- }
- // SetVersion implements the method from interface yamlconf.Config
- func (cfg *Config) SetVersion(version int) {
- cfg.Version = version
- }
- // applyFlags updates this Config from any command-line flags that were passed
- // in.
- func (updated *Config) applyFlags(flags map[string]interface{}) error {
- if updated.Client == nil {
- updated.Client = &client.ClientConfig{}
- }
- var visitErr error
- // Visit all flags that have been set and copy to config
- for key, value := range flags {
- switch key {
- // General
- case "cloudconfig":
- updated.CloudConfig = value.(string)
- case "cloudconfigca":
- updated.CloudConfigCA = value.(string)
- case "frontedconfig":
- updated.FrontedCloudConfig = value.(string)
- case "instanceid":
- updated.Client.DeviceID = value.(string)
- case "cpuprofile":
- updated.CPUProfile = value.(string)
- case "memprofile":
- updated.MemProfile = value.(string)
- }
- }
- if visitErr != nil {
- return visitErr
- }
- return nil
- }
- // ApplyDefaults implements the method from interface yamlconf.Config
- //
- // ApplyDefaults populates default values on a Config to make sure that we have
- // a minimum viable config for running. As new settings are added to
- // flashlight, this function should be updated to provide sensible defaults for
- // those settings.
- func (cfg *Config) ApplyDefaults() {
- if cfg.UpdateServerURL == "" {
- cfg.UpdateServerURL = "https://update.getlantern.org"
- }
- if cfg.CloudConfig == "" {
- cfg.CloudConfig = chainedCloudConfigURL
- }
- if cfg.FrontedCloudConfig == "" {
- cfg.FrontedCloudConfig = frontedCloudConfigURL
- }
- if cfg.Client == nil {
- cfg.Client = &client.ClientConfig{}
- }
- cfg.applyClientDefaults()
- if cfg.ProxiedSites == nil {
- log.Debugf("Adding empty proxiedsites")
- cfg.ProxiedSites = &proxiedsites.Config{
- Delta: &proxiedsites.Delta{
- Additions: []string{},
- Deletions: []string{},
- },
- Cloud: []string{},
- }
- }
- if cfg.ProxiedSites.Cloud == nil || len(cfg.ProxiedSites.Cloud) == 0 {
- log.Debugf("Loading default cloud proxiedsites")
- cfg.ProxiedSites.Cloud = defaultProxiedSites
- }
- if cfg.TrustedCAs == nil || len(cfg.TrustedCAs) == 0 {
- cfg.TrustedCAs = fronted.DefaultTrustedCAs
- }
- }
- func (cfg *Config) applyClientDefaults() {
- // Make sure we always have at least one masquerade set
- if cfg.Client.MasqueradeSets == nil {
- cfg.Client.MasqueradeSets = make(map[string][]*fronted.Masquerade)
- }
- if len(cfg.Client.MasqueradeSets) == 0 {
- cfg.Client.MasqueradeSets[cloudfront] = fronted.DefaultCloudfrontMasquerades
- }
- // Always make sure we have a map of ChainedServers
- if cfg.Client.ChainedServers == nil {
- cfg.Client.ChainedServers = make(map[string]*client.ChainedServerInfo)
- }
- // Make sure we always have at least one server
- if len(cfg.Client.ChainedServers) == 0 {
- cfg.Client.ChainedServers = make(map[string]*client.ChainedServerInfo, len(fallbacks))
- for key, fb := range fallbacks {
- cfg.Client.ChainedServers[key] = fb
- }
- }
- if cfg.Client.ProxiedCONNECTPorts == nil {
- cfg.Client.ProxiedCONNECTPorts = []int{
- // Standard HTTP(S) ports
- 80, 443,
- // Common unprivileged HTTP(S) ports
- 8080, 8443,
- // XMPP
- 5222, 5223, 5224,
- // Android
- 5228, 5229,
- // udpgw
- 7300,
- // Google Hangouts TCP Ports (see https://support.google.com/a/answer/1279090?hl=en)
- 19305, 19306, 19307, 19308, 19309,
- }
- }
- if cfg.Client.DeviceID == "" {
- // There is no true privacy or security in instance ID. For that, we rely on
- // transport security. Hashing MAC would buy us nothing, since the space of
- // MACs is trivially mapped, especially since the salt would be known
- cfg.Client.DeviceID = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(uuid.NodeID())
- }
- }
- // updateFrom creates a new Config by 'merging' the given yaml into this Config.
- // The masquerade sets, the collections of servers, and the trusted CAs in the
- // update yaml completely replace the ones in the original Config.
- func (updated *Config) updateFrom(updateBytes []byte) error {
- // XXX: does this need a mutex, along with everyone that uses the config?
- oldDeviceID := updated.Client.DeviceID
- oldChainedServers := updated.Client.ChainedServers
- oldMasqueradeSets := updated.Client.MasqueradeSets
- oldTrustedCAs := updated.TrustedCAs
- updated.Client.ChainedServers = map[string]*client.ChainedServerInfo{}
- updated.Client.MasqueradeSets = map[string][]*fronted.Masquerade{}
- updated.TrustedCAs = []*fronted.CA{}
- err := yaml.Unmarshal(updateBytes, updated)
- if err != nil {
- updated.Client.ChainedServers = oldChainedServers
- updated.Client.MasqueradeSets = oldMasqueradeSets
- updated.TrustedCAs = oldTrustedCAs
- return fmt.Errorf("Unable to unmarshal YAML for update: %s", err)
- }
- // Deduplicate global proxiedsites
- if len(updated.ProxiedSites.Cloud) > 0 {
- wlDomains := make(map[string]bool)
- for _, domain := range updated.ProxiedSites.Cloud {
- wlDomains[domain] = true
- }
- updated.ProxiedSites.Cloud = make([]string, 0, len(wlDomains))
- for domain := range wlDomains {
- updated.ProxiedSites.Cloud = append(updated.ProxiedSites.Cloud, domain)
- }
- sort.Strings(updated.ProxiedSites.Cloud)
- }
- // Ignore DeviceID from yaml
- updated.Client.DeviceID = oldDeviceID
- return nil
- }