C++ | 283 lines | 190 code | 49 blank | 44 comment | 1 complexity | 615adc03d6a83f4bdd245fa2a1f651cf MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- // found in the LICENSE file.
- #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
- #include "base/basictypes.h"
- #include "base/file_util.h"
- #include "base/path_service.h"
- #include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
- #include "base/time.h"
- #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
- #include "chrome/browser/password_manager/login_database.h"
- #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
- #include "webkit/glue/password_form.h"
- using webkit_glue::PasswordForm;
- class LoginDatabaseTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- virtual void SetUp() {
- PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &file_);
- const std::string test_db =
- "TestMetadataStoreMacDatabase" +
- base::Int64ToString(base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue()) + ".db";
- file_ = file_.AppendASCII(test_db);
- file_util::Delete(file_, false);
- }
- virtual void TearDown() {
- file_util::Delete(file_, false);
- }
- FilePath file_;
- };
- TEST_F(LoginDatabaseTest, Logins) {
- scoped_ptr<LoginDatabase> db(new LoginDatabase());
- ASSERT_TRUE(db->Init(file_));
- std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;
- // Verify the database is empty.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- // Example password form.
- PasswordForm form;
- form.origin = GURL("http://www.google.com/accounts/LoginAuth");
- form.action = GURL("http://www.google.com/accounts/Login");
- form.username_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Email");
- form.username_value = ASCIIToUTF16("test@gmail.com");
- form.password_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Passwd");
- form.password_value = ASCIIToUTF16("test");
- form.submit_element = ASCIIToUTF16("signIn");
- form.signon_realm = "http://www.google.com/";
- form.ssl_valid = false;
- form.preferred = false;
- form.scheme = PasswordForm::SCHEME_HTML;
- // Add it and make sure it is there.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->AddLogin(form));
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // Match against an exact copy.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // The example site changes...
- PasswordForm form2(form);
- form2.origin = GURL("http://www.google.com/new/accounts/LoginAuth");
- form2.submit_element = ASCIIToUTF16("reallySignIn");
- // Match against an inexact copy
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form2, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // Uh oh, the site changed origin & action URLs all at once!
- PasswordForm form3(form2);
- form3.action = GURL("http://www.google.com/new/accounts/Login");
- // signon_realm is the same, should match.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form3, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // Imagine the site moves to a secure server for login.
- PasswordForm form4(form3);
- form4.signon_realm = "https://www.google.com/";
- form4.ssl_valid = true;
- // We have only an http record, so no match for this.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form4, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- // Let's imagine the user logs into the secure site.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->AddLogin(form4));
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(2U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- delete result[1];
- result.clear();
- // Now the match works
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form4, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // The user chose to forget the original but not the new.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->RemoveLogin(form));
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // The old form wont match the new site (http vs https).
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- // The user's request for the HTTPS site is intercepted
- // by an attacker who presents an invalid SSL cert.
- PasswordForm form5(form4);
- form5.ssl_valid = 0;
- // It will match in this case.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form5, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // User changes his password.
- PasswordForm form6(form5);
- form6.password_value = ASCIIToUTF16("test6");
- form6.preferred = true;
- // We update, and check to make sure it matches the
- // old form, and there is only one record.
- int rows_changed = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->UpdateLogin(form6, &rows_changed));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, rows_changed);
- // matches
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form5, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // Only one record.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- // Password element was updated.
- #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // On the Mac we should never be storing passwords in the database.
- EXPECT_EQ(string16(), result[0]->password_value);
- #else
- EXPECT_EQ(form6.password_value, result[0]->password_value);
- #endif
- // Preferred login.
- EXPECT_TRUE(form6.preferred);
- delete result[0];
- result.clear();
- // Make sure everything can disappear.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->RemoveLogin(form4));
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- }
- static bool AddTimestampedLogin(LoginDatabase* db, std::string url,
- const std::string& unique_string,
- const base::Time& time) {
- // Example password form.
- PasswordForm form;
- form.origin = GURL(url + std::string("/LoginAuth"));
- form.username_element = ASCIIToUTF16(unique_string);
- form.username_value = ASCIIToUTF16(unique_string);
- form.password_element = ASCIIToUTF16(unique_string);
- form.submit_element = ASCIIToUTF16("signIn");
- form.signon_realm = url;
- form.date_created = time;
- return db->AddLogin(form);
- }
- static void ClearResults(std::vector<PasswordForm*>* results) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < results->size(); ++i) {
- delete (*results)[i];
- }
- results->clear();
- }
- TEST_F(LoginDatabaseTest, ClearPrivateData_SavedPasswords) {
- scoped_ptr<LoginDatabase> db(new LoginDatabase());
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->Init(file_));
- std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;
- // Verify the database is empty.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
- base::TimeDelta one_day = base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
- // Create one with a 0 time.
- EXPECT_TRUE(AddTimestampedLogin(db.get(), "1", "foo1", base::Time()));
- // Create one for now and +/- 1 day.
- EXPECT_TRUE(AddTimestampedLogin(db.get(), "2", "foo2", now - one_day));
- EXPECT_TRUE(AddTimestampedLogin(db.get(), "3", "foo3", now));
- EXPECT_TRUE(AddTimestampedLogin(db.get(), "4", "foo4", now + one_day));
- // Verify inserts worked.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(4U, result.size());
- ClearResults(&result);
- // Get everything from today's date and on.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLoginsCreatedBetween(now, base::Time(), &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(2U, result.size());
- ClearResults(&result);
- // Delete everything from today's date and on.
- db->RemoveLoginsCreatedBetween(now, base::Time());
- // Should have deleted half of what we inserted.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(2U, result.size());
- ClearResults(&result);
- // Delete with 0 date (should delete all).
- db->RemoveLoginsCreatedBetween(base::Time(), base::Time());
- // Verify nothing is left.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- }
- TEST_F(LoginDatabaseTest, BlacklistedLogins) {
- scoped_ptr<LoginDatabase> db(new LoginDatabase());
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->Init(file_));
- std::vector<PasswordForm*> result;
- // Verify the database is empty.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetBlacklistLogins(&result));
- ASSERT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- // Save a form as blacklisted.
- PasswordForm form;
- form.origin = GURL("http://www.google.com/accounts/LoginAuth");
- form.action = GURL("http://www.google.com/accounts/Login");
- form.username_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Email");
- form.password_element = ASCIIToUTF16("Passwd");
- form.submit_element = ASCIIToUTF16("signIn");
- form.signon_realm = "http://www.google.com/";
- form.ssl_valid = false;
- form.preferred = true;
- form.blacklisted_by_user = true;
- form.scheme = PasswordForm::SCHEME_HTML;
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->AddLogin(form));
- // Get all non-blacklisted logins (should be none).
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetAutofillableLogins(&result));
- ASSERT_EQ(0U, result.size());
- // GetLogins should give the blacklisted result.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetLogins(form, &result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- ClearResults(&result);
- // So should GetAllBlacklistedLogins.
- EXPECT_TRUE(db->GetBlacklistLogins(&result));
- EXPECT_EQ(1U, result.size());
- ClearResults(&result);
- }