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C Header | 274 lines | 225 code | 12 blank | 37 comment | 1 complexity | cc9a2356573cc83bd84cb949a9741b2a MD5 | raw file
  1. /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3. */
  2. /* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C
  3. Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
  4. Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  5. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
  8. any later version.
  9. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14. along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  15. Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
  16. Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
  17. /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
  18. part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
  19. under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
  20. parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
  21. as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
  22. the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
  23. special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
  24. Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
  25. License without this special exception.
  26. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
  27. version 2.2 of Bison. */
  28. /* Tokens. */
  29. #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
  30. # define YYTOKENTYPE
  31. /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
  32. know about them. */
  33. enum yytokentype {
  34. INVARIANT = 258,
  35. HIGH_PRECISION = 259,
  37. LOW_PRECISION = 261,
  38. PRECISION = 262,
  39. ATTRIBUTE = 263,
  40. CONST_QUAL = 264,
  41. BOOL_TYPE = 265,
  42. FLOAT_TYPE = 266,
  43. INT_TYPE = 267,
  44. BREAK = 268,
  45. CONTINUE = 269,
  46. DO = 270,
  47. ELSE = 271,
  48. FOR = 272,
  49. IF = 273,
  50. DISCARD = 274,
  51. RETURN = 275,
  52. BVEC2 = 276,
  53. BVEC3 = 277,
  54. BVEC4 = 278,
  55. IVEC2 = 279,
  56. IVEC3 = 280,
  57. IVEC4 = 281,
  58. VEC2 = 282,
  59. VEC3 = 283,
  60. VEC4 = 284,
  61. MATRIX2 = 285,
  62. MATRIX3 = 286,
  63. MATRIX4 = 287,
  64. IN_QUAL = 288,
  65. OUT_QUAL = 289,
  66. INOUT_QUAL = 290,
  67. UNIFORM = 291,
  68. VARYING = 292,
  69. STRUCT = 293,
  70. VOID_TYPE = 294,
  71. WHILE = 295,
  72. SAMPLER2D = 296,
  73. SAMPLERCUBE = 297,
  74. IDENTIFIER = 298,
  75. TYPE_NAME = 299,
  76. FLOATCONSTANT = 300,
  77. INTCONSTANT = 301,
  78. BOOLCONSTANT = 302,
  79. FIELD_SELECTION = 303,
  80. LEFT_OP = 304,
  81. RIGHT_OP = 305,
  82. INC_OP = 306,
  83. DEC_OP = 307,
  84. LE_OP = 308,
  85. GE_OP = 309,
  86. EQ_OP = 310,
  87. NE_OP = 311,
  88. AND_OP = 312,
  89. OR_OP = 313,
  90. XOR_OP = 314,
  91. MUL_ASSIGN = 315,
  92. DIV_ASSIGN = 316,
  93. ADD_ASSIGN = 317,
  94. MOD_ASSIGN = 318,
  95. LEFT_ASSIGN = 319,
  96. RIGHT_ASSIGN = 320,
  97. AND_ASSIGN = 321,
  98. XOR_ASSIGN = 322,
  99. OR_ASSIGN = 323,
  100. SUB_ASSIGN = 324,
  101. LEFT_PAREN = 325,
  102. RIGHT_PAREN = 326,
  103. LEFT_BRACKET = 327,
  104. RIGHT_BRACKET = 328,
  105. LEFT_BRACE = 329,
  106. RIGHT_BRACE = 330,
  107. DOT = 331,
  108. COMMA = 332,
  109. COLON = 333,
  110. EQUAL = 334,
  111. SEMICOLON = 335,
  112. BANG = 336,
  113. DASH = 337,
  114. TILDE = 338,
  115. PLUS = 339,
  116. STAR = 340,
  117. SLASH = 341,
  118. PERCENT = 342,
  119. LEFT_ANGLE = 343,
  120. RIGHT_ANGLE = 344,
  121. VERTICAL_BAR = 345,
  122. CARET = 346,
  123. AMPERSAND = 347,
  124. QUESTION = 348
  125. };
  126. #endif
  127. /* Tokens. */
  128. #define INVARIANT 258
  129. #define HIGH_PRECISION 259
  130. #define MEDIUM_PRECISION 260
  131. #define LOW_PRECISION 261
  132. #define PRECISION 262
  133. #define ATTRIBUTE 263
  134. #define CONST_QUAL 264
  135. #define BOOL_TYPE 265
  136. #define FLOAT_TYPE 266
  137. #define INT_TYPE 267
  138. #define BREAK 268
  139. #define CONTINUE 269
  140. #define DO 270
  141. #define ELSE 271
  142. #define FOR 272
  143. #define IF 273
  144. #define DISCARD 274
  145. #define RETURN 275
  146. #define BVEC2 276
  147. #define BVEC3 277
  148. #define BVEC4 278
  149. #define IVEC2 279
  150. #define IVEC3 280
  151. #define IVEC4 281
  152. #define VEC2 282
  153. #define VEC3 283
  154. #define VEC4 284
  155. #define MATRIX2 285
  156. #define MATRIX3 286
  157. #define MATRIX4 287
  158. #define IN_QUAL 288
  159. #define OUT_QUAL 289
  160. #define INOUT_QUAL 290
  161. #define UNIFORM 291
  162. #define VARYING 292
  163. #define STRUCT 293
  164. #define VOID_TYPE 294
  165. #define WHILE 295
  166. #define SAMPLER2D 296
  167. #define SAMPLERCUBE 297
  168. #define IDENTIFIER 298
  169. #define TYPE_NAME 299
  170. #define FLOATCONSTANT 300
  171. #define INTCONSTANT 301
  172. #define BOOLCONSTANT 302
  173. #define FIELD_SELECTION 303
  174. #define LEFT_OP 304
  175. #define RIGHT_OP 305
  176. #define INC_OP 306
  177. #define DEC_OP 307
  178. #define LE_OP 308
  179. #define GE_OP 309
  180. #define EQ_OP 310
  181. #define NE_OP 311
  182. #define AND_OP 312
  183. #define OR_OP 313
  184. #define XOR_OP 314
  185. #define MUL_ASSIGN 315
  186. #define DIV_ASSIGN 316
  187. #define ADD_ASSIGN 317
  188. #define MOD_ASSIGN 318
  189. #define LEFT_ASSIGN 319
  190. #define RIGHT_ASSIGN 320
  191. #define AND_ASSIGN 321
  192. #define XOR_ASSIGN 322
  193. #define OR_ASSIGN 323
  194. #define SUB_ASSIGN 324
  195. #define LEFT_PAREN 325
  196. #define RIGHT_PAREN 326
  197. #define LEFT_BRACKET 327
  198. #define RIGHT_BRACKET 328
  199. #define LEFT_BRACE 329
  200. #define RIGHT_BRACE 330
  201. #define DOT 331
  202. #define COMMA 332
  203. #define COLON 333
  204. #define EQUAL 334
  205. #define SEMICOLON 335
  206. #define BANG 336
  207. #define DASH 337
  208. #define TILDE 338
  209. #define PLUS 339
  210. #define STAR 340
  211. #define SLASH 341
  212. #define PERCENT 342
  213. #define LEFT_ANGLE 343
  214. #define RIGHT_ANGLE 344
  215. #define VERTICAL_BAR 345
  216. #define CARET 346
  217. #define AMPERSAND 347
  218. #define QUESTION 348
  219. #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
  220. typedef union YYSTYPE
  221. {
  222. struct {
  223. TSourceLoc line;
  224. union {
  225. TString *string;
  226. float f;
  227. int i;
  228. bool b;
  229. };
  230. TSymbol* symbol;
  231. } lex;
  232. struct {
  233. TSourceLoc line;
  234. TOperator op;
  235. union {
  236. TIntermNode* intermNode;
  237. TIntermNodePair nodePair;
  238. TIntermTyped* intermTypedNode;
  239. TIntermAggregate* intermAggregate;
  240. };
  241. union {
  242. TPublicType type;
  243. TPrecision precision;
  244. TQualifier qualifier;
  245. TFunction* function;
  246. TParameter param;
  247. TTypeLine typeLine;
  248. TTypeList* typeList;
  249. };
  250. } interm;
  251. }
  252. /* Line 1489 of yacc.c. */
  253. YYSTYPE;
  254. # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
  255. # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
  256. # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
  257. #endif