Python | 189 lines | 178 code | 1 blank | 10 comment | 0 complexity | fb8cc8369049d0e596b4129e5da9f2dd MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- '''
- Fake PokemonGo API
- This is a simplistic flask app to emulate what a pokemon go api returns.
- It *does not* speak protobuff, and uses a hacky internal re-routing. That said,
- it does the trick well enough in my testing.
- When first "logged into" it will create a static map of evenly distributed
- gyms and poke stops. As each "scan" is run, it will gerenate a set of pokemon
- for that scan area. "New" pokemon will be found every 10 minutes.
- You can run this as is, and then just add `-m` to your
- runserver.py call to start using it.
- '''
- import logging
- import configargparse
- import math
- from flask import Flask, jsonify
- from random import randint, getrandbits, seed, random
- from uuid import uuid4
- from time import time
- from s2sphere import CellId, LatLng
- import geopy
- from geopy.distance import VincentyDistance
- from geopy.distance import vincenty
- logging.basicConfig(format=(
- '%(asctime)s [%(threadName)16s][%(module)14s][%(levelname)8s] ' +
- '%(message)s'))
- log = logging.getLogger()
- # Configish
- parser = configargparse.ArgParser()
- parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', help='Server Host', default='')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='Server Port', default=9090, type=int)
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='Debug Mode', action='store_true')
- parser.set_defaults(DEBUG=False)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.debug:
- log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- else:
- log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- # A holder of gyms/pokestops
- forts = []
- def getRandomPoint(location=None, maxMeters=70):
- origin = geopy.Point(location[0], location[1])
- b = randint(0, 360)
- d = math.sqrt(random()) * (float(maxMeters) / 1000)
- destination = VincentyDistance(kilometers=d).destination(origin, b)
- return (destination.latitude, destination.longitude)
- # TODO: This method is suuuuper inefficient.
- # Namely, it loops over EVERY POSSIBLE fort and does a distance calc
- # Not a time-cheap operation to do at all. It would be way more efficient
- # if we had all the forts setup with s2 locations and could more quickly
- # query for 'within XYZ cells'. Or something like that :/
- def getForts(location):
- global forts
- lforts = []
- for i in forts:
- f = (i['latitude'], i['longitude'])
- d = vincenty(location, f).meters
- if d < 900:
- lforts.append(i)
- return lforts
- def makeWildPokemon(location):
- # Cause the randomness to only shift every N minutes (thus new pokes
- # every N minutes)
- offset = int(time() % 3600) / 10
- seedid = str(location[0]) + str(location[1]) + str(offset)
- seed(seedid)
- # Now, collect the pokes for this can point
- pokes = []
- for i in range(randint(0, 2)):
- coords = getRandomPoint(location)
- ll = LatLng.from_degrees(coords[0], coords[1])
- cellId = CellId.from_lat_lng(ll).parent(20).to_token()
- pokes.append({
- 'encounter_id': 'pkm' + seedid + str(i),
- 'last_modified_timestamp_ms': int((time() - 10) * 1000),
- 'latitude': coords[0],
- 'longitude': coords[1],
- 'pokemon_data': {'pokemon_id': randint(1, 140)},
- 'spawn_point_id': cellId,
- 'time_till_hidden_ms': randint(60, 600) * 1000
- })
- return pokes
- # Fancy app time
- app = Flask(__name__)
- @app.route('/')
- def api_root():
- return 'This here be a Fake PokemonGo API Endpoint Server'
- @app.route('/login/<lat>/<lng>/<r>')
- def api_login(lat, lng, r):
- global forts
- if len(forts):
- # already generated
- return jsonify(forts)
- # coerce types
- r = int(r) # radius in meters
- lat = float(lat)
- lng = float(lng)
- forts = []
- area = 3.14 * (r * r)
- # One gym every N sq.m
- gymCount = int(math.ceil(area / 25000))
- # One pks every N sq.m
- pksCount = int(math.ceil(area / 15000))
- # Gyms
- for i in range(gymCount):
- coords = getRandomPoint(location=(lat, lng), maxMeters=r)
- forts.append({
- 'enabled': True,
- 'guard_pokemon_id': randint(1, 140),
- 'gym_points': randint(1, 30000),
- 'id': 'gym-{}'.format(i),
- 'is_in_battle': not getrandbits(1),
- 'last_modified_timestamp_ms': int((time() - 10) * 1000),
- 'latitude': coords[0],
- 'longitude': coords[1],
- 'owned_by_team': randint(0, 3)
- })
- # Pokestops
- for i in range(pksCount):
- coords = getRandomPoint(location=(lat, lng), maxMeters=r)
- forts.append({
- 'enabled': True,
- 'id': 'pks-{}'.format(i),
- 'last_modified_timestamp_ms': int((time() - 10) * 1000),
- 'latitude': coords[0],
- 'longitude': coords[1],
- 'type': 1
- })
- log.info('Login for location %f,%f generated %d gyms, %d pokestop', lat,
- lng, gymCount, pksCount)
- return jsonify(forts)
- @app.route('/scan/<lat>/<lng>')
- def api_scan(lat, lng):
- location = (float(lat), float(lng))
- cells = []
- # for i in range(randint(60,70)):
- for i in range(3):
- cells.append({
- 'current_timestamp_ms': int(time() * 1000),
- 'forts': getForts(location),
- 's2_cell_id': uuid4(), # wrong, but also unused so it
- # doesn't matter
- 'wild_pokemons': makeWildPokemon(location),
- 'catchable_pokemons': [], # unused
- 'nearby_pokemons': [] # unused
- })
- return jsonify({'responses': {'GET_MAP_OBJECTS': {'map_cells': cells}}})
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app.run(threaded=True, debug=args.debug, host=args.host, port=args.port)