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- Regular Expressions (regex) Reference Guide
- Sources:
- https://developers.google.com/edu/python/regular-expressions
- https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html
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- Basic Patterns:
- ordinary characters match themselves exactly
- . matches any single character except newline \n
- \w matches a word character (letter, digit, underscore)
- \W matches any non-word character
- \b matches boundary between word and non-word
- \s matches single whitespace character (space, newline, return, tab, form)
- \S matches single non-whitespace character
- \d matches single digit (0 through 9)
- \t matches tab
- \n matches newline
- \r matches return
- \ match a special character, such as period: \.
- Rules for Searching:
- search proceeds through string from start to end, stopping at first match
- all of the pattern must be matched
- Basic Search Function:
- match = re.search(r'pattern', string_to_search)
- returns match object
- if there is a match, access match using match.group()
- if there is no match, match is None
- use 'r' in front of pattern to designate a raw string
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- import re
- s = 'my 1st string!!'
- match = re.search(r'st', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'st'
- match = re.search(r'sta', s)
- if match: match.group() # None
- match = re.search(r'\w\w\w', s)
- if match: match.group() # '1st'
- match = re.search(r'\W', s)
- if match: match.group() # ' '
- match = re.search(r'\W\W', s)
- if match: match.group() # '!!'
- match = re.search(r'\s', s)
- if match: match.group() # ' '
- match = re.search(r'\s\s', s)
- if match: match.group() # None
- match = re.search(r'..t', s)
- if match: match.group() # '1st'
- match = re.search(r'\s\St', s)
- if match: match.group() # ' st'
- match = re.search(r'\bst', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'st'
- '''
- Positions:
- ^ match start of a string
- $ match end of a string
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- s = 'sid is missing class'
- match = re.search(r'^miss', s)
- if match: match.group() # None
- match = re.search(r'..ss', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'miss'
- match = re.search(r'..ss$', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'lass'
- '''
- Repetition:
- + 1 or more occurrences of the pattern to its left
- * 0 or more occurrences
- ? 0 or 1 occurrence
- + and * are 'greedy': they try to use up as much of the string as possible
- add ? after + or * to make them non-greedy: +? or *?
- '''
- s = 'sid is missing class'
- match = re.search(r'miss\w+', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'missing'
- match = re.search(r'is\w+', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'issing'
- match = re.search(r'is\w*', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'is'
- s = '<h1>my heading</h1>'
- match = re.search(r'<.+>', s)
- if match: match.group() # '<h1>my heading</h1>'
- match = re.search(r'<.+?>', s)
- if match: match.group() # '<h1>'
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- Brackets:
- [abc] match a or b or c
- \w, \s, etc. work inside brackets, except period just means a literal period
- [a-z] match any lowercase letter (dash indicates range unless it's last)
- [abc-] match a or b or c or -
- [^ab] match anything except a or b
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- s = 'my email is john-doe@gmail.com'
- match = re.search(r'\w+@\w+', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'doe@gmail'
- match = re.search(r'[\w.-]+@[\w.-]+', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'john-doe@gmail.com'
- '''
- Lookarounds:
- lookahead matches a pattern only if it is followed by another pattern
- 100(?= dollars) matches '100' only if it is followed by ' dollars'
- lookbehind matches a pattern only if it is preceded by another pattern
- (?<=\$)100 matches '100' only if it is preceded by '$'
- '''
- s = 'Name: Cindy, 30 years old'
- match = re.search(r'\d+(?= years? old)', s)
- if match: match.group() # '30'
- match = re.search(r'(?<=Name: )\w+', s)
- if match: match.group() # 'Cindy'
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- Match Groups:
- parentheses create logical groups inside of match text
- match.group(1) corresponds to first group
- match.group(2) corresponds to second group
- match.group() corresponds to entire match text (as usual)
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- s = 'my email is john-doe@gmail.com'
- match = re.search(r'([\w.-]+)@([\w.-]+)', s)
- if match:
- match.group(1) # 'john-doe'
- match.group(2) # 'gmail.com'
- match.group() # 'john-doe@gmail.com'
- '''
- Finding All Matches:
- re.findall() finds all matches and returns them as a list of strings
- list_of_strings = re.findall(r'pattern', string_to_search)
- if pattern includes parentheses, a list of tuples is returned
- '''
- s = 'emails: joe@gmail.com, bob@gmail.com'
- re.findall(r'[\w.-]+@[\w.-]+', s) # ['joe@gmail.com', 'bob@gmail.com']
- re.findall(r'([\w.-]+)@([\w.-]+)', s) # [('joe', 'gmail.com'), ('bob', 'gmail.com')]
- '''
- Option Flags:
- options flags modify the behavior of the pattern matching
- default: matching is case sensitive
- re.IGNORECASE: ignore uppercase/lowercase differences ('a' matches 'a' or 'A')
- default: period matches any character except newline
- re.DOTALL: allow period to match newline
- default: within a string of many lines, ^ and $ match start and end of entire string
- re.MULTILINE: allow ^ and $ to match start and end of each line
- option flag is third argument to re.search() or re.findall()
- re.search(r'pattern', string_to_search, re.IGNORECASE)
- re.findall(r'pattern', string_to_search, re.IGNORECASE)
- '''
- s = 'emails: nicole@ga.co, joe@gmail.com, PAT@GA.CO'
- re.findall(r'\w+@ga\.co', s) # ['nicole@ga.co']
- re.findall(r'\w+@ga\.co', s, re.IGNORECASE) # ['nicole@ga.co', 'PAT@GA.CO']
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- Substitution:
- re.sub() finds all matches and replaces them with a specified string
- new_string = re.sub(r'pattern', r'replacement', string_to_search)
- replacement string can refer to text from matching groups:
- \1 refers to group(1)
- \2 refers to group(2)
- etc.
- '''
- s = 'sid is missing class'
- re.sub(r'is ', r'was ', s) # 'sid was missing class'
- s = 'emails: joe@gmail.com, bob@gmail.com'
- re.sub(r'([\w.-]+)@([\w.-]+)', r'\1@yahoo.com', s) # 'emails: joe@yahoo.com, bob@yahoo.com'
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- Useful, But Not Covered:
- re.split() splits a string by the occurrences of a pattern
- re.compile() compiles a pattern (for improved performance if it's used many times)
- A|B indicates a pattern that can match A or B
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