C++ | 804 lines | 498 code | 106 blank | 200 comment | 75 complexity | 31ab4775c474f75c49e9d99ad15fbd51 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- **
- ** Copyright 2012, Samsung Electronics Co. LTD
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
- /*!
- * \file ExynosCameraHWInterface.h
- * \brief source file for Android Camera HAL
- * \author thun.hwang(thun.hwang@samsung.com)
- * \date 2010/06/03
- *
- * <b>Revision History: </b>
- * - 2011/12/31 : thun.hwang(thun.hwang@samsung.com) \n
- * Initial version
- *
- * - 2012/02/01 : Sangwoo, Park(sw5771.park@samsung.com) \n
- * Adjust Android Standard features
- *
- * - 2012/03/14 : sangwoo.park(sw5771.park@samsung.com) \n
- * Change file, class name to ExynosXXX.
- *
- */
- //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
- #define LOG_TAG "ExynosCameraHWInterface"
- #include <cutils/log.h>
- //#include "ExynosCameraHWInterface.h"
- #include "ExynosCameraHWImpl.h"
- #include "exynos_format.h"
- /*
- struct timeval oldtime, curtime;
- #endif
- #define JPEG_EOI_MARKER (0xFFD9)
- #define HIBYTE(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xFF)
- #define LOBYTE(x) ((x) & 0xFF)
- //TODO: This values will be changed
- #define BACK_CAMERA_AUTO_FOCUS_DISTANCES_STR "0.10,1.20,Infinity"
- #define FRONT_CAMERA_FOCUS_DISTANCES_STR "0.20,0.25,Infinity"
- #define BACK_CAMERA_MACRO_FOCUS_DISTANCES_STR "0.10,0.20,Infinity"
- #define PREVIEW_GSC_NODE_NUM (1)
- #define PICTURE_GSC_NODE_NUM (2)
- */
- // This hack does two things:
- // -- it sets preview to NV21 (YUV420SP)
- // -- it sets gralloc to YV12
- //
- // The reason being: the samsung encoder understands only yuv420sp, and gralloc
- // does yv12 and rgb565. So what we do is we break up the interleaved UV in
- // separate V and U planes, which makes preview look good, and enabled the
- // encoder as well.
- //
- // FIXME: Samsung needs to enable support for proper yv12 coming out of the
- // camera, and to fix their video encoder to work with yv12.
- // FIXME: It also seems like either Samsung's YUV420SP (NV21) or img's YV12 has
- // the color planes switched. We need to figure which side is doing it
- // wrong and have the respective party fix it.
- #define MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERA 2
- namespace android {
- static CameraInfo sCameraInfo[] = {
- {
- BACK_ROTATION, /* orientation */
- },
- {
- FRONT_ROTATION, /* orientation */
- }
- };
- /** Close this device */
- static camera_device_t *g_cam_device[MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERA];
- static Mutex g_cam_openLock[MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERA];
- static Mutex g_cam_previewLock[MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERA];
- static Mutex g_cam_recordingLock[MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERA];
- };
- static char *camera_state_enum2str[40] = {
- "NONE",
- };
- static Mutex cam_stateLock[3];
- static CAMERA_STATE cam_state[3];
- static inline ExynosCameraHWImpl *obj(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<ExynosCameraHWImpl *>(dev->priv);
- }
- static int check_camera_state(CAMERA_STATE state, int cameraId)
- {
- bool ret = false;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) checking...", __func__, cameraId, state);
- switch (state) {
- ret = true;
- break;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_NONE
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_CLOSED)
- ret = true;
- break;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == state
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_OPENED
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_PREVIEWSTOPPED)
- ret = true;
- break;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == state
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_OPENED
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_PREVIEWSTOPPED
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_RELEASED)
- ret = true;
- break;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_OPENED
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_PREVIEWSTOPPED)
- ret = true;
- break;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == state
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_OPENED
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_PREVIEW
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_RECORDINGSTOPPED)
- ret = true;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_OPENED)
- usleep(100*1000); /* for Preview Thread running */
- break;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_PREVIEW
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_RECORDINGSTOPPED)
- ret = true;
- break;
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == state
- || cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_RECORDING)
- ret = true;
- break;
- default:
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%s) is unknown value",
- __func__, cameraId, camera_state_enum2str[state]);
- ret = false;
- break;
- }
- if (ret == true)
- ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):camera(%d) state(%d:%s->%d:%s) is valid",
- __func__, cameraId,
- cam_state[cameraId], camera_state_enum2str[cam_state[cameraId]],
- state, camera_state_enum2str[state]);
- else
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d:%s->%d:%s) is INVALID",
- __func__, cameraId,
- cam_state[cameraId], camera_state_enum2str[cam_state[cameraId]],
- state, camera_state_enum2str[state]);
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- return ret;
- }
- static int HAL_camera_device_close(struct hw_device_t* device)
- {
- int cameraId;
- enum CAMERA_STATE state;
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d): in", __func__, __LINE__);
- if (device) {
- camera_device_t *cam_device = (camera_device_t *)device;
- cameraId = obj(cam_device)->getCameraId();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d)", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- state = CAMERA_CLOSED;
- if (check_camera_state(state, cameraId) == false) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) is INVALID", __func__, cameraId, state);
- return -1;
- }
- g_cam_openLock[cameraId].lock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) locked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- g_cam_device[cameraId] = NULL;
- g_cam_openLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) unlocked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- delete static_cast<ExynosCameraHWImpl *>(cam_device->priv);
- free(cam_device);
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- cam_state[cameraId] = state;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d)", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- }
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d): out", __func__, __LINE__);
- return 0;
- }
- /** Set the preview_stream_ops to which preview frames are sent */
- static int HAL_camera_device_set_preview_window(struct camera_device *dev,
- struct preview_stream_ops *buf)
- {
- static int ret;
- int cameraId = obj(dev)->getCameraId();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) in", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- ret = obj(dev)->setPreviewWindowLocked(buf);
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- return ret;
- }
- /** Set the notification and data callbacks */
- static void HAL_camera_device_set_callbacks(struct camera_device *dev,
- camera_notify_callback notify_cb,
- camera_data_callback data_cb,
- camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp,
- camera_request_memory get_memory,
- void* user)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- obj(dev)->setCallbacks(notify_cb, data_cb, data_cb_timestamp,
- get_memory,
- user);
- }
- /**
- * The following three functions all take a msg_type, which is a bitmask of
- * the messages defined in include/ui/Camera.h
- */
- /**
- * Enable a message, or set of messages.
- */
- static void HAL_camera_device_enable_msg_type(struct camera_device *dev, int32_t msg_type)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- obj(dev)->enableMsgType(msg_type);
- }
- /**
- * Disable a message, or a set of messages.
- *
- * Once received a call to disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME), camera
- * HAL should not rely on its client to call releaseRecordingFrame() to
- * release video recording frames sent out by the cameral HAL before and
- * after the disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME) call. Camera HAL
- * clients must not modify/access any video recording frame after calling
- * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME).
- */
- static void HAL_camera_device_disable_msg_type(struct camera_device *dev, int32_t msg_type)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- obj(dev)->disableMsgType(msg_type);
- }
- /**
- * Query whether a message, or a set of messages, is enabled. Note that
- * this is operates as an AND, if any of the messages queried are off, this
- * will return false.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_msg_type_enabled(struct camera_device *dev, int32_t msg_type)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->msgTypeEnabled(msg_type);
- }
- /**
- * Start preview mode.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_start_preview(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- static int ret;
- int cameraId = obj(dev)->getCameraId();
- enum CAMERA_STATE state;
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) in", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- if (check_camera_state(state, cameraId) == false) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) is INVALID", __func__, cameraId, state);
- return -1;
- }
- g_cam_previewLock[cameraId].lock();
- ret = obj(dev)->startPreviewLocked();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out from startPreviewLocked()", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- g_cam_previewLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) unlocked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- if (ret == OK) {
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- cam_state[cameraId] = state;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out (startPreview succeeded)", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- } else {
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out (startPreview FAILED)", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /**
- * Stop a previously started preview.
- */
- static void HAL_camera_device_stop_recording(struct camera_device *dev);
- static void HAL_camera_device_stop_preview(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- int cameraId = obj(dev)->getCameraId();
- enum CAMERA_STATE state;
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) in", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- /* HACK : If camera in recording state, */
- /* CameraService have to call the stop_recording before the stop_preview */
- #if 1
- if (cam_state[cameraId] == CAMERA_RECORDING) {
- ALOGE("(%s:%d) camera(%d) in RECORDING RUNNING state ---- INVALID ----", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- ALOGE("(%s:%d) camera(%d) The stop_recording must be called "
- "before the stop_preview ---- INVALID ----",
- __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- HAL_camera_device_stop_recording(dev);
- ALOGE("(%s:%d) cameraId=%d out from stop_recording ---- INVALID ----",
- __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- for (int i=0; i<30; i++) {
- ALOGE("(%s:%d) camera(%d) The stop_recording must be called "
- "before the stop_preview ---- INVALID ----",
- __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- }
- ALOGE("(%s:%d) camera(%d) sleep 500ms for ---- INVALID ---- state", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- usleep(500000); /* to notify, sleep 500ms */
- }
- #endif
- if (check_camera_state(state, cameraId) == false) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) is INVALID", __func__, cameraId, state);
- return;
- }
- g_cam_previewLock[cameraId].lock();
- obj(dev)->stopPreviewLocked();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out from stopPreviewLocked()", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- g_cam_previewLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) unlocked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- cam_state[cameraId] = state;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if preview is enabled.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_preview_enabled(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->previewEnabled();
- }
- /**
- * Request the camera HAL to store meta data or real YUV data in the video
- * buffers sent out via CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME for a recording session. If
- * it is not called, the default camera HAL behavior is to store real YUV
- * data in the video buffers.
- *
- * This method should be called before startRecording() in order to be
- * effective.
- *
- * If meta data is stored in the video buffers, it is up to the receiver of
- * the video buffers to interpret the contents and to find the actual frame
- * data with the help of the meta data in the buffer. How this is done is
- * outside of the scope of this method.
- *
- * Some camera HALs may not support storing meta data in the video buffers,
- * but all camera HALs should support storing real YUV data in the video
- * buffers. If the camera HAL does not support storing the meta data in the
- * video buffers when it is requested to do do, INVALID_OPERATION must be
- * returned. It is very useful for the camera HAL to pass meta data rather
- * than the actual frame data directly to the video encoder, since the
- * amount of the uncompressed frame data can be very large if video size is
- * large.
- *
- * @param enable if true to instruct the camera HAL to store
- * meta data in the video buffers; false to instruct
- * the camera HAL to store real YUV data in the video
- * buffers.
- *
- * @return OK on success.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_store_meta_data_in_buffers(struct camera_device *dev, int enable)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->storeMetaDataInBuffers(enable);
- }
- /**
- * Start record mode. When a record image is available, a
- * CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME message is sent with the corresponding
- * frame. Every record frame must be released by a camera HAL client via
- * releaseRecordingFrame() before the client calls
- * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME). After the client calls
- * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME), it is the camera HAL's
- * responsibility to manage the life-cycle of the video recording frames,
- * and the client must not modify/access any video recording frames.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_start_recording(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- static int ret;
- int cameraId = obj(dev)->getCameraId();
- enum CAMERA_STATE state;
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) in", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- if (check_camera_state(state, cameraId) == false) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) is INVALID", __func__, cameraId, state);
- return -1;
- }
- g_cam_recordingLock[cameraId].lock();
- ret = obj(dev)->startRecording();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out from startRecording()", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- g_cam_recordingLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) unlocked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- if (ret == OK) {
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- cam_state[cameraId] = state;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out (startRecording succeeded)", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- } else {
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out (startRecording FAILED)", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /**
- * Stop a previously started recording.
- */
- static void HAL_camera_device_stop_recording(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- int cameraId = obj(dev)->getCameraId();
- enum CAMERA_STATE state;
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) in", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- if (check_camera_state(state, cameraId) == false) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) is INVALID", __func__, cameraId, state);
- return;
- }
- g_cam_recordingLock[cameraId].lock();
- obj(dev)->stopRecording();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out from stopRecording()", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- g_cam_recordingLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) unlocked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- cam_state[cameraId] = state;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if recording is enabled.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_recording_enabled(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->recordingEnabled();
- }
- /**
- * Release a record frame previously returned by CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME.
- *
- * It is camera HAL client's responsibility to release video recording
- * frames sent out by the camera HAL before the camera HAL receives a call
- * to disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME). After it receives the call to
- * disableMsgType(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME), it is the camera HAL's
- * responsibility to manage the life-cycle of the video recording frames.
- */
- static void HAL_camera_device_release_recording_frame(struct camera_device *dev,
- const void *opaque)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- obj(dev)->releaseRecordingFrame(opaque);
- }
- /**
- * Start auto focus, the notification callback routine is called with
- * CAMERA_MSG_FOCUS once when focusing is complete. autoFocus() will be
- * called again if another auto focus is needed.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_auto_focus(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->autoFocus();
- }
- /**
- * Cancels auto-focus function. If the auto-focus is still in progress,
- * this function will cancel it. Whether the auto-focus is in progress or
- * not, this function will return the focus position to the default. If
- * the camera does not support auto-focus, this is a no-op.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_cancel_auto_focus(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->cancelAutoFocus();
- }
- /**
- * Take a picture.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_take_picture(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->takePicture();
- }
- /**
- * Cancel a picture that was started with takePicture. Calling this method
- * when no picture is being taken is a no-op.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_cancel_picture(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->cancelPicture();
- }
- /**
- * Set the camera parameters. This returns BAD_VALUE if any parameter is
- * invalid or not supported.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_set_parameters(struct camera_device *dev,
- const char *parms)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- String8 str(parms);
- CameraParameters p(str);
- return obj(dev)->setParametersLocked(p);
- }
- /** Return the camera parameters. */
- char *HAL_camera_device_get_parameters(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- String8 str;
- CameraParameters parms = obj(dev)->getParameters();
- str = parms.flatten();
- return strdup(str.string());
- }
- static void HAL_camera_device_put_parameters(struct camera_device *dev, char *parms)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- free(parms);
- }
- /**
- * Send command to camera driver.
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_send_command(struct camera_device *dev,
- int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->sendCommand(cmd, arg1, arg2);
- }
- /**
- * Release the hardware resources owned by this object. Note that this is
- * *not* done in the destructor.
- */
- static void HAL_camera_device_release(struct camera_device *dev)
- {
- int cameraId = obj(dev)->getCameraId();
- enum CAMERA_STATE state;
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) in", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- if (check_camera_state(state, cameraId) == false) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) is INVALID", __func__, cameraId, state);
- return;
- }
- g_cam_openLock[cameraId].lock();
- obj(dev)->release();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out from release()", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- g_cam_openLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) unlocked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- cam_state[cameraId] = state;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- }
- /**
- * Dump state of the camera hardware
- */
- static int HAL_camera_device_dump(struct camera_device *dev, int fd)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return obj(dev)->dump(fd);
- }
- static int HAL_getNumberOfCameras()
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- return sizeof(sCameraInfo) / sizeof(sCameraInfo[0]);
- }
- static int HAL_getCameraInfo(int cameraId, struct camera_info *info)
- {
- ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):", __func__);
- if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= HAL_getNumberOfCameras()) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid camera ID %d", __func__, cameraId);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- memcpy(info, &sCameraInfo[cameraId], sizeof(CameraInfo));
- info->device_version = HARDWARE_DEVICE_API_VERSION(1, 0);
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- #define SET_METHOD(m) m : HAL_camera_device_##m
- static camera_device_ops_t camera_device_ops = {
- SET_METHOD(set_preview_window),
- SET_METHOD(set_callbacks),
- SET_METHOD(enable_msg_type),
- SET_METHOD(disable_msg_type),
- SET_METHOD(msg_type_enabled),
- SET_METHOD(start_preview),
- SET_METHOD(stop_preview),
- SET_METHOD(preview_enabled),
- SET_METHOD(store_meta_data_in_buffers),
- SET_METHOD(start_recording),
- SET_METHOD(stop_recording),
- SET_METHOD(recording_enabled),
- SET_METHOD(release_recording_frame),
- SET_METHOD(auto_focus),
- SET_METHOD(cancel_auto_focus),
- SET_METHOD(take_picture),
- SET_METHOD(cancel_picture),
- SET_METHOD(set_parameters),
- SET_METHOD(get_parameters),
- SET_METHOD(put_parameters),
- SET_METHOD(send_command),
- SET_METHOD(release),
- SET_METHOD(dump),
- };
- #undef SET_METHOD
- static int HAL_camera_device_open(const struct hw_module_t* module,
- const char *id,
- struct hw_device_t** device)
- {
- int cameraId = atoi(id);
- enum CAMERA_STATE state;
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) in", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= HAL_getNumberOfCameras()) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid camera ID %s", __func__, id);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- state = CAMERA_OPENED;
- if (check_camera_state(state, cameraId) == false) {
- ALOGE("ERR(%s):camera(%d) state(%d) is INVALID", __func__, cameraId, state);
- return -1;
- }
- if (cameraId < (sizeof(sCameraInfo) / sizeof(sCameraInfo[0]))) {
- if (g_cam_device[cameraId]) {
- ALOGE("DEBUG(%s):returning existing camera ID %s", __func__, id);
- *device = (hw_device_t *)g_cam_device[cameraId];
- goto done;
- }
- g_cam_device[cameraId] = (camera_device_t *)malloc(sizeof(camera_device_t));
- if (!g_cam_device[cameraId])
- return -ENOMEM;
- g_cam_openLock[cameraId].lock();
- g_cam_device[cameraId]->common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
- g_cam_device[cameraId]->common.version = 1;
- g_cam_device[cameraId]->common.module = const_cast<hw_module_t *>(module);
- g_cam_device[cameraId]->common.close = HAL_camera_device_close;
- g_cam_device[cameraId]->ops = &camera_device_ops;
- ALOGE("DEBUG(%s):open camera %s", __func__, id);
- g_cam_device[cameraId]->priv = new ExynosCameraHWImpl(cameraId, g_cam_device[cameraId]);
- *device = (hw_device_t *)g_cam_device[cameraId];
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out from new g_cam_device[%d]->priv()", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId, cameraId);
- g_cam_openLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) unlocked..", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- } else {
- ALOGE("DEBUG(%s):camera(%s) open fail - must front camera open first", __func__, id);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- done:
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].lock();
- cam_state[cameraId] = state;
- cam_stateLock[cameraId].unlock();
- ALOGI("[INFO] (%s:%d):camera(%d) out", __func__, __LINE__, cameraId);
- return 0;
- }
- static hw_module_methods_t camera_module_methods = {
- open : HAL_camera_device_open
- };
- extern "C" {
- struct camera_module HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
- common : {
- module_api_version : CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_1_0,
- hal_api_version : HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
- name : "Exynos Camera HAL1",
- author : "Samsung Corporation",
- methods : &camera_module_methods,
- dso : NULL,
- reserved : {0},
- },
- get_number_of_cameras : HAL_getNumberOfCameras,
- get_camera_info : HAL_getCameraInfo
- };
- }
- }; // namespace android