Go | 383 lines | 326 code | 33 blank | 24 comment | 105 complexity | 32dbbdb7b72fb1f4f649427b117df659 MD5 | raw file
- /***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- #
- # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the Mozilla Foundation.
- # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2013-2015
- # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Contributor(s):
- # Mike Trinkala (trink@mozilla.com)
- # Rob Miller (rmiller@mozilla.com)
- #
- # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
- package plugins
- import (
- "fmt"
- "math/rand"
- "os"
- "path/filepath"
- "regexp"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "time"
- "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
- "github.com/mozilla-services/heka/message"
- "github.com/mozilla-services/heka/pipeline"
- . "github.com/mozilla-services/heka/sandbox"
- "github.com/mozilla-services/heka/sandbox/lua"
- "github.com/pborman/uuid"
- )
- // Decoder for converting structured/unstructured data into Heka messages.
- type SandboxDecoder struct {
- processMessageCount int64
- processMessageFailures int64
- processMessageSamples int64
- processMessageDuration int64
- sb Sandbox
- sbc *SandboxConfig
- preservationFile string
- reportLock sync.Mutex
- sample bool
- pack *pipeline.PipelinePack
- packs []*pipeline.PipelinePack
- dRunner pipeline.DecoderRunner
- name string
- tz *time.Location
- sampleDenominator int
- pConfig *pipeline.PipelineConfig
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) ConfigStruct() interface{} {
- return NewSandboxConfig(s.pConfig.Globals)
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) SetName(name string) {
- re := regexp.MustCompile("\\W")
- s.name = re.ReplaceAllString(name, "_")
- }
- // Heka will call this before calling any other methods to give us access to
- // the pipeline configuration.
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) SetPipelineConfig(pConfig *pipeline.PipelineConfig) {
- s.pConfig = pConfig
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) Init(config interface{}) (err error) {
- s.sbc = config.(*SandboxConfig)
- globals := s.pConfig.Globals
- s.sbc.ScriptFilename = globals.PrependShareDir(s.sbc.ScriptFilename)
- s.sbc.PluginType = "decoder"
- s.sampleDenominator = globals.SampleDenominator
- s.tz = time.UTC
- if tz, ok := s.sbc.Config["tz"]; ok {
- s.tz, err = time.LoadLocation(tz.(string))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- data_dir := globals.PrependBaseDir(DATA_DIR)
- if !fileExists(data_dir) {
- err = os.MkdirAll(data_dir, 0700)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- switch s.sbc.ScriptType {
- case "lua":
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("unsupported script type: %s", s.sbc.ScriptType)
- }
- s.sample = true
- return
- }
- func copyMessageHeaders(dst *message.Message, src *message.Message) {
- if src == nil || dst == nil || src == dst {
- return
- }
- if src.Timestamp != nil {
- dst.SetTimestamp(*src.Timestamp)
- } else {
- dst.Timestamp = nil
- }
- if src.Type != nil {
- dst.SetType(*src.Type)
- } else {
- dst.Type = nil
- }
- if src.Logger != nil {
- dst.SetLogger(*src.Logger)
- } else {
- dst.Logger = nil
- }
- if src.Severity != nil {
- dst.SetSeverity(*src.Severity)
- } else {
- dst.Severity = nil
- }
- if src.Pid != nil {
- dst.SetPid(*src.Pid)
- } else {
- dst.Pid = nil
- }
- if src.Hostname != nil {
- dst.SetHostname(*src.Hostname)
- } else {
- dst.Hostname = nil
- }
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) SetDecoderRunner(dr pipeline.DecoderRunner) {
- if s.sb != nil {
- return // no-op already initialized
- }
- s.dRunner = dr
- var original *message.Message
- var err error
- switch s.sbc.ScriptType {
- case "lua":
- s.sb, err = lua.CreateLuaSandbox(s.sbc)
- default:
- err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported script type: %s", s.sbc.ScriptType)
- }
- if err == nil {
- s.preservationFile = filepath.Join(s.pConfig.Globals.PrependBaseDir(DATA_DIR),
- dr.Name()+DATA_EXT)
- if s.sbc.PreserveData && fileExists(s.preservationFile) {
- err = s.sb.Init(s.preservationFile)
- } else {
- err = s.sb.Init("")
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- dr.LogError(err)
- if s.sb != nil {
- s.sb.Destroy("")
- s.sb = nil
- }
- s.pConfig.Globals.ShutDown(1)
- return
- }
- s.sb.InjectMessage(func(payload, payload_type, payload_name string) int {
- if s.pack == nil {
- s.pack = dr.NewPack()
- if s.pack == nil {
- return 5 // We're aborting, exit out.
- }
- if original == nil && len(s.packs) > 0 {
- original = s.packs[0].Message // payload injections have the original header data in the first pack
- }
- } else {
- original = nil // processing a new message, clear the old message
- }
- if len(payload_type) == 0 { // heka protobuf message
- // write protobuf encoding to MsgBytes
- needed := len(payload)
- if cap(s.pack.MsgBytes) < needed {
- s.pack.MsgBytes = make([]byte, len(payload))
- } else {
- s.pack.MsgBytes = s.pack.MsgBytes[:len(payload)]
- }
- copy(s.pack.MsgBytes, payload)
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = true
- if original == nil {
- original = new(message.Message)
- copyMessageHeaders(original, s.pack.Message) // save off the header values since unmarshal will wipe them out
- }
- if nil != proto.Unmarshal(s.pack.MsgBytes, s.pack.Message) {
- return 1
- }
- if s.tz != time.UTC {
- const layout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999" // remove the incorrect UTC tz info
- t := time.Unix(0, s.pack.Message.GetTimestamp())
- t = t.In(time.UTC)
- ct, _ := time.ParseInLocation(layout, t.Format(layout), s.tz)
- s.pack.Message.SetTimestamp(ct.UnixNano())
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- } else {
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- s.pack.Message.SetPayload(payload)
- ptype, _ := message.NewField("payload_type", payload_type, "file-extension")
- s.pack.Message.AddField(ptype)
- pname, _ := message.NewField("payload_name", payload_name, "")
- s.pack.Message.AddField(pname)
- }
- if original != nil {
- // if future injections fail to set the standard headers, use the values
- // from the original message.
- if s.pack.Message.Uuid == nil {
- s.pack.Message.SetUuid(uuid.NewRandom()) // UUID should always be unique
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- if s.pack.Message.Timestamp == nil {
- s.pack.Message.SetTimestamp(original.GetTimestamp())
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- if s.pack.Message.Type == nil {
- s.pack.Message.SetType(original.GetType())
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- if s.pack.Message.Hostname == nil {
- s.pack.Message.SetHostname(original.GetHostname())
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- if s.pack.Message.Logger == nil {
- s.pack.Message.SetLogger(original.GetLogger())
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- if s.pack.Message.Severity == nil {
- s.pack.Message.SetSeverity(original.GetSeverity())
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- if s.pack.Message.Pid == nil {
- s.pack.Message.SetPid(original.GetPid())
- s.pack.TrustMsgBytes = false
- }
- }
- s.packs = append(s.packs, s.pack)
- s.pack = nil
- return 0
- })
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) Shutdown() {
- err := s.destroy()
- if err != nil {
- s.dRunner.LogError(err)
- }
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) destroy() error {
- s.reportLock.Lock()
- var err error
- if s.sb != nil {
- if s.sbc.PreserveData {
- err = s.sb.Destroy(s.preservationFile)
- } else {
- err = s.sb.Destroy("")
- }
- s.sb = nil
- }
- s.reportLock.Unlock()
- return err
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) Decode(pack *pipeline.PipelinePack) (packs []*pipeline.PipelinePack,
- err error) {
- if s.sb == nil {
- err = fmt.Errorf("SandboxDecoder has been terminated")
- return
- }
- s.pack = pack
- atomic.AddInt64(&s.processMessageCount, 1)
- var startTime time.Time
- if s.sample {
- startTime = time.Now()
- }
- retval := s.sb.ProcessMessage(s.pack)
- if s.sample {
- duration := time.Since(startTime).Nanoseconds()
- s.reportLock.Lock()
- s.processMessageDuration += duration
- s.processMessageSamples++
- s.reportLock.Unlock()
- }
- s.sample = 0 == rand.Intn(s.sampleDenominator)
- if retval > 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("FATAL: %s", s.sb.LastError())
- s.dRunner.LogError(err)
- s.pConfig.Globals.ShutDown(1)
- }
- if retval < 0 {
- atomic.AddInt64(&s.processMessageFailures, 1)
- if s.pack != nil {
- err = fmt.Errorf("Failed parsing: %s payload: %s",
- s.sb.LastError(), s.pack.Message.GetPayload())
- } else {
- err = fmt.Errorf("Failed after a successful inject_message call: %s", s.sb.LastError())
- }
- if len(s.packs) > 1 {
- for _, p := range s.packs[1:] {
- p.Recycle(nil)
- }
- }
- s.packs = nil
- }
- if retval == 0 && s.pack != nil {
- // InjectMessage was never called, we're passing the original message
- // through.
- packs = append(packs, pack)
- s.pack = nil
- } else {
- packs = s.packs
- }
- s.packs = nil
- return packs, err
- }
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) EncodesMsgBytes() bool {
- return true
- }
- // Satisfies the `pipeline.ReportingPlugin` interface to provide sandbox state
- // information to the Heka report and dashboard.
- func (s *SandboxDecoder) ReportMsg(msg *message.Message) error {
- s.reportLock.Lock()
- defer s.reportLock.Unlock()
- if s.sb == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Decoder is not running")
- }
- message.NewIntField(msg, "Memory", int(s.sb.Usage(TYPE_MEMORY,
- message.NewIntField(msg, "MaxMemory", int(s.sb.Usage(TYPE_MEMORY,
- message.NewIntField(msg, "MaxInstructions", int(s.sb.Usage(
- message.NewIntField(msg, "MaxOutput", int(s.sb.Usage(TYPE_OUTPUT,
- message.NewInt64Field(msg, "ProcessMessageCount", atomic.LoadInt64(&s.processMessageCount), "count")
- message.NewInt64Field(msg, "ProcessMessageFailures", atomic.LoadInt64(&s.processMessageFailures), "count")
- message.NewInt64Field(msg, "ProcessMessageSamples", s.processMessageSamples, "count")
- var tmp int64 = 0
- if s.processMessageSamples > 0 {
- tmp = s.processMessageDuration / s.processMessageSamples
- }
- message.NewInt64Field(msg, "ProcessMessageAvgDuration", tmp, "ns")
- return nil
- }
- func init() {
- pipeline.RegisterPlugin("SandboxDecoder", func() interface{} {
- return new(SandboxDecoder)
- })
- pipeline.RegisterPlugin("SandboxFilter", func() interface{} {
- return new(SandboxFilter)
- })
- pipeline.RegisterPlugin("SandboxManagerFilter", func() interface{} {
- return new(SandboxManagerFilter)
- })
- }