https://gitlab.com/MohammadShakil/POS_Management_System · CoffeeScript · 571 lines · 392 code · 102 blank · 77 comment · 86 complexity · c24c0c2827b3b30853bc40e833a99636 MD5 · raw file
- 'use strict'
- #plugin constants
- pluginName = 'notify'
- pluginClassName = pluginName+'js'
- blankFieldName = pluginName+"!blank"
- # ================================
- # ================================
- positions =
- t: 'top'
- m: 'middle'
- b: 'bottom'
- l: 'left'
- c: 'center'
- r: 'right'
- hAligns = ['l','c','r']
- vAligns = ['t','m','b']
- mainPositions = ['t','b','l','r']
- #positions mapped to opposites
- opposites =
- t: 'b'
- m: null
- b: 't'
- l: 'r'
- c: null
- r: 'l'
- parsePosition = (str) ->
- pos = []
- $.each str.split(/\W+/), (i,word) ->
- w = word.toLowerCase().charAt(0)
- pos.push w if positions[w]
- pos
- # ================================
- # ================================
- styles = {}
- coreStyle =
- name: 'core'
- html: """
- <div class="#{pluginClassName}-wrapper">
- <div class="#{pluginClassName}-arrow"></div>
- <div class="#{pluginClassName}-container"></div>
- </div>
- """
- # <div class="#{pluginClassName}-debug"></div>
- # .#{pluginClassName}-debug {
- # position: absolute;
- # border: 3px solid red;
- # height: 0;
- # width: 0;
- # }
- css: """
- .#{pluginClassName}-corner {
- position: fixed;
- margin: 5px;
- z-index: 1050;
- }
- .#{pluginClassName}-corner .#{pluginClassName}-wrapper,
- .#{pluginClassName}-corner .#{pluginClassName}-container {
- position: relative;
- display: block;
- height: inherit;
- width: inherit;
- margin: 3px;
- }
- .#{pluginClassName}-wrapper {
- z-index: 1;
- position: absolute;
- display: inline-block;
- height: 0;
- width: 0;
- }
- .#{pluginClassName}-container {
- display: none;
- z-index: 1;
- position: absolute;
- }
- .#{pluginClassName}-hidable {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- [data-notify-text],[data-notify-html] {
- position: relative;
- }
- .#{pluginClassName}-arrow {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 2;
- width: 0;
- height: 0;
- }
- """
- stylePrefixes =
- "border-radius": ["-webkit-", "-moz-"]
- getStyle = (name) ->
- styles[name]
- addStyle = (name, def) ->
- unless name
- throw "Missing Style name"
- unless def
- throw "Missing Style definition"
- unless def.html
- throw "Missing Style HTML"
- if styles[name]?.cssElem
- if window.console
- console.warn "#{pluginName}: overwriting style '#{name}'"
- styles[name].cssElem.remove()
- def.name = name
- styles[name] = def
- cssText = ""
- if def.classes
- $.each def.classes, (className, props) ->
- cssText += ".#{pluginClassName}-#{def.name}-#{className} {\n"
- $.each props, (name, val) ->
- #vendor prefixes
- if stylePrefixes[name]
- $.each stylePrefixes[name], (i, prefix) ->
- cssText += " #{prefix}#{name}: #{val};\n"
- #add prop
- cssText += " #{name}: #{val};\n"
- cssText += "}\n"
- if def.css
- cssText += """
- /* styles for #{def.name} */
- #{def.css}
- """
- if cssText
- def.cssElem = insertCSS cssText
- def.cssElem.attr('id', "notify-#{def.name}")
- #precompute usable text fields
- fields = {}
- elem = $(def.html)
- findFields 'html', elem, fields
- findFields 'text', elem, fields
- def.fields = fields
- insertCSS = (cssText) ->
- elem = createElem("style")
- elem.attr 'type', 'text/css'
- $("head").append elem
- try
- elem.html cssText
- catch e #ie fix
- elem[0].styleSheet.cssText = cssText
- elem
- # style.html helper
- findFields = (type, elem, fields) ->
- type = 'text' if type isnt 'html'
- attr = "data-notify-#{type}"
- find(elem,"[#{attr}]").each ->
- name = $(@).attr attr
- name = blankFieldName unless name
- fields[name] = type
- find = (elem, selector) ->
- if elem.is(selector) then elem else elem.find selector
- # ================================
- # ================================
- #overridable options
- pluginOptions =
- clickToHide: true
- autoHide: true
- autoHideDelay: 5000
- arrowShow: true
- arrowSize: 5
- breakNewLines: true
- # autoReposition: true
- elementPosition: 'bottom'
- globalPosition: 'top right'
- style: 'bootstrap'
- className: 'error'
- showAnimation: 'slideDown'
- showDuration: 400
- hideAnimation: 'slideUp'
- hideDuration: 200
- gap: 5
- inherit = (a, b) ->
- F = () ->
- F.prototype = a
- $.extend true, new F(), b
- defaults = (opts) ->
- $.extend pluginOptions, opts
- # ================================
- # ================================
- # plugin helpers
- createElem = (tag) ->
- $ "<#{tag}></#{tag}>"
- # references to global anchor positions
- globalAnchors = {}
- #gets first on n radios, and gets the fancy stylised input for hidden inputs
- getAnchorElement = (element) ->
- #choose the first of n radios
- if element.is('[type=radio]')
- radios = element.parents('form:first').find('[type=radio]').filter (i, e) ->
- $(e).attr('name') is element.attr('name')
- element = radios.first()
- #custom-styled inputs - find thier real element
- element
- incr = (obj, pos, val) ->
- # console.log "incr ---- #{pos} #{val} (#{typeof val})"
- if typeof val is 'string'
- val = parseInt val, 10
- else if typeof val isnt 'number'
- return
- return if isNaN val
- opp = positions[opposites[pos.charAt(0)]]
- temp = pos
- #use the opposite if exists
- if obj[opp] isnt `undefined`
- pos = positions[opp.charAt(0)]
- val = -val
- if obj[pos] is `undefined`
- obj[pos] = val
- else
- obj[pos] += val
- null
- realign = (alignment, inner, outer) ->
- return if alignment in ['l','t']
- 0
- else if alignment in ['c','m']
- outer/2 - inner/2
- else if alignment in ['r','b']
- outer - inner
- throw "Invalid alignment"
- encode = (text) ->
- encode.e = encode.e or createElem "div"
- encode.e.text(text).html()
- # ================================
- # ================================
- #define plugin
- class Notification
- #setup instance variables
- constructor: (elem, data, options) ->
- options = {className: options} if typeof options is 'string'
- @options = inherit pluginOptions, if $.isPlainObject(options) then options else {}
- #load style html into @userContainer
- @loadHTML()
- @wrapper = $(coreStyle.html)
- @wrapper.addClass "#{pluginClassName}-hidable" if @options.clickToHide
- @wrapper.data pluginClassName, @
- @arrow = @wrapper.find ".#{pluginClassName}-arrow"
- @container = @wrapper.find ".#{pluginClassName}-container"
- @container.append @userContainer
- if elem and elem.length
- @elementType = elem.attr('type')
- @originalElement = elem
- @elem = getAnchorElement(elem)
- @elem.data pluginClassName, @
- # add into dom above elem
- @elem.before @wrapper
- @container.hide()
- @run(data)
- loadHTML: ->
- style = @getStyle()
- @userContainer = $(style.html)
- @userFields = style.fields
- show: (show, userCallback) ->
- callback = =>
- @destroy() if not show and not @elem
- userCallback() if userCallback
- hidden = @container.parent().parents(':hidden').length > 0
- elems = @container.add @arrow
- args = []
- if hidden and show
- fn = 'show'
- else if hidden and not show
- fn = 'hide'
- else if not hidden and show
- fn = @options.showAnimation
- args.push @options.showDuration
- else if not hidden and not show
- fn = @options.hideAnimation
- args.push @options.hideDuration
- else
- return callback()
- args.push callback
- elems[fn].apply elems, args
- setGlobalPosition: () ->
- [pMain, pAlign] = @getPosition()
- main = positions[pMain]
- align = positions[pAlign]
- key = pMain+"|"+pAlign
- anchor = globalAnchors[key]
- unless anchor
- anchor = globalAnchors[key] = createElem("div")
- css = {}
- css[main] = 0
- if align is 'middle'
- css.top = '45%'
- else if align is 'center'
- css.left = '45%'
- else
- css[align] = 0
- anchor.css(css).addClass("#{pluginClassName}-corner")
- $("body").append anchor
- anchor.prepend @wrapper
- setElementPosition: () ->
- position = @getPosition()
- [pMain, pAlign, pArrow] = position
- #grab some dimensions
- elemPos = @elem.position()
- elemH = @elem.outerHeight()
- elemW = @elem.outerWidth()
- elemIH = @elem.innerHeight()
- elemIW = @elem.innerWidth()
- wrapPos = @wrapper.position()
- contH = @container.height()
- contW = @container.width()
- #start calculations
- mainFull = positions[pMain]
- opp = opposites[pMain]
- oppFull = positions[opp]
- #initial positioning
- css = {}
- css[oppFull] = if pMain is 'b'
- elemH
- else if pMain is 'r'
- elemW
- else
- 0
- #correct for elem-wrapper offset
- # unless navigator.userAgent.match /MSIE/
- incr css, 'top', elemPos.top - wrapPos.top
- incr css, 'left', elemPos.left - wrapPos.left
- #correct for margins
- for pos in ['top', 'left']
- margin = parseInt @elem.css("margin-#{pos}"), 10
- incr css, pos, margin if margin
- #correct for paddings (only for inline)
- # if /^inline/.test @elem.css('display')
- # padding = parseInt @elem.css("padding-#{pos}"), 10
- # incr css, pos, -padding if padding
- #add gap
- gap = Math.max 0, @options.gap - if @options.arrowShow then arrowSize else 0
- incr css, oppFull, gap
- #calculate arrow
- if not @options.arrowShow
- @arrow.hide()
- else
- arrowSize = @options.arrowSize
- arrowCss = $.extend {}, css
- arrowColor = @userContainer.css("border-color") or
- @userContainer.css("background-color") or
- 'white'
- #build arrow
- for pos in mainPositions
- posFull = positions[pos]
- continue if pos is opp
- color = if posFull is mainFull then arrowColor else 'transparent'
- arrowCss["border-#{posFull}"] = "#{arrowSize}px solid #{color}"
- #add some room for the arrow
- incr css, positions[opp], arrowSize
- incr arrowCss, positions[pAlign], arrowSize*2 if pAlign in mainPositions
- #calculate container alignment
- if pMain in vAligns
- incr css, 'left', realign(pAlign, contW, elemW)
- incr arrowCss, 'left', realign(pAlign, arrowSize, elemIW) if arrowCss
- else if pMain in hAligns
- incr css, 'top', realign(pAlign, contH, elemH)
- incr arrowCss, 'top', realign(pAlign, arrowSize, elemIH) if arrowCss
- css.display = 'block' if @container.is(":visible")
- #apply css
- @container.removeAttr('style').css css
- @arrow.removeAttr('style').css(arrowCss) if arrowCss
- getPosition: ->
- text = @options.position or if @elem then @options.elementPosition else @options.globalPosition
- pos = parsePosition text
- #validate position
- pos[0] = 'b' if pos.length is 0
- if pos[0] not in mainPositions
- throw "Must be one of [#{mainPositions}]"
- #validate alignment
- if pos.length is 1 or
- (pos[0] in vAligns and pos[1] not in hAligns) or
- (pos[0] in hAligns and pos[1] not in vAligns)
- pos[1] = if pos[0] in hAligns then 'm' else 'l'
- if pos.length is 2
- pos[2] = pos[1]
- return pos
- getStyle: (name) ->
- name = @options.style unless name
- name = 'default' unless name
- style = styles[name]
- throw "Missing style: #{name}"unless style
- style
- updateClasses: ->
- classes = ['base']
- if $.isArray @options.className
- classes = classes.concat @options.className
- else if @options.className
- classes.push @options.className
- style = @getStyle()
- classes = $.map(classes, (n) -> "#{pluginClassName}-#{style.name}-#{n}").join ' '
- @userContainer.attr 'class', classes
- #run plugin
- run: (data, options) ->
- #update options
- if $.isPlainObject(options)
- $.extend @options, options
- #shortcut special case
- else if $.type(options) is 'string'
- @options.className = options
- if @container and not data
- @show false
- return
- else if not @container and not data
- return
- datas = {}
- if $.isPlainObject data
- datas = data
- else
- datas[blankFieldName] = data
- for name, d of datas
- type = @userFields[name]
- continue unless type
- if type is 'text'
- #escape
- d = encode(d)
- d = d.replace(/\n/g,'<br/>') if @options.breakNewLines
- #update content
- value = if name is blankFieldName then '' else '='+name
- find(@userContainer,"[data-notify-#{type}#{value}]").html(d)
- #set styles
- @updateClasses()
- #positioning
- if @elem
- @setElementPosition()
- else
- @setGlobalPosition()
- @show true
- #autohide
- if @options.autoHide
- clearTimeout @autohideTimer
- @autohideTimer = setTimeout =>
- @show false
- , @options.autoHideDelay
- destroy: ->
- @wrapper.remove()
- # ================================
- # API
- # ================================
- # $.pluginName( { ... } ) changes options for all instances
- $[pluginName] = (elem, data, options) ->
- if (elem and elem.nodeName) or elem.jquery
- $(elem)[pluginName](data, options)
- else
- options = data
- data = elem
- new Notification null, data, options
- elem
- # $( ... ).pluginName( { .. } ) creates a cached instance on each
- $.fn[pluginName] = (data, options) ->
- $(@).each ->
- inst = getAnchorElement($(@)).data(pluginClassName)
- if inst
- inst.run data, options
- else
- new Notification $(@), data, options
- @
- #extra methods
- $.extend $[pluginName], { defaults, addStyle, pluginOptions, getStyle, insertCSS }
- #when ready
- $ ->
- #insert default style
- insertCSS(coreStyle.css).attr('id', 'core-notify')
- #watch all notifications clicks
- $(document).on 'click', ".#{pluginClassName}-hidable", (e) ->
- $(@).trigger 'notify-hide'
- $(document).on 'notify-hide', ".#{pluginClassName}-wrapper", (e) ->
- $(@).data(pluginClassName)?.show false