Python | 459 lines | 421 code | 17 blank | 21 comment | 13 complexity | 6fce5b2c655c159795655406a3352520 MD5 | raw file
- from __future__ import with_statement
- import os
- import re
- import platform
- import time
- import fnmatch
- import tempfile
- from os import environ
- from sos.utilities import (ImporterHelper,
- import_module,
- shell_out)
- from sos.plugins import IndependentPlugin, ExperimentalPlugin
- from sos import _sos as _
- from textwrap import fill
- from six import print_
- from six.moves import input
- def import_policy(name):
- policy_fqname = "sos.policies.%s" % name
- try:
- return import_module(policy_fqname, Policy)
- except ImportError:
- return None
- def load(cache={}, sysroot=None):
- if 'policy' in cache:
- return cache.get('policy')
- import sos.policies
- helper = ImporterHelper(sos.policies)
- for module in helper.get_modules():
- for policy in import_policy(module):
- if policy.check():
- cache['policy'] = policy(sysroot=sysroot)
- if 'policy' not in cache:
- cache['policy'] = GenericPolicy()
- return cache['policy']
- class PackageManager(object):
- """Encapsulates a package manager. If you provide a query_command to the
- constructor it should print each package on the system in the following
- format::
- package name|package.version
- You may also subclass this class and provide a get_pkg_list method to
- build the list of packages and versions.
- """
- query_command = None
- timeout = 30
- chroot = None
- def __init__(self, query_command=None, chroot=None):
- self.packages = {}
- if query_command:
- self.query_command = query_command
- if chroot:
- self.chroot = chroot
- def all_pkgs_by_name(self, name):
- """
- Return a list of packages that match name.
- """
- return fnmatch.filter(self.all_pkgs().keys(), name)
- def all_pkgs_by_name_regex(self, regex_name, flags=0):
- """
- Return a list of packages that match regex_name.
- """
- reg = re.compile(regex_name, flags)
- return [pkg for pkg in self.all_pkgs().keys() if reg.match(pkg)]
- def pkg_by_name(self, name):
- """
- Return a single package that matches name.
- """
- pkgmatches = self.all_pkgs_by_name(name)
- if (len(pkgmatches) != 0):
- return self.all_pkgs_by_name(name)[-1]
- else:
- return None
- def get_pkg_list(self):
- """Returns a dictionary of packages in the following
- format::
- {'package_name': {'name': 'package_name',
- 'version': 'major.minor.version'}}
- """
- if self.query_command:
- cmd = self.query_command
- pkg_list = shell_out(
- cmd, timeout=self.timeout, chroot=self.chroot
- ).splitlines()
- for pkg in pkg_list:
- if '|' not in pkg:
- continue
- name, version = pkg.split("|")
- self.packages[name] = {
- 'name': name,
- 'version': version.split(".")
- }
- return self.packages
- def all_pkgs(self):
- """
- Return a list of all packages.
- """
- if not self.packages:
- self.packages = self.get_pkg_list()
- return self.packages
- def pkg_nvra(self, pkg):
- fields = pkg.split("-")
- version, release, arch = fields[-3:]
- name = "-".join(fields[:-3])
- return (name, version, release, arch)
- class Policy(object):
- msg = _("""\
- This command will collect system configuration and diagnostic information \
- from this %(distro)s system. An archive containing the collected information \
- will be generated in %(tmpdir)s.
- For more information on %(vendor)s visit:
- %(vendor_url)s
- The generated archive may contain data considered sensitive and its content \
- should be reviewed by the originating organization before being passed to \
- any third party.
- No changes will be made to system configuration.
- %(vendor_text)s
- """)
- distro = "Unknown"
- vendor = "Unknown"
- vendor_url = "http://www.example.com/"
- vendor_text = ""
- PATH = ""
- _in_container = False
- _host_sysroot = '/'
- def __init__(self, sysroot=None):
- """Subclasses that choose to override this initializer should call
- super() to ensure that they get the required platform bits attached.
- super(SubClass, self).__init__(). Policies that require runtime
- tests to construct PATH must call self.set_exec_path() after
- modifying PATH in their own initializer."""
- self._parse_uname()
- self.report_name = self.hostname
- self.case_id = None
- self.package_manager = PackageManager()
- self._valid_subclasses = []
- self.set_exec_path()
- self._host_sysroot = sysroot
- def get_valid_subclasses(self):
- return [IndependentPlugin] + self._valid_subclasses
- def set_valid_subclasses(self, subclasses):
- self._valid_subclasses = subclasses
- def del_valid_subclasses(self):
- del self._valid_subclasses
- valid_subclasses = property(get_valid_subclasses,
- set_valid_subclasses,
- del_valid_subclasses,
- "list of subclasses that this policy can "
- "process")
- def check(self):
- """
- This function is responsible for determining if the underlying system
- is supported by this policy.
- """
- return False
- def in_container(self):
- """ Returns True if sos is running inside a container environment.
- """
- return self._in_container
- def host_sysroot(self):
- return self._host_sysroot
- def dist_version(self):
- """
- Return the OS version
- """
- pass
- def get_preferred_archive(self):
- """
- Return the class object of the prefered archive format for this
- platform
- """
- from sos.archive import TarFileArchive
- return TarFileArchive
- def get_archive_name(self):
- """
- This function should return the filename of the archive without the
- extension.
- """
- if self.case_id:
- self.report_name += "." + self.case_id
- return "sosreport-%s-%s" % (self.report_name,
- time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
- def get_tmp_dir(self, opt_tmp_dir):
- if not opt_tmp_dir:
- return tempfile.gettempdir()
- return opt_tmp_dir
- def match_plugin(self, plugin_classes):
- if len(plugin_classes) > 1:
- for p in plugin_classes:
- # Give preference to the first listed tagging class
- # so that e.g. UbuntuPlugin is chosen over DebianPlugin
- # on an Ubuntu installation.
- if issubclass(p, self.valid_subclasses[0]):
- return p
- return plugin_classes[0]
- def validate_plugin(self, plugin_class, experimental=False):
- """
- Verifies that the plugin_class should execute under this policy
- """
- valid_subclasses = [IndependentPlugin] + self.valid_subclasses
- if experimental:
- valid_subclasses += [ExperimentalPlugin]
- return any(issubclass(plugin_class, class_) for
- class_ in valid_subclasses)
- def pre_work(self):
- """
- This function is called prior to collection.
- """
- pass
- def post_work(self):
- """
- This function is called after the sosreport has been generated.
- """
- pass
- def pkg_by_name(self, pkg):
- return self.package_manager.pkg_by_name(pkg)
- def _parse_uname(self):
- (system, node, release,
- version, machine, processor) = platform.uname()
- self.system = system
- self.hostname = node
- self.release = release
- self.smp = version.split()[1] == "SMP"
- self.machine = machine
- def set_commons(self, commons):
- self.commons = commons
- def _set_PATH(self, path):
- environ['PATH'] = path
- def set_exec_path(self):
- self._set_PATH(self.PATH)
- def is_root(self):
- """This method should return true if the user calling the script is
- considered to be a superuser"""
- return (os.getuid() == 0)
- def get_preferred_hash_name(self):
- """Returns the string name of the hashlib-supported checksum algorithm
- to use"""
- return "md5"
- def display_results(self, archive, directory, checksum):
- # Display results is called from the tail of SoSReport.final_work()
- #
- # Logging is already shutdown and all terminal output must use the
- # print() call.
- # make sure a report exists
- if not archive and not directory:
- return False
- self._print()
- if archive:
- self._print(_("Your sosreport has been generated and saved "
- "in:\n %s") % archive)
- else:
- self._print(_("sosreport build tree is located at : %s" %
- directory))
- self._print()
- if checksum:
- self._print(_("The checksum is: ") + checksum)
- self._print()
- self._print(_("Please send this file to your support "
- "representative."))
- self._print()
- def _print(self, msg=None):
- """A wrapper around print that only prints if we are not running in
- quiet mode"""
- if not self.commons['cmdlineopts'].quiet:
- if msg:
- print_(msg)
- else:
- print_()
- def get_msg(self):
- """This method is used to prepare the preamble text to display to
- the user in non-batch mode. If your policy sets self.distro that
- text will be substituted accordingly. You can also override this
- method to do something more complicated."""
- width = 72
- _msg = self.msg % {'distro': self.distro, 'vendor': self.vendor,
- 'vendor_url': self.vendor_url,
- 'vendor_text': self.vendor_text,
- 'tmpdir': self.commons['tmpdir']}
- _fmt = ""
- for line in _msg.splitlines():
- _fmt = _fmt + fill(line, width, replace_whitespace=False) + '\n'
- return _fmt
- class GenericPolicy(Policy):
- """This Policy will be returned if no other policy can be loaded. This
- should allow for IndependentPlugins to be executed on any system"""
- def get_msg(self):
- return self.msg % {'distro': self.system}
- class LinuxPolicy(Policy):
- """This policy is meant to be an abc class that provides common
- implementations used in Linux distros"""
- distro = "Linux"
- vendor = "None"
- PATH = "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
- _preferred_hash_name = None
- def __init__(self, sysroot=None):
- super(LinuxPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot)
- def get_preferred_hash_name(self):
- if self._preferred_hash_name:
- return self._preferred_hash_name
- checksum = "md5"
- try:
- fp = open("/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled", "r")
- except:
- self._preferred_hash_name = checksum
- return checksum
- fips_enabled = fp.read()
- if fips_enabled.find("1") >= 0:
- checksum = "sha256"
- fp.close()
- self._preferred_hash_name = checksum
- return checksum
- def default_runlevel(self):
- try:
- with open("/etc/inittab") as fp:
- pattern = r"id:(\d{1}):initdefault:"
- text = fp.read()
- return int(re.findall(pattern, text)[0])
- except:
- return 3
- def kernel_version(self):
- return self.release
- def host_name(self):
- return self.hostname
- def is_kernel_smp(self):
- return self.smp
- def get_arch(self):
- return self.machine
- def get_local_name(self):
- """Returns the name usd in the pre_work step"""
- return self.host_name()
- def sanitize_report_name(self, report_name):
- return re.sub(r"[^-a-zA-Z.0-9]", "", report_name)
- def sanitize_case_id(self, case_id):
- return re.sub(r"[^-a-z,A-Z.0-9]", "", case_id)
- def pre_work(self):
- # this method will be called before the gathering begins
- cmdline_opts = self.commons['cmdlineopts']
- customer_name = cmdline_opts.customer_name
- localname = customer_name if customer_name else self.get_local_name()
- caseid = cmdline_opts.case_id if cmdline_opts.case_id else ""
- if not cmdline_opts.batch and not \
- cmdline_opts.quiet:
- try:
- self.report_name = input(_("Please enter your first initial "
- "and last name [%s]: ") % localname)
- self.case_id = input(_("Please enter the case id "
- "that you are generating this "
- "report for [%s]: ") % caseid)
- self._print()
- except:
- self._print()
- self.report_name = localname
- if len(self.report_name) == 0:
- self.report_name = localname
- if customer_name:
- self.report_name = customer_name
- if cmdline_opts.case_id:
- self.case_id = cmdline_opts.case_id
- self.report_name = self.sanitize_report_name(self.report_name)
- if self.case_id:
- self.case_id = self.sanitize_case_id(self.case_id)
- if (self.report_name == ""):
- self.report_name = "default"
- return
- # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :