C# | 355 lines | 297 code | 39 blank | 19 comment | 61 complexity | 5fafe96bac29588b80ec4cc3c773c85d MD5 | raw file
- //
- // Copyright 2014-2015 Amazon.com,
- // Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License").
- // You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- // License. A copy of the License is located at
- //
- // http://aws.amazon.com/asl/
- //
- // or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
- // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
- // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License
- // for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- //
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Text;
- using Amazon.Util.Internal;
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.Collections;
- using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel;
- namespace Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DataModel
- {
- internal static class Utils
- {
- #region Type methods
- private static readonly Type[] primitiveTypesArray = new Type[]
- {
- typeof(Boolean),
- typeof(Byte),
- typeof(Char),
- typeof(DateTime),
- typeof(Decimal),
- typeof(Double),
- typeof(int),
- typeof(long),
- typeof(SByte),
- typeof(short),
- typeof(Single),
- typeof(String),
- typeof(uint),
- typeof(ulong),
- typeof(ushort),
- typeof(Guid),
- typeof(byte[]),
- typeof(MemoryStream),
- typeof(Primitive)
- };
- public static readonly IEnumerable<Type> PrimitiveTypes = new HashSet<Type>(primitiveTypesArray);
- private static readonly HashSet<ITypeInfo> PrimitiveTypeInfos = new HashSet<ITypeInfo>(primitiveTypesArray
- .Select(p => TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(p)));
- public static bool IsPrimitive(Type type)
- {
- var typeWrapper = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(type);
- return PrimitiveTypeInfos.Any(ti => typeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(ti));
- }
- public static bool IsPrimitive<T>()
- {
- return IsPrimitive(typeof(T));
- }
- public static void ValidatePrimitiveType(Type type)
- {
- if (!Utils.IsPrimitive(type))
- throw new InvalidCastException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
- "{0} is not a supported Primitive type", type.FullName));
- }
- public static void ValidatePrimitiveType<T>()
- {
- ValidatePrimitiveType(typeof(T));
- }
- public static void ValidateVersionType(Type memberType)
- {
- var memberTypeWrapper = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(memberType);
- if (memberTypeWrapper.IsGenericType && memberTypeWrapper.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>) &&
- (memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(Byte))) ||
- memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(SByte))) ||
- memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(int))) ||
- memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(uint))) ||
- memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(long))) ||
- memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(ulong))) ||
- memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(short))) ||
- memberTypeWrapper.IsAssignableFrom(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(ushort)))))
- {
- return;
- }
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Version property must be of primitive, numeric, integer, nullable type (e.g. int?, long?, byte?)");
- }
- public static Type GetPrimitiveElementType(Type collectionType)
- {
- var elementType = Utils.GetElementType(collectionType);
- if (elementType != null)
- {
- Utils.ValidatePrimitiveType(elementType);
- return elementType;
- }
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to determine element type");
- }
- public static Type GetElementType(Type collectionType)
- {
- var elementType = collectionType.GetElementType();
- if (elementType == null)
- {
- var collectionTypeInfo = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(collectionType);
- var genericArguments = collectionTypeInfo.GetGenericArguments();
- if (genericArguments != null && genericArguments.Length == 1)
- elementType = genericArguments[0];
- }
- // elementType may be null at this point, meaning that the collectionType isn't a collectionType
- return elementType;
- }
- public static bool ItemsToCollection(Type targetType, IEnumerable<object> items, out object result)
- {
- result = Utils.Instantiate(targetType);
- var ilist = result as IList;
- if (ilist != null)
- {
- foreach (var item in items)
- ilist.Add(item);
- return true;
- }
- var targetTypeInfo = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(targetType);
- var addMethod = targetTypeInfo.GetMethod("Add");
- if (addMethod != null)
- {
- foreach (var item in items)
- addMethod.Invoke(result, new object[] { item });
- return true;
- }
- result = null;
- return false;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Attribute methods
- public static DynamoDBTableAttribute GetTableAttribute(ITypeInfo targetTypeInfo)
- {
- DynamoDBTableAttribute tableAttribute = GetAttribute(targetTypeInfo) as DynamoDBTableAttribute;
- if (tableAttribute == null)
- return null;
- return tableAttribute;
- }
- public static DynamoDBAttribute GetAttribute(ITypeInfo targetTypeInfo)
- {
- if (targetTypeInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("targetTypeInfo");
- object[] attributes = targetTypeInfo.GetCustomAttributes(TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(DynamoDBAttribute)), true);
- return GetSingleDDBAttribute(attributes);
- }
- public static DynamoDBAttribute GetAttribute(MemberInfo targetMemberInfo)
- {
- object[] attributes = GetAttributeObjects(targetMemberInfo);
- return GetSingleDDBAttribute(attributes);
- }
- public static List<DynamoDBAttribute> GetAttributes(MemberInfo targetMemberInfo)
- {
- object[] attObjects = GetAttributeObjects(targetMemberInfo) ?? new object[0];
- var attributes = new List<DynamoDBAttribute>();
- foreach (var attObj in attObjects)
- {
- var attribute = attObj as DynamoDBAttribute;
- if (attribute != null)
- attributes.Add(attribute);
- }
- return attributes;
- }
- private static DynamoDBAttribute GetSingleDDBAttribute(object[] attributes)
- {
- if (attributes.Length == 0)
- return null;
- if (attributes.Length == 1)
- return (attributes[0] as DynamoDBAttribute);
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot have multiple DynamoDBAttributes on a single member");
- }
- private static object[] GetAttributeObjects(MemberInfo targetMemberInfo)
- {
- if (targetMemberInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("targetMemberInfo");
- #if PCL
- object[] attributes = targetMemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DynamoDBAttribute), true).ToArray();
- #else
- object[] attributes = targetMemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DynamoDBAttribute), true);
- #endif
- return attributes;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Non-DynamoDB utilities
- public static string ToLowerCamelCase(string value)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || char.IsLower(value[0])) return value;
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(value);
- sb[0] = char.ToLowerInvariant(sb[0]);
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- private static ITypeInfo[][] validConstructorInputs = new ITypeInfo[][]
- {
- TypeFactory.EmptyTypes,
- };
- private static ITypeInfo[][] validConverterConstructorInputs = new ITypeInfo[][]
- {
- TypeFactory.EmptyTypes,
- new ITypeInfo[] { TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(typeof(DynamoDBContext)) }
- };
- public static object InstantiateConverter(Type objectType, IDynamoDBContext context)
- {
- return InstantiateHelper(objectType, validConverterConstructorInputs, new object[] { context });
- }
- public static object Instantiate(Type objectType)
- {
- return InstantiateHelper(objectType, validConstructorInputs, null);
- }
- private static object InstantiateHelper(Type objectType, ITypeInfo[][] validConstructorInputs, object[] optionalInput = null)
- {
- if (objectType == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("objectType");
- if (!CanInstantiateHelper(objectType, validConstructorInputs))
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot instantiate type " + objectType.FullName);
- var objectTypeWrapper = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(objectType);
- var constructors = GetConstructors(objectTypeWrapper, validConverterConstructorInputs).ToList();
- if (constructors != null && constructors.Count > 0)
- {
- foreach (var constructor in constructors)
- {
- var inputs = constructor.GetParameters();
- object[] constructorParameters = inputs.Length == 0 ?
- null : optionalInput;
- object instance = constructor.Invoke(constructorParameters);
- return instance;
- }
- }
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to find valid constructor for type " + objectType.FullName);
- }
- private static IEnumerable<ConstructorInfo> GetConstructors(ITypeInfo typeInfo, ITypeInfo[][] validConstructorInputs)
- {
- foreach(var inputTypes in validConstructorInputs)
- {
- var constructor = typeInfo.GetConstructor(inputTypes);
- if (constructor != null)
- yield return constructor;
- }
- }
- public static bool CanInstantiate(Type objectType)
- {
- return CanInstantiateHelper(objectType, validConstructorInputs);
- }
- public static bool CanInstantiateConverter(Type objectType)
- {
- return CanInstantiateHelper(objectType, validConverterConstructorInputs);
- }
- private static bool CanInstantiateHelper(Type objectType, ITypeInfo[][] validConstructorInputs)
- {
- var objectTypeWrapper = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(objectType);
- bool candidate =
- //objectType.IsPublic &&
- objectTypeWrapper.IsClass &&
- !objectTypeWrapper.IsInterface &&
- !objectTypeWrapper.IsAbstract &&
- !objectTypeWrapper.IsGenericTypeDefinition &&
- !objectTypeWrapper.ContainsGenericParameters;
- if (!candidate)
- return false;
- // check valid constructor inputs
- var constructors = GetConstructors(objectTypeWrapper, validConstructorInputs).ToList();
- if (constructors.Count == 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- public static Type GetType(MemberInfo member)
- {
- var pi = member as PropertyInfo;
- var fi = member as FieldInfo;
- if (pi == null && fi == null)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("member", "member must be of type PropertyInfo or FieldInfo");
- return (pi != null ? pi.PropertyType : fi.FieldType);
- }
- public static bool IsReadWrite(MemberInfo member)
- {
- PropertyInfo property = member as PropertyInfo;
- FieldInfo field = member as FieldInfo;
- if (property != null)
- {
- return (property.CanRead && property.CanWrite);
- }
- else if (field != null)
- {
- return (field.IsPublic && !field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly);
- }
- else
- {
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("member", "Member must be FieldInfo or PropertyInfo");
- }
- }
- public static bool ImplementsInterface(Type targetType, Type interfaceType)
- {
- var targetTypeWrapper = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(targetType);
- var interfaceTypeWrapper = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(interfaceType);
- if (!interfaceTypeWrapper.IsInterface)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("interfaceType", "Type is not an interface");
- foreach (var inter in targetTypeWrapper.GetInterfaces())
- {
- var interWrapper = TypeFactory.GetTypeInfo(inter);
- if (object.Equals(interWrapper, interfaceTypeWrapper))
- return true;
- if (interfaceTypeWrapper.IsGenericTypeDefinition && interWrapper.IsGenericType)
- {
- var generic = interWrapper.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
- if (generic == interfaceType)
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }