https://gitlab.com/CORP-RESELLER/kubernetes-pipeline-plugin · Groovy · 358 lines · 273 code · 66 blank · 19 comment · 6 complexity · af2b1e22d8175f0d1348a09115a9f834 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Original Authors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package io.fabric8.kubernetes.pipeline
- class Kubernetes implements Serializable {
- private org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScript script
- public final image
- public Kubernetes(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScript script) {
- this.script = script
- this.image = new Image(this)
- }
- private <V> V node(Closure<V> body) {
- if (script.env.HOME != null) { // http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/123859/26736
- // Already inside a node block.
- body()
- } else {
- script.node {
- body()
- }
- }
- }
- public Pod pod(String name = "jenkins-pod", String image = "", String serviceAccount = "", Boolean privileged = false, Map<String, String> secrets = new HashMap(), Map<String, String> hostPaths = new HashMap(), Map<String, String> emptyDirs = new HashMap<>(), Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>()) {
- return new Pod(this, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, hostPaths, emptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Image image() {
- return new Image(this)
- }
- public Image image(String name) {
- return new NamedImage(this, name)
- }
- public static class Pod implements Serializable {
- private final Kubernetes kubernetes
- private final String name
- private final String image
- private final String serviceAccount
- private final Boolean privileged
- private final Map secrets
- private final Map hostPathMounts
- private final Map emptyDirs
- private final Map env
- Pod(Kubernetes kubernetes, String name, String image, String serviceAccount, Boolean privileged, Map<String, String> secrets, Map<String, String> hostPathMounts, Map<String, String> emptyDirs, Map<String, String> env) {
- this.kubernetes = kubernetes
- this.name = name
- this.image = image
- this.serviceAccount = serviceAccount
- this.privileged = privileged
- this.secrets = secrets
- this.hostPathMounts = hostPathMounts
- this.emptyDirs = emptyDirs
- this.env = env
- }
- public Pod withName(String name) {
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, hostPathMounts, emptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Pod withImage(String image) {
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, hostPathMounts, emptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Pod withServiceAccount(String serviceAccount) {
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, hostPathMounts, emptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Pod withPrivileged(Boolean privileged) {
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, hostPathMounts, emptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Pod withSecret(String secretName, String mountPath) {
- Map<String, String> newSecrets = new HashMap<>(secrets)
- newSecrets.put(secretName, mountPath)
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, newSecrets, hostPathMounts, emptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Pod withHostPathMount(String hostPath, String mountPath) {
- Map<String, String> newHostPathMounts = new HashMap<>(hostPathMounts)
- newHostPathMounts.put(hostPath, mountPath)
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, newHostPathMounts, emptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Pod withEmptyDir(String mountPath) {
- return withEmptyDir(mountPath, null)
- }
- public Pod withEmptyDir(String mountPath, String medium) {
- Map<String, String> newEmptyDirs = new HashMap<>(emptyDirs)
- newEmptyDirs.put(emptyDir, medium)
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, hostPathMounts, newEmptyDirs, env)
- }
- public Pod withEnvVar(String key, String value) {
- Map<String, String> newEnv = new HashMap<>(env)
- newEnv.put(key, value)
- return new Pod(kubernetes, name, image, serviceAccount, privileged, secrets, hostPathMounts, emptyDirs, newEnv)
- }
- public <V> V inside(Closure<V> body) {
- kubernetes.node {
- kubernetes.script.withPod(name: name, image: image, serviceAccount: serviceAccount, privileged: privileged, secrets: secrets, hostPathMounts: hostPathMounts, emptyDirs: emptyDirs, env: env) {
- body()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public class Image implements Serializable {
- private final Kubernetes kubernetes
- Image(Kubernetes kubernetes) {
- this.kubernetes = kubernetes
- }
- //Shortcut to build
- Pod build(String name, String path = ".", boolean rm = false, long timeout = 600000L) {
- this.withName(name)
- .build()
- .withTimeout(timeout)
- .removingIntermediate(rm)
- .fromPath(path)
- }
- //Shortcut to tag
- void tag(String name, String tag, String repo = "") {
- this.withName(name)
- .tag()
- .inRepository(repo != null && !repo.isEmpty() ? repo : name)
- .withTag(tag)
- }
- //Shortcut to push
- void push(String name, String tagName = "latest", long timeout = 600000L) {
- this.withName(name)
- .push()
- .withTimeout(timeout)
- .withTag(tagName)
- .toRegistry()
- }
- NamedImage withName(String name) {
- return new NamedImage(kubernetes, name)
- }
- }
- private static class NamedImage implements Serializable {
- private final Kubernetes kubernetes
- private final String name
- NamedImage(Kubernetes kubernetes, String name) {
- this.kubernetes = kubernetes
- this.name = name
- }
- Pod toPod() {
- return new Pod(kubernetes, "jenkins-buildpod", name, "", false, new HashMap<String, String>(), new HashMap<String, String>(), new HashMap<String, String>(), new HashMap<String, String>())
- }
- BuildImage build() {
- return new BuildImage(kubernetes, name, false, 600000L, null, null, null, new ArrayList<String>())
- }
- PushImage push() {
- return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, null, 600000L, null, null, null)
- }
- void tag() {
- new TagImage(kubernetes, name, null, null, false, null, null, null)
- }
- }
- private static class BuildImage implements Serializable {
- private final Kubernetes kubernetes
- private final String name
- private final Boolean rm
- private final long timeout
- private final String username
- private final String password
- private final String email
- private final List<String> ignorePatterns
- BuildImage(Kubernetes kubernetes, String name, Boolean rm, long timeout, String username, String password, String email, List<String> ignorePatterns) {
- this.kubernetes = kubernetes
- this.name = name
- this.rm = rm
- this.timeout = timeout
- this.username = username
- this.password = password
- this.email = email
- this.ignorePatterns = ignorePatterns != null ? ignorePatterns : new ArrayList<String>()
- }
- BuildImage removingIntermediate() {
- return removingIntermediate(true)
- }
- BuildImage removingIntermediate(Boolean rm) {
- return new BuildImage(kubernetes, name, rm, timeout, username, password, email, ignorePatterns)
- }
- BuildImage withTimeout(long timeout) {
- return new BuildImage(kubernetes, name, rm, timeout, username, password, email, ignorePatterns)
- }
- BuildImage withUsername(String username) {
- return new BuildImage(kubernetes, name, rm, timeout, username, password, email, ignorePatterns)
- }
- BuildImage withPassword(String password) {
- return new BuildImage(kubernetes, name, rm, timeout, username, password, email, ignorePatterns)
- }
- BuildImage withEmail(String email) {
- return new BuildImage(kubernetes, name, rm, timeout, username, password, email, ignorePatterns)
- }
- BuildImage ignoringPattern(String pattern) {
- List<String> newIgnorePatterns = new ArrayList<>(ignorePatterns)
- newIgnorePatterns.add(pattern)
- return new BuildImage(kubernetes, name, rm, timeout, username, password, email, newIgnorePatterns)
- }
- Pod fromPath(String path) {
- kubernetes.node {
- kubernetes.script.buildImage(name: name, rm: rm, path: path, timeout: timeout, username: username, password: password, email: email, ignorePatterns: ignorePatterns)
- }
- return new NamedImage(kubernetes, name).toPod()
- }
- }
- private static class TagImage implements Serializable {
- private final Kubernetes kubernetes
- private final String name
- private final String repo
- private final String tagName
- private final Boolean force
- private final String username
- private final String password
- private final String email
- TagImage(Kubernetes kubernetes, String name, String repo, String tagName, Boolean force, String username, String password, String email) {
- this.kubernetes = kubernetes
- this.name = name
- this.repo = repo
- this.tagName = tagName
- this.force = force
- this.username = username
- this.password = password
- this.email = email
- }
- TagImage inRepository(String repo) {
- return new TagImage(kubernetes, name, repo, tagName, force, username, password, email)
- }
- TagImage force() {
- return new TagImage(kubernetes, name, repo, tagName, true, username, password, email)
- }
- TagImage withUsername(String username) {
- return new TagImage(kubernetes, name, repo, tagName, force, username, password, email)
- }
- TagImage withPassword(String password) {
- return new TagImage(kubernetes, name, repo, tagName, force, username, password, email)
- }
- TagImage withEmail(String email) {
- return new TagImage(kubernetes, name, repo, tagName, force, username, password, email)
- }
- void withTag(String tagName) {
- kubernetes.node {
- kubernetes.script.tagImage(name: name, repo: repo, tag: tagName, force: force, username: username, password: password, email: email)
- }
- }
- }
- private static class PushImage implements Serializable {
- private final Kubernetes kubernetes
- private final String name
- private final String tagName
- private final long timeout
- private final String username
- private final String password
- private final String email
- PushImage(Kubernetes kubernetes, String name, String tagName, long timeout, String username, String password, String email) {
- this.kubernetes = kubernetes
- this.name = name
- this.tagName = tagName
- this.timeout = timeout
- this.username = username
- this.password = password
- this.email = email
- }
- PushImage force() {
- return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, tagName, timeout, username, password, email)
- }
- PushImage withTag(String tagName) {
- return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, tagName, timeout, username, password, email)
- }
- PushImage withTimeout(long timeout) {
- return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, tagName, timeout, username, password, email)
- }
- PushImage withUsername(String username) {
- return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, tagName, timeout, username, password, email)
- }
- PushImage withPassword(String password) {
- return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, tagName, timeout, username, password, email)
- }
- PushImage withEmail(String email) {
- return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, tagName, timeout, username, password, email)
- }
- void toRegistry(String registry) {
- kubernetes.node {
- kubernetes.script.pushImage(name: name, tagName: tagName, timeout: timeout, registry: registry, username: username, password: password, email: email)
- }
- }
- void toRegistry() {
- toRegistry('')
- }
- }
- }