https://gitlab.com/CORP-RESELLER/sdk-core-dotnet · C# · 219 lines · 157 code · 15 blank · 47 comment · 30 complexity · db2818ac749edb15e2760c642f89a25b MD5 · raw file
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using PayPal.Authentication;
- using PayPal.Exception;
- using PayPal.Log;
- namespace PayPal.Manager
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Reads API credentials to be used with the application
- /// </summary>
- public sealed class CredentialManager
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Logger
- /// </summary>
- private static Logger logger = Logger.GetLogger(typeof(CredentialManager));
- private static string accountPrefix = "account";
- #if NET_2_0 || NET_3_5
- /// <summary>
- /// Singleton instance of ConnectionManager
- /// </summary>
- private static readonly CredentialManager singletonInstance = new CredentialManager();
- /// <summary>
- /// Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler not to mark type as beforefieldinit
- /// </summary>
- static CredentialManager() { }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets the Singleton instance of ConnectionManager
- /// </summary>
- public static CredentialManager Instance
- {
- get
- {
- return singletonInstance;
- }
- }
- #elif NET_4_0 || NET_4_5 || NET_4_5_1
- /// <summary>
- /// System.Lazy type guarantees thread-safe lazy-construction
- /// static holder for instance, need to use lambda to construct since constructor private
- /// </summary>
- private static readonly Lazy<CredentialManager> laze = new Lazy<CredentialManager>(() => new CredentialManager());
- /// <summary>
- /// Accessor for the Singleton instance of ConnectionManager
- /// </summary>
- public static CredentialManager Instance { get { return laze.Value; } }
- #endif
- /// <summary>
- /// Private constructor, private to prevent direct instantiation
- /// </summary>
- private CredentialManager() { }
- /// <summary>
- /// Returns the default Account Name
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- private Account GetAccount(Dictionary<string, string> config, string apiUserName)
- {
- foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvPair in config)
- {
- //logger.Info(kvPair.Key + " " + kvPair.Value);
- if(kvPair.Key.EndsWith(".apiUsername"))
- {
- if (apiUserName == null || apiUserName.Equals(kvPair.Value))
- {
- int index = Convert.ToInt32(kvPair.Key.Substring(accountPrefix.Length, kvPair.Key.IndexOf('.') - accountPrefix.Length ));
- Account accnt = new Account();
- if (config.ContainsKey(accountPrefix + index + ".apiUsername"))
- {
- accnt.APIUserName = config[accountPrefix + index + ".apiUsername"];
- }
- if(config.ContainsKey(accountPrefix + index + ".apiPassword"))
- {
- accnt.APIPassword = config[accountPrefix + index + ".apiPassword"];
- }
- if(config.ContainsKey(accountPrefix + index + ".apiSignature"))
- {
- accnt.APISignature = config[accountPrefix + index + ".apiSignature"];
- }
- if(config.ContainsKey(accountPrefix + index + ".apiCertificate"))
- {
- accnt.APICertificate = config[accountPrefix + index + ".apiCertificate"];
- }
- if (config.ContainsKey(accountPrefix + index + ".privateKeyPassword"))
- {
- accnt.PrivateKeyPassword = config[accountPrefix + index + ".privateKeyPassword"];
- }
- if(config.ContainsKey(accountPrefix + index + ".subject"))
- {
- accnt.CertificateSubject = config[accountPrefix + index + ".subject"];
- }
- if(config.ContainsKey(accountPrefix + index + ".applicationId"))
- {
- accnt.ApplicationId = config[accountPrefix + index + ".applicationId"];
- }
- return accnt;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Returns the API Credentials
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="apiUserName"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public ICredential GetCredentials(Dictionary<string, string> config, string apiUserName)
- {
- ICredential credential = null;
- Account accnt = GetAccount(config, apiUserName);
- if (accnt == null)
- {
- throw new MissingCredentialException("Missing credentials for " + apiUserName);
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accnt.APICertificate))
- {
- CertificateCredential certCredential = new CertificateCredential(accnt.APIUserName, accnt.APIPassword, accnt.APICertificate, accnt.PrivateKeyPassword);
- certCredential.ApplicationId = accnt.ApplicationId;
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accnt.CertificateSubject))
- {
- SubjectAuthorization subAuthorization = new SubjectAuthorization(accnt.CertificateSubject);
- certCredential.ThirdPartyAuthorization = subAuthorization;
- }
- credential = certCredential;
- }
- else
- {
- SignatureCredential signCredential = new SignatureCredential(accnt.APIUserName, accnt.APIPassword, accnt.APISignature);
- signCredential.ApplicationId = accnt.ApplicationId;
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accnt.SignatureSubject))
- {
- SubjectAuthorization subjectAuthorization = new SubjectAuthorization(accnt.SignatureSubject);
- signCredential.ThirdPartyAuthorization = subjectAuthorization;
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accnt.CertificateSubject))
- {
- SubjectAuthorization subAuthorization = new SubjectAuthorization(accnt.CertificateSubject);
- signCredential.ThirdPartyAuthorization = subAuthorization;
- }
- credential = signCredential;
- }
- ValidateCredentials(credential);
- return credential;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Validates the API Credentials
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="apiCredentials"></param>
- private void ValidateCredentials(ICredential apiCredentials)
- {
- if (apiCredentials is SignatureCredential)
- {
- SignatureCredential credential = (SignatureCredential)apiCredentials;
- Validate(credential);
- }
- else if (apiCredentials is CertificateCredential)
- {
- CertificateCredential credential = (CertificateCredential)apiCredentials;
- Validate(credential);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Validates the Signature Credentials
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="apiCredentials"></param>
- private void Validate(SignatureCredential apiCredentials)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiCredentials.UserName))
- {
- throw new InvalidCredentialException(BaseConstants.ErrorMessages.ErrorUserName);
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiCredentials.Password))
- {
- throw new InvalidCredentialException(BaseConstants.ErrorMessages.ErrorPassword);
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(((SignatureCredential)apiCredentials).Signature))
- {
- throw new InvalidCredentialException(BaseConstants.ErrorMessages.ErrorSignature);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Validates the Certificate Credentials
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="apiCredentials"></param>
- private void Validate(CertificateCredential apiCredentials)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiCredentials.UserName))
- {
- throw new InvalidCredentialException(BaseConstants.ErrorMessages.ErrorUserName);
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiCredentials.Password))
- {
- throw new InvalidCredentialException(BaseConstants.ErrorMessages.ErrorPassword);
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(((CertificateCredential)apiCredentials).CertificateFile))
- {
- throw new InvalidCredentialException(BaseConstants.ErrorMessages.ErrorCertificate);
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(((CertificateCredential)apiCredentials).PrivateKeyPassword))
- {
- throw new InvalidCredentialException(BaseConstants.ErrorMessages.ErrorPrivateKeyPassword);
- }
- }
- }
- }