Java | 323 lines | 112 code | 52 blank | 159 comment | 30 complexity | fa5f2e0f0c286b0d9c319eada186a9b4 MD5 | raw file
- package hudson.plugins.git;
- import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
- import hudson.EnvVars;
- import hudson.FilePath;
- import hudson.model.TaskListener;
- import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
- import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent;
- import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
- import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RefSpec;
- import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.URIish;
- import org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl;
- import org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git;
- import org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Set;
- /**
- * Backward compatible class to match the one some plugins used from git-plugin.
- * Extends CliGitAPIImpl to implement deprecated IGitAPI methods, but delegates supported methods to the selected git implementation (based on
- * {@link org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.Git#USE_CLI}).
- *
- * New implementations should use {@link org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient}.
- *
- * @author <a href="mailto:nicolas.deloof@gmail.com">Nicolas De Loof</a>
- * @deprecated
- */
- public class GitAPI extends CliGitAPIImpl {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- private final GitClient jgit;
- /**
- * Constructor for GitAPI.
- *
- * @param gitExe name of git executable (git or git.exe or jgit)
- * @param repository a {@link hudson.FilePath} for the repository directory
- * @param listener a {@link hudson.model.TaskListener} which monitors the git work
- * @param environment the {@link hudson.EnvVars} environment for the build
- * @throws java.io.IOException if any IO failure
- * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if interrupted
- */
- @Deprecated
- public GitAPI(String gitExe, FilePath repository, TaskListener listener, EnvVars environment) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
- this(gitExe, new File(repository.getRemote()), listener, environment);
- }
- /**
- * Constructor for GitAPI.
- *
- * @param gitExe name of git executable (git or git.exe or jgit)
- * @param repository a {@link hudson.FilePath} for the repository directory
- * @param listener a {@link hudson.model.TaskListener} which monitors the git work
- * @param environment the {@link hudson.EnvVars} environment for the build
- * @param reference SHA1 for checkout
- * @throws java.io.IOException if any IO failure
- * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if interrupted.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public GitAPI(String gitExe, FilePath repository, TaskListener listener, EnvVars environment, String reference) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
- this(gitExe, repository, listener, environment);
- }
- /**
- * Constructor for GitAPI.
- *
- * @param gitExe name of git executable (git or git.exe or jgit)
- * @param repository a {@link hudson.FilePath} for the repository directory
- * @param listener a {@link hudson.model.TaskListener} which monitors the git work
- * @param environment the {@link hudson.EnvVars} environment for the build
- * @throws java.io.IOException if any IO failure
- * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if interrupted.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public GitAPI(String gitExe, File repository, TaskListener listener, EnvVars environment) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
- super(gitExe, repository, listener, environment);
- // If USE_CLI is forced, don't delegate to JGit client
- this.jgit = Git.USE_CLI ? null : Git.with(listener, environment).in(repository).using("jgit").getClient();
- }
- // --- delegate implemented methods to JGit client
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void add(String filePattern) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.add(filePattern); else jgit.add(filePattern);
- }
- /*
- public List<ObjectId> revList(String ref) throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.revList(ref) : jgit.revList(ref);
- }
- */
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public String getRemoteUrl(String name) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getRemoteUrl(name) : jgit.getRemoteUrl(name);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void push(String remoteName, String refspec) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.push(remoteName, refspec); else jgit.push(remoteName, refspec);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public String getTagMessage(String tagName) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getTagMessage(tagName) : jgit.getTagMessage(tagName);
- }
- /*
- public List<ObjectId> revListAll() throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.revListAll() : jgit.revListAll();
- }
- */
- /*
- public void addNote(String note, String namespace) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.addNote(note, namespace); else jgit.addNote(note, namespace);
- }
- */
- /*
- public void appendNote(String note, String namespace) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.appendNote(note, namespace); else jgit.appendNote(note, namespace);
- }
- */
- /*
- public void changelog(String revFrom, String revTo, OutputStream fos) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.changelog(revFrom, revTo, fos); else jgit.changelog(revFrom, revTo, fos);
- }
- */
- /*
- public List<IndexEntry> getSubmodules(String treeIsh) throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getSubmodules(treeIsh) : jgit.getSubmodules(treeIsh);
- }
- */
- /*
- public ObjectId getHeadRev(String remoteRepoUrl, String branch) throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getHeadRev(remoteRepoUrl, branch) : jgit.getHeadRev(remoteRepoUrl, branch);
- }
- */
- /*
- public Set<String> getTagNames(String tagPattern) throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getTagNames(tagPattern) : jgit.getTagNames(tagPattern);
- }
- */
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public GitClient subGit(String subdir) {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.subGit(subdir) : jgit.subGit(subdir);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void setRemoteUrl(String name, String url) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.setRemoteUrl(name, url); else jgit.setRemoteUrl(name, url);
- }
- /*
- public void prune(RemoteConfig repository) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.prune(repository); else jgit.prune(repository);
- }
- */
- /*
- public void submoduleUpdate(boolean recursive) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.submoduleUpdate(recursive); else jgit.submoduleUpdate(recursive);
- }
- */
- /*
- public void submoduleUpdate(boolean recursive, String reference) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.submoduleUpdate(recursive, String reference); else jgit.submoduleUpdate(recursive, String reference);
- }
- */
- /*
- public List<String> showRevision(ObjectId from, ObjectId to) throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.showRevision(from, to) : jgit.showRevision(from, to);
- }
- */
- /*
- public boolean hasGitModules() throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.hasGitModules() : jgit.hasGitModules();
- }
- */
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public Set<Branch> getBranches() throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getBranches() : jgit.getBranches();
- }
- /*
- public void addSubmodule(String remoteURL, String subdir) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.addSubmodule(remoteURL, subdir); else jgit.addSubmodule(remoteURL, subdir);
- }
- */
- /*
- public void clone(String url, String origin, boolean useShallowClone, String reference) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.clone(url, origin, useShallowClone, reference); else jgit.clone(url, origin, useShallowClone, reference);
- }
- */
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public Set<Branch> getRemoteBranches() throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getRemoteBranches() : jgit.getRemoteBranches();
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void init() throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.init(); else jgit.init();
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void deleteBranch(String name) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.deleteBranch(name); else jgit.deleteBranch(name);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void checkout(String ref, String branch) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.checkout(ref, branch); else jgit.checkout(ref, branch);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public boolean hasGitRepo() throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.hasGitRepo() : jgit.hasGitRepo();
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public boolean isCommitInRepo(ObjectId commit) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.isCommitInRepo(commit) : jgit.isCommitInRepo(commit);
- }
- /*
- public void setupSubmoduleUrls(Revision rev, TaskListener listener) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.setupSubmoduleUrls(rev, listener); else jgit.setupSubmoduleUrls(rev, listener);
- }
- */
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void commit(String message) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.commit(message); else jgit.commit(message);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void commit(String message, PersonIdent author, PersonIdent committer) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.commit(message, author, committer); else jgit.commit(message, author, committer);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void checkout(String ref) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.checkout(ref); else jgit.checkout(ref);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void deleteTag(String tagName) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.deleteTag(tagName); else jgit.deleteTag(tagName);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @NonNull
- public Repository getRepository() throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.getRepository() : jgit.getRepository();
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void tag(String tagName, String comment) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.tag(tagName, comment); else jgit.tag(tagName, comment);
- }
- /*
- public List<String> showRevision(ObjectId r) throws GitException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.showRevision(r) : jgit.showRevision(r);
- }
- */
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void fetch(URIish url, List<RefSpec> refspecs) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.fetch(url, refspecs); else jgit.fetch(url, refspecs);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void fetch(String remoteName, RefSpec... refspec) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.fetch(remoteName, refspec); else jgit.fetch(remoteName, refspec);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void fetch(String remoteName, RefSpec refspec) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- fetch(remoteName, new RefSpec[] {refspec});
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public boolean tagExists(String tagName) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.tagExists(tagName) : jgit.tagExists(tagName);
- }
- /*
- public void submoduleClean(boolean recursive) throws GitException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.submoduleClean(recursive); else jgit.submoduleClean(recursive);
- }
- */
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void clean() throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.clean(); else jgit.clean();
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public ObjectId revParse(String revName) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- return Git.USE_CLI ? super.revParse(revName) : jgit.revParse(revName);
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- public void branch(String name) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
- if (Git.USE_CLI) super.branch(name); else jgit.branch(name);
- }
- }