Python | 146 lines | 101 code | 27 blank | 18 comment | 40 complexity | 96cfc9ec820d0de1283952d09e7f7670 MD5 | raw file
- # Written by Egbert Bouman
- #
- # Things to handle backward compatability for old-style config files
- #
- import io
- import os
- import glob
- import json
- import pickle
- import cPickle
- import StringIO
- from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
- from Tribler.Core.SessionConfig import SessionStartupConfig
- from Tribler.Main.globals import DefaultDownloadStartupConfig
- from Tribler.Core.simpledefs import PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION
- def convertSessionConfig(oldfilename, newfilename):
- # Convert tribler <= 6.2 session config file to tribler 6.3
- # We assume oldfilename exists
- with open(oldfilename, "rb") as f:
- sessconfig = pickle.load(f)
- # Upgrade to new config
- sconfig = SessionStartupConfig()
- for key, value in sessconfig.iteritems():
- if key in ['state_dir', 'install_dir', 'ip', 'minport', 'maxport', 'bind', 'ipv6_enabled',
- 'ipv6_binds_v4', 'timeout', 'timeout_check_interval', 'eckeypairfilename', 'megacache',
- 'nickname', 'mugshot', 'videoanalyserpath', 'peer_icon_path', 'live_aux_seeders']:
- sconfig.sessconfig.set('general', key, value)
- if key in ['mainline_dht', 'mainline_dht_port']:
- sconfig.sessconfig.set('mainline_dht', 'enabled' if key == 'mainline_dht' else key, value)
- if key == 'torrent_checking':
- sconfig.sessconfig.set('torrent_checking', 'enabled', value)
- if key in ['torrent_collecting', 'dht_torrent_collecting', 'torrent_collecting_max_torrents',
- 'torrent_collecting_dir', 'stop_collecting_threshold']:
- sconfig.sessconfig.set('torrent_collecting', 'enabled' if key == 'torrent_collecting' else key, value)
- if key in ['libtorrent', 'lt_proxytype', 'lt_proxyserver', 'lt_proxyauth']:
- sconfig.sessconfig.set('libtorrent', 'enabled' if key == 'libtorrent' else key, value)
- if key in ['dispersy_port', 'dispersy']:
- sconfig.sessconfig.set('dispersy', 'enabled' if key == 'dispersy' else key, value)
- # Save the new file, remove the old one
- sconfig.save(newfilename)
- os.remove(oldfilename)
- return sconfig
- def convertMainConfig(state_dir, oldfilename, newfilename):
- # Convert tribler <= 6.2 config files to tribler 6.3
- # We assume oldfilename exists
- with io.open(oldfilename, 'r', encoding='utf_8_sig') as f:
- corrected_config = StringIO.StringIO(f.read().replace('[ABC]', '[Tribler]'))
- config = RawConfigParser()
- config.readfp(corrected_config)
- # Convert user_download_choice.pickle
- udcfilename = os.path.join(state_dir, 'user_download_choice.pickle')
- if os.path.exists(udcfilename):
- with open(udcfilename, "r") as f:
- choices = cPickle.Unpickler(f).load()
- choices = dict([(k.encode('hex'), v) for k, v in choices["download_state"].iteritems()])
- config.set('Tribler', 'user_download_choice', json.dumps(choices))
- os.remove(udcfilename)
- # Convert gui_settings
- guifilename = os.path.join(state_dir, 'gui_settings')
- if os.path.exists(guifilename):
- with open(guifilename, "r") as f:
- for line in f.readlines():
- key, value = line.split('=')
- config.set('Tribler', key, value.strip())
- os.remove(guifilename)
- # Convert recent_download_history
- histfilename = os.path.join(state_dir, 'recent_download_history')
- if os.path.exists(histfilename):
- with open(histfilename, "r") as f:
- history = []
- for line in f.readlines():
- key, value = line.split('=')
- if value != '' and value != '\n':
- history.append(value.replace('\\\\', '\\').strip())
- config.set('Tribler', 'recent_download_history', json.dumps(history))
- os.remove(histfilename)
- with open(newfilename, "wb") as f:
- config.write(f)
- os.remove(oldfilename)
- def convertDefaultDownloadConfig(oldfilename, newfilename):
- # Convert tribler <= 6.2 default download config file to tribler 6.3
- # We assume oldfilename exists
- with open(oldfilename, "rb") as f:
- dlconfig = pickle.load(f)
- # Upgrade to new config
- ddsconfig = DefaultDownloadStartupConfig()
- for key, value in dlconfig.iteritems():
- if key in ['saveas', 'max_upload_rate', 'max_download_rate', 'super_seeder', 'mode', 'selected_files',
- 'correctedfilename']:
- ddsconfig.dlconfig.set('downloadconfig', key, value)
- # Save the new file, remove the old one
- ddsconfig.save(newfilename)
- os.remove(oldfilename)
- return ddsconfig
- def convertDownloadCheckpoints(checkpoint_dir):
- # Convert tribler <= 6.2 download checkpoints to tribler 6.3
- if os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir):
- for old_filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, '*.pickle')):
- old_checkpoint = None
- try:
- with open(old_filename, "rb") as old_file:
- old_checkpoint = pickle.load(old_file)
- except:
- pass
- if old_checkpoint:
- new_checkpoint = RawConfigParser()
- new_checkpoint.add_section('downloadconfig')
- new_checkpoint.add_section('state')
- for key, value in old_checkpoint['dlconfig'].iteritems():
- if key in ['saveas', 'max_upload_rate', 'max_download_rate', 'super_seeder', 'mode',
- 'selected_files', 'correctedfilename']:
- new_checkpoint.set('downloadconfig', key, value)
- new_checkpoint.set('state', 'version', PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION)
- new_checkpoint.set('state', 'engineresumedata', old_checkpoint['engineresumedata'])
- new_checkpoint.set('state', 'dlstate', old_checkpoint['dlstate'])
- new_checkpoint.set('state', 'metainfo', old_checkpoint['metainfo'])
- with open(old_filename.replace('.pickle', '.state'), "wb") as new_file:
- new_checkpoint.write(new_file)
- os.remove(old_filename)