C Header | 489 lines | 389 code | 73 blank | 27 comment | 56 complexity | 5d501a89bb595f58b0ed17181627ddeb MD5 | raw file
- // TortoiseGit - a Windows shell extension for easy version control
- // Copyright (C) 2008-2016 - TortoiseGit
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- //
- #include "GitHash.h"
- #include "gitdll.h"
- #include "GitStatus.h"
- #include "UnicodeUtils.h"
- #include "ReaderWriterLock.h"
- #include "GitAdminDir.h"
- #include "StringUtils.h"
- class CGitIndex
- {
- public:
- CString m_FileName;
- __time64_t m_ModifyTime;
- uint16_t m_Flags;
- uint16_t m_FlagsExtended;
- CGitHash m_IndexHash;
- __int64 m_Size;
- int Print();
- };
- class CGitIndexList:public std::vector<CGitIndex>
- {
- protected:
- public:
- __time64_t m_LastModifyTime;
- BOOL m_bHasConflicts;
- CGitIndexList();
- ~CGitIndexList();
- int ReadIndex(CString file);
- int GetStatus(const CString& gitdir, CString path, git_wc_status_kind* status, BOOL IsFull = FALSE, BOOL IsRecursive = FALSE, FILL_STATUS_CALLBACK callback = nullptr, void* pData = nullptr, CGitHash* pHash = nullptr, bool* assumeValid = nullptr, bool* skipWorktree = nullptr);
- FRIEND_TEST(GitIndexCBasicGitWithTestRepoFixture, GetFileStatus);
- #endif
- protected:
- __int64 m_iMaxCheckSize;
- CComCriticalSection m_critRepoSec;
- CAutoRepository repository;
- int GetFileStatus(const CString &gitdir, const CString &path, git_wc_status_kind * status, __int64 time, __int64 filesize, FILL_STATUS_CALLBACK callback = nullptr, void *pData = nullptr, CGitHash *pHash = nullptr, bool * assumeValid = nullptr, bool * skipWorktree = nullptr);
- };
- typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<CGitIndexList> SHARED_INDEX_PTR;
- typedef CComCritSecLock<CComCriticalSection> CAutoLocker;
- class CGitIndexFileMap:public std::map<CString, SHARED_INDEX_PTR>
- {
- public:
- CComCriticalSection m_critIndexSec;
- CGitIndexFileMap() { m_critIndexSec.Init(); }
- ~CGitIndexFileMap() { m_critIndexSec.Term(); }
- SHARED_INDEX_PTR SafeGet(CString thePath)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critIndexSec);
- auto lookup = find(thePath);
- if (lookup == cend())
- return SHARED_INDEX_PTR();
- return lookup->second;
- }
- void SafeSet(CString thePath, SHARED_INDEX_PTR ptr)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critIndexSec);
- (*this)[thePath] = ptr;
- }
- bool SafeClear(CString thePath)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critIndexSec);
- auto lookup = find(thePath);
- if (lookup == cend())
- return false;
- erase(lookup);
- return true;
- }
- bool SafeClearRecursively(CString thePath)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critIndexSec);
- std::vector<CString> toRemove;
- for (auto it = this->cbegin(); it != this->cend(); ++it)
- {
- if (CStringUtils::StartsWith((*it).first, thePath))
- toRemove.push_back((*it).first);
- }
- for (auto it = toRemove.cbegin(); it != toRemove.cend(); ++it)
- this->erase(*it);
- return !toRemove.empty();
- }
- int Check(const CString &gitdir, bool *isChanged);
- int LoadIndex(const CString &gitdir);
- bool CheckAndUpdate(const CString &gitdir,bool isLoadUpdatedIndex)
- {
- bool isChanged=false;
- if(isLoadUpdatedIndex && Check(gitdir,&isChanged))
- return false;
- if(isChanged && isLoadUpdatedIndex)
- {
- LoadIndex(gitdir);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- int GetFileStatus(const CString &gitdir,const CString &path,git_wc_status_kind * status,
- BOOL IsFull=false, BOOL IsRecursive=false,
- FILL_STATUS_CALLBACK callback = nullptr,
- void* pData = nullptr, CGitHash* pHash = nullptr,
- bool isLoadUpdatedIndex = true, bool* assumeValid = nullptr, bool* skipWorktree = nullptr);
- int IsUnderVersionControl(const CString &gitdir,
- CString path,
- bool isDir,
- bool *isVersion,
- bool isLoadUpdateIndex=true);
- };
- class CGitTreeItem
- {
- public:
- CString m_FileName;
- CGitHash m_Hash;
- int m_Flags;
- };
- /* After object create, never change field agains
- * that needn't lock to get field
- */
- class CGitHeadFileList:public std::vector<CGitTreeItem>
- {
- private:
- int GetPackRef(const CString &gitdir);
- CReaderWriterLock m_SharedMutex;
- __time64_t m_LastModifyTimeHead;
- __time64_t m_LastModifyTimeRef;
- __time64_t m_LastModifyTimePackRef;
- CString m_HeadRefFile;
- CGitHash m_Head;
- CString m_HeadFile;
- CString m_Gitdir;
- CString m_PackRefFile;
- CGitHash m_TreeHash; /* buffered tree hash value */
- std::map<CString,CGitHash> m_PackRefMap;
- public:
- CGitHeadFileList()
- {
- m_LastModifyTimeHead=0;
- m_LastModifyTimeRef=0;
- m_LastModifyTimePackRef = 0;
- }
- int ReadTree();
- int ReadHeadHash(const CString& gitdir);
- bool CheckHeadUpdate();
- bool HeadHashEqualsTreeHash();
- bool HeadFileIsEmpty();
- bool HeadIsEmpty();
- static int CallBack(const unsigned char *, const char *, int, const char *, unsigned int, int, void *);
- };
- typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<CGitHeadFileList> SHARED_TREE_PTR;
- class CGitHeadFileMap:public std::map<CString,SHARED_TREE_PTR>
- {
- public:
- CComCriticalSection m_critTreeSec;
- CGitHeadFileMap() { m_critTreeSec.Init(); }
- ~CGitHeadFileMap() { m_critTreeSec.Term(); }
- SHARED_TREE_PTR SafeGet(CString thePath, bool allowEmpty = false)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critTreeSec);
- auto lookup = find(thePath);
- if (lookup == cend())
- {
- if (allowEmpty)
- return SHARED_TREE_PTR();
- return SHARED_TREE_PTR(new CGitHeadFileList);
- }
- return lookup->second;
- }
- void SafeSet(CString thePath, SHARED_TREE_PTR ptr)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critTreeSec);
- (*this)[thePath] = ptr;
- }
- bool SafeClear(CString thePath)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critTreeSec);
- auto lookup = find(thePath);
- if (lookup == cend())
- return false;
- erase(lookup);
- return true;
- }
- bool SafeClearRecursively(CString thePath)
- {
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critTreeSec);
- std::vector<CString> toRemove;
- for (auto it = this->cbegin(); it != this->cend(); ++it)
- {
- if (CStringUtils::StartsWith((*it).first, thePath))
- toRemove.push_back((*it).first);
- }
- for (auto it = toRemove.cbegin(); it != toRemove.cend(); ++it)
- this->erase(*it);
- return !toRemove.empty();
- }
- int GetFileStatus(const CString &gitdir,const CString &path,git_wc_status_kind * status,BOOL IsFull=false, BOOL IsRecursive=false,
- FILL_STATUS_CALLBACK callback = nullptr, void *pData = nullptr,
- bool isLoaded=false);
- bool CheckHeadAndUpdate(const CString &gitdir, bool readTree = true);
- int IsUnderVersionControl(const CString& gitdir, CString path, bool isDir, bool* isVersion);
- };
- class CGitFileName
- {
- public:
- CGitFileName() {}
- CGitFileName(const CString& filename)
- {
- m_CaseFileName = filename;
- m_FileName = filename;
- m_FileName.MakeLower();
- }
- CString m_FileName;
- CString m_CaseFileName;
- };
- static bool SortCGitFileName(const CGitFileName& item1, const CGitFileName& item2)
- {
- return item1.m_FileName.Compare(item2.m_FileName) < 0;
- }
- class CGitIgnoreItem
- {
- public:
- CGitIgnoreItem()
- {
- m_LastModifyTime =0;
- m_pExcludeList = nullptr;
- m_buffer = nullptr;
- }
- ~CGitIgnoreItem()
- {
- if(m_pExcludeList)
- git_free_exclude_list(m_pExcludeList);
- free(m_buffer);
- m_pExcludeList= nullptr;
- m_buffer = nullptr;
- }
- __time64_t m_LastModifyTime;
- CStringA m_BaseDir;
- BYTE *m_buffer;
- EXCLUDE_LIST m_pExcludeList;
- int FetchIgnoreList(const CString &projectroot, const CString &file, bool isGlobal);
- /**
- * patha: the filename to be checked whether is is ignored or not
- * base: must be a pointer to the beginning of the base filename WITHIN patha
- * type: DT_DIR or DT_REG
- */
- int IsPathIgnored(const CStringA& patha, const char* base, int& type);
- int IsPathIgnored(const CStringA& patha, int& type);
- #endif
- };
- class CGitIgnoreList
- {
- private:
- bool CheckFileChanged(const CString &path);
- int FetchIgnoreFile(const CString &gitdir, const CString &gitignore, bool isGlobal);
- int CheckIgnore(const CString &path, const CString &root, bool isDir);
- int CheckFileAgainstIgnoreList(const CString &ignorefile, const CStringA &patha, const char * base, int &type);
- // core.excludesfile stuff
- std::map<CString, CString> m_CoreExcludesfiles;
- CString m_sGitSystemConfigPath;
- CString m_sGitProgramDataConfigPath;
- ULONGLONG m_dGitSystemConfigPathLastChecked;
- CReaderWriterLock m_coreExcludefilesSharedMutex;
- // checks if the msysgit path has changed and return true/false
- // if the path changed, the cache is update
- // force is only ised in constructor
- bool CheckAndUpdateGitSystemConfigPath(bool force = true);
- bool CheckAndUpdateCoreExcludefile(const CString &adminDir);
- const CString GetWindowsHome();
- public:
- CReaderWriterLock m_SharedMutex;
- CGitIgnoreList(){ CheckAndUpdateGitSystemConfigPath(true); }
- std::map<CString, CGitIgnoreItem> m_Map;
- bool CheckIgnoreChanged(const CString &gitdir,const CString &path, bool isDir);
- int LoadAllIgnoreFile(const CString &gitdir, const CString &path, bool isDir);
- bool IsIgnore(CString path, const CString& root, bool isDir);
- };
- template<class T>
- int GetRangeInSortVector(const T &vector, LPCTSTR pstr, int len, int *start, int *end, int pos)
- {
- if( pos < 0)
- return -1;
- if (start == 0 || !end)
- return -1;
- *start=*end=-1;
- if (vector.empty())
- return -1;
- if (pos >= (int)vector.size())
- return -1;
- if( _tcsnccmp(vector[pos].m_FileName, pstr,len) != 0)
- return -1;
- *start = 0;
- *end = (int)vector.size() - 1;
- // shortcut, if all entries are going match
- if (!len)
- return 0;
- for (int i = pos; i < (int)vector.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (_tcsnccmp(vector[i].m_FileName, pstr, len) != 0)
- break;
- *end = i;
- }
- for (int i = pos; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- if (_tcsnccmp(vector[i].m_FileName, pstr, len) != 0)
- break;
- *start = i;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- template<class T>
- int SearchInSortVector(const T &vector, LPCTSTR pstr, int len)
- {
- int end = (int)vector.size() - 1;
- int start = 0;
- int mid = (start+end)/2;
- if (vector.empty())
- return -1;
- while(!( start == end && start==mid))
- {
- int cmp;
- if(len < 0)
- cmp = _tcscmp(vector[mid].m_FileName,pstr);
- else
- cmp = _tcsnccmp( vector[mid].m_FileName,pstr,len );
- if (cmp == 0)
- return mid;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- start = mid + 1;
- else // (cmp > 0)
- end = mid;
- mid=(start +end ) /2;
- }
- if(len <0)
- {
- if(_tcscmp(vector[mid].m_FileName,pstr) == 0)
- return mid;
- }
- else
- {
- if(_tcsnccmp( vector[mid].m_FileName,pstr,len ) == 0)
- return mid;
- }
- return -1;
- };
- class CGitAdminDirMap:public std::map<CString, CString>
- {
- public:
- CComCriticalSection m_critIndexSec;
- std::map<CString, CString> m_reverseLookup;
- CGitAdminDirMap() { m_critIndexSec.Init(); }
- ~CGitAdminDirMap() { m_critIndexSec.Term(); }
- CString GetAdminDir(const CString &path)
- {
- CString thePath(path);
- thePath.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critIndexSec);
- auto lookup = find(thePath);
- if (lookup == cend())
- {
- if (PathIsDirectory(path + _T("\\.git")))
- {
- (*this)[thePath] = path + _T("\\.git\\");
- m_reverseLookup[thePath + _T("\\.git")] = path;
- return (*this)[thePath];
- }
- CString result = GitAdminDir::ReadGitLink(path, path + _T("\\.git"));
- if (!result.IsEmpty())
- {
- (*this)[thePath] = result + _T("\\");
- m_reverseLookup[result.MakeLower()] = path;
- return (*this)[thePath];
- }
- return path + _T("\\.git\\"); // in case of an error stick to old behavior
- }
- return lookup->second;
- }
- CString GetAdminDirConcat(const CString& path, const CString& subpath)
- {
- CString result(GetAdminDir(path));
- result += subpath;
- return result;
- }
- CString GetWorkingCopy(const CString &gitDir)
- {
- CString path(gitDir);
- path.MakeLower();
- CAutoLocker lock(m_critIndexSec);
- auto lookup = m_reverseLookup.find(path);
- if (lookup == m_reverseLookup.cend())
- return gitDir;
- return lookup->second;
- }
- };