C++ | 398 lines | 311 code | 52 blank | 35 comment | 55 complexity | acc9b7de38b8e7d540dd6dc78f658929 MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright 2011 Dolphin Emulator Project
- // Licensed under GPLv2+
- // Refer to the license.txt file included.
- // File description
- // -------------
- // Purpose of this file: Collect boot settings for Core::Init()
- // Call sequence: This file has one of the first function called when a game is booted,
- // the boot sequence in the code is:
- // DolphinWX: FrameTools.cpp StartGame
- // Core BootManager.cpp BootCore
- // Core.cpp Init Thread creation
- // EmuThread Calls CBoot::BootUp
- // Boot.cpp CBoot::BootUp()
- // CBoot::EmulatedBS2_Wii() / GC() or Load_BS2()
- // Includes
- // ----------------
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <array>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
- #include "Common/FileUtil.h"
- #include "Common/IniFile.h"
- #include "Common/SysConf.h"
- #include "Core/BootManager.h"
- #include "Core/ConfigManager.h"
- #include "Core/Core.h"
- #include "Core/Host.h"
- #include "Core/Movie.h"
- #include "Core/NetPlayProto.h"
- #include "Core/HW/EXI.h"
- #include "Core/HW/SI.h"
- #include "Core/HW/Sram.h"
- #include "Core/HW/WiimoteReal/WiimoteReal.h"
- #include "VideoCommon/VideoBackendBase.h"
- namespace BootManager
- {
- // TODO this is an ugly hack which allows us to restore values trampled by per-game settings
- // Apply fire liberally
- struct ConfigCache
- {
- public:
- // fill the cache with values from the configuration
- void SaveConfig(const SConfig& config);
- // restore values to the configuration from the cache
- void RestoreConfig(SConfig* config);
- // These store if the relevant setting should be reset back later (true) or if it should be left alone on restore (false)
- bool bSetEmulationSpeed;
- bool bSetVolume;
- bool bSetFrameSkip;
- std::array<bool, MAX_BBMOTES> bSetWiimoteSource;
- std::array<bool, MAX_SI_CHANNELS> bSetPads;
- std::array<bool, MAX_EXI_CHANNELS> bSetEXIDevice;
- private:
- bool valid;
- bool bCPUThread;
- bool bSkipIdle;
- bool bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack;
- bool bFPRF;
- bool bAccurateNaNs;
- bool bMMU;
- bool bDCBZOFF;
- bool m_EnableJIT;
- bool bSyncGPU;
- bool bFastDiscSpeed;
- bool bDSPHLE;
- bool bHLE_BS2;
- bool bProgressive;
- bool bPAL60;
- int iSelectedLanguage;
- int iCPUCore;
- int Volume;
- unsigned int frameSkip;
- float m_EmulationSpeed;
- std::string strBackend;
- std::string sBackend;
- std::string m_strGPUDeterminismMode;
- std::array<int, MAX_BBMOTES> iWiimoteSource;
- std::array<SIDevices, MAX_SI_CHANNELS> Pads;
- std::array<TEXIDevices, MAX_EXI_CHANNELS> m_EXIDevice;
- };
- void ConfigCache::SaveConfig(const SConfig& config)
- {
- valid = true;
- bCPUThread = config.bCPUThread;
- bSkipIdle = config.bSkipIdle;
- bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack = config.bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack;
- bFPRF = config.bFPRF;
- bAccurateNaNs = config.bAccurateNaNs;
- bMMU = config.bMMU;
- bDCBZOFF = config.bDCBZOFF;
- m_EnableJIT = config.m_DSPEnableJIT;
- bSyncGPU = config.bSyncGPU;
- bFastDiscSpeed = config.bFastDiscSpeed;
- bDSPHLE = config.bDSPHLE;
- bHLE_BS2 = config.bHLE_BS2;
- bProgressive = config.bProgressive;
- bPAL60 = config.bPAL60;
- iSelectedLanguage = config.SelectedLanguage;
- iCPUCore = config.iCPUCore;
- Volume = config.m_Volume;
- m_EmulationSpeed = config.m_EmulationSpeed;
- frameSkip = config.m_FrameSkip;
- strBackend = config.m_strVideoBackend;
- sBackend = config.sBackend;
- m_strGPUDeterminismMode = config.m_strGPUDeterminismMode;
- std::copy(std::begin(g_wiimote_sources), std::end(g_wiimote_sources), std::begin(iWiimoteSource));
- std::copy(std::begin(config.m_SIDevice), std::end(config.m_SIDevice), std::begin(Pads));
- std::copy(std::begin(config.m_EXIDevice), std::end(config.m_EXIDevice), std::begin(m_EXIDevice));
- bSetEmulationSpeed = false;
- bSetVolume = false;
- bSetFrameSkip = false;
- bSetWiimoteSource.fill(false);
- bSetPads.fill(false);
- bSetEXIDevice.fill(false);
- }
- void ConfigCache::RestoreConfig(SConfig* config)
- {
- if (!valid)
- return;
- valid = false;
- config->bCPUThread = bCPUThread;
- config->bSkipIdle = bSkipIdle;
- config->bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack = bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack;
- config->bFPRF = bFPRF;
- config->bAccurateNaNs = bAccurateNaNs;
- config->bMMU = bMMU;
- config->bDCBZOFF = bDCBZOFF;
- config->m_DSPEnableJIT = m_EnableJIT;
- config->bSyncGPU = bSyncGPU;
- config->bFastDiscSpeed = bFastDiscSpeed;
- config->bDSPHLE = bDSPHLE;
- config->bHLE_BS2 = bHLE_BS2;
- config->bProgressive = bProgressive;
- config->bPAL60 = bPAL60;
- config->SelectedLanguage = iSelectedLanguage;
- config->iCPUCore = iCPUCore;
- config->m_SYSCONF->SetData("IPL.PGS", bProgressive);
- config->m_SYSCONF->SetData("IPL.E60", bPAL60);
- // Only change these back if they were actually set by game ini, since they can be changed while a game is running.
- if (bSetVolume)
- config->m_Volume = Volume;
- if (config->bWii)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_BBMOTES; ++i)
- {
- if (bSetWiimoteSource[i])
- {
- g_wiimote_sources[i] = iWiimoteSource[i];
- WiimoteReal::ChangeWiimoteSource(i, iWiimoteSource[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_SI_CHANNELS; ++i)
- {
- if (bSetPads[i])
- config->m_SIDevice[i] = Pads[i];
- }
- if (bSetEmulationSpeed)
- config->m_EmulationSpeed = m_EmulationSpeed;
- if (bSetFrameSkip)
- {
- config->m_FrameSkip = frameSkip;
- Movie::SetFrameSkipping(frameSkip);
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_EXI_CHANNELS; ++i)
- {
- if (bSetEXIDevice[i])
- config->m_EXIDevice[i] = m_EXIDevice[i];
- }
- config->m_strVideoBackend = strBackend;
- config->sBackend = sBackend;
- config->m_strGPUDeterminismMode = m_strGPUDeterminismMode;
- VideoBackendBase::ActivateBackend(config->m_strVideoBackend);
- }
- static ConfigCache config_cache;
- static GPUDeterminismMode ParseGPUDeterminismMode(const std::string& mode)
- {
- if (mode == "auto")
- if (mode == "none")
- if (mode == "fake-completion")
- NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Unknown GPU determinism mode %s", mode.c_str());
- }
- // Boot the ISO or file
- bool BootCore(const std::string& _rFilename)
- {
- SConfig& StartUp = SConfig::GetInstance();
- // Use custom settings for debugging mode
- Host_SetStartupDebuggingParameters();
- StartUp.m_BootType = SConfig::BOOT_ISO;
- StartUp.m_strFilename = _rFilename;
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_LastFilename = _rFilename;
- SConfig::GetInstance().SaveSettings();
- StartUp.bRunCompareClient = false;
- StartUp.bRunCompareServer = false;
- config_cache.SaveConfig(StartUp);
- // If for example the ISO file is bad we return here
- if (!StartUp.AutoSetup(SConfig::BOOT_DEFAULT))
- return false;
- // Load game specific settings
- {
- IniFile game_ini = StartUp.LoadGameIni();
- // General settings
- IniFile::Section* core_section = game_ini.GetOrCreateSection("Core");
- IniFile::Section* dsp_section = game_ini.GetOrCreateSection("DSP");
- IniFile::Section* controls_section = game_ini.GetOrCreateSection("Controls");
- core_section->Get("CPUThread", &StartUp.bCPUThread, StartUp.bCPUThread);
- core_section->Get("SkipIdle", &StartUp.bSkipIdle, StartUp.bSkipIdle);
- core_section->Get("SyncOnSkipIdle", &StartUp.bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack, StartUp.bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack);
- core_section->Get("FPRF", &StartUp.bFPRF, StartUp.bFPRF);
- core_section->Get("AccurateNaNs", &StartUp.bAccurateNaNs, StartUp.bAccurateNaNs);
- core_section->Get("MMU", &StartUp.bMMU, StartUp.bMMU);
- core_section->Get("DCBZ", &StartUp.bDCBZOFF, StartUp.bDCBZOFF);
- core_section->Get("SyncGPU", &StartUp.bSyncGPU, StartUp.bSyncGPU);
- core_section->Get("FastDiscSpeed", &StartUp.bFastDiscSpeed, StartUp.bFastDiscSpeed);
- core_section->Get("DSPHLE", &StartUp.bDSPHLE, StartUp.bDSPHLE);
- core_section->Get("GFXBackend", &StartUp.m_strVideoBackend, StartUp.m_strVideoBackend);
- core_section->Get("CPUCore", &StartUp.iCPUCore, StartUp.iCPUCore);
- core_section->Get("HLE_BS2", &StartUp.bHLE_BS2, StartUp.bHLE_BS2);
- core_section->Get("ProgressiveScan", &StartUp.bProgressive, StartUp.bProgressive);
- core_section->Get("PAL60", &StartUp.bPAL60, StartUp.bPAL60);
- if (core_section->Get("EmulationSpeed", &SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed, SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed))
- config_cache.bSetEmulationSpeed = true;
- if (core_section->Get("FrameSkip", &SConfig::GetInstance().m_FrameSkip))
- {
- config_cache.bSetFrameSkip = true;
- Movie::SetFrameSkipping(SConfig::GetInstance().m_FrameSkip);
- }
- if (dsp_section->Get("Volume", &SConfig::GetInstance().m_Volume, SConfig::GetInstance().m_Volume))
- config_cache.bSetVolume = true;
- dsp_section->Get("EnableJIT", &SConfig::GetInstance().m_DSPEnableJIT, SConfig::GetInstance().m_DSPEnableJIT);
- dsp_section->Get("Backend", &SConfig::GetInstance().sBackend, SConfig::GetInstance().sBackend);
- VideoBackendBase::ActivateBackend(StartUp.m_strVideoBackend);
- core_section->Get("GPUDeterminismMode", &StartUp.m_strGPUDeterminismMode, StartUp.m_strGPUDeterminismMode);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_SI_CHANNELS; ++i)
- {
- int source;
- controls_section->Get(StringFromFormat("PadType%u", i), &source, -1);
- if (source >= (int) SIDEVICE_NONE && source <= (int) SIDEVICE_WIIU_ADAPTER)
- {
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_SIDevice[i] = (SIDevices) source;
- config_cache.bSetPads[i] = true;
- }
- }
- // Wii settings
- if (StartUp.bWii)
- {
- // Flush possible changes to SYSCONF to file
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_SYSCONF->Save();
- int source;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_WIIMOTES; ++i)
- {
- controls_section->Get(StringFromFormat("WiimoteSource%u", i), &source, -1);
- if (source != -1 && g_wiimote_sources[i] != (unsigned) source && source >= WIIMOTE_SRC_NONE && source <= WIIMOTE_SRC_HYBRID)
- {
- config_cache.bSetWiimoteSource[i] = true;
- g_wiimote_sources[i] = source;
- WiimoteReal::ChangeWiimoteSource(i, source);
- }
- }
- controls_section->Get("WiimoteSourceBB", &source, -1);
- if (source != -1 && g_wiimote_sources[WIIMOTE_BALANCE_BOARD] != (unsigned) source && (source == WIIMOTE_SRC_NONE || source == WIIMOTE_SRC_REAL))
- {
- config_cache.bSetWiimoteSource[WIIMOTE_BALANCE_BOARD] = true;
- g_wiimote_sources[WIIMOTE_BALANCE_BOARD] = source;
- WiimoteReal::ChangeWiimoteSource(WIIMOTE_BALANCE_BOARD, source);
- }
- }
- }
- StartUp.m_GPUDeterminismMode = ParseGPUDeterminismMode(StartUp.m_strGPUDeterminismMode);
- // Movie settings
- if (Movie::IsPlayingInput() && Movie::IsConfigSaved())
- {
- StartUp.bCPUThread = Movie::IsDualCore();
- StartUp.bSkipIdle = Movie::IsSkipIdle();
- StartUp.bDSPHLE = Movie::IsDSPHLE();
- StartUp.bProgressive = Movie::IsProgressive();
- StartUp.bPAL60 = Movie::IsPAL60();
- StartUp.bFastDiscSpeed = Movie::IsFastDiscSpeed();
- StartUp.iCPUCore = Movie::GetCPUMode();
- StartUp.bSyncGPU = Movie::IsSyncGPU();
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- if (Movie::IsUsingMemcard(i) && Movie::IsStartingFromClearSave() && !StartUp.bWii)
- {
- if (File::Exists(File::GetUserPath(D_GCUSER_IDX) + StringFromFormat("Movie%s.raw", (i == 0) ? "A" : "B")))
- File::Delete(File::GetUserPath(D_GCUSER_IDX) + StringFromFormat("Movie%s.raw", (i == 0) ? "A" : "B"));
- }
- }
- }
- if (NetPlay::IsNetPlayRunning())
- {
- StartUp.bCPUThread = g_NetPlaySettings.m_CPUthread;
- StartUp.bDSPHLE = g_NetPlaySettings.m_DSPHLE;
- StartUp.bEnableMemcardSdWriting = g_NetPlaySettings.m_WriteToMemcard;
- StartUp.iCPUCore = g_NetPlaySettings.m_CPUcore;
- StartUp.SelectedLanguage = g_NetPlaySettings.m_SelectedLanguage;
- StartUp.bOverrideGCLanguage = g_NetPlaySettings.m_OverrideGCLanguage;
- StartUp.bProgressive = g_NetPlaySettings.m_ProgressiveScan;
- StartUp.bPAL60 = g_NetPlaySettings.m_PAL60;
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_DSPEnableJIT = g_NetPlaySettings.m_DSPEnableJIT;
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_OCEnable = g_NetPlaySettings.m_OCEnable;
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_OCFactor = g_NetPlaySettings.m_OCFactor;
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_EXIDevice[0] = g_NetPlaySettings.m_EXIDevice[0];
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_EXIDevice[1] = g_NetPlaySettings.m_EXIDevice[1];
- config_cache.bSetEXIDevice[0] = true;
- config_cache.bSetEXIDevice[1] = true;
- }
- else
- {
- g_SRAM_netplay_initialized = false;
- }
- // Apply overrides
- // Some NTSC GameCube games such as Baten Kaitos react strangely to language settings that would be invalid on an NTSC system
- if (!StartUp.bOverrideGCLanguage && StartUp.bNTSC)
- {
- StartUp.SelectedLanguage = 0;
- }
- // Some NTSC Wii games such as Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! and 1942 (Virtual Console) crash if the PAL60 option is enabled
- if (StartUp.bWii && StartUp.bNTSC)
- {
- StartUp.bPAL60 = false;
- }
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_SYSCONF->SetData("IPL.PGS", StartUp.bProgressive);
- SConfig::GetInstance().m_SYSCONF->SetData("IPL.E60", StartUp.bPAL60);
- // Run the game
- // Init the core
- if (!Core::Init())
- {
- PanicAlertT("Couldn't init the core.\nCheck your configuration.");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void Stop()
- {
- Core::Stop();
- SConfig& StartUp = SConfig::GetInstance();
- StartUp.m_strUniqueID = "00000000";
- config_cache.RestoreConfig(&StartUp);
- }
- } // namespace