C++ | 542 lines | 330 code | 79 blank | 133 comment | 15 complexity | df1655c89d0558dc5b9e3b5e9adb04d5 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License
- */
- /**
- * @file test/service/main/cmdlineparser.cpp
- * @author Pawel Wieczorek <p.wieczorek2@samsung.com>
- * @version 1.0
- * @brief Tests of CmdlineParser
- */
- #include <string>
- #include <service/main/CmdlineParser.h>
- #include "CynaraCommandlineTest.h"
- namespace {
- const std::string execName("./cynara");
- const std::string helpMessage(
- "Usage: " + execName + " [OPTIONS]\n\n"
- "Information mode options [program exits after printing information]:\n"
- " -V, --version print version of " + execName + " and exit\n"
- " -h, --help print this help message and exit\n"
- "Normal work mode options:\n"
- " -d, --daemon daemonize "
- "[by default " + execName + " does not daemonize]\n"
- " -m, --mask=MASK set umask to MASK "
- "[by default no umask is set]\n"
- " -u, --user=USER change user to USER "
- "[by default uid is not changed]\n"
- " -g, --group=GROUP change group to GROUP "
- "[by default gid is not changed]\n");
- } // namespace
- namespace Parser = Cynara::CmdlineParser;
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing "help" option to commandline handler returns help message
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - help message in output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, help) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- for (const auto &opt : { "-h", "--help" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, opt });
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing "version" option to commandline handler returns version message
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - version message in output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, version) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- for (const auto &opt : { "-V", "--version" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, opt });
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string(CYNARA_VERSION) + "\n", out);
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing unknown option to commandline handler returns error message
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates failure
- * - help message in output stream
- * - error message in error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, unknownOption) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- for (const auto &badOpt : { "-b", "--badOption" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, badOpt });
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string("Unknown option: ") + badOpt + "\n", err);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing no options to commandline handler succeeds
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - empty output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, noOption) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName });
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(out.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing daemon option to commandline succeeds
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - empty output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, daemonOption) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- for (const auto &daemonOpt : { "-d", "--daemon" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, daemonOpt });
- SCOPED_TRACE(daemonOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(out.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing mask option to commandline succeeds
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - empty output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, maskOption) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string maskParam("0666");
- for (const auto &maskOpt : { "-m", "--mask" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, maskOpt, maskParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(maskOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(0666));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(out.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing invalid mask option to commandline fails
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates failure
- * - help message in output stream
- * - error message in error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, maskOptionInvalid) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string maskParam("MASK");
- for (const auto &maskOpt : { "-m", "--mask" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, maskOpt, maskParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(maskOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_EQ("Invalid param: MASK\n", err);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing no mask option to commandline fails
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates failure
- * - help message in output stream
- * - error message in error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, maskOptionNoParam) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- for (const auto &maskOpt : { "-m", "--mask" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, maskOpt});
- SCOPED_TRACE(maskOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string("Missing argument for option: ") + maskOpt + "\n", err);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing user option to commandline succeeds
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - empty output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, userOptionName) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string userParam("root");
- for (const auto &userOpt : { "-u", "--user" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, userOpt, userParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(userOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(0));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(out.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing user option to commandline succeeds
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - empty output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, userOptionUid) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string userParam("1234");
- for (const auto &userOpt : { "-u", "--user" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, userOpt, userParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(userOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(1234));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_TRUE(out.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing invalid user option to commandline fails
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - help message in output stream
- * - error message in error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, userOptionInvalid) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string userParam("UserThatDoNotExist");
- for (const auto &userOpt : { "-u", "--user" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, userOpt, userParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(userOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_EQ("Invalid param: UserThatDoNotExist\n", err);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing no user option to commandline fails
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates failure
- * - help message in output stream
- * - error message in error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, userOptionNoParam) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- for (const auto &userOpt : { "-u", "--user" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, userOpt});
- SCOPED_TRACE(userOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string("Missing argument for option: ") + userOpt + "\n", err);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing group option to commandline succeeds
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - empty output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, groupOptionName) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string groupParam("root");
- for (const auto &groupOpt : { "-g", "--group" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, groupOpt, groupParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(groupOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(0));
- ASSERT_TRUE(out.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing group option to commandline succeeds
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - empty output stream
- * - empty error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, groupOptionGid) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string groupParam("1234");
- for (const auto &groupOpt : { "-g", "--group" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, groupOpt, groupParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(groupOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(1234));
- ASSERT_TRUE(out.empty());
- ASSERT_TRUE(err.empty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing invalid group option to commandline fails
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates success
- * - help message in output stream
- * - error message in error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, groupOptionInvalid) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- std::string groupParam("GroupThatDoNotExist");
- for (const auto &groupOpt : { "-g", "--group" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, groupOpt, groupParam});
- SCOPED_TRACE(groupOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_EQ("Invalid param: GroupThatDoNotExist\n", err);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if passing no group option to commandline fails
- * @test Expected result:
- * - call handler indicates failure
- * - help message in output stream
- * - error message in error stream
- */
- TEST_F(CynaraCommandlineTest, groupOptionNoParam) {
- std::string err;
- std::string out;
- for (const auto &groupOpt : { "-g", "--group" }) {
- clearOutput();
- prepare_argv({ execName, groupOpt});
- SCOPED_TRACE(groupOpt);
- const auto options = Parser::handleCmdlineOptions(this->argc(), this->argv());
- getOutput(out, err);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_error);
- ASSERT_TRUE(options.m_exit);
- ASSERT_FALSE(options.m_daemon);
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_mask, static_cast<mode_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_uid, static_cast<uid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(options.m_gid, static_cast<gid_t>(-1));
- ASSERT_EQ(helpMessage, out);
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string("Missing argument for option: ") + groupOpt + "\n", err);
- }
- }