C++ | 544 lines | 333 code | 100 blank | 111 comment | 11 complexity | 0e13f3eb47091b5fd7890cc2af1cc455 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * @file test/storage/inmemorystoragebackend/inmemorystoragebackend.cpp
- * @author Aleksander Zdyb <a.zdyb@samsung.com>
- * @version 1.0
- * @brief Tests of InMemoryStorageBackend
- */
- #include <gmock/gmock.h>
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include "exceptions/BucketNotExistsException.h"
- #include "exceptions/BucketDeserializationException.h"
- #include "exceptions/DatabaseCorruptedException.h"
- #include "exceptions/DefaultBucketDeletionException.h"
- #include "exceptions/FileNotFoundException.h"
- #include "storage/InMemoryStorageBackend.h"
- #include "storage/StorageBackend.h"
- #include "types/PolicyCollection.h"
- #include "types/PolicyKey.h"
- #include "types/PolicyResult.h"
- #include "types/PolicyType.h"
- #include "config/PathConfig.h"
- #include "../../helpers.h"
- #include "fakeinmemorystoragebackend.h"
- #include "inmemorystoragebackendfixture.h"
- using namespace Cynara;
- const std::string InMemoryStorageBackendFixture::m_indexFileName("buckets");
- const std::string InMemoryStorageBackendFixture::m_backupFileNameSuffix("~");
- const std::string InMemoryStorageBackendFixture::m_fakeDbPath("/fake/database/path");
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, defaultPolicyIsDeny) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- createBucket(defaultPolicyBucketId);
- // Policy key will not be found -- should fall back to default policy for bucket
- auto filteredBucket = backend.searchDefaultBucket(Helpers::generatePolicyKey());
- auto defaultPolicy = filteredBucket.defaultPolicy();
- ASSERT_EQ(PredefinedPolicyType::DENY, defaultPolicy.policyType());
- }
- // TODO: Refactorize this test to be shorter and clearer
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, deleteLinking) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::IsEmpty;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets())
- .Times(4)
- .WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- const PolicyBucketId testBucket1 = "test-bucket-1";
- const PolicyBucketId testBucket2 = "test-bucket-2";
- const PolicyBucketId testBucket3 = "test-bucket-3";
- // Create 2 buckets
- for (const auto &bucketId : { testBucket1, testBucket2, testBucket3 }) {
- PolicyResult defaultPolicy(PredefinedPolicyType::DENY);
- backend.createBucket(bucketId, defaultPolicy);
- }
- // These policies do not link to buckets, so should stay untouched
- PolicyCollection policiesToStay = {
- Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("1"), PredefinedPolicyType::DENY),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("1"), PredefinedPolicyType::DENY),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("2"), PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW),
- };
- // Add some policies to 1st bucket, which link to 2nd bucket
- addToBucket(testBucket1, {
- Policy::bucketWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("1"), testBucket2), /* 1st */
- Policy::bucketWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("2"), testBucket2), /* 2nd */
- policiesToStay.at(0)
- });
- // Add some policies to 2nd bucket
- addToBucket(testBucket2, {
- policiesToStay.at(1), policiesToStay.at(2)
- });
- // Add some policies to 3rd bucket, which link to 2nd bucket
- addToBucket(testBucket3, {
- Policy::bucketWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("X"), testBucket2),
- Policy::bucketWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("Y"), testBucket2),
- });
- // Should delete 1st and 2nd policy from 1st bucket
- backend.deleteLinking(testBucket2);
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(testBucket1),
- UnorderedElementsAre(policiesToStay.at(0)));
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(testBucket2),
- UnorderedElementsAre(policiesToStay.at(1), policiesToStay.at(2)));
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(testBucket3), IsEmpty());
- }
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, insertPolicy) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
- using PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW;
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "test-bucket";
- createBucket(bucketId);
- auto policyToAdd = Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey(), ALLOW);
- backend.insertPolicy(bucketId, policyToAdd);
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId), UnorderedElementsAre(policyToAdd));
- }
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, insertPolicyToNonexistentBucket) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_THROW(backend.insertPolicy("non-existent", nullptr), BucketNotExistsException);
- }
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, deletePolicy) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::IsEmpty;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- using ::testing::ContainerEq;
- using PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW;
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "test-bucket";
- createBucket(bucketId);
- auto policyToDelete = Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey(), ALLOW);
- PolicyCollection otherPolicies = {
- Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("other-policy-1"), ALLOW),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("other-policy-2"), ALLOW),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(Helpers::generatePolicyKey("other-policy-3"), ALLOW),
- };
- addToBucket(bucketId, {
- otherPolicies.at(0),
- otherPolicies.at(1),
- policyToDelete,
- otherPolicies.at(2),
- });
- backend.deletePolicy(bucketId, policyToDelete->key());
- // Check if only policyToDelete has been deleted
- EXPECT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId), UnorderedElementsAreArray(otherPolicies));
- }
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, deletePolicyFromNonexistentBucket) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::IsEmpty;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_THROW(backend.deletePolicy("non-existent", Helpers::generatePolicyKey()),
- BucketNotExistsException);
- }
- // Database dir is empty
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, load_no_db) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- auto testDbPath = Cynara::PathConfig::testsPath + "/empty_db/";
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(testDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_THROW(backend.load(), DatabaseCorruptedException);
- ASSERT_DB_EMPTY(m_buckets);
- }
- // Database dir contains index with default bucket, but no file for this bucket
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, load_no_default) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- auto testDbPath = Cynara::PathConfig::testsPath + "/db2/";
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(testDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_THROW(backend.load(), DatabaseCorruptedException);
- ASSERT_DB_EMPTY(m_buckets);
- }
- // Database contains index with default bucket and an empty bucket file
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, load_default_only) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::Return;
- auto testDbPath = Cynara::PathConfig::testsPath + "/db11_md5/";
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(testDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, postLoadCleanup(false)).WillOnce(Return());
- backend.load();
- ASSERT_DB_VIRGIN(m_buckets);
- }
- // Database contains index with default bucket and an additional bucket
- // There are files for both buckets present
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, load_2_buckets) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::Return;
- using ::testing::IsEmpty;
- auto testDbPath = Cynara::PathConfig::testsPath + "/db12/";
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(testDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, postLoadCleanup(false)).WillOnce(Return());
- backend.load();
- std::vector<std::string> bucketIds = { "", "additional" };
- for(const auto &bucketId : bucketIds) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(bucketId);
- const auto bucketIter = m_buckets.find(bucketId);
- ASSERT_NE(m_buckets.end(), bucketIter);
- const auto &bucketPolicies = bucketIter->second;
- ASSERT_THAT(bucketPolicies, IsEmpty());
- }
- }
- // Database contains index with 2 buckets; 1st bucket is valid, but second is corrupted
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, second_bucket_corrupted) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- auto testDbPath = Cynara::PathConfig::testsPath + "/db5/";
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(testDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_THROW(backend.load(), DatabaseCorruptedException);
- ASSERT_DB_EMPTY(m_buckets);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Database was corrupted, restore from backup (which is present)
- * @test Scenario:
- * - There still is guard file in earlier prepared Cynara's policy database directory (db6)
- * - Execution of load() should use backup files (present, with different contents than primaries)
- * - Loaded database is checked - backup files were empty, so should recently loaded policies
- */
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, load_from_backup) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::Return;
- using ::testing::IsEmpty;
- using ::testing::InSequence;
- auto testDbPath = Cynara::PathConfig::testsPath + "/db13/";
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(testDbPath);
- {
- // Calls are expected in a specific order
- InSequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, postLoadCleanup(true)).WillOnce(Return());
- backend.load();
- }
- std::vector<std::string> bucketIds = { "", "additional" };
- for(const auto &bucketId : bucketIds) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(bucketId);
- const auto bucketIter = m_buckets.find(bucketId);
- ASSERT_NE(m_buckets.end(), bucketIter);
- const auto &bucketPolicies = bucketIter->second;
- ASSERT_THAT(bucketPolicies, IsEmpty());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Erase from non-exiting bucket should throw BucketNotExistsException
- * @test Scenario:
- * - For different filter keys:
- * - try erase policies from "non-existing-bucket"
- * - expect BucketNotExistsException is thrown
- */
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, erasePoliciesEmptyBase) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets())
- .WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "non-existing-bucket";
- const bool NON_RECURSIVE = false;
- for (const auto &filter : filters()) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(filter.name());
- EXPECT_THROW(backend.erasePolicies(bucketId, NON_RECURSIVE, filter.key()),
- BucketNotExistsException);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Erase from single bucket
- * @test Scenario:
- * - For different filter keys:
- * - create "test-bucket"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket"
- * - erase policies from "test-bucket"
- * - check if received results match expected
- */
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, erasePoliciesSingleBucket) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "test-bucket";
- const bool NON_RECURSIVE = false;
- for (const auto &filter : filters()) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(filter.name());
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- createBucket(bucketId);
- addToBucket(bucketId, fullPoliciesCollection());
- backend.erasePolicies(bucketId, NON_RECURSIVE, filter.key());
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedEraseResult(filter.name())));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if recursive erase doesn't propagate to not linked bucket
- * @test Scenario:
- * - For different filter keys:
- * - create "test-bucket"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket"
- * - create "test-bucket2"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket2"
- * - erase policies from "test-bucket"
- * - check if received results match expected in case of "test-bucket"
- * - check if policies in "test-bucket2" remain unaffected
- */
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, erasePoliciesRecursiveNotLinkedBuckets) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "test-bucket";
- PolicyBucketId bucketId2 = "test-bucket2";
- const bool RECURSIVE = true;
- for (const auto &filter : filters()) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(filter.name());
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- createBucket(bucketId);
- addToBucket(bucketId, fullPoliciesCollection());
- createBucket(bucketId2);
- addToBucket(bucketId2, fullPoliciesCollection());
- backend.erasePolicies(bucketId, RECURSIVE, filter.key());
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedEraseResult(filter.name())));
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId2),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(fullPoliciesCollection()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if recursive erase does propagate to linked bucket
- * @test Scenario:
- * - For different filter keys:
- * - create "test-bucket"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket"
- * - create "test-bucket2"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket2"
- * - add policy linking test buckets
- * - erase policies from "test-bucket"
- * - check if received results match expected in case of "test-bucket"
- * - check if received results match expected in case of "test-bucket2"
- */
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, erasePoliciesRecursiveLinkedBuckets) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "test-bucket";
- PolicyBucketId bucketId2 = "test-bucket2";
- PolicyKey linkKey = Helpers::generatePolicyKey("link");
- PolicyCollection linkPolicy = {Policy::bucketWithKey(linkKey, bucketId2)};
- const bool RECURSIVE = true;
- for (const auto &filter : filters()) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(filter.name());
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- createBucket(bucketId);
- addToBucket(bucketId, fullPoliciesCollection());
- createBucket(bucketId2);
- addToBucket(bucketId2, fullPoliciesCollection());
- addToBucket(bucketId, linkPolicy);
- backend.erasePolicies(bucketId, RECURSIVE, filter.key());
- PolicyCollection expectedResult = expectedEraseResult(filter.name());
- if (!isLinkPolicyErased(filter.name())) {
- expectedResult.insert(expectedResult.end(), linkPolicy.begin(), linkPolicy.end());
- }
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedResult));
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId2),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedEraseResult(filter.name())));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if recursive erase doesn't propagate backwards to linked bucket
- * @test Scenario:
- * - For different filter keys:
- * - create "test-bucket"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket"
- * - create "test-bucket2"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket2"
- * - add policy linking test buckets
- * - erase policies from "test-bucket2"
- * - check if policies in "test-bucket" remain unaffected
- * - check if received results match expected in case of "test-bucket2"
- */
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, erasePoliciesRecursiveLinkedBucketsNoBackwardPropagation) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "test-bucket";
- PolicyBucketId bucketId2 = "test-bucket2";
- PolicyKey linkKey = Helpers::generatePolicyKey("link");
- PolicyCollection linkPolicy = {Policy::bucketWithKey(linkKey, bucketId2)};
- const bool RECURSIVE = true;
- for (const auto &filter : filters()) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(filter.name());
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- createBucket(bucketId);
- addToBucket(bucketId, fullPoliciesCollection());
- createBucket(bucketId2);
- addToBucket(bucketId2, fullPoliciesCollection());
- addToBucket(bucketId, linkPolicy);
- backend.erasePolicies(bucketId2, RECURSIVE, filter.key());
- PolicyCollection expectedResult = fullPoliciesCollection();
- expectedResult.insert(expectedResult.end(), linkPolicy.begin(), linkPolicy.end());
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedResult));
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId2),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedEraseResult(filter.name())));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if non-recursive erase doesn't propagate to linked bucket
- * @test Scenario:
- * - For different filter keys:
- * - create "test-bucket"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket"
- * - create "test-bucket2"
- * - add all types of policies (fullPoliciesCollection) into "test-bucket2"
- * - add policy linking test buckets
- * - erase policies from "test-bucket"
- * - check if received results match expected in case of "test-bucket"
- * - check if policies in "test-bucket2" remain unaffected
- */
- TEST_F(InMemoryStorageBackendFixture, erasePoliciesNonRecursiveLinkedBuckets) {
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- PolicyBucketId bucketId = "test-bucket";
- PolicyBucketId bucketId2 = "test-bucket2";
- PolicyKey linkKey = Helpers::generatePolicyKey("link");
- PolicyCollection linkPolicy = {Policy::bucketWithKey(linkKey, bucketId2)};
- const bool NON_RECURSIVE = false;
- for (const auto &filter : filters()) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(filter.name());
- FakeInMemoryStorageBackend backend(m_fakeDbPath);
- EXPECT_CALL(backend, buckets()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(m_buckets));
- createBucket(bucketId);
- addToBucket(bucketId, fullPoliciesCollection());
- createBucket(bucketId2);
- addToBucket(bucketId2, fullPoliciesCollection());
- addToBucket(bucketId, linkPolicy);
- backend.erasePolicies(bucketId, NON_RECURSIVE, filter.key());
- PolicyCollection expectedResult = expectedEraseResult(filter.name());
- if (!isLinkPolicyErased(filter.name())) {
- expectedResult.insert(expectedResult.end(), linkPolicy.begin(), linkPolicy.end());
- }
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedResult));
- ASSERT_THAT(m_buckets.at(bucketId2),
- UnorderedElementsAreArray(fullPoliciesCollection()));
- }
- }